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Your School Projects

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:05 am
by MyNameIsKooky
check me out

(Stupid forum doesn't support indents.)

National Writer’s Block Day

Many holidays are festive about good things that happened. Not all of them, though. Some are for the sake of memorial. Some of them are for celebrating good cause. However, one is for the sake of scrambling for something to actually write about. This day is know as National Writer’s Block Day.
National Writer’s Block Day has a simple history. It was born on December 15, 2010, when a random kid named IMNOTTELLINGMYNAME just couldn’t come up with a good idea for a fictional holiday. Thus, he titled his document “National Writer’s Block Day” as a joke. He told others about this and they actually gave him ideas as if he were to actually write about it. After putting some more thought into it throughout the day, he actually began writing off the assignment, building off of his classmates’ ideas. Thus, the writer’s block was written off of.
There are various festivities and features to the National Writer’s Block Day. First of all, you don’t need to write anything because of all the writer’s blocks about. It’s not like you could anyways. It would be an asset to most students, but maybe a pain for most professional writers. Also, during school hours, it’s common tradition to throw erasers at each other. This tradition came along when two random first graders fought using erasers and it eventually erupted into chaos throughout the whole school. Thus, every December 15th, large barrels of erasers would be distributed. The erasers were a symbol for when you wrote something, then decided against it and removed it. You would probably erase over and over again during writer’s blocks.
This paper was originally written on National Writer’s Block Day. It was indeed hard to write. As part of popular culture of this day, someone usually writes a poem about writers’ blocks. Here’s one:

I’ve got a writer’s block
This is so common it comes as no shock
I scramble for material
Yet I can only write about cereal
I am troubled with this horribly written poem
Like a helpless piece of foam
If you haven’t got a writer’s block yet
You will eventually meet it with regret
So hahahaahahahaha.

A writer’s block is a bad thing to come across if you really want or need to write something. As dedication to your brain coming across writer’s blocks, a required tradition must be attended. This tradition involves sitting in front of whatever writing utencils you may have in your possession and staring at it blankly for several hours, even if you know what to write about. Hopefully you’ll be able to come up with lots of things in case you run into an actual writer’s block later (if you didn’t already have one). This tradition was inspired by the typical behaviour of the average writer if they ever run into a writer’s block. This tradition made National Writer’s Block Day slightly more tedious, but since you don’t actually need to write anything, that makes up for it.
National Writer’s Block Day has received a wide range of opinions on what it’s like. Most school students like National Writer’s Block Day because they prefer not to have to write anything. Popular authors largely dislike National Writer’s Block Day because of the inconveniences it brings to their writing. Around the world, National Writer’s Block Day is considered to still be one of the most boring days of the entire year.
This piece was quite the troublemaker to write on National Writer’s Block Day. I was escpecially scrambling to come up with something to write for this conclusion. I had a writer’s block, I guess.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:31 am
by Guppy Star
I liked the time when i was in my school

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:29 am
by tyteen4a03
Monopoly (due next year), Musical (show on 22 and 23th)

-TWM (Due somewhere after WA3 came out)
-English novel (???)
-Chinese Christmas short (Due next November or sort)
-blockBox (never gonna stop developing~)
-3.pAssport (DUE ANYTIME)
-Other 3.studIo stuff

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:06 pm
by Technos72
In english I'm doing an ISU. I had to get an biography book of a famous person, read the book, write four full page journal entries, and a monologe about this person. I think it's due January 17th. I'm already done three journals.