All solutions of RTW Deluxe set world 1 (IT'S A MYSTERY).

Questions and solutions to Wonderland, Return to Wonderland, and Secret Worlds.
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billy bob
Rainbow SuperStar
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All solutions of RTW Deluxe set world 1 (IT'S A MYSTERY).

Post by billy bob » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:46 pm


Move to the first key then through the red teleport to the exit.

First Encounter

Collect all coins then go onto the conveyor trail.

Press the conveyor button then go onto the second rightest active conveyor.

Collect all bonus coins then go through the rightest active conveyor.

Press the red button then dodging the Rainbow Spirits go left as much as you can then go up as much as you can.

Press the yellow button then once as the green button is pressed go through the red teleport.

Go through the green teleport then the blue teleport then go to the exit.

The Mystery Deepens

Collect the bonus coin two spaces below then collect the two highest bonus coins.

Collect the fifth and sixth rightest coins then push the reflector below down.

Push the leftest reflector right then when three broken Zbot's are obliterated collect the two lowest coins.

Collect the leftest bonus coins then collect the now lowest two coins.

Collect the two coins above then collect the two highest bonus coins.

Push the rightest metal box up then push the rightest of the lowest reflectors right.

When both Kaboom!'s are obliterated collect the remaining coins then the remaining bonus coins.

Go onto the conveyor route below then push the box left then right eight spaces.

Push the box down five spaces then left two spaces.

Go through the inactive conveyors then go to the exit.

Team Chaos

With Stinky collect the three bonus coins behind the house then go through the blue teleport.

With Stinky press the pink button then with Loof move down four spaces then right.

When the Zbot is moving up from the space right of Loof move Loof through the path quickly.

Push the box left then move down three spaces.

Move Loof left quickly then right then up eight spaces to the exit.

Move Stinky through the yellow teleport and to the exit avoiding the Zbot.

The Great Wonderland Gateway

Move both Stinkers down eight spaces avoiding the Rainbow Spirits.

When the Rainbow Spirits are moving away from the path to the red button hold down the red button.

When the Rainbow Spirits are moving away from the path to the box with the other Stinker push the box left then press the green button.

Move both Stinkers to places clear of the Rainbow Spirits' path.

Hold down the pink button then with the other Stinker hold down the yellow button.

Move the other Stinker through the green teleport from above then go through the other green teleport from the right.

Move back through the grey teleport from the right then move back through the white teleport from the left.

Move back through the yellow teleport from the left then collect the four rightest bonus coins.

Move through the grey teleport from the right then collect the remaining bonus coins.

Move through the yellow teleport from the left then move through the blue teleport from above.

Go to the exit then with the other Stinker move through the red teleport from above then go to the exit.
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