You need version 10.3.1 (Can be downloaded here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27821) and replace the contents with these:
https://mega.nz/file/fgMGQJpJ#LnNb1Vrlw ... bnXND61gFQ
I recommend making a copy of the whole editor folder and install it there instead of your main one.
How to place reverse tentacles in your adventures:
You can find this new tentacle type inside Outdoor category and with the name TentacleReverse.
-The executable have been compiled by me. There are no viruses, but I'm not responsible if any damage is caused because them. (Just a disclaimer)
-Source code is available as well but not posted here. Feel free to pm me and I'll send you the files. I will also put them in the private repo of OpenWa in a separate branch for those who have access.
-Unlike regular tentacles, these tentacles cannot be flashed.
I have also made an adventure "Red Tentacles" which is included with the installation files.