WA Editor v3.00 Fair Use Statement

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Midnight Synergy
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Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:39 am

WA Editor v3.00 Fair Use Statement

Post by Midnight Synergy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:49 pm

The release of the WA Editor v3.00 is free to the Wonderland community, however, by downloading and using the editor we ask that you follow the following fair use guidelines:

1. The editor and all data contents are copyrighted by Midnight Synergy. You are not allowed to distribute (for free or otherwise) any of it beyond the forum.

2. Any levels/content created with the editor is for release on the forum only. As in (1), you may not repackage your levels or otherwise distribute material in any other way.

3. No direct support in the editor use is provided by Midnight Synergy, please don't bombard us with PMs and other requests. We will upload occasional "How To" guides, especially for newer material, but ask that you use the existing guides made by users for general editing purposes. At the same time, we invite and welcome participation in creating additional "How To" guides. Contact us if you have something you've put together for posting.

4. As a final catch-all, Midnight Synergy does reserve the right to change the conditions of the WA Editor distribution method at any time.

Ok, so that may all sound a little harsh, but it's a necessary thing given that we are giving you all this material at no charge and want to protect our interests in case of unforeseen changes. The idea, of course, remains for you as a community to be as creative as you can and have lots of fun with the editor, just play nice. Now get editing! ;)