Worlds Weekly - Forgetful Fool's Industries Newspaper

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Worlds Weekly - Forgetful Fool's Industries Newspaper

Post by Timecrokba » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:22 pm

Issue #1:

Article 1: A New Company

A new company has been founded by Time just outside Wonder-town earlier today: Time Industries.
Picture may not accurately depict the factory
The areas they current cover include:
Inter-dimensional Transport
Moving Services
And Several Others Planned

Article 2: Armageddon

In a surprising turn of events last week, even more that than the cheese people waging war against the pirates a few weeks earlier, several people have started to panic that Wonderland may have reached its due date, as supposedly things have started to fall from the skies above.

There are several claims all throughout Wonderland. A wee stinker says that, out of nowhere, a sheet of metal hit him on the head, having the illusion of the sky. Nobody has been able to confirm this incident, as the piece supposedly hides itself whatever way you look at it and the stinker forgot where it landed, but it is known that the stinker's father is no longer letting him out of the house. We wish the stinker the best of luck.

There is another claim from a pink rainbow-star by the name of Rick. He has been staying underwater with a bar of swiss cheese, who apparently is animate and who's name is Cheesehead Brownpants, and has since reported seeing several things fall from the sky above the Great Wonderland Ocean. We managed to get an interview with him, however, and this is what he had to say:
Rick wrote: There were several things falling over these past few days. Z-bots, pencils, jewelry, Moosy PattiesTM, and office products! OFFICE PRODUCTS FALLING FROM THE SKY!!!!
Though we are not sure if we can trust either of these claims, we will keep you up to date on these happenings in next weeks edition.
Last edited by Timecrokba on Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Wonderman109 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:39 am

It's MoFI and PotZ all over again.
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Cheesehead Brownpants

Post by Jutomi » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:56 pm

Oh my gosh, I get that office products reference. :lol:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
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Issue 2

Post by Timecrokba » Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:38 pm

Note: Worlds Weekly will start being published on Fridays

Issue 2:

Article 1: Y-Bots?

Hide your chompers, scritters, and crabs, the Y-bots are here! Now you may be asking
Insert random name here wrote: But whoever writes this, what are Y-bots!?!?!?!???!?!!???1/!?!/1?!/
We are glad you asked, random people! Y-bots, as we call them, are decedents of the Z-bots. There are a few key differences between them, however.

Y-bots require alot less to make, meaning they have a larger number than the Z-bots.
Y-bots are more keen on destroying the other worlds to cut us off from anything else.
Y-bots know how to repair the Void Crystal.
Y-bots like to play practical pranks.
Y-bots like beef.

These traits make them much more threatening than Z-bots. Keep on your shoes, Wonderlanders, and look out for some supposed "Time Crystals".
They may be needed to defeat these Y-bots. I'd look out for some C-bots though, they are the real threat when they appear.

Article 2: Horcruxes and Hallows

Hopefully our title person can get this right, hoaxes and rumors have been appearing all through Wonderland. The most curious of these, the rising and falling sky.
While yes, we did cover the falling sky last week, we can now confirm the sky isn't falling. It was the Y-bots dropping stuff on our heads. We aren't sure which is worse, though. Though neither are as bad as Xibalba
The rising sky we can confirm is a complete hoax. Anything that might be expanding, mainly the air, would not make our sky expand. The air would just be lost in space.
There have also been rumors surrounding certain locations in Wonderland. Supposedly Stinky's Scritteria is haunted by Wee-stinkers. There is a new Night Guard, and we wish them the best of luck.
There are also rumors about Time Indutries founder, who goes by Time. We can confirm they are complete, 1000% lies. Time isn't going to other universes at all.

Article 3: Under the Sea

Last week we talked about a pink rainbow-star Rick and his bar of swiss cheese called Cheesehead Brownpants. We didn't realize at the time there is an entire civilization underwater.
They call their city Atol, after the lost city, Alantis, which went underwater a few centires ago. We don't know how they got that name from that though.
Apparently some tiny waterflower has scattered the main food in Atol, Moosy PattiesTM, and scattered them across the Great Wonderland Ocean. Its up to Rick and Cheesehead to get them back! Well, good luck to them.

Join us in Friday's Edition!
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Issue 2 1/2

Post by FinnThor » Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:40 am

Timecrokba wrote:Note: Worlds Weekly will start being published on Fridays

Issue 2:

Article 1: Y-Bots?

Hide your chompers, scritters, and crabs, the Y-bots are here! Now you may be asking
Insert random name here wrote: But whoever writes this, what are Y-bots!?!?!?!???!?!!???1/!?!/1?!/
We are glad you asked, random people! Y-bots, as we call them, are decedents of the Z-bots. There are a few key differences between them, however.

Y-bots require alot less to make, meaning they have a larger number than the Z-bots.
Y-bots are more keen on destroying the other worlds to cut us off from anything else.
Y-bots know how to repair the Void Crystal.
Y-bots like to play practical pranks.
Y-bots like beef.

These traits make them much more threatening than Z-bots. Keep on your shoes, Wonderlanders, and look out for some supposed "Time Crystals".
They may be needed to defeat these Y-bots. I'd look out for some C-bots though, they are the real threat when they appear.

Article 2: Horcruxes and Hallows

Hopefully our title person can get this right, hoaxes and rumors have been appearing all through Wonderland. The most curious of these, the rising and falling sky.
While yes, we did cover the falling sky last week, we can now confirm the sky isn't falling. It was the Y-bots dropping stuff on our heads. We aren't sure which is worse, though. Though neither are as bad as Xibalba
The rising sky we can confirm is a complete hoax. Anything that might be expanding, mainly the air, would not make our sky expand. The air would just be lost in space.
There have also been rumors surrounding certain locations in Wonderland. Supposedly Stinky's Scritteria is haunted by Wee-stinkers. There is a new Night Guard, and we wish them the best of luck.
There are also rumors about Time Indutries founder, who goes by Time. We can confirm they are complete, 1000% lies. Time isn't going to other universes at all.

Article 3: Under the Sea

Last week we talked about a pink rainbow-star Rick and his bar of swiss cheese called Cheesehead Brownpants. We didn't realize at the time there is an entire civilization underwater.
They call their city Atol, after the lost city, Alantis, which went underwater a few centires ago. We don't know how they got that name from that though.
Apparently some tiny waterflower has scattered the main food in Atol, Moosy PattiesTM, and scattered them across the Great Wonderland Ocean. Its up to Rick and Cheesehead to get them back! Well, good luck to them.

Join us in Friday's Edition!
Issue 2 1/2

Regarding the Y-Bots, The CheeseLanders once had a huge war against them. It was at a stalemate until the Y-Bots made deadly, X-Bot Tanks.
The X-Bots were unstoppable, so we Exiled them to the planet of the Y-Bots. The Rainbow Stars just decided to banish the X-Bots into the void, which I think might not have been a good idea. Also, we captured one of the X-Bot tanks. Here's an interview with it.

Reporter: So, what's your primary mission?

X-Bot: Eliminate all Stinkers.

Reporter: What's your favorite thing to do?

X-Bot: Eliminate all Stinkers.

Reporter: What's your favorite hobby- wait, no, let me guess, "Eliminate all Stinkers"?

X-Bot: Shoot office products from the sky.

Reporter: Let's get a hostage Y-Bot on this scene.

Y-Bot: Let... me... OUT!!!

Reporter: Answer some questions and I'll do it.

Y-Bot: Fine.

Reporter: First question: Why did you attack Wonderland?

Y-Bot: We hate Cheese.

Cheese: Hey! That's very offensive!

Reporter: Second question: What are the X-Bots made out of?

Y-Bot: Solid Titanium with diamond coating.

Reporter: Final question: What's the password that grants access to the Y-Bot complex?

Y-Bot: XYZ-17420. Now let me out!

Reporter: Never! This interview is now over! Everyone! Let's go invade the Y-Bot complex!

CheeseLanders: Yeah!

*interview ends*

Well, that was interesting, wasn't it? We'll see you next time as we invade the Y-Bot complex. Also, we'll give more info on X-Bot. Woohoo! Let's go!

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Post by cloudrac3r » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:46 am

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Re: Issue 2

Post by Timecrokba » Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:48 pm

Issue 3:

Article 1: How did this happen?

Yesterday someone broke into Time Industries Headquarters.
As far as they let us know, someone left the door unlocked, so they got into the building and, of all things, made a newspaper.
Though the authorities were about to arrest this man from Cheeseland, Time offered him a position as Head Reporter for Time Industries.
Hopefully he will be able to help us get Wonderland news, though we expect it will be mostly about Cheeseland.

Article 2: Cheeseland

The war between the Pirates and Cheeseland continues! Actually no, its still a stalemate.
See, the Pirates are currently unaware that Cheeseland has declared war on them. This should give Cheeseland the easy win.
However; the Cheeselanders seem too incompetent to even get onto the main ship. We will see how this war will turn out once they learn simple cardinal directions.

Article 3: Qwertz is Quartz

Following the supposed invasion of the Y-bots and "X-tanks"? on Cheeseland, and their banishment to the Planet of the Y-bots, they have continued their original plan, to surround Wonderland and crush it.
This is where Qwertz, the Ice Planet, is brought up. They have built a new base on the Icy Planet, and have discovered that there are many quartz there.
Now, that may seem like an OK thing. However, these quartz are a very viable void energy container to the Y-bots. If they get enough quartz, they can very easily revive the Void Crystal, given they get enough void energy.

Stay on your toes, Wonderlanders.
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Post by Timecrokba » Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:01 pm

Issue 4:

Article 1: Holidays

Well, there were quite a few holidays these past few days in and out of Wonderland. There was Stinkerween, with ton of creepy things all around.
Stinketons, Chompers, Ghosts, Wraiths, you name it.
Then, there were two other holidays not celebrated normally in Wonderland, All Saints and All Souls Day(s). Won't talk about these too much.
Then someone's birthday may or may not be tomorrow. Their name starts with T and ends with A.

Article 2: Y-bots

Our head reporter has informed us that Cheeseland has found the Y-bot complex mentioned in the Unoffical Issue (Issue 2 1/2).
Many abducted stinkers were found in their clutches, and we found a mine full of Stinkeronium as we are naming it for now.
Stinkeronium is a very durable metal, able to stand up to or store nearly any amount of energy.
It seems they Y-bots may be trying to use this for some powerful weapon, maybe a Giant Laser. Who knows.

Article 3: Um...

I'm just going to quote our Head Reporter for this one...
FinnThor wrote:I have one thing to say...

Merry Almost Christmas!
Note: Any disturbance caused by this (video) should be sent directly to Finn, I'm not in control of his actions.

I wouldn't recommend watching the video unless you are familiar with two youtubers called Ssundee and Crainer.
If you are familiar with them, great, have fun if you want to.

Article 4: Another Newspaper

A new newspaper has been made by one of our only Z-bot friends, Zippy the Z-bot.
Their newspaper plans to cover stuff on the minor end of worldly events. We wish them the best of luck on this venture.

Wait, thats all we had this week? I though there was more. Oh well, be sure to keep getting payed by us to get our newspaper!
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A Note From The Head Reporter

Post by FinnThor » Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:00 pm

Issue 4, Article 3 Note:
Timecrokba wrote:Article 3: Um...

I'm just going to quote our Head Reporter for this one..
FinnThor wrote: I have one thing to say...

Merry Almost Christmas!
Note: Any disturbance caused by this (video) should be sent directly to Finn, I'm not in control of his actions.

I wouldn't recommend watching the video unless you are familiar with two youtubers called Ssundee and Crainer.
If you are familiar with them, great, have fun if you want to.
I'd say that you need to be familiar with at least one of them in order for the video to make sense, but I will agree that if any disturbance is caused by this, PM me, and I may ask for it to be removed.

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Issue 5

Post by Timecrokba » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:41 pm

Issue 5:

Article 1: Returning Friends

Our head reporter hasn't given us anything this week, so we will only have 1 article. But it is some very important news so don't burn us immediately.

Several old and new faces have appeared here in Wonderland these last 2 weeks. These old faces include RoberTime, who has legally changed his identity from his old name Technos, Teb020, and Randy290! Welcome back!

And welcome Oats, our newest non-returning member! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (You heard Wonderman's warning!)

I told you we only have one article, so go do some random crossword and read Wonderland Weekly tomorrow. (If Jutomi remembers that is)
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Re: Issue 5

Post by Oats » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:32 pm

Timecrokba wrote:And welcome Oats, our newest non-returning member!
Thanks, friend! I do hope I stay here for quite some time posting my occasional Wonderland fan-content. I'm working on some as I type!
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Re: Issue 5

Post by FinnThor » Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:09 pm

Timecrokba wrote:Issue 5:

Article 1: Returning Friends

Our head reporter hasn't given us anything this week, so we will only have 1 article. But it is some very important news so don't burn us immediately.

Several old and new faces have appeared here in Wonderland these last 2 weeks. These old faces include RoberTime, who has legally changed his identity from his old name Technos, Teb020, and Randy290! Welcome back!

And welcome Oats, our newest non-returning member! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (You heard Wonderman's warning!)

I told you we only have one article, so go do some random crossword and read Wonderland Weekly tomorrow. (If Jutomi remembers that is)
Oops, I forgot- I mean I was sick! Yeah, I totally didn't forget. :P

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Post by FinnThor » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:38 am

Well, It's friday, I still don't have any news. :P

I do have an excuse though, I was actually sick for real this time, so nobody can blame me for that.

Sorry! :lol:

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Issue 6

Post by Timecrokba » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:28 pm

Issue 6:

Issue 1: Uh...
FinnThor wrote:Well, It's friday, I still don't have any news. :P

I do have an excuse though, I was actually sick for real this time, so nobody can blame me for that.

Sorry! :lol:

I don't have any news either, except apparently Hilary is now part of the community... and is making videos for Wonderland... Yeah, thats all that really stuck out to me this week.
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Re: Issue 6

Post by FinnThor » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:29 pm

Timecrokba wrote:Issue 6:

Issue 1: Uh...
FinnThor wrote:Well, It's friday, I still don't have any news. :P

I do have an excuse though, I was actually sick for real this time, so nobody can blame me for that.

Sorry! :lol:

I don't have any news either, except apparently Hilary is now part of the community... and is making videos for Wonderland... Yeah, thats all that really stuck out to me this week.
I literally just sent you some #LastSecondNews while you were posting this. :P

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Post by FinnThor » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:36 pm

Last edited by FinnThor on Sat May 20, 2017 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Issue 7

Post by Timecrokba » Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:39 pm

Issue 7

Article 1: Forgetful Fools

Yeah, I forgot to post this Issue yesterday, my bad. Also, our reporter forgot to give any information this week, but we've still got some.

Article 2: Y-bots Return?

There was no activity of the Y-bots that we've been informed of for a few weeks now, but now we got some more news concerning them!
Yesterday, a crashed Y-bot Ship was discovered. One of the Y-bots was still alive on the ship, and we captured it.
It has still yet to undergo interrogation, but we feel this may give us a chance to figure out what they've been up to these past few weeks.

Article 3: A New Craze

Still possibly relating to the Y-bots, we have the new craze with the S-Phone89. Now, we here in Time Industries try to not talk about trends, but we feel this is important.
Many stinkers are hacking into computer systems or other S-phones. This has lead to a major increase in crimes across Wonderland, especially with the rise of major mobile games such as Pocket Chompers Go making stinkers severally vulnerable.

There is another thing, these phones are made with Z-bot technology, meaning that the Y-bots can also hack into these phones, should they know of its existence. If S-phones start blowing up, don't say we didn't wa...



I'll be back with another issue next week.


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Re: Issue 7

Post by FinnThor » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:53 am

Timecrokba wrote:Issue 7

Article 1: Forgetful Fools

Yeah, I forgot to post this Issue yesterday, my bad. Also, our reporter forgot to give any information this week, but we've still got some.
Hey, I didn't forget! I couldn't because I was on vacation!

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Issue 8

Post by Timecrokba » Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:21 am

Issue 8

Article 1: Jutomi-itis

We fear we have Jutomi-itis, as we are jokingly saying for now, here at Forgetful Fools Industries.
This means that we changed our newspaper's/company's name and forgetting to update the newspaper.
(No offense meant to Jutomi, though, he is a cool Z-bot)

Article 2: Cheese Learn Directions

After several months of the Cheeselanders being lost in the pirate fleet, they have finally managed to get on the main ship and start fighting the pirates.
In a suprise move, the Cheese destroyed the main ship using the gunpowder in the ship at the time.
"We shouldn't have put all the gunpowder in one room, looking back on it now." Crazy Captain Dave, leader of the pirates, comments.
The pirates, originally going towards Sundog Island for reasons currently unknown, have changed course to start a counter attack on Cheeseland.
We don't know where the Cheeselanders who attacked the ship currently are, but if they don't reappear, this war seems very one-sided.
In true Wonderland Fashion, however, someone has managed to create a simulation of this event, found here .

Article 3: Y-bots

We haven't gotten any information from Mayor Peegue about the Y-bot interrogation a few weeks ago.
We fear something may have happened, but there are other things to discuss.
Y-bot ships have started to circulate around a whole host of planets and locations, including, but not limited to, Javva, Barren, Star's End, and Wonderland.
It seems they are preparing for something. Some stinkers have been to Qwertz since the Y-bots have left, and no crystals seem to remain. This suggests they are close to reforming the Void Crystal.
The Rainbow Wizards have started discussions with the Star Council on how to deal with the Y-bots, but no safe solutions have been found. We must find one soon, though.

Still, after 11ish weeks, we can only amount to about 3 articles per Issue, sorry guys. We'll (Hopefully) see you next week.
Last edited by Timecrokba on Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Issue 8

Post by FinnThor » Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:12 am

Timecrokba wrote: Article 2: Cheese Learn Directions

After several months of the Cheeselanders being lost in the pirate fleet, they have finally managed to get on the main ship and start fighting the pirates.
In a suprise move, the Cheese destroyed the main ship using the gunpowder in the ship at the time.
"We shouldn't have put all the gunpowder in one room, look back on it now." Crazy Captain Dave, leader of the pirates, comments.
The pirates, originally going towards Sundog Island for reasons currently unknown, have changed course to start a counter attack on Cheeseland.
We don't know where the Cheeselanders who attacked the ship currently are, but if they don't reappear, this war seems very one-sided.
In true Wonderland Fashion, however, someone has managed to create a simulation of this event, found [Insert URL when I finally post the level here] here [./url].
CvP 2 Finished Confirmed! I don't really need to say anything else...

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Post by Timecrokba » Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:23 pm

Issue 9

Article 1: Err...

So, not much news I can give this week. Gotta love it when you lose your internet service for a whole week. :cry:
There is one thing we can all learn from this incident though: Always expect the unexpected.
This includes the Holy Inquisition. You should always expect the Holy Inquisition.

Article 2: Y-bots...

I somewhat lied, I do have a small bit of news. The Y-bots are still circling several planets, still waiting for something.
The rainbow wizards and Star Council still have no idea how to deal with them.
I'd personally suggest immortal magical cats, or a giant Titan called Bob, but that's just me.

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Post by FinnThor » Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:46 am

So, I recovered all my hub files and other waeditor300 files a few hours ago, and look at some dialog I found from my unreleased adventure, "Breaking & Escaping!".

Also, these dialogs was made before Time Industries first reported Y-Bots. (And before I knew Timecrokba.)
Time Reversal.png
Time Reversal.png (244.66 KiB) Viewed 9036 times
THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE....png (372.35 KiB) Viewed 9039 times

Cheese Vs Pirates, featuring Finn, Timecrokba, and Yoda!
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