Crimson Stronghold Texture

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Rainbow AllStar
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Crimson Stronghold Texture

Post by Jutomi » Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:07 am

Hello everyone! So I started this little project in November but finished by the end of December, but since it was so close to the deadline for MNIK's coup collab I didn't want everyone scrambling to use this right away :lol:

On top of that, I was considering saving it for one of my own projects... but, as it stands right now, I want to focus on finishing my hub (... AGAIN.) if I actually work on Wonderland content. That said, I may very well use this for Wonderland Endeavors Part 3. (I have some fitting music and puzzle ideas for it if it does... :3c)

But, of course, since that could take absolutely forever, and since the coup collab deadline itself is now a month past, I decided it's finally time to release this :mrgreen:

The texture itself (leveltex crimsonstronghold.bmp) is derived from the Creepy Keep texture. I mostly just wanted a red(dish-orange)-hued version of it as a potential project idea, inspired a little bit from some textures in Spiral Knights actually (namely the Scarlet Fortress and the Firestorm Citadel :>). However, as it turns out, simply red-shifting everything was a horrible idea. In trying to fix some of these, I realized I wanted to add several of my own unique features to it, as well.

Note: This is my first ever custom texture, and it is by no means perfect. I sacrificed some stuff, undoubtedly made mistakes, built off of a texture that itself was hardly perfect (no offense I still adore it xD), and - I mean, I made this for fun :P still, I hope you enjoy it, and if not - well, at least I won't have to worry about losing it now :lol:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Rainbow AllStar
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Re: Crimson Stronghold Texture

Post by Jutomi » Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:07 am

Changes include:
- Mostly redshifting everything; i.e. mostly just red Creepy Keep
- Completely changed the left half of Row 2, R3C2, R1C3, R1C8, Rows 7 and 8, and R4C7, R4C8, and R5C6-8.
- R4C7 and R4C8 are both different. The former felt almost identical to R5C2, while R4C6 (especially because of the effects of red-shifting) kinda filled a double role that R4C8 had filled as well as what the original R4C6 filled. Feel free to disagree, but I did that to make more room :lol:
- On the other hand I did make an arbitrary new texture that looks similar to the existing paths for R5C6. Why? I... don't know for sure but I like how it looks. :P
- The wooden walkway in R2C1 has been removed, and the two fancy checkered wood pathways in R2C2/3 have been relocated (more on that in a moment). In their places are what used to be in R3C8 (which is still there, but it now has a "fake wall" version). These instead have the alternate wall/path (as honestly that texture works nicely as both a pathway and a wall), and as such what used to be R3C8 is now in R2C3, with a "corner" version in R2C1 and an endpiece in R2C2. R1C3 has also been replaced with a T shape version (what used to be there has been removed).
- The checkerboard walkways that used to be in R2C1 and R2C2 are now occupying R4-8 C7-8, as well as R8C6. These are all kinds of variants on the pathways, including: No border (R8C6), Double Inner Corner (with/without edge) (R8C7/8), 2x (for pattern parity) outer corner (R7C7/8), Dual/Single Edge (R6C7/8), 2x outer + inner corner (R5C7/8), and Insulated/Endpiece (R4C7/8). Sadly I do not have included a Single Corner (+/- edge x2 accounting for parity) but uh... yeah already went overboard on this as-is... :lol: (but it removed stained glass windows which somewhat clashed with the texture imo, as well as void textures which... don't fit at all xD)
- Fire Grills similar to RTW's Creepy Keep now exist in R6C5/6. R6C6 is a normal fire grill, while R6C5 is meant to be used for the northmost instances of said texture (to give a slight 3d effect to it).
- R6C2 is slightly polished
- R3C2 is completely different and is meant to be used as the top of a wall if one decides to use R2C3 as a side-wall texture. But also can be used in other contexts ^^
- R3C3 is still a mini-wall, but I couldn't get it to match the colours of the others, so uh... have a pink wall instead? xD (I have a variant texture for my project where I just have that as a special wall since idk who'd use .5-height walls non-accidentally to begin with).
- Changed how the empty doorways look; they're round with a gold rim and a little light coming out of them. (And there are two instead of one [although I'm aware CK's R5C8 is a rarely-used natural wall entrance; I removed it for the reason 2 below]).
- Changed the door in R7C1/2: It's now in R8C3, is far less messy, is a nice menacing red, and has a matching gold rim around it
- Made R8C1 a bit different just because... more menacing :lol: Similarly moved R7C6 to R8C2 and polished it slightly (also have it different for a potential personal project, but I digress).
- R8C5 is just a scuffed up floor version of R1C2; just cause I wanted some variety on that floor type like exists in R6C1/3/4.
- Made the ice wall (R1C8) completely different... not even 100% sure that's supposed to be an ice wall, but uh, no more top-of-it-being-ice (unless you use the regular ice floor texture which I honestly do anyway); now it's an ice wall built into the normal wall background.
- Moved R7C3/4 to R7C1/2, so they'd be closer to the floor drain texture. In their place, I put a normal wall-over-water texture in R7C3 (idk why that's not in vanilla textures... anywhere? yet the drain is? xD?) and an icewall-over-water texture in R7C4.
- Similarly, in R7C5 and R7C6 I have alt-floor versions for ice corners and ice edges.
- Lastly, R8C4 features a variant of the new ice walls which gives them an "endpoint" or "supporter joint"; it's a little gold rod that matches doorways. (Sadly I don't have an above-water version but I think that's probably an OK sacrifice to make????/sorry if not xd)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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