Spreadsheet with all known music packs and slot usage

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Spreadsheet with all known music packs and slot usage

Post by cloudrac3r » Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:02 pm

Download the spreadsheet, last updated 2022-07-04
  • If you need to download some music pack, you'll find the links in here.
  • If you're planning to create a new music pack, you should definitely check the slot usage here first, to make sure they don't clash.
  • If you know about a music pack that isn't on this list, tell me the relevant information and I'll update the spreadsheet.
This is a .ods file, and you can open it in LibreOffice (free), Microsoft Word, or Google Sheets (free).
Maybe one day in OpenWA we'll get to specify music filenames instead of numbers, but that day is yet to come.

Update history:
  • 2023-01-07: Added Jutomi's Classic Trilogy music pack.
  • 2022-07-04: Added ab-47's old music pack that overlaps with multiple others. Resolved overlap between MWM WA1 and Emerald.
  • 2020-06-27: Reuploaded MNIK's Ambiance Pack to my server, and added the link for it.
  • 2022-06-26 B: Added hyperlinks within the document to look up the other part of the pack, for when the same pack is split into several sections.
  • 2022-06-26: Unmarked packs that share the same tracks as colliding. Added Finn's 3000 and 4000 packs. Added Kooky's Ambiance. The only packs that actually overlap are LittleZBot x Technos (LittleZBot's being preferred here) and Yot Yot x InvisibleWater. Reserved slots 350-399 for myself.
  • 2022-06-23: First version.
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