The Hidden Archive: Part Three (Redeemer's Edition)

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The Hidden Archive: Part Three (Redeemer's Edition)

Post by ab-47 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:19 am

Well, let's give this another shot.

The Hidden Archive Saga

So, what happened to the original release? Truth be told, The Hidden Archive's Part 3 was a big flop, I was never satisfied with it, it felt more frustrating to design the mechanisms, and even more frustrating to play because things didn't flow as smoothly as I wanted. So, around eleven months later I decided to re-adjust the gameplay completely into a much more enjoyable experience, improving the mechanisms and adding newer mechanisms to the gameplay. Part 3 went from one of my most despised works to something I'm proud of, hence why I called it the "Redeemer's Edition". If anyone wants a comprehensive list of the changes, let me know. :idea:

The original part 3 will no longer be available and the thread will basically have a link to this one, so don't bother looking for it.

This is a beefy adventure, it's got 27 wlvs and 60+ dialogs, standing up to 5.88 Megabytes in size. This makes part 3 bigger than parts 1 and 2 combined. The average time it took for Cookie (my favorite lab rat *AHEM* playtester) was 2 hours and 15 minutes, that's almost 5 hours less than the original part 3, and he seemed to have enjoyed it a lot. This is probably the very first adventure that will feature the new custom sounds that we have in the new OpenWA update (Special thanks to Cookie for the new feature).

For those who are new to The Hidden Archive story, here's a quick recap from part 2: You continue venturing into the archives and then your progress gets interrupted by someone, and you get sent to an illusion place called The Seven Stars Hotel. Shortly after escaping the hotel you end up dying so the story takes off from that point.

There are little to no traditional WA puzzles here: The Hidden Archive doesn't take a traditional puzzle design but more of a point-and-click type. Elements used will sometimes have a different function from that they are known for, and hints will be placed all around the level for you to understand and attempt your playthrough.

Special thanks for all the custom content provided from the community, I'm too lazy to list who did what xd.

Recommended to play on widescreen for a better experience!
Recommended to download my audio pack for a better experience, I've updated it to Vol. 3.1! LINK HERE
Make sure you have the modded WA 10.5.0 to play part 3 Redeemer's Edition or the adventure might MAV / hardlock you!

Codenames: Limbo, Icebreaker, Frozen_Fame, Astral_Projection, Darkness_Falls

I'm happy how this turned out, enjoy your Halloween, everyone. I'll also try my best to get part 4 released sometime before this year is over, I hope! :mrgreen:

The Hidd3n Archive, Part Four: [36%, In Progress]
The Hidden 4rchive, Part Three (Redeemer's Edition)
The Apocollab [0%, Confirmed, Planning]
Are Cookie and Ash Gay? [Cancelled]
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Rainbow Star
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Re: The Hidden Archive: Part Three (Redeemer's Edition)

Post by |Cookie| » Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:28 am

Extreme improvement upon the first version. Somehow you made pitch-black darkness very fun to play in.

Can't wait for the archives four. :mrgreen:
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Re: The Hidden Archive: Part Three (Redeemer's Edition)

Post by Jutomi » Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:25 pm

Oh man. I cannot wait to play this.

Just note that my solution for it might take a little while. I'm already putting my current upload series partly on hold on account of being too busy... followed by getting sick again. :oops:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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