Idea: My Own Business (Silly, Right?)

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Idea: My Own Business (Silly, Right?)

Post by RoberTime » Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:07 am

These are just some not-to-be-taken-seriously thoughts, okay? It would be very unlikely that it would become a reality...

You know those GoDaddy commercials with the people developing businesses via their own site by crafting and selling products in particular? (I'm guessing some, if not most of us know that "Cats with Hats" commercial aha). But you know, I'm beyond two decades old and I've yet to manage the workplace. And I had this idea of developing such site and getting profits from a passion of some sorts.

What is this passion you ask? Well, throughout the year so far, I built quite the hobby disassembling and re-assembling video game parts. Mostly on Gameboy Advance housing shells and more. What I did was order plenty of multi-colored replacement parts online including housings, buttons, bumpers, and battery covers, and then make a modded GBA of the cosmetic type.

Then tonight, that's when the idea came in effect. I was looking back at where you can order your own gaming equipment with custom colors. But those are all for the modern gaming. If you don't know me, I'm a gaming hipster and enjoy the older eras of gaming. Which is why my idea for a business is to try a similar approach to colorware and offer full custom-colored GBA's to the internet. I get the separate parts online first, including GBA circuit whatchamathings that are the basis of the system, then once I get an order, I re-assemble a GBA with the requested parts, and ship it.

I know what many of you may be thinking, I know there may be all kinds of buts when it comes to running my own business. Heck, I've graduated high school like three years ago and I've yet to work. But I believe it's quite the responsibility of doing such activity.

I want to know what you guys think. Is running a site-based business that hefty for one? Am I just being reckless when I start the business on the spot? Feedback is highly appreciated.
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Post by PhoenixBlaze » Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:42 am

I just started high school, and it's been going pretty good so far. If you feel up to it, it'd be great for you to start your own buisness- it's a nice way to expand on your lifestyle. Go for it!
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Post by Cyndanera » Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:01 am

Last edited by Cyndanera on Fri May 22, 2020 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jutomi » Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:02 am

Well, RT, it's a risky thing to do, but I'd say go for it.

I highly recommend, however, that if you do, you turn your business into an incorporation.
Furthermore, you'd need to find a way to ship your things to people. If it's a more-or-less local thing,
which is usually good for starting out, then a website is very good to have in addition to a shop of sorts.
If you plan on going full-scale, then be prepared to find some way of making long-ranged deliveries.

Still, it's not too crazy to make your own business. Most businesses fail shortly after they're made, but remember this;
a lot of businesses are made, so a lot do still make it.

Plus, if you incorporate your business, the chance of going broke is less high, although you do lose certain perks.
That way, if you lose your business, you could always try again later with more experience and knowledge if it doesn't work the first time round.

Good luck, RT. Again, be careful - capitalism is built on competition, but I hope you do well with your idea. :)
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Post by RoberTime » Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:41 pm

Aye, thank you for the information, Jutomi.

I have never shipped anything to anyone ever. So before I open up shop, I need to learn how to ship parcels.

So, back on the subject of what I have to offer, I said I would like to sell and ship customized Game Boy Advances. But I think I may be able to do Game Boy Colors as well, as after the previous message I felt like modding my Game Boy Color of housing and successfully did it.

If I do get things running, I plan to sell these from $100-$130 CAD, or $80-$110 USD (That's around the regular MSRP of the systems back in the day) 80% of the price covers costs of ordering the parts, as well as shipping because I'm pretty sure you need to pay to send mail at the post office. I don't know *shrug*.

As for shipping time, I'm estimating that it's going to take 7-11 weeks. Of course, I have to wait until the base Game Boy and replacement parts arrive, which happen to ship from China, then reship the modified Game Boy to the target. But if I'm successful in the long run, I don't need to buy the parts on order, as then I could have already ordered them using my profit which cuts down order waiting time.

Anyway, what does anybody think about the prices and process? I know it's very simple, but again, this is something I may or may not consider. Perhaps if I do want to try it, and if anybody is interested, hook me up on Discord if you're interested in getting a custom GameBoy. This will be the training to my business.
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Post by garirry » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:23 am

Are you sure it's legal? I don't think you can just sell legitimate game consoles, even when modded, to the mass public. I doubt you'd get in serious trouble if you're a low-profile seller, but either way you should be careful. With sites like ColorWare, I think they have some kinds of agreements with the product manufacturers. I'm not a lawyer, so I honestly don't know anything about it, so don't count me on that: do your own research.

As for running a business at home, I don't think it's a bad idea. You don't have to invest millions to get something like this started and if you are responsible, you aren't going to lose too much money should it fail.
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:32 pm

garirry wrote:Are you sure it's legal? I don't think you can just sell legitimate game consoles, even when modded, to the mass public. I doubt you'd get in serious trouble if you're a low-profile seller, but either way you should be careful. With sites like ColorWare, I think they have some kinds of agreements with the product manufacturers. I'm not a lawyer, so I honestly don't know anything about it, so don't count me on that: do your own research.

As for running a business at home, I don't think it's a bad idea. You don't have to invest millions to get something like this started and if you are responsible, you aren't going to lose too much money should it fail.
You'll definitely run into trouble in the US, however I think it's largely legal in the EU, as long as your mod won't allow people to run pirated games.
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