Thank you so much!Lazy Loof wrote: ↑Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:24 amAlso, I have now updated this WA Editor New Features documentation: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27852
Now it mentions most of the new features and changes made into OpenWA, even those that were not mentioned "officially".

You're welcome! I'm actually having fun poking around trying to find some issues.
Speaking of which, I managed to find some more.
Bug Roundup #2:
Engine Bugs:
1. When using CustomTex.WOP, if you enter a model path such as "/!Obstacle34" or anything similar, it will make all of the Adjusters on pages 2 and 3 not show their normal names but instead show Data0-Data9.
This will also make you unable to edit the model path again.
All attempts to change it will be applied to the texture path instead for some reason.
It can also make weird things happen, including making the Editor crash.
I discovered this when I tried entering "/!IceBlock". When I set Data3 to 1, it changed the model into a Floing Bubble.
Setting it to -1 or 2 crashed the Editor.
2. Can't delete wlvs/dias with Delete+LMB if that particular wlv/dia has a .bak file already.
3. If the game is running in testing mode and crashes or is closed without using the pause menu options (by using the Windows "X" button for example), then it will not relaunch the Editor.
Also, this will make it so that the last thing you were testing is opened every time you launch wg.exe.
Closing the game through the pause menu or launching the game using Player.exe fixes this second issue though.
4. Command 115 freezes the game, and then MAVs if you run it before completing at least one adventure.
5. You can't remove certain items from the inventory with FNC 5, such as Gloves, Lamps, GlowGems, SpyEyes, Glyphs, Maps, Tokens, Shards, etc. Also, FNC 6 is unable to scan them.
6. Some adventures may be impossible to complete if they rely on the widescreen spellball range and the Player is running in 4:3 resolution.
This is most likely well-known and there probably isn't a way to fix it, but I wanted to include this just in case.
Visual Bugs:
1. WeeStinker bodies and hats do not scale when resizing the WeeStinker.
Accessories do scale, however. I found this when testing the new "Wee Stinker 2" WOP.
2. When holding down the spacebar to make the credits scroll faster in the Player, the credits do not smoothly scroll.
It looks very laggy, like the game is skipping frames, however the in-game FPS display does not reflect this.
The credits scroll fast just fine in MOFI and POTZ when running them with the Game Switcher.
What's strange though, is that when I have FRAPS opened (was testing the FPS Overlay with it) the credits scroll just fine.
The moment I exit FRAPS, the problem comes back.
3. The Sky Machine Map WOP included with OpenWA (Data\Editor\ObjectPresets\Other) does not have the Sky Machine Map texture set by default. (It's set to ?Default instead of !None.)
It also does not have a Texture adjuster.
I know this can be fixed with a WOP editor, but I figured it would be worth reporting anyway.
4. If you place objects that are scaled way too big in the Editor, like scaleadjusting the "LeafTree1 Green" to 15.0 for example, then the model will start showing up in other places in the Editor.
5. When changing levels, restarting an adventure, or winning an adventure, animations seem to reset for some objects.
It's most noticable with Spikeyballs and Teleporters.
Try placing walls around a Spikeyball so it can't move, and then collect a gold star.
You will see it's animation restart, and it will stay sunken into the ground.
These are most, if not all of the things that are affected by this bug:
The Custom Item, WA Beta Custom Item, Cuboids, Gems, Keys, Keycards, Wraiths, Rainbow Bubbles, Ghosts, Wysp, Portal Warp objects, Voids, Ducks, Sun Spheres, Waterfalls, the Crystal object, Glowworms, Zippers, Busterflies, water texture scrolling for tiles, all Sign objects with all move settings except No and Turn, and the Zapbot's voice timer.
6. Thwarts do not have an idle animation when they are set to "Normal". They do not have this problem if they are set to "Hands Up".
7. Every time a level or save file is loaded, all objects present in the level appear somewhere near x0, y0 and are extremely huge for one frame. To easily view this in-game, make sure x0, y0 is visible, and save the game. Now load the save, and hold Esc on the loading screen.
This will pause the game on the first frame. If this can't be fixed, then maybe always having a fade-in when an adventure starts could help hide the issue.
8. Some things still animate whenever the game is paused, like the Player, Fireflowers, Dragonturtles, NPCs, etc.
In some cases this could, for a short amount of time, make animations out of sync with what the object is currently doing.
Fireflowers are a good example of this if you pause the game whenever they're in the middle of shooting.
9. If level 1 does not have the default lighting in its wlv settings, then when it's loaded for the first time, it's not instantly whatever color it's supposed to be. It starts out as if it was set to the default lighting, and then it quickly steps it's way to what the wlv is set to in the Editor.
Very similar to running command 6.
10. The Lamp and Glowgem's lighting acts strange around the left and right level borders when standing in any of the 4 corners of a level.
To test this, make the room dark and use a leveltexture that's not Abstract.
11. When viewing the Map, depending where it is on the screen, there can be some rendering problems that create tiny horizontal and vertical lines between the pieces of the Map.
12. Tiles with Wall, Ice Wall, Water, and Lava logic do not update the Cursor's last position.
If you point at any of these, and then to a tile that's far away from the Cursor's last valid position, this causes the Cursor to appear in it's last valid position before quickly jumping to the current valid position.
Also, the way it moves during this jump is similar to the bug where you can see teleporting objects move, so I guess the teleporting objects bug can affect more than just objects.
1. Maybe add a setting in the Editor to switch between permanently deleting wlvs/dias/cuts or renaming to .bak when doing Delete+LMB.
2. An option to enable/disable the Zbot sound scheme for an adventure. (Placing a Zbot NPC in an adventure changes the starting and losing sounds.)
3. New adjuster for levelexits that could allow you to change the fade color. No idea how it could be used with command 7 though.
4. For Lamps, Fn ID could be used to set the amount of charges the Lamp starts with. 0 could be used to set it to the default 99 for compatibility. Maybe the same principle could also be applied to Data1 of command 111?
5. An "Are you sure?" message for using the Wipe button in the Editor.