Wonderland Extensor Randomizer v1.00

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Wonderland Extensor Randomizer v1.00

Post by nasko222 » Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:23 pm

Before a while, I was told about a version of wonderland called Wonderland Extensor Demo. This version was released to the Extensor website for a competition, and it's fork of TOW v1.16.

The version download link to this day works on http://www.midnightsynergy.com:80/wonde ... tensor.exe

On a first look:

The game looks like a demo version of 1.16 but few exceptions

- There are 6 different levels from the usual demo, and from what it seems its 6 levels from 6 different game stages.
- There is a button to submit your score to the Extensor website

Beating all 6 levels result a total score on your player file and you could submit it to Extensor, back in the day, but now I am not sure if you can.

So unlike other demo versions that WonderArchive has archived, this particular one has ALL THE LEVELS in the game files, and they are readable by the game itself.

So what I did, is I created a small program that randomizes 3-10 levels and puts it in the Extensor level selector.

How to run it:

1. Get the Wonderland Extensor demo from the link above
2. Get the program attached here.
3. Install the extensor demo and replace all files in the directory with the files from the ZIP File
4. Run Wonderland.exe (If you are running it for a first time, otherwise you can directly run wdlgame.exe) The game will randomize 3-10 levels and then launch itself. Note that every time you launch it it will randomize new levels, so if you don't want that, start game.exe instead.

PS: There could be unused TOW Levels, they are also in the game files, I've got a level called The End and it had stinky and loof stuffed into a wall with 4 coins and exit, despire the level saying 11 coins.

PS: I tried putting RTW v1.01 levels in it because they are also .LEV format but they are actually LEV 4 format in the hex editor, and their format is quite different, In the future I might find a workaround so the program can randomize TOW and RTW(Classic) levels. Will be nice. :stinkyhappy:

Update: The program has been removed from the attachment, I will share it privately on PMs to whoever wants, to avoid problems with sharing and stuff.
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