Zippy the Z-bot 2: Revelation of the Z-bot

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Zippy the Z-bot 2: Revelation of the Z-bot

Post by LittleZbot » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:53 pm

Yep, the long-awaited sequel to Zippy the Z-bot is here. :D


This one will be a lot more epic than the first one. This starts off a few weeks after the last one ended. Zany, Zooney, and Zwikko managed to come to wonderland to visit Zippy.

Well, here goes:

Chapter 1: New Neighbor

Zippy looked up into the sky. He felt the coolness of the air around him. After trying (and failing) to beat Zany in a game of Zbot-oly six times in a row, he and Loof had gone to greet the newest arrival to Wondertown, someone named Mr. Science.

He could remember the day it had all started: How he had got stuck on Wonderland as a result of scratching his head, the first time he met Loof, to the day he rebelled against the Z-bots.
"Zippy. Zippy." Loof, seeing he was lost in thought, called him.
"Huh? Oh, sorry Loof."
Zippy continued to zip along, smelling flowers and the sweet air. Ever since - Zippy shook himself. He had almost fallen into that "lost in thought" trap again.

Loof opened Mr. Science's door.
"This is it, Zippy. We're here."
Zippy entered. Loof saw a stinker running about, trying to find information about something.
"Hi, this is Loof. I-"
"That's nice. Bye, Loof."
"I just came-"
"Come back when I'm not busy."
"Alright. Come on, Zippy."
Mr. Science glanced behind him.
"HOLD ON! Where do you think you are you going?"
"Um, home." said Loof. "You said you were-"
"I have never seen a real live Z-bot before! That is what you are, right?"
"Uh, yeah." Zippy replied. "What do I look like?"
"You look like a small stinker that is blue with sticks coming out of his head. But that's off the point." He looked hard at Zippy. "For years I've wanted to find a Z-bot and study how they function. You wouldn't mind if I copied some of your data onto a small chip, would you?"
Zippy shrugged his invisible shoulders. "Sure."
"Thank you. I'll let you know if anything unusual appears."


Last edited by LittleZbot on Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:04 am, edited 4 times in total.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:14 pm

It's awesome! :D

Is Mr. Science based on SS01's love for science? :P
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:38 pm

I say you should keep all of the thingies in one topic, otherwise we'll have the forum flooded with ridiculously short fanfictions.

I don't really care to be honest, but it would help.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:49 pm

Unless you are doing 2 at once. That would be confusing. :P
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Post by LittleZbot » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:19 pm

boywhoflies wrote:It's awesome! :D

Is Mr. Science based on SS01's love for science? :P
No. He is a random character I made up.

Chapter 2: Discovery

Mr. Science studied closely. He ran the electricity waves through a computer. He noticed that whenever the chip was moved, the waves became more powerful a ran along much more quickly. He assumed this allowed Z-bots to Zoom quickly.

He tried doing several things to the chip to see what would happen. He fiddled around with the data. Suddenly, he noticed something. Something he had never read about in Z-bot books. Upon studying how Z-bots were able to keep off the ground, he discovered that the Z-bot could apply this to other objects, meaning that they are able to levitate objects from the ground and move them around.
He also found, upon studying how the Z-bot technology can program things to give the Z-bot a self-controlled brain sort of thing, he found that the Z-bot could apply this to other creatures, therefore controlling their brains.

He found several other exciting things, such as being able to Teleport(by multiplying the speed he is able to go, making it very much like teleporting) and Time Traveling(Using a theory of being able to go forward and backward in time with simply speed). He trembled and quickly dialed Loof's number. Loof's phone was off the hook. So he just ran there.

As he was going there he passed Zippy.
"Hi, Science Guy." Zippy shouted, catching up with him. "Where ya going in such a hurry?"
"I must contact Zippy the Z-bot right away. I have big news."
Zippy grinned. I bet that old fool would be easily tricked. "I can get you there pronto." he said.
"That would be most kind. Where is he?"
"He's very near. Grab ahold."
Mr. Science did, and Zippy zoomed across Wondertown, over to the garbage dump. He jumped into a trash can.
"Hey! I thought you said you would lead me to him!"
Zippy rolled his eyes. What a fool. "Turn on your flashlight." he said.
Mr. Science obeyed. "Zippy! How nice to see you. I have vital information."
"Is it really vital?"
"Wanna bet?"
"How much?"
"Forty-Two coins."
"So what's this information?"

After the Information...

Zippy's eyes popped.
"You mean we can really do all that stuff?"
"Yep. Not only that, I have found exactly HOW you can do it."
"Alright. We better not let this out. The Z-bots on the Planet of the Z-bots would try to find out how to use them and attack Wonderland with them." Zippy shuddered."Believe me, I'm one of them."
"But we would have to study it somewhere in secret... but where?"

Zippy and Mr. Science thought.
Suddenly Mr. Science said "I KNOW! Fire Island!"


Last edited by LittleZbot on Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:15 pm

I like. Time travel, teleporting...awesome. Of course, the story itself is awesome too. :D :P
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Post by LittleZbot » Mon May 02, 2011 10:31 pm


Chapter 3: Fire Island

Mr. Science had managed to find a ship and someone who could sail it: Ned. After a few days(thankfully the storms blew them farther toward Fire Island) the reached there. Now Mr. Science and Ned were unloading the cargo while Zany and Zwikko watched. Zippy and Zooney were assigned to check each box to make sure everything in good condition.
Zippy grabbed a box and and shook it. Sounded like Mr. Science's Microscope. He threw it to Zooney to be checked.
Zippy grabbed another box and shook it. Sounded like Ned's Chocolate Collection. He threw it to Zooney to be checked.
Zippy grabbed another box and shook it. Sounded like a scream. He thre- wait, a scream? He opened the box.
Inside was Wiener.

"I happened to hear that you were heading to Fire Island. Me and-"
"You were with someone?"
"Yeah. Open the box labeled 'Amazing Sardines.'"
Zippy did and inside was a big stinker with a Pirate Hat.
"So who are you?"
"I... I... I'm...I, uh..."
"His name is Arrrggghhh!!!!." finished Wiener. "He's scared of everything."
"Erm, yeah. Something like that." Arrrggghhh!!!! said. Arrrggghhh!!!! whispered to Wiener "Are you sure you were right when you said he was harmless?"
Zippy sighed. No matter how much he said it, some stinkers just wouldn't believe he was on their side.
Wiener was so Excited he didn't even notice. "Oh boy, We are gonna have so much fun. What are we doing? Running through the hazardous jungles? Stalking Evil Talking Toasters? Swimming to the bottom of the Ocean? Finding hidden treasures? Preventing the Volcano from Erupting? Finding the CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM?"
"No. We are studying traits of Z-bots."
"What kind of Traits? Traits that turn you evil? Traits that will destroy Wonderland? Traits that Pollute the Universe with poison? Traits that anger the CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM?"
"You're just like your cousin, you know that?"
"No. Will we be attacked? Maybe by Lava Monsters? Evil Ultimately Powerful Robots? The CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM's minions?"
"I don't think so. It we are it will likely be by something small, Like Crabs or SpikeyBalls."
"What Kind? Evil Crabs? Mutant Crabs? Crabs that start with K? Crabs that start with C? Crabs that are so big they will crush our campsite with one foot? Chocolate Crabs that work for the CHOCOLA-"
"That's enough. Come on, let's go. I still have a lot of work to do."

Arrrggghhh!!!!, who had been listening open-mouthed to Wiener, said shakily, "You don't think we WILL be attacked, do you?"
"Of course not. Wiener just wants to make everything exciting, like his cousin, Skip. Come on."

As they headed out to make camp, Zooney could faintly hear Wiener saying, "Where will our Ultra-Powerful Laser Cannon be kept? Hidden among the coral? In one of Znoo-Znee's locks? Inside the Volcano? In an Underwater Cave? Among a thousand similar looking Cannons? In the CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM's Lair? In..."


So, anyone Like?
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Mon May 02, 2011 10:37 pm

That was lawl! :D I loved it. :D :lol:

[size=0]Now that I think about it, I should get back to The Chao Squad.[/size]
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Post by LittleZbot » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:19 am


Chapter 4: Training

Zippy focused. He pulled him mind. He tried not to pay attention to his surroundings. He heard Mr. Science's voice. "Come on, you can do it!"
Zippy whipped up all his brainpower. Slowly the box he was staring at began to move. He moved it upwards and across the room, where he let it fall. He needed rest. "Good Zippy, good! Now it's Zany's turn."

Zany levitated the box with ease. He flung it up in the air and caught it. He spun it around. He knocked over Zooney with it, interrupting Zooney's thoughts of how hard and cold the seats were. He banged it against objects till it shattered. Then, one by one, he caught the objects falling out of it and threw them all, like machine gun bullets, at Zooney, knocking him over. "VERY IMPRESSIVE, Zany." Mr. Science told him. He blew his whistle. "Five Minute break!"

Zany went to the Lightning showers to rinse off his sweat. Zippy looked at him and thought "How much I wish I were him." Zippy flew outside, where he was met by Argh. "I just wish I was better at this stuff." He mumbled. "You and I." replied Argh. Zippy was confused. "You aren't even a Z-bot!" "No, I meant things for me. My biggest dream is to be a Pirate! Sing Pirate songs, gather treasure, sail the six seas-" "There are SEVEN." Zippy interrupted. "Even better!" Argh said happily. "Look, I'm no metal Machine, but I want to make something of myself. I still carry hope. Maybe you should too."

Zippy went back in. His five minutes were up. "OK, our next assignmeant is teleporting. See what you can do withing one minute. Zwikko, you're up. Go!" Mr. Science announced. Zwikko zoomed about the room, wondering what he should do. He quickly grabbed some coins. "Your minute is... UP!" Mr. Science yelled. "Thank you for watching that wondrous performance! That'll be 85 coins." Zwikko said. He was hurried away.

"Zooney, you're next. Go!"
"Do I have to? Moving fast is so hard!" Zooney complained.
"I can't work under this pressure!"
"Thirty seconds?! I just had a minute half a minute ago!"
"Your time's up."
"Thank goodness. I couldn't stand all the pressure."
Mr. Science sighed. He wondered why those two were first.

"Zippy, you're up! GO!"
Zippy zoomed about quite easily. He flew all over the place. He flew on the benches. He flew in faces. He even flew on walls and on the ceiling. He tipped over Zooney, Zwikko, and Zany. He woke up Wiener. He grabbed Argh's Pirate Hat. He then knocked things all over the place. He did it so fast that he was bored and out of things to do before half the minute was up.

Then it was Zany's turn. He whizzed about the place, trying to fix everything. Zippy looked at Wiener and giggled. Wiener had fallen asleep right after Zippy woke him up. This all seemed boring to him. "Mr. Science." asked Zippy. Mr. Science looked up. "Yes?" "How come I failed so much with Telepathic stuff yet succeed so much in moving stuff?" "Well, both you and Zany have gifts. Those two, I'm not so sure about." said Mr. Science, pointing at Zwikko and Zooney. "Telepathy requires brainpower and focus, which Zany can do easily because he has so much practice in zapping, which also requires those things. You, however, have much more skill in Zipping and moving." They watched Zany finish cleaning up Zippy's mess, then Zippy joined Wiener in slumber.

To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by Master Wonder Mage » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:35 am

Yay! Somehow I totally missed this topic before you bumped it. *shot*
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Post by boywhoflies » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:32 pm

I like. I was missing this. :)
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Post by LittleZbot » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:14 am

I say about a year before the next chapter.

Or right now.

Chapter 5: The Kongbu

Zippy arrived early the next day, hoping to get some extra training. Unfortunately, Zany had the same idea. They met halfway there.
"Hey, whatta you doing up so early?"
"Nevermind that. What are YOU doing up so early?"
"None of your business."
"Then my reason is none of your business either."
"I bet you're trying to get some more practice so you can beat me at teleporting!"
"Where did you get that from? The fact that you're trying to get some more practice so you can beat me at telepathy?"
"Thank you for clearing that up. Now go home."
"I'd be on a stick of butter in a frying pan before I go home!"
With that, Zany whipped out a frying pan with a stick of butter and used telepathy to plop Zippy on it. Zippy zipped off, and used his teleportation to confuse Zany. Then he snatched the frying pan, smacked Zany on the head with it, and threw it far away.

Zippy and Zany were still arguing when they entered Mr. Science's Training Area.
"Ah! Just who I needed!" Mr. Science said to himself. He rushed over. "Zippy and Z-"
"You'll never be better than me!"
"And you'll never be better than me!"
"Zippy an-"
"With my skills I could flatten you like a pancake!"
"With MY skills I could burn you like Bac-"
"I said yes first! He wants ME."
"I said yes second! He wants- wait, I'm not sure how that would work."
Mr. Science rolled his eyes. "I need BOTH of you! Now listen. Wiener went wandering off earlier, and hasn't come back. I need you to see if you can find him. He was heading into the jungle."
"I'll find him!"
"I'll find him first!"

"Man, this place it hot." Zippy said later.
"And scary." Zany added, nervously looking through the trees. Wait, was that rock moving? Nah. "It's just your imagination. It's just your imagina-hey, do Z-bots even HAVE an imagination?"
"You're just too scared. You gotta be brave, like me. AHHH!!!" Zippy screamed when he say a moving bush. Out hopped a scritter. Zippy breathed a sigh of relief.
"Who's brave now?"
"I-I was just, well, screaming for joy."
"What made you happy?"
"I dunno. Something. Anyway, as I was saying, you're too scared. I'm telling you nothing's gonna get us."
Suddenly something pounced out of the woods and both of them screamed.
This thing was seven feet long, had the head of a dragon, body of a tiger, tail of the head of a snake, feet of a polar bear, horns of a buffalo, teeth of a shark, and drooled venom of a jellyfish.

"Pee-yew! Haven't you ever heard of a toothbrush?" Zippy moaned. He quickly teleported a ways away. Zany began circling around it, firing several zaps. The beast was not harmed in any way, and seemed to absorb them. Zippy quickly teleported onto it's nose and firing some shots at the yes, hoping to blind him. The beast blinked a bit but nothing else. It swung it's nose away and knocked Zippy off. Zany telepathically threw some boulders at the creature, but they just broke against his body.
"That's one tough guy." Zany murmured. He pelted it with tons of zaps and things like trees and boulders. The Beast backed him up against a wall. His eyes began to glow red. "You will only follow me. I am your master." Slowly Zany's eyes began to turn pinkish. "Yes master." He murmured. Zippy realized what was happening and he had to stop it.
He sped full speed at the beast. He went so fast when he hit it he was smashed in ten thousand screws, bolts, nuts, pieces of metal, and noodles. The creature was just a bit annoyed and turned head a bit to look at Zippy. Immediately Zany ran out, grabbed all Zippy's pieces telepathically, and zoomed off. On his way bath he saw Wiener and telepathically picked him up too. He left the creature far behind.

"Hmm." said Mr. Science, pacing around his lab after Wiener put Zippy back together. "I'll need DNA of this...this THING if I want to know what it is."
"Here." Zippy replied, picking off a hair from his body.
Mr. Science scanned the hair and entered his DNA number in a machine.
"Ah. Here it is. 'The Kongbu.' Apparently this one is from the class 'Monster-osity.' This type's drool is actually poison of that of a Australian Box Jellyfish. So powerful once in contact it will kill any living thing and can burn a hole through solid steel. Its Head is it's toughest section and protects it's weak spot - its brain. Its eyes can hypnotize anything. Its claws are that of a polar bear and can smash through anything and kill anyone with a single swipe. Its tail is the head of a cobra. The venom will paralyze ANYTHING, whether a living creature or not. Its horns are stronger than its head and feet combined. It can camouflage in with its surroundings and its build of a tiger allow it flexibility, speed and strength.
And that is just one of the many types of Kongbu."
"Wait, there's MORE?!!"
"Yep. The Weather Disaster, The Dead Menace, and many more."
"I'd hate to meet those."
"I would too. But I have a feeling we will."

To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:29 am


That was awesome. Are you, like, gifted? :P
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Post by LittleZbot » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:27 pm

Yes. Thank you for noticing. *shot*
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by LittleZbot » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:31 pm

DP I have big plans for the KongBu. Guess what The Dead Menace and The Weather Disaster do. :twisted:
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:52 pm

I know!

Dead Menance:Pwns
Weather Disaster:Pwns
Mr. Robot never dies! :D

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Post by LittleZbot » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:18 am

Close Enough. :lol:
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:25 am

Wow. XD
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Post by LittleZbot » Tue May 14, 2013 8:00 pm


How did I forget about this? Anyway, I decided to finish it up. Sadly, I don't think I'll be making a third. Also, some changes in the plot. I've decided to take it to a different direction than the initial plan to make it more epic.

CHAPTER 6: Nighttime


Zippy groaned. He rolled over, trying to get more sleep. What time is it?


That's it. Zippy thought. He stormed out.

"Oh, hello Zippy. Good morning." Mr. Science greeted him.

"It was until you started shouting! What's all the ruckus?"

"I can't find Ned anywhere, and I was looking for him."

"Well, look for him someplace where I'm not sleeping! I'm tired, and it's, like, three in the morning!"

At that point Zany came out. "Hey, what's going on?"

"This idiot decided that it would be a good idea to wake up the entire world in his search to find Ned. Simple as that."

"Oh, okay. I thought it was something serious."

"It IS serious!" Mr. Science pleaded. "If we don't find Ned, we can't go home! He's the only one who can steer the ship with us!"

"Why did you even bring him? It's not like there isn't another stinker in the world who could steer ships."

"He worked cheap."

"Uh, mind if I interject here?" Zany piped up. "Instead of arguing, shouldn't we be FINDING NED?"

"Yeah, you're right. Go on, find Ned." Zippy said, turning toward his bed.

"Actually, I've decided that it would be a good idea for YOU to head out there to find him. I think he's in the jungle."

Zippy's invisible mouth fell open. "What? I won't!"

"Yes, you will, or no Chocolate Chip Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow."

Zippy groaned. "But, it's, um, dark! And that Kongbu might still be out there!"

"And Ned's out there with him." Zany pointed out.

"Then someone else can go find him! Not me!"

Mr. Science sighed. "Zippy, do you honestly think that I would stand more of a chance out there than YOU?"

"Of course not! But nobody cares if YOU die!"


"Ugh. Fine." Zippy zoomed away.

Zany gazed at him as he disappeared. "Do you think that that was a bit harsh?"

"Not at all. More than anything, right now he needs discipline."

A voice came from inside. "Hey, quiet! I'm trying to get some shut-eye!"


Zippy was scared. He had never been comfortable in the dark, and usually stayed far away. Now he was heading straight into it, and he had never been more terrified in his life. The recent attack by the Kongbu lurking in this very jungle was exactly comforting, either. He slowly zipped through the woods, looking around and calling "Ned" every so often.
A twig snapped and Zippy froze. It wasn't in his training to be able to tell when something is there, but he just knew. "Hello?" he called softly. "Anyone?"
There was no reply. with a sigh of relief he continued on. Suddenly he heard a low growl. He whirled around, ready to find the Kongbu right there, waiting to strike.
There was no-one there.
Okay, calm down. He told himself. You're so scared you're hearing things. Man up, find Ned and get out of here. He took a deep breath and headed forth. A bush shook. He jumped, but quickly calmed down. It's just that same scritter as yesterday. That's it.
Alas, it was not.
As if it were something out of a movie, the wind began to pick up. The night sky seemed to whirl around Zippy. He didn't know what was happening.
Something had gotten him.
Last edited by LittleZbot on Wed May 15, 2013 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by LittleZbot » Wed May 15, 2013 8:33 pm

Being bored, I decided to release the next chapter even though I got no comments on my last one. Because the previous one was so short, I made this one extra long. Enjoy, and comment.

Chapter 7: Capture

It was morning. Mr. Science got up.

"Ah, what a wonderful morning! This feels like a day where nothing can go wrong!"

Zooney's voice shouted "Oh, sure. Put a curse on us!"

Mr. Science didn't understand. Straightening his glasses, he replied "Excuse me, what do you mean?"

"Every time ANYBODY says that nothing can go wrong, something goes wrong! It's like a curse. Nobody escapes it."

"Well, you do have a point." Mr. Science replied thoughtfully. "But, really, I don't see how anything can go wrong."

"Oh yeah? Then where's Zippy?"

Zippy... Suddenly the events of the previous night came flooding back. "Oh no! You mean he hasn't returned yet?"

"I dunno where he went, but I guess so. And all because you put some stupid curse on us! With our luck, he's dead."

"I would hope not." Mr. Science hurriedly woke up Zany. "Zany! Zippy's still gone!"

Zany groaned. "If for once I could be woken up without being yelled at or given a job or..." he sighed. "Who's missing, again?"

"Zippy! He hasn't returned from last night!"

"WHAT? You mean that he's still out there?"

"Yeah." Zooney said. "And all because Mr. Genius here cursed us!"


"Don't make me explain it AGAIN!"

"It's nothing." Mr. Science quickly said. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with this. But even if it does, curse or not, we've got to go find him. Now get up!"

Zany groaned. "Okay, okay, I'm up. Let's go. I want to be back in time for breakfast."

"Good. Now, come along." Mr. Science started for the jungle. Zany followed. Wiener, getting up from his bed, spotted them.

"Ooh! An adventure! That's great! We might destroy some rabid headphones, or eat mutant pie, or step on those crabs with start with K, or find THE CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM!" He ran after them.

Arrrggghhh!!!! came out, half asleep. "What's all the - AH! THE SUN'S SCARY!" He jumped back into the hut.

Zwikko came out of the hut then. "What's so scary about the sun? I mean, I know it's bright and all, but -" He suddenly saw a chance for a sale. "Who wants a bottle of my very special sun liquid?" he called, holding up a bottle of water. "Pour it on yourself, and the sun is no longer scary."


Zwikko ducked inside the hut. About ten seconds later a very wet Arrrggghhh!!!! emerged. "Wow! This stuff really works!" He looked around a bit and saw Mr. Science, Wiener, and Zany walking away. "Wait, if those guys are all going, who's gonna protect me?!" He ran to catch up to them.

"I'm not losing my biggest sucke-I mean, customer!" Zwikko shouted. He zoomed towards them.

"HEY! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" Zooney screamed, following suit.


"You know that only myself and Zany needed to come, right?" Mr. Science informed his companions.

"I need protection!"

"I need sales!"

"I need to find the CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM!"

Mr. Science sighed. "Okay, but stay close. We don't need to lose any more stinkers - or Z-bots."

They continued walking for some time. Mr. Science began to wonder if they'd ever find Zippy or Ned. Maybe they went back a different way and were just late. Suddenly they all looked up. They had heard something - some sort of unidentifiable sound.

"D-did you h-hear that??" Arrrggghhh!!!! whispered.

"No worries." Zany told him. "It's probably just a scritter or something."

"A SCRITTER? RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Arrrggghhh!!!! shouted. He ran into the jungle somewhere, flailing his arms.

Mr. Science sighed. "Zany, would you go and catch him?" There was no reply. "Zany?" He turned around.

He was all alone.

What the... Where did everyone go? He thought. M-maybe they all went after Arrrggghhh!!!! without telling me. Yeah, that must be it. He told himself in a futile attempt to cease his growing fear. Suddenly he heard a shriek. He started running. He didn't know where he was going, but he wanted to get AWAY from the creepy jungle. He blindly crashed into nearly every tree and rock. He ran out of breath and began to slow down. It's interesting how much one can be changed when he is frightened. He thought to himself. Ordinarily I would have been merely interested in that scream, and would've gone to see if I could help. He was beginning to think more clearly now, and almost considered going back. Wait, what's that?

The next thing he knew, he was surrounded by darkness.


"So, you all have fallen into my trap."

"You know, in retrospect, it was kind of obvious. What with all the Stinkers vanishing and all." Zippy told his captor.

"Be quiet. You're spoiling the moment. You've always spoiled the moment. First you spoiled the DAS Federation meeting when you brought those two dumbbell Z-bots with you -"

"HEY!" Zooney and Zwikko both shouted.

The captor continued unhindered. "And then you spoiled the whole "Spy" job when you volunteered to go to Wonderland instead of someone actually useful -"

"I was just scratching my head." Zippy pointed out.

"Point taken. However, you technically still volunteered. Then you spoiled the plan and the entire DAS Federation when you rebelled, and then you spoiled my plans of destroying you while you were sleeping when you sailed to Fire Island, and then you spoiled my plans to wreck your ship when you hired Ned because he worked cheap, and FINALLY you spoiled my plans when you prevented the Kongbu from hypnotizing Zany."

"Nice recap." Zany said.

"So, basically you're telling us that you were there all along." Zippy guessed.

"Yes, I suppose I am. But you kept slipping through my fingers. Eventually, though, I had you. You were all alone and your defense was down under your fear. Then I was able to capture you."

"Um, I don't get what's happening exactly, but I'm still hungry." Ned announced. He gazed at Zippy. "You still look like a bagel."

Zippy sighed. "Ned, I thought that we'd established that I was NOT a bagel!"

"Oh. Well, I'm still hungry."

"Oh boy!" Wiener shouted, plainly excited. "This is the best adventure ever! We're in this big dungeon with Teleport-Proof and Laser-Proof walls, and here we have a villain who wants to murder us! Wow! Are you gonna use THE CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM, too?"

The captor turned to Zippy. "Is he always this annoying?"

"You get used to it." said Zippy.

Suddenly the door opened. At the door stood the Kongbu, holding Mr. Science in his mouth.

"Mr. Science!" they all shouted. The Kongbu opened his mouth and Mr. Science dropped to the floor. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned. "Wha...where am I?" he stood up. "Zippy! Ned! I found you! Uh... why are all of you here?"

"Simple. I've captured you all, with the help of my friend here." The captor gestured toward the Kongbu. "You are in my private dungeon. There is no way to escape, so don't bother trying."

Mr. Science whirled around. "I don't believe we've met. Tell me, what's your name?"

The captor gave him a half-smile. "It appears than your friend Zippy here has not told you about me. Very well, I suppose I can." he bowed. " My name is ZiZanZoon, and I am the leader the the DAS Federation."

"What does DAS stand for?" asked a puzzled Mr. Science.

ZiZanZoon flashed a smile at him. "Destroy All Stinkers."

Zany whispered to Zippy "Something tells me that we won't be back in time for Breakfast."
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by boywhoflies » Thu May 16, 2013 1:09 am

Mr. Robot never dies! :D

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Post by LittleZbot » Thu May 16, 2013 2:25 am

Why thank you! I was almost worried that I'd have to release three chapters without a comment from Zippy's biggest fan. :D
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by LittleZbot » Thu May 16, 2013 4:37 am

Sorry for the short chapter, but it's 11:30 P.M. and I'm really tired.

Chapter 8: The Plan

"Alright, so you've got us. One question:" Zippy asked ZiZanZoon. "If you wanted to kill us, why haven't you done it already?"

"At first, of course, I did wish to kill you. All traitors deserve death. However, as I kept watching you, I realized how powerful you all were - except for the stinkers, of course. There's so much potential here - potential which could be used to destroy Wonderland once and for all. I brought you here, then, to complete your training."

"But if the Stinkers aren't useful, why haven't you killed THEM?" Zany pointed out.

"At first, of course, I used them as bait, so I had to keep them alive. However, I soon found a much better reason."

"And that was...?"

ZiZanZoon grinned. "Test subjects."


"Man, is this place uncomfortable." Zooney complained loudly. "I mean, if you're gonna capture us, at least give us some pillows or something! And why does it have to be so cold? Can't you install a heater? And don't you know that every good villain makes some way for the prisoners to escape if they're smart enough?"

"What kind of a villain do you think I am?"

"At the moment, a stupid one."

"So, any suggestions for getting out?" Zippy whispered.

"Use a lock-pick on the dungeon door? Smash it with a battering ram? Poison it? Force ten thousand scritters to break it down? Use THE CHOCLATE CHEST OF DOOM's power to-"

"Wiener, be quiet." Zippy snapped. He needed suggestions, but he also needed them to be POSSIBLE.

"You know, you have aroused my curiosity." ZiZanZoon said. "What exactly is this Chocolate Chest of Doom?"

"OH! I've been waiting for someone to ask!" Wiener said happily. "THE CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM is a legendary super-strong treasure chest made from the most powerful chocolate in the world! It's called THE CHOCOLATE CHEST OF DOOM because whenever someone finds it, it hides itself again somewhere else, so people say that you can chase it to your doom, but you'll never get it."

"I see." ZiZanZoon paced a bit, stopped, and whispered something into the Kongbu's ear. The Kongbu nodded, and ZiZanZoon stepped out.

Zippy noticed something. "Hey, Zwikko, why are you being so quiet?"

Zwikko announced in a small voice "Um...I may ZiZanZoon a tracker for you."

"YOU WHAT?" Zippy shouted.

"Hey, it was back when you were, you know, on his side. It was to keep track of you while you were spying in Wonderland. I guess I kinda forgot about it."

Zippy groaned "So THAT'S how he's following us."

Suddenly the Kongbu roared. Instantly everyone turned to face him. He gazed at Zany, and his eyes began to glow red. This time, though, he didn't say anything. But Zippy had seen enough. "NO YOU DON'T!" He shouted. He instantly began zapping it. Of course it didn't feel it, but soon Zooney and Zwikko got the idea and began zapping it as well. The Kongbu flinched occasionally, but nothing else. "It's not working!" Zippy shouted. "We gotta try something else!"

But they were too late.

Slowly Zany's metal "skin" began to turn black. His metal pattern vanished and was replaced by blue flames. His antennae morphed into spouts, and his eyes turned red.

"Zany?" Zippy said, concerned.

The Kongbu gave a gravelly laugh. "Your friend is now mine. Meet the Flame-Bot. He is capable of much more than you ever will be!" He snorted.

Zippy gulped.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by LittleZbot » Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:53 am

I decided that, while I'm on Christmas Break, I might as well try to finish.

Chapter 9: Zany the Flame-Bot

The Kongbu had walked away long ago, leaving the now-hypnotized Zany on watch. Everyone was bored, except Wiener, who kept going on and on about how cool this all was. Ned had fallen asleep, and even Zooney had finally quieted down.

Suddenly, there was a change. Zany whirled around and faced the prison. There was a quick flash in his eye, and four prison walls were raised up in strategic locations, trapping each Stinker or Z-bot in their own cell.

"Oh. So THAT'S why there are six doors leading out of this," Zooney suddenly realized, "Great. Now we can't even see each other! Not that I much enjoy looking at these lunatics, but -"

"Shut your mouth!" Zany spat out. He calmly floated over to Zippy's cell and opened the door.

"Wait, you're letting me go?" Zippy asked, confused.

"Quite the opposite," Zany corrected, "You've always wanted to prove you're better than me. Now's your chance."

Zippy was confused for a moment, then it dawned on him. "We're going to fight?"


"But why?"

"It's simple. I'm stronger, faster, and smarter than you. You are my master's greatest nuisance. As such, you must be destroyed. Now, prepare."

This, of course, caused quite a reaction. Everyone began to stand up and get closer to their bars, eager to see what would happen. Even Ned awoke from his sleep and ambled a bit closer.

"But Zany-"

"Well, are you going to die fighting or just let me roast you? It's your choice."

Zippy knew that answer. "I'd rather die fighting than any other way. But I've died twice, and I'm not going to let it happen again."

"So be it. I'll let you have the honor of striking first."

Zippy was unsure what to do, but attempted to zap Zany anyway. Zany dodged with ease. He quickly sped around the floor much faster than Zippy had ever seen him zip. Zippy suddenly felt a quick, sharp pain and realized that he had been zapped. Zany was focused on Zippy as he sped around, zapping him as he went. Zippy attempted to dodge, but Zany was shooting too fast. And every zap that hit him hurt more and more.

Suddenly Zippy just disappeared. Zany stopped short, surprised.

"Where are you?" he called out.

"Right behind you."

Zany spun around and launched a barrage of zaps. He saw Zippy for a moment, then Zippy vanished again. Now Zippy began to taunt him. His voice came from all around Zany, and Zany never knew where to strike next. Suddenly a realization came over Zany. He's teleporting.

Zany chuckled. "Using your powers, eh? Well, two can play at that game."

Suddenly Zany spun around where Zippy was and, using his levitation powers, pinned Zippy to the wall. As much as he tried, Zippy couldn't move. Zany smiled. Not any regular smile, though - it was an evil, sadistic smile.

"Well, you tried."

Zany shot one, continuous, very powerful zap at Zippy. Zippy attempted to match it with his own, but it was soon overtaken. Zany was much better at zapping than Zippy, and he was aided by the new strength the Kongbu had given him. As the laser hit Zippy, he began to burn.

"Zippy!" Mr. Science shouted. "We have to get out of here and help him! Any suggestions? Quick!"

"How about mine?" Wiener asked. "I sill think they're great ideas. You know, use a lock-pick on the dungeon door, smash it with a battering ram, poiso-"

"YES, WE KNOW," Mr. Science barked. "We need REAL ideas - ones that will actually work!"

"I've got an idea!" shouted Arrrggghhh!!!!. "Who's nearest to Ned's cell?"

"That'd be me," replied Zwikko.

"Does anybody have some chocolate syrup?"

"Me again."

"Can you reach through the bars to Ned's cell?"

"I guess. Why?" Then it hit him. He grabbed the chocolate syrup, reached across to Ned's cell and squirted it over Ned's lock.

"Hey, Ned!" Arrrggghhh!!!! called.

"Eh?" Ned lifted up his head groggily.

"There's some delicious chocolate on the door for you!"

"CHOCOLATE!" Suddenly Ned was wide awake and chewing on the door lock. It worked. With a sudden snap, the lock tore away and disappeared down Ned's throat.

"Great job, Ned! Now let us out of here!"

Ned looked at the place where the lock had been, quite surprised. Nevertheless, he opened the door and let everyone out.

"Good!" Mr. Science shouted, "Now let's go save Zippy!"



A deep, hot, unbearable pain.

Drilling into him like a fiery stake through the heart.

Zippy had never felt such pain before. Once, a long time ago, he had died - blown to pieces in the explosion of a ship. But at least that pain was quick. A flash of terrible pain, and then it was over. The same when he smashed into the Kongbu so hard that it destroyed him. Unbearable pain, then it's over. But now there was a constant stream of pain hitting him. It still hadn't reached through to his inner layers, but that didn't decrease from the horrible burning sensation he felt.

Then, suddenly, it stopped. Just like that. There was nothing pinning him to the wall anymore either, and he crumpled to the ground. He was badly scorched, but nothing more. Zany's attention had been diverted.


Zany had stopped zapping Zippy when you turned to face the other Z-bots and Stinkers that had just been released. At the same time, he had let go of his telekinetic hold over Zippy, and begun fighting the others.

"You can't hit ME, spigot-head!" Zwikko called out to Zany. Turned out that he could, and painfully, too. Zwikko fell down quickly.

"I'm still standing, Mr. Nuts and Bolts!" Zooney shouted, turning Zany's attention away from Zwikko and to Zooney. And so it went on, one of them constantly shouting out names and threats, keeping Zany occupied for a long time.

"Here's the perfect thing!" Zwikko shouted, pulling out a flamethrower from his Merchandise Bag, "Stand back, everybody!" He called out. He turned the flamethrower on and spewed out flames all over Zany. Any normal Z-Bot would have been reduced to ashes. However, when the flames died down, they saw Zany still there, without a scuff or scratch.

Zany laughed. "There's a reason it's called a Flame-Bot," is all he said. He focused his spouts on Zwikko, ready to shoot.

But Zwikko was, on occasion, smarter than he looked. He instantly figured out that water beats flames. So he reached into the bag and pulled out a squirt gun.

"What's this? A simple toy? You can't possibly think tha-"

Zany never got to finish that sentence. He suddenly cried out in pain as the water hit him. It hurt far more than when he was a regular Z-bot. And Zwikko doused him over and over, until he was weakened considerably. Then he was grabbed and pinned down by many arms. He couldn't move.

At this time Zippy got up. He still hurt, but much less so. He slowly zipped over to where Zany was pinned down and struggling.

"I'm going to try something."

He stared deep into the red eyes that Zany now had. He looked deep, trying not only to see the mechanisms but the soul and mind beneath all that.

Mr. Science realized what he was doing. "Zippy, you haven't learned to control your own mind yet, much less somebody else's!"

"I have to try," came the response. Zippy stared even further.

All of the sudden Zany felt at peace. He stopped struggling and lay quiet.

"You have been under the influence of the Kongbu." Zippy slowly spoke. "No more. You are yourself. Your own soul."


"You are one with your mind and heart."


"You are free."

That did it. Zany fell down into a sort of half-sleep. The flames vanished, the black skin turned blue again, and the spouts became antennae. Finally, his eyes were no longer red. He began to look around and act far more like his normal self.


"Well, that worked better than I thought. Are you alright, Zany."

"Of course I'm all right. What, do you think a little waters gonna put me down?"

Zippy smiled, if that was possible for Z-bots. Zany was once again himself.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by Jutomi » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:05 am

I like this. :D
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:09 am

But now I have to reread all of it since I don't remember the plot at all. [/LAME]

Speaking of your goneness, wefight, like, was erased from existence. Actually, you probably knew that.
but the ancient lore of wefight is forever lost :evil:
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Post by LittleZbot » Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:46 pm

Are you referring to the old or new topic? I knew the old one was deleted.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:09 pm

The old one, but uh whatever. I brought it up because I was replaying WTG.
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Post by LittleZbot » Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:33 pm

Chapter 10: Escape

"Right or left?" Zippy asked as the came to a turn in the hall.

"Right, I think," answered Mr. Science. They continued right.

This dungeon was a lot bigger than any of them expected. There were many turns, passageways, and bridges to choose from. They were relying on memory from when they were captured to make it out. Unfortunately, most of them had been knocked out on their way here so the couldn't alert the others. Zippy and Mr. Science hadn't because they were alone, so they led the group.

"And here?"

"Left, probably."

Zippy turned left and opened a door. On the other side was the Kongbu, snarling and growling.

"RIGHT! I MEANT RIGHT!" Mr. Science shrieked.

Zippy slammed the door on the Kongbu and fled down the passageway to the right, the others running behind him. They all ran straight into ZiZanZoon.

"We're trapped!" screamed Arrrggghhh!!!!

"What is the meaning of this?" ZiZanZoon bellowed out, "I thought I told him to watch you all while I was down in the library!"

"Why were you down there?" Mr. Science asked, his interest piqued.

"To find books about where I can find the Chocolate Che-I mean, that's none of your business! Now, get back to your cells!"

"Um, no," Zwikko said. He promptly pulled out pepper spray and sprayed the evil Z-bot's eyes.

ZiZanZoon cried out in pain and quickly tried to rub it out.

"Hurry!" Zippy shouted. They all ran past ZiZanZoon and down the hall.

"You'll regret this!" ZiZanZoon shouted.

"Yeah, right. All evil villains say that." Zippy retorted.

"That's not true!"

"Oh, really? Then tell me one who didn't."

"Well, there's, um, well, erm..."

"See? Well, I think I'll be going now. Bye!" Zippy dashed down the hall.

"No, wait!" ZiZanZoon called out. But Zippy was already to far to hear.


The party ran down halls, up stairs, over bridges, and through doors, guessing where to go as they went along. They just needed to keep moving. ZiZanZoon and the Kongbu were on their tails, and if they didn't keep moving, their followers would catch up. Whether by fate, pure chance, or a really good subconscious memory, somehow they all ended up outside the dungeon.

Now that they saw it fully, "Fortress" would be a better word than "Dungeon." it didn't look especially huge, but it was structured in such a way that you could tell it was meant to house hundreds - not nine. But there was no time for mysteries now. The captors were on their trail. The team began to run through the jungle, never noticing the one member they left behind...


"Zippy! Guys!" Zany called out. He wasn't sure when or how he got separated, only that he had suddenly found himself in a hall all alone with no-one in sight. He was now frantically speeding around the place. "Zooney! Zwikko! Mr. Science! Anyone!"

"They've left, Zany."

Zany turned around, shocked to see ZiZanZoon there. "Huh?"

"They have already escaped this dungeon. You're here alone."

There was a silence.

"Aren't you going to, well, you know, capture me and stuff?" Zany asked. "Maybe torture me because I sort of turned good again and let them go?"

"Of course not," ZiZanZoon replied. "There were six of them, and one of you. Your defeat was inevitable, as was the reverse-hypnosis Zippy put on you. No, I blame Tyop. He should never have left you alone in there."

Zany was surprised, but he was even more so curious. "Tyop? The Kongbu had a name?"

"Of course it did. You don't suppose they called each other by numbers, do you? Oh, hello 76! Wonderful weather. I agree, 49! Though, it looks like it might rain later. Oh, that's alright! 124 LOVES the rain!" ZiZanZoon mocked.

Zany didn't know quite what to make of this. Here he was, at the will of his greatest enemy, and he was letting him go.

ZiZanZoon pointed at a nearby door with his antennae. "Take that door and head right. Take the door at the end of the hall. It leads out."

"Th-thanks." Zany stammered.

"You were quite a promising member of the DAS Federation, Zany. It would be a shame if you just walked away. But I must leave you to your own choices. I'm letting you free - for now. But remember, Zany. No matter what, we WILL find you again - all of you - and will not rest until you are all taken care of."

Zany left without a word. He had a lot to think about.


"We're here!" Ned happily cried out.

"Oh boy, that was the most awesomest greaterest adventure ever!" Wiener shouted, "Let's do it again!"

"NO!" shouted everyone else simultaneously.

They were back at their campsite. Everything was just as they left it, and the ship was still docked.

"Everyone, pack up, and quick! This island is no longer safe for us!" Mr. Science declared.

Suddenly Zippy noticed something. "Where's Zany?"

"Right here!"

Zippy turned around and saw Zany rushing out of the jungle. "You're okay! That's great!" he shouted out. Zany didn't reply.

"Quick, Zany! We have to pack u-"

Before he finished his sentence, something happened. Something that dashed whatever plan Mr. Science might have to pieces. Something that hindered them greatly.

The ship blew up.


Sorry this chapter is one of the shorter ones. I had fun writing it, though. I'd tell you guys to comment, but I'm getting tired of doing that, and you tend to comment anyway. So whatever.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:47 am

I hate it when my ship blows up.
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