Passage of Time

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tails the fox
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Passage of Time

Post by tails the fox » Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:47 am

A warm up I did to see if I'm actually capable of developing a decent puzzle in a vaccum (without the pressure of a story, so long as the level still has my signature scenery and effort, .etc)

This one manages to use every color of magic, but has a lot of Flash and Floing. Have fun!

Oh, and you'll need Cookie's amazing music pack for the custom music to play! Link:viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26783
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Last edited by tails the fox on Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:52 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Passage of Time

Post by ab-47 » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:34 am

Alright, it took me around 30ish minutes to get this level solved, I really like the tricks you've used and the overall puzzle was enjoyable.

With that said, I completed the level (GOLD) with 6 magic charges left to spare. I'm also not 100% sure how the bridges connecting the grow area to the middle area showed up, so I'm thinking that might have been a red herring.

Other than that, this was a fun level, I'm looking forward to seeing more content from you, and definitely would love to have some more puzzles! 8)
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tails the fox
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Re: Passage of Time

Post by tails the fox » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:53 pm

Updated the level so that a button correctly reflects activating a bridge that collapses in an earlier part of the level, as of this update. Also changed the same part of the level so that the turtles are visible before deactivating the purple gates, to better show the player what to expect.

Sorry for the attachment mess, the forum seems to be far worse at handling attachments so I couldn't avoid it putting things twice. Either wa3 should work --- they're the same file after all. Enjoy.
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Re: Passage of Time

Post by Jutomi » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:19 pm

Hi Lexie; thank you for doing that :')

This was a very pleasant adventure. It does look a little overwhelming at first blush, but if you don't chicken out it's actually really not too bad. ;) It's a fun difficulty and a nice getting-back-into-the-swing-of-things type of adventure.

That said, I know Joseppy was able to solve it with a few magic charges left over... and, well, I myself was able to do it quite a lot more efficiently than that... :lol:

My video solution~

Solving it the intended way is another matter entirely, I'm afraid... :lol: I'm afraid even beginning to think about how half of the stuff I didn't use might be used is scary. :oops: Even the turtles and purple laser gate, while I think I know what I should do with them... I can't imagine how that'd help me :lol:

On the other hand... remember how I had said that I solved the adventure with only 11 magic spells? You can't get gold that way, but you can collect the star. Well, Joseppy found a solution with only 8 spells used. Trying to find it, I also solved it with 8 spells used... in two entirely different ways xD

My "practical" solution
Joseppy's "glitchy" solution
and My "ridiculous" solution

I hope you enjoy :lol: Many thanks for the fun!
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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tails the fox
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Re: Passage of Time

Post by tails the fox » Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:21 am

As you already saw on Discord, I very much enjoyed seeing these! They inspired me to record my own video to show the intended "official" solution to the adventure. It's certainly a little zany and after seeing Jutomi's here I'm not the most sure how intuitive it is to actually figure this out, but I hope anyone reading/watching enjoys it nontheless.

Official solution here!
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Re: Passage of Time

Post by Nobody » Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:32 am

It took me one million years, but I finally got around to beating this Adventure! :stinkyhappy:

Not much to say which hasn't been said. The puzzle certainly doesn't lack for challenge and does some clever things, and the decoration is quite nice--the biggest issues are an overwhelmingly high number of possibilities for the puzzle in addition to some resources being unnecessary. Both of those would likely be a result of tunnel-visioning towards your own intended solution without really considering how your Adventure might look to someone who doesn't have that solution in mind, which as far as I can tell is extremely common among WA custom content creators. :piratesmile:

Given that your intention with this Adventure was to push yourself to make more complex puzzles so you could grow and improve as a creator, I would definitely consider it a success despite its imperfections! I'll have to also try out Colorful Waters sometime, since I know you made that after this. :D

i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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