The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 4/2/23)

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The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 4/2/23)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:20 pm

Many months ago, I created a custom Wonderland Adventures editor based on an old version of OpenWA. Despite originally designing it just for myself, other people found it useful as well. I continued to update it with everyone's feature requests and it grew into a much more powerful editor than it already was, with tons of useful features and much better quality-of-life than what any other editor has to offer. Since many people have gotten immense use out of my editor, I have decided to publicly release it on the forum.

The editor strives to achieve the following goals:
- Empowering creators with the latest vanilla-compatible technology (TrueMovement, Linked, etc).
- Maximizing productivity with convenient features that simplify otherwise mundane tasks.
- Retaining the classic editor UI to simplify the learning curve for veteran adventure creators.

Major notable features:
- All useful adjusters are available on all wops by default (no need for superadjustable wops anymore).
- Reduced adventure filesize by not saving adjuster names in the actual level files, since this is no longer necessary. (But keep this in mind if you intend to switch to a different editor later.)
- Adjust the simulation level to see a very close representation of how your level will look in-game.
- Ctrl-click to type in values for almost any adjuster in the editor, including the music ID.
- Mouse scroll wheel support throughout the editor, including value adjustment and camera zooming.
- Block mode works for placing objects and deleting objects.
- New brush modes, including flood fill which works with either tiles or objects.
- Stack infinite objects on the same tile and cycle through them by right-clicking repeatedly. Hold right-click to drag an object around.
- Make changes to objects in-place by using the Update button (or use its hotkey, R).
- Easily see where you've placed objects by showing their markers. This also shows which tiles contain multiple objects.
- Pressing enter while hovering your mouse over almost any object adjuster will cross out the adjuster. Any crossed-out adjusters will be assigned a random value when placing an object.

This is not even close to everything new that's been added. Check the changelogs below for a more exhaustive list.

For a list of hotkeys that can be used in the editor, refer to the file contained in the zip.

Latest download (4/2/23): ...

To use this editor, place the executable in your editor's root folder.
Last edited by MyNameIsKooky on Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:34 pm, edited 54 times in total.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:20 pm

new MNIKEditor build 04/02/23

- Hovering the mouse over AdventureStar's or CMD 8's Adventure ID adjuster now shows the name of the adventure if the editor is currently in hub-editing mode.
- Dialog editor text colors and effects are now automatically deleted if the text line becomes too short to contain them. This helps prevent some strange dialog issues in both the editor and the player.
- Transporter and Suctube Directions are now labeled as North/South/East/West.
- The !Retrozbot Data0 adjuster is now always labeled as Direction, since it is an attribute of the model itself. The same applies to !Suctube Data2.
- Data10 is now set to -1 by default on any wop. This should help prevent a lot of confusing unexpected behavior.
- Active Flipbridges are now properly rendered in the editor even for non-Flipbridge Types.
- Fixed a bug that caused some in-game memory issues (incorrect tile logics etc) in 1.wlv when using Test Level At Cursor.
- Fixed a bug that caused ActivationSpeed and ActivationType to be updated incorrectly when multiple objects are selected and those attributes differ amongst the objects.

new MNIKEditor build 03/08/23

- LevelTex and WaterTex now function the same as other adjusters in the sense that right-click now goes to the previous texture. Using the mouse scroll wheel also works. Custom LevelTex and WaterTex are now selected via ctrl+click.
- The useless DX and DY adjusters have been replaced by Z and Flying respectively. Z is similar to ZAdjust but it has some slight differences with some objects. It's an edge case you'll hardly need. The Flying attribute is still poorly understood by me, so its value labels are likely not fully accurate yet. It seems to relate to objects flying via spring.
- Fixed a bug that caused Linked indices to be calculated incorrectly in the presence of Flipbridges.
- When compiling or building a hub, the total adventure count is now shown alongside the other counts.
- Pressing T for Wysp Type now properly sets Data10 to -1.
- Brr float and rainbow float Data0 is now labeled as Deactivating, with some values labeled appropriately, including NotYet. This should help resolve some confusion about Brr floats apparently despawning on their own.
- Flipbridge Directions now have value labels.
- Fully deactivated rainbow coins now properly appear on simulation level 1.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when switching to the previous watertex while a custom watertex is active.
- Fixed an adventure select list bug that made it possible to select a nonexistent adventure by clicking past the bottom of the list.
- Fixed a bug that caused SucTube Type effective IDs to be incorrect when the ID attribute is not set to -1.
- The Flipbridge SubColour and Direction labels are now also bound to the model rather than just the Type.
- The SolidScenery Type has been renamed to Scenery to reflect how custom models are not solid by themselves.

new MNIKEditor build 01/16/23

- Show Logic now previews tile logics at around Xtrude=0 in addition to the regular Xtrude/height/etc.
- Pressing Ctrl+T when the test level brush is enabled will now revert it back to the normal brush.
- Fixed another MAV that occurred when setting certain models to Type 200.
- Fixed a bug that caused object attribute randomization to affect the test level brush.
- Compiling a hub that has a file-unfriendly description now aborts with an error rather than MAVing.
- Added more user-friendly detail to the hub builder's "unable to create directory" error.
- Stationary rubber ducks now simulate as facing the cursor.
- Labeled alt/reg/colbridge's Timer and TimerMax1 adjusters as StartDelay and TimerToggle respectively.

new MNIKEditor build 12/30/22

- In simulation level 4, if the wlv is dark enough to activate the player's GlowGem, a GlowGem light will be emitted from the cursor.
- The dialog editor now properly saves any answers that come after empty string answers.
- Baby Boomer SubType is now properly set when pressing T.
- Labeled all Baby Boomer SubTypes to match that of Wee Stinkers.
- Updated some Wee Stinker SubType labels.
- Fixed a bug that caused dragging objects or tiles to spam unsaved changes.
- Fixed a MAV that sometimes occurred when resizing very small wlvs.
- The laser gate color range is now clamped to 0-63 to help prevent in-game OpenWA MAVs.

new MNIKEditor build 12/29/22

- Particle graphics are now previewed when the mouse hovers over particle adjusters.
- Simulation Level 4 now previews sound effects for Blinkers and Sparks in their Sound adjuster.
- Added an AUTOFILL EVERY MISSING FIRST ANSWER button to the dialog editor which replaces all of a dialog's empty answer #0s with the specified text, and uses FNC 2 to lead to the next interchange if the next interchange exists, otherwise uses FNC 1 to lead to the current interchange.
- Removed the limiters on the Particle ID adjuster for fountains, environmental particle spawners, and NPC Exclamation. This makes it possible to utilize metaparticles. Try values of eight million and twelve million for the Particle ID!
- Reduced the editor's max particle cap from 11,500 to 10,000. Hopefully this fixes particle overflow MAVs on some computers.

new MNIKEditor build 12/28/22

- Added an ERASE button to the dialog editor which erases all text, answers, and effects on the current interchange.

new MNIKEditor build 12/27/22

- Fixed a crash that might occur on some machines when trying to preview a sound with an ID above 500.

new MNIKEditor build 12/26/22

- Fixed a crash that might occur on some machines when trying to preview a sound with a negative ID.

new MNIKEditor build 12/25/22

- Changing the sound ID of CMD 10 or CMD 11 now previews the sound effect in Simulation Level 4.
- Fixed a crash that occurred on some machines whenever resizing the level caused objects to get deleted.
- Fixed a bug that caused some objects to sometimes not get moved properly when decreasing the level size.

new MNIKEditor build 12/24/22

- Pressing , or . now switches between object adjuster pages.
- Pressing 1 or 2 now simulates left-clicking or right-clicking respectively. This is useful for poor unfortunate souls who are stuck with laptop track pads.

new MNIKEditor build 12/23/22

- Added two new brushes: Diagonal NE and Diagonal SE.
- Entire dialog interchanges (including their answers) can now be copied and pasted with the COPY and PASTE buttons in the dialog editor UI.
- Up to 100 different user-defined texture prefixes are now allowed. Switch between texture prefixes by clicking or scrolling the mouse. Set a texture prefix by ctrl+clicking.
- Texture prefixes are now saved in texture_prefixes.cfg for easy editing.
- Pressing Esc in the level editor or dialog editor now returns to the master.dat editor screen. If changes to the level or dialog have been made, the user is asked whether they want to save their changes.
- When exactly one object is selected, scrolling the mouse wheel over the object index will change which object is selected based on the index. Hold shift to scroll through object indices faster.
- Added new NPC Greeting sound: Victory.
- Changing the NPC Greeting now previews the sound effect in Simulation Level 4.
- The formerly hidden eighth line of each interchange is now visible and editable in the dialog editor.
- The formerly hidden ninth answer of each interchange is now visible and editable in the dialog editor.
- Spring Direction adjuster now shows direction names instead of just numbers.
- A warning now appears when instantiated objects such as accessories or shadows will cause the object limit to be surpassed in-game.
- Clicking the dialog editor's CLEAR button now requests confirmation.
- Fixed a vanilla editor bug that caused the secret eighth line of an interchange to contaminate other .dias.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using magic charger Types with MD2 models.
- Fixed a bug that caused setting an object's index to not count as an unsaved change.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom brushes to not work properly when the brush sample is larger than the level size.
- Fixed a bug that caused data to not be properly cleared when switching between hubs in the hub editor.
- The warning textbox for particle overflow has been slightly reformatted.

new MNIKEditor build 10/27/22

- The level editor camera's directional movement now works relative to its yaw. This also works with camera panning as well as the object camera. This makes it much easier to explore a scene from different angles.
- In the master.dat editor, the player's starting direction now has a tooltip showing their non-numeric direction (North, East, etc).
- Pressing Ctrl+S in the hub editor now saves the hub.
- Removed the limiters on the !Suctube and !SuctubeX Style adjuster. This makes it possible to get wacky metatextures on suctubes when using very big numbers. Try setting the Style value to eight million!
- Conveyors are now simulated. Finally.
- Returning to the previously-opened wlv is now mapped to Ctrl+Backspace instead of Ctrl+[.
- !CustomModels that cannot be located in the user's files no longer automatically get their TextData0 overwritten to be Default.
- The Adventures/Hubs button in the adventure select menu can now be right-clicked and scrolled.
- Fire trap TimerMax1 and TimerMax2 have been renamed to TimerOn and TimerOff respectively. Fire trap Timer has been renamed to StartDelay.
- FireFlower TimerMax1 has been renamed to TimerShoot. FireFlower Timer has been renamed to AttackDelay.
- Thwart Timer has been renamed to AttackDelay.
- Fixed a bug that caused the !Fence1 model to not load.
- Fixed a bug that caused hubs to not save when performing Save+Test on an adventure.
- Fixed a bug that caused Wysp textures to sometimes not be applied to the model properly.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to switch between Current, Archive, etc when trying to select a hub.
- Fixed a bug that caused dialog previews to not update when going from the level editor to the dialog editor and then back to the level editor without switching the previewed dialog.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a Kaboom texture outside the normal range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a Wraith color outside the normal range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a Scritter color outside the normal range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a WaterFall type outside the normal range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a Thwart color outside the normal range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a Wee Stinker texture outside the normal range.
- For non-Wee Stinker Types, the !StinkerWee texture is now properly rendered as always being asleep and not being affected by Data8. As such, the limiters on the texture Data adjuster now only apply to the Wee Stinker Type and not the Wee Stinker model.
- All objects with the Wee Stinker Type are now simulated with their proper textures.
- !Flipbridges that aren't of the Flipbridge Type are now correctly rendered to be in their inactive state rather than their active state.
- Your family is now protected against spacebar.

new MNIKEditor build 9/27/22

- The adventure select menu now has tooltips showing the title of each adventure when the mouse hovers over them.
- Compiled adventures, built hubs, and compiled hubs now count and display the total number of wlv files and dia files.
- The hub editor now lets you left-click while pressing X to have adventures not be included in the total wlv and dia counts when building or compiling. Adventures marked in this way will have orange names in the hub editor.
- RubberDucky Data1 has been renamed to TiltMagnitude and Data2 has been renamed to TimeOffset. Note that these two attributes will only be applied in-game if the RubberDucky has a nonzero TTC.
- Removed the Ctrl+O dialog opening hotkey inside the dialog editor in favor of having Ctrl+O be used for choosing the color orange.
- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to try to load the inflate and prism sounds from the old Sound directory.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom models to not load when changing an object's model to !CustomModel.

new MNIKEditor build 9/13/22

- Added simulation level 4, which plays the current wlv's music. This makes it easy to preview custom music.
- Added a new option to the SHOW LEVEL tool called TRANSPARENT LEVEL, which makes the level transparent.
- Removed the limiters on the Shape and Texture adjusters for !Obstacle51, !Obstacle55, and !Obstacle59. This essentially allows any !Obstacle model to have the texture of any other !Obstacle model.
- Ctrl+clicking in any mouse-based text fields (dialog editor, adventure title, or adventure description) will allow inserting an arbitrary string at the cursor's position while ignoring the maximum length of each line. This makes it easy to break the length limit of each line.
- The level editor camera's render distance has been increased from 50 to 1000. This matches the in-game render distance.
- The level editor's SAVE LEVEL button now gets increasingly enraged the longer you go without saving. At 20 edits, the button will turn a shade of yellow. At 40 edits, the button will begin shaking. At 100 edits, the button will flash red and shake violently.
- Scrolling the mouse wheel over the Model adjuster while an !Obstacle model name is in use will adjust the number at the end of the model name. Hold shift to adjust faster.
- CMD 6 Red/Green/Blue values now also show the corresponding ambient light value.
- CMD 4 ActivationType values are now properly labeled.
- If any objects exist in the level, reducing the level size while shift is held down will request confirmation.
- When ctrl+clicking the level size adjusters, leaving the field blank will now do nothing.
- The brush now exits Test Level At Cursor mode when the wlv changes.
- Fixed a dialog editor bug that caused clicking the answer field to clear all of the interchange's text colors and effects.
- Fixed a dialog editor bug that caused clearing all text colors and effects to not count as an unsaved change.
- Fixed a bug where pressing G to follow LevelExits would immediately follow LevelExits in the destination level if their object index is higher.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when trying to use an !Obstacle model that doesn't exist.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when trying to use an !Obstacle texture that doesn't exist.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when trying to use a Wysp texture that doesn't exist.
- The mystery lattice underneath the level has migrated further downwards. I refuse to elaborate further.
- The Stinker NPC Texture and Expression adjusters are now also present on the Stinker NPC Type rather than just the model. The Stinker NPC WalkAnim adjuster is now present on the Stinker NPC Type instead of the model.

new MNIKEditor build 9/3/22

- Add names, value labels, and colors for the remainder of the modded CMDs: 14, 15, 17, 18, 101, 118, 119, and 120.
- Brr float Data1, Data2, and Data3 are now named TimeOffset, PitchAnim, and RollAnim respectively.
- Rainbow float Data2 is now named ColorOffset and labeled appropriately.
- Keyblocks (Types 80-87) now have their Data values properly named and labeled as CMD values. Keyblock Type 87 will fire a CMD once after its Timer runs out. Keyblock Type 84 is extremely useful if you want to have a CMD fired every tick after its Timer runs out!
- Keyblock Types are now properly named to help show whether they affect tile logic or not, as well as whether they'll run their CMD once, constantly, or never.
- Beta pickup items and beta used items (Types 70 and 71) are now simulated.
- Beta pickup items now have their Data values properly named and labeled.
- Negative WTurb is now properly simulated as being flat.
- CMD 16 now has the proper value label when targeting the player.
- The music text in the GLOBALS section is now properly centered.

new MNIKEditor build 9/2/22

- Fixed a bug that caused ScaleAdjust to be applied incorrectly when selecting multiple objects with varying ScaleAdjust.
- ScaleAdjust can now be zero.
- HIDE OBJECTS is now marked in orange.

new MNIKEditor build 9/1/22

- Object selection boxes are now 50% transparent.
- Gem color randomization now has the default range of 0-6.
- Gem shape randomization now has the default range of 0-2.

new MNIKEditor build 8/31/22

- Hovering the mouse over an element of the master.dat editor's dialog column now shows a tooltip previewing the first two lines of the first interchange of that dialog.
- Optimized operations on large groups of tiles on simulation level 3.
- Ctrl+clicking the selected object's index in the OBJECTS menu now allows setting the object's index directly.
- Ctrl+clicking the Light text now allows setting every lighting value to the same given value.
- The hub editor can now add adventures from categories other than Current.
- The hub editor now marks missing adventures in red rather than automatically removing them from the hub.
- Right-clicking and middle-clicking adventure numbers in the hub editor now works the same as it does with wlvs and dias. In other words, adventures can be copied and swapped easily.
- The maximum number of hub adventures has been increased from 500 to 700.
- Pressing G to follow LevelExits will no longer immediately follow LevelExits in the destination level.
- Removed the limiters on Moobot's Turn adjuster. This makes it possible to get some pretty funky metatextures on Moobots, especially if you go up to 8 million or so.
- Moobot's Turn adjuster name is now also tied to the Moobot model instead of just the Moobot logic.
- The lack of in-game YawAdjust on the generalized !Pushbot model is now replicated in the editor.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to compile adventures that are not present in the Current folder.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred on some machines when placing one dialog style block prior to another block.

new MNIKEditor build 8/26/22

- Each object's Dialog adjuster now has a tooltip showing the first two lines of the first interchange of the chosen dialog.
- The dialog editor Destination Interchange adjusters now preview the first two lines of the destination interchange in the tooltip. This works with FNC 1 and 2 as well as the AskAbout Destination Interchange adjuster.
- CMDs 21-27 now have a tooltip on the Dialog No adjuster showing the first two lines of the first interchange of the chosen dialog.
- CMDs 21, 22, and 27 now have a tooltip on the Interchange adjuster showing the first two lines of the chosen interchange.
- CMDs 23-27 now have a tooltip on the AskAbout adjuster showing the chosen AskAbout's text.
- CMD 26's Value adjuster now labels the AskAbout Active values.
- Arcade cabinet Data0 has been renamed to Activates and lists all targeted IDs in order. The adjuster also now has the corresponding overlay text as well as a tooltip listing how many effective IDs in the level match each of the arcade cabinet's target IDs.
- Arcade cabinet SubType values are now displayed as either Available or Sold Out.
- Z-Bot NPC Data0 has been renamed to Exploding and its values have been labeled appropriately.
- Removed the limiters on the enemy NPC Shooter adjuster.
- Removed the limiters on the Z-Bot NPC's Turning adjuster.
- Removed the name and limiters on the Z-Bot NPC's IntroSound adjuster since it seems to do nothing.
- Fixed a bug that caused the target ID tooltip to sometimes show up on every CMD instead of only the relevant ones.
- Fixed a bug that caused bridges with IDs other than -1 to be listed with the wrong effective IDs.
- Fixed a simulation bug that caused Z-Bot NPCs to face the cursor even when their turn direction is fixed.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using the Z-Bot NPC model with a Data2 outside the 0-7 range. This is due to the Z-Bot NPC model actually using Data2 to index into a texture array.

new MNIKEditor build 8/1/22

- Right-click dragging while in tile mode will now move chunks of level with the brush, including the objects on each tile.
- Multiple objects can now be selected at once. Plain old right-clicking will work the same as usual, replacing the current selection.
- Ctrl+right clicking an object will add or remove it from the current selection.
- Shift+right clicking will select all objects inside the brush. This can be combined with ctrl to select multiple regions with the brush.
- Tilde+right clicking will select all objects that have the same Type and ModelName as the clicked object.
- Right-clicking in the various fill modes now selects all objects in the brush region.
- Right-clicking without selecting an object now deselects the current selection.
- Pressing the Delete key while hovering the mouse over the OBJECTS menu will delete all currently-selected objects.
- Right-click dragging moves all selected objects at once.
- Pressing Ctrl+C copies all selected objects to the brush.
- Selecting multiple objects will cause adjusters with differing values to enter relative mode. Object adjusters that display with += will make relative adjustments when the Update button is used. For a relative object adjuster, a display of ... will mean that no change shall be applied to that attribute. Ctrl+clicking a relative object adjuster will turn it into an absolute adjuster, setting that attribute to that exact value on all selected objects when the Update button is used.
- Switching between object presets no longer deselects the currently-selected objects. This makes it possible to easily change a selected object to a given object preset.
- Placing multiple objects at once now immediately selects all placed objects.
- Ctrl+left clicking will place an object and add it to the current selection.
- The controls for block mode have been changed to be based on pressing and releasing buttons. Pressing and releasing the left mouse button will place a block of objects or tiles. Pressing and releasing the right mouse button will select a block of objects. Pressing and releasing delete will delete a block of objects.
- When more than one object is currently selected, the number of currently-selected objects is now shown in place of the object index.
- Randomization now works when using the Update button.
- Ctrl-clicking TTC or OTC now lets you set the attribute to a specified integer.
- The Show Object Counts tool now renders its text with a preceding x.
- It is no longer possible to place or drag objects outside the coordinate range [0, 100] because that crashes the game in vanilla.
- The Linked and LinkBack overlay text now always remains on the screen, pointing towards the object if it's not too far off-screen.
- Object selection markers now have a new look meant to be less intrusive for when numerous objects are all selected at once.
- Fixed a bug that caused Ctrl+F to not toggle fill mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Scouge model to not be rendered properly in the editor.
- Fixed a bug that caused find and replace to not work on TextData0 and TextData1.
- The blue marker for spellball goal tiles is no longer shown when either of the (x,y) coordinates is -1.
- ButtonPush and Teleportable now display their integer values in addition to their text.

new MNIKEditor build 7/3/22

- Fixed a long-standing bug that caused wlvs saved by the MNIKEditor to not function properly in vanilla (non-solid Moobots, unreadable signs, etc). This was caused by OpenWA's widescreen spellcasting feature saving extra bytes at the end of the file, which confuses the vanilla player into changing the state of every tile in the level. Any wlvs saved with this version of the MNIKEditor onwards will become compatible with vanilla (assuming no OpenWA-exclusive gameplay elements are used). Levels that need to be fixed in this manner will be marked as having unsaved changes once they are opened.
- Pressing X or numpad 5 now only resets the camera's angle, whereas shift+X or shift+numpad 5 resets both the camera's angle and position.
- I and O are now alternatives to numpad / and * to adjust the level editor camera's yaw.
- ButtonPush and Teleportable randomization now show their random range. This is the result of an effort to reuse code across adjusters in preparation for a certain upcoming editor feature.

new MNIKEditor build 7/2/22

- Added Brush Wrap Random, which randomly samples a tile from the brush for every tile's worth of content placed. As usual, this works for both tiles and objects.
- Added Step Per Click, which increments values by their step size only when the mouse button enters its pressed state.
- The editor no longer sleeps (i.e. freezes) when pressing a mouse button to adjust a value or setting.
- Pressing X or numpad 5 now resets the level editor camera to its original position.
- Numpad / and *, which adjust the yaw of the camera, now rotate the camera about the world's axis rather than the camera's axis. This makes it feel much less awful.
- Holding shift can now be used to rotate the camera faster.
- Fixed a bug that caused ctrl+clicks to land on the wlv or dia columns when trying to ctrl+click the Compile+Exit button.
- Updated the OpenWA code for custom content packing. This seems to fix any issues with custom content packing that occurred in the previous editor version.
- The "Couldn't load texture" error no longer vanishes into oblivion after the first time it appears.

new MNIKEditor build 7/1/22

- Added a preview for the objects or tiles about to be placed by the brush. This also makes it easy to tell the difference between Brush Wrap Relative and Brush Wrap Modulus when using custom brushes.
- Custom brushes can now be used across brush modes, which means they can be used with block mode, fill mode, and so on. In other words, custom brushes are treated mostly the same way as a normal brush.
- Implemented OpenWA's custom content packing functionality that happens when ctrl+clicking the Compile+Exit button.
- Block mode's aesthetic now matches the other brush modes, particularly in the sense that it previews the tiles or objects being placed.
- Pressing F now flips the brush horizontally.
- Pressing V now rotates the brush 90 degrees. This feature is currently incomplete for custom brushes.
- Brush Wrap Relative is now centered on the brush cursor instead of the top-left of the brush.
- Object deletion now works properly with dupe mode.
- Level dimensions are now capped at 101 by 101 instead of 100 by 100. Thanks for the generosity, Blitz3d!
- Fixed some bugs that caused dupe mode brushes to be rendered incorrectly.
- Placement density is now mirrored properly in dupe mode.
- Potentially fixed a bug that caused the tile picker screen to appear completely black on some machines on some window resolutions.
- Added names for the ParticleSpawn SubTypes.
- The Sound adjuster now only appears on particle emitters of the Sparks or Blinker SubTypes.
- Added the player's Type to the default TrueMovement value retrieval.
- The !GloveTex texture is now properly previewed in the editor.
- Glove Discharge objects no longer appear as white squares.
- The vertex-coloring behavior of the glovecharge Type is now properly rendered.
- The level dimensions UI is now the same color as the rest of the GLOBALS section.
- Custom brushes are no longer purple since their functionality is otherwise identical to regular brushes now.
- Added the modded CMD 16 to the editor's knowledge.
- The transporter Turn adjuster now has proper labels for its OpenWA Turn settings.
- Acc2's Colour adjuster is now properly named Colour2.
- Any Stinker NPC textures that will MAV in-game will now be rendered in the editor as a solid purple.
- UFO and Zapbot Data8 has been renamed to LastShotTimer.
- Zipbot and Zapbot Data9 has been renamed to TrackTextureID. A value of -1 is labeled as Current.
- The adjuster limiters for Track have been removed. This is useful for modelswaps.
- The adjuster limiters for directions have been removed for UFO, Retro Z-Bot, Zipbot, Zapbot, and Scouge. This is useful for modelswaps.
- The adjuster limiters for Data2 have been removed for Zapbot and Zipbot. This means Zapbot speed can now be set above 3 without TrueMovement.
- Removed the spell color adjuster limiters on magic shooters.
- Removed the Data0 adjuster limiters on the Crystal model.
- The Moobot directions are now properly labeled as North/East/South/West.

new MNIKEditor build 6/24/22

- General commands now display their command number on the object itself. They are color-coded based on the command type.
- Wraith's default TrueMovement values can now be set with the T key.
- After selecting an adventure on the adventure select screen, the next menu now requires you to release your mouse on the same button you press it on. This means we should all end up accidentally triggering Move to Archive less often now. (It's not just me, right??)
- AutoDoor ActivateID 0 is now labeled as Creatures.
- Fixed a bug that caused fill mode brushes to be able to partially take effect outside of the level boundaries. This may have also fixed a related MAV.
- Fixed a new bug that caused LevelExits' PlayerYaw label to revert to Data4.
- Fixed an ancient bug that caused the master.dat editor to open the wrong file when moving the mouse away from where it was pressed during the loading time. Triggering the bottom buttons during this time period is now prevented as well.
- Fixed an ancient bug that caused the level width and height value display to become off-center when it hits the single or triple digits.
- Fixed a bug that caused mouse text entry's horizontal position to be slightly incorrect.

new MNIKEditor build 6/23/22

- The objects with the index matching the current object's Linked or LinkBack value are now marked with a red number.
- The camera's position is now saved when using Test Level At Cursor. The camera's position is restored once the editor is reopened.
- Fixed a new bug that caused Linked to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that caused multiple overlay texts to be drawn on top of each other for the same object, for instance when both the yellow ID text and Show Indices are active.
- All object overlay text is now properly outlined.
- Show Indices now precedes every number with a hash symbol to clarify that these values are distinct from IDs.

new MNIKEditor build 6/22/22

- Added a settings menu that can be accessed from the adventure select menu. The rendering resolution of the editor can be set there, meaning it no longer automatically matches what's set in the player.
- Right-clicking the ID filter now inverts the filter, meaning that objects which would have been hidden will instead be shown and vice versa.
- Shift+scroll and ctrl+scroll while hovering the mouse over the level editor camera now adjusts the width and height of the brush respectively. Both keys can be held at the same time to adjust both the width and the height of the brush at once.
- Added two new adventure folder views in addition to Current and Archive: Player and Data/Adventures. The Player folder will let you easily copy adventures made by other people.
- New adventure filenames will now be checked against what's already in the player or Data/Adventures to verify no duplicates are created.
- The editor can now load adventures that have hashes in the folder name.
- Compiling adventures that have the author's name before the hash will now preserve the author.
- Added access to 21 new walking animations for Stinker NPCs by removing the adjuster limiters on WalkAnim.
- The level editor camera is now less zoomed-in by default on larger window resolutions.
- "<< Height >>" has been changed to "^^ Height vv" so that it is easier to identify the direction of expansion and contraction.
- Cuboid destruction CMDs now show target ID tooltips and overlay text.
- The blue pillar now appears for a spellball's GoalX,GoalY, and it can also be set by middle-clicking. This position will also be preserved upon resizing the level.
- Added a bit more detail to OTC tooltips.
- All object adjusters for integers and floats can now be randomized. New randomization additions include Linked, LinkBack, DestructionType, Frozen, DX, DY, Caged, and Indigo.
- Added labels for the SpdAnm Stinker NPC Turn adjuster values, which only affect Dance and PanicConstant by making the animation twice as fast.
- Fixed a bug that caused the lower bound of random ranges to not have the correct mouse position for adjustment in widescreen editors.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the tile picker to stay open when switching to object-editing mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused object overlay text (object IDs etc) to appear over the texture picker.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when trying to scroll through the adventure select menu while it isn't longer than a page.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulated gold stars to emit particles while not fully active.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulated alternating bridges to not come up high enough on simulation level 1.
- Fixed a few other small inaccuracies in object simulation.
- Fixed a bug that made a value of -1 accessible on Stinker NPC and Kaboom NPC Turn adjusters.
- The Stinker NPC Hat and Acc adjusters have been renamed to Acc1 and Acc2 respectively, and their Colour adjusters have been renamed to Colour1 and Colour2.
- Magic charger Data4 is now labeled as Homing for the sake of the OpenWA folks.
- The mouse-based texture picker no longer allows you to pick textures that are out-of-bounds.
- The level can no longer be seen behind the texture picker in larger resolutions.
- The camera can no longer be moved while the texture picker is open.
- Removed the extra = characters that are visible in hub editing mode on widescreen.
- Removed the limiters on Thwart and Ice Troll WalkAnim, not that it does anything interesting.

new MNIKEditor build 6/16/22

- The editor's window dimensions will now match the dimensions configured for the player executable. This includes widescreen support. You should now be able to have much more space in the level editor for viewing the actual level.
- For new interchanges in the dialog editor, their answers will now end the dialog returning to the current interchange by default (i.e. FNC 1).
- Added tooltips for the AskAbout adjusters in the dialog editor.
- Added some sensible default randomization ranges for Stinker NPC Data values, most notably their hat and glasses. Now you can place unimportant NPCs without angsting over what they should wear!
- Object adjuster randomization ranges now return to their default values every time an adjuster's randomization is turned off or on.
- Mothership destruction particles are now simulated.
- Mothership Data0 (TimerMax) has been renamed to SpawnTimer. The value of 0 has been labeled as "No Spawns". Mothership SubType has been renamed to AudioTimeOffset. Mothership Status values now have proper labels.
- Glovecharge Data1 has been renamed to Usability. Glovecharge Data9 has been renamed to ReadyForSound. Glovecharge SubTypes are now labeled as Regular, Faint, and OneByOne.
- Brush dimensions have been capped at 100 x 100.
- Centered the TTC and OTC tooltips a bit better.
- Added a stupid hack to prevent MAVs from too many vertices at immense brush sizes. The hack is to simply not render additional brush vertices after a certain number of them are present. It's meant to be a temporary solution but I might also just keep this forever. That's the nature of software engineering.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulated player-facing objects to face northwest instead of south when the cursor is not present in the level.
- Mouse wheel scrolling can now be performed on the screen for choosing a new adventure to put in a hub.
- You can now actually edit the Data4 of the OpenWA shard and glyph commands.

new MNIKEditor build 6/15/22

- Custom brushes can now be resized without losing the custom brush. This makes it very easy to expand small copied regions into very large regions of the same pattern.
- Added a new toolbar setting called brush wrap which affects custom brush mode. Brush wrap relative is the brush setting you're used to. Brush wrap modulus makes the tiles or objects grabbed in your custom brush wrap around the edge of the brush based on the brush's position. This make it possible to easily do tilings such as checkerboards.
- Objects can now be placed outside of the level boundaries. This is useful for placing distant scenery objects or for teleporting other objects into the scene with CMD 42. Objects also no longer get deleted if they're outside the level during a resize. The brush now renders outside of the level boundaries.
- Switching between dupe modes now causes the brush to switch into set axis mode, which lets you click a tile to set the mirror axis there.
- Resizing the level now moves all objects' adjuster-based positions along with the resizing. This affects NPC move commands, general commands with CMD 7/11/41/42/61, LevelExits in this level that lead to this level, the MoveXGoal/MoveYGoal adjusters, magic/meteor shooters, cuboid CMDs, and motherships.
- Tweaked the Resize Current/Duplicate tooltip text so that the current Resize Current/Duplicate status is on the right side of the tooltip, where the actual level dimensions are.

new MNIKEditor build 6/13/22

- When a button, general command, or NPC modifier is selected, all objects that have an effective ID matching the targeted ID(s) will be marked in the level with their effective ID written in yellow text. Additionally, any objects that match the ActivateID(s) will have their effective ID written in blue text (assuming they're not already a targeted ID). This also works for Autodoors, which can have up to three ActivateIDs.
- Hovering the mouse over an ID adjuster now shows the effective ID of the object as well as the number of objects in the level that have this effective ID. Additionally, hovering the mouse over an ActivateID adjuster shows how many objects have that effective ID.
- Color adjusters now have tooltips explaining which effective ID they will target along with how many objects in the level match this effective ID. General commands that target specific IDs will also have these tooltips. Same for NPC modifiers.
- Level width and height can now be adjusted in increments of 10 by shift-clicking.
- In the dialog editor, dialogs can now be navigated sequentially with Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown.
- Dialogs can now be opened directly with Ctrl+O while in the dialog editor or while hovering the mouse over the dialogs column in the master.dat editor.
- The dialog editor now asks for confirmation if the user tries to exit an edited dialog without saving.
- Leaving the wlv number or dia number blank during the "Which file do you want to open?" prompt now cancels the operation.
- The WASD keys used for controlling the camera in the level editor can now be remapped. To configure these controls, click the (Controls) widget in the top-right of the adventure select menu. The key mappings are stored in UserData/editorcontrols.wdf. When opening the editor, the file will be created if it does not exist.
- The Ctrl+T hotkey now automatically updates the selected object before saving.
- CMD 64 has been renamed from NPC Exclamation to Exclamation because it can affect any object. For both CMD 64 and the NPC Exclamation object, Data1 has been renamed to Target ID and Data2 has been renamed to Particle ID and Data3 has been renamed to Count. Additionally, when the Target ID is -1, it is now properly labeled as Pla since that targets the player.
- The adjuster labels and value names on CMD 62 and CMD 63 now match what's on the NPC Modifier objects.
- CMD 4 Data4 has been labeled as "Level?". A value of 0 is labeled as "Current" and any nonzero value is labeled as "MAV?".
- CMD 65 now properly labels the player expressions.
- Autodoor ActivateType adjusters now display the name of the object Type.
- Voids are now simulated.
- Void Data0 has been labeled as TimeOffset and Data2 has been labeled as SizeAdjust.
- The Burstflower attack timer is now simulated.
- Burstflower Data0 has been labeled as TimeOffset and Data1 has been labeled as BurstProgress.
- The editor can now automatically detect and open WA3 Beta1 levels.
- The mouse scroll wheel now works for navigating the hub editor adventure list.
- For Stinker NPCs and NPC Modifiers, the Anim adjuster has been renamed to IdleAnim. Some idle animation labels were shorted by one character (always a space or a slash) to allow for this.
- Thwart and Ice Troll's Anim adjuster has been renamed to WalkAnim.
- For the regular Dialog adjuster on objects, 0 is now displayed as None.
- For the regular Exclamation adjuster on objects, -1 is now displayed as None.
- The color of accessory ID 0 or less is now displayed as None.
- The Step Per setting has been moved downwards to make room for a certain upcoming new feature that will be more important.
- Made the Resize Current/Duplicate tooltip a bit clearer.
- Fixed a bug that caused the adventure starting coordinates to remain at -100,-50 after using Test Level at Cursor.
- Fixed a bug that caused some brush modes to not remove their highlighting properly when switching directly between levels.
- Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to remain hidden when using Ctrl+O to open a level right after typing in the master.dat editor.
- Fixed an oversight that caused the dialog editor cursor to be moved by pressing enter to complete an input prompt.
- Fixed a bug that caused changing the simulation level to count as an unsaved change.
Last edited by MyNameIsKooky on Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:34 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:20 pm

Reserved for more changelogs. Until NOW!!!

new MNIKEditor build 6/12/22

- Added two new brush modes: row and column.
- Even-numbered brush sizes are now allowed.
- Brush size is now adjusted in increments of 1 instead of 2 (or 10 instead of 20 when adjusting quickly).
- Pressing tab now switches between object mode and tile mode.
- Pressing Ctrl+T now saves the level and activates the "Test Level At Cursor" brush mode.
- Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown have been switched to be more consistent with other applications. This means Ctrl+PageDown increases the wlv number and Ctrl+PageUp decreases the wlv number.
- Tile placement with step size now works with holding the left mouse button down.
- The brush modes for fill, outline, and inline now mark the regions they will fill ahead of time before the placement is made.
- Step size now works with fill mode, outline mode, and inline mode.
- Added a Step Per setting to the toolbar, which determines when a tile attribute gets changed by the step size.
- The current tile textures can now be adjusted by scrolling the mouse wheel.
- Ctrl+Click can now be used to type tile texture IDs. If you enter very large numbers, you will get bizarre metatextures.
- Added tooltips that show the IDs of the current tile textures when hovering over them with the mouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused some objects to flicker when an object-related change occurred while the simulation level was nonzero. This issue was especially prominent with busterflies.
- Clicking the word OBJECTS on the objects menu now switches to object mode. Clicking the word TILES on the tiles menu now switches to tile mode.
- CMD 12 now has better adjuster labels: TargetVolume, MaxVolumeStep, TargetPitch, and MaxPitchStep. Additionally, the CMD 12 adjusters now show their units: volume is in percents and pitch is in kHz.
- For CMD 21, an Interchange value of -1 is now displayed as "Current".
- "Test Level At Brush" has been renamed to "Test Level At Cursor".
- Text saying "Click Tile To Test" now appears when "Test Level At Cursor" is clicked.
- Fixed an issue where holding the left mouse button down in tile mode with a low placement density would cause the entire brush region to fill up very quickly. Now the placement only occurs once until either the mouse button is pressed again or the cursor's position changes.
- Holding down the left mouse button now works with fill mode, outline mode, and inline mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused outline brush modes to place multiple copies of objects in some locations.
- The individual tile squares of large brushes now properly land on top of each different tile height.
- The brush now always shows squares at height zero in addition to squares at the tile heights. This makes it easier to see what you're doing when working with extreme Xtrudes or Heights.
- The brush cursor pillar no longer gets ridiculously stretched at different brush sizes.
- If "Test Level At Cursor" is used in a wlv without a corresponding file (usually brand new unedited wlvs), the wlv will be saved before testing. This prevents self-inflicted MAVs for any editor user who's trigger happy with the "Test Level At Cursor" feature.
- Fixed a bug that caused Flip XY to not flip the whole level correctly.
- Fixed the janky wlv number display in the level editor that occurred with negative numbers and numbers larger than 99. Also fixed similar janky dia number display in the dialog editor.
- Fixed some possible edge cases that could occur relating to Test Level At Cursor if someone has multiple editors running at once.
- The editor window now turns black when the editor is closing to enter test mode.
- Removed fullscreen mode due to all the problems it has caused people.
- All non-normal and non-custom brushes are now rendered as 1x1 brushes regardless of the configured brush size.

new MNIKEditor build 6/11/22

- "Save and Exit" has been replaced with "Save Level", which simply saves the wlv without exiting. If there are no unsaved changes to the wlv, "Save Level" will be replaced by "Test Level At Brush". Clicking this button will turn your brush rainbow, at which point clicking any level tile will open the playable game and spawn the player there. This should make it much less necessary to have temporary LevelExits for testing.
- Ctrl+S is now a shortcut for saving the current wlv, current dia, or master.dat.
- "Cancel and Exit" has been replaced with "Exit". It asks for confirmation if you try to exit a level with unsaved changes.
- Pressing Ctrl+O in the level editor or master editor will now let you type in a wlv number to open.
- Pressing Ctrl+[ in the level editor will now open the previous wlv that was opened. This can be done numerous times in a row to retrace your steps, perhaps after having followed LevelExits by pressing G. The last 100 opened wlvs are tracked.
- In the level editor, Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown now proceed to the next numbered and previous numbered wlv respectively. This makes it easy to quickly tab through wlvs if you're looking for a specific one.
- For button color adjusters, colors will now all change to match Color1 if it's Color1 that's changed AND all the other color values are already equal to Color1. This means only one adjuster needs to be used to change all four colors on single-color buttons. The same behavior has also been added to work with button subcolors.
- Brush width and height can now be adjusted individually. Both the width and height will be adjusted at the same time unless the mouse is specifically hovering over the width or the height.
- Stinker NPCs, Kaboom NPCs, Z-Bot NPCs, Thwarts, Ice Trolls, Chompers, Scritters, Crabs, Ghosts, Wraiths, Wee Stinkers, and FireFlowers that face the player will now be simulated as facing the brush cursor.
- NPCs that react when the player gets close will now react when the brush cursor gets close, including animation changes and exclamations. This means that NPC exclamations are now simulated.
- FireFlowers now simulate their animations and their attack timing.
- Wraiths are now simulated. They will show off their attack timing if the brush cursor is close enough, and their changing visibility will be simulated at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Thwart and Ice Troll attack animations are now simulated as an indication of their attack timing.
- Hovering the mouse over the current object index (or the ADJUSTMENTS text in general) will now show a tooltip displaying the current total number of objects in the wlv.
- Hovering the mouse over the Type adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that Type. Hovering the mouse over the SubType adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that object logic (i.e. the Type and SubType combination). Hovering the mouse over the Model adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that model name. Hovering the mouse over the Texture adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that texture name.
- The functionality of Resize Current and Resize Duplicate has been collapsed into a tooltip that appears when hovering the mouse above the level size adjustment options. The resize modes can be switched between by rolling the mouse wheel while the tooltip is visible.
- Wipe and Flip have been merged into the Wipe/Flip button.
- Changed the positioning of many items on the toolbar so that it's better organized.
- This editor can now open MOFI wlvs without any hex-editing.
- Traveling through level transitions with the G key now checks if there are any unpushed updates to the currently-grabbed object.
- The different Wee Stinker SubTypes are now simulated including their animations.
- Ghosts are now simulated. Their changing visibility will be simulated at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Crab animations are now properly simulated.
- Z-Bot NPCs are now simulated.
- The 0/1 values for the ButtonPush, Teleportable, and Track adjusters are now displayed as No/Yes.
- Changes in the level editor's GLOBALS section are now properly detected as unsaved changes.
- Fixed an oversight that caused custom brush mode to be activated by rejecting the "Do you want to save?" prompt.
- Fixed an oversight that caused custom brush mode to be activated after the texture prefix prompt.
- Fixed a vanilla bug that caused UFO's Data4 value to not be labeled as Track.
- Fixed an inaccuracy in the simulated rotation of the Crab and Ice Troll models.
- Fixed inaccuracies in the rotation and scale of the Z-Bot NPC model.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ctrl+click functionality for the wlv and dia columns in the master editor to not require clicking the mouse.
- The hotkeys for toggling the outline hard and outline soft brush modes have been set to Ctrl+K and Ctrl+J respectively. This was changed because Ctrl+O has become used in the level editor.
- Removed the annoying "Flipped" text that appears when you flip the level.
- Properly centered the Tex Prefix text on the toolbar, as well as the text for ID filter and placement density.
- Thwarts no longer animate outside their object logic, which reflects their in-game behavior.
- Wee Stinker Data6 now has the label Burning. Burning particles are now simulated for Wee Stinkers.
- Wee Stinker SubType value names are now properly labeled.
- Wraith Data8 now has the label of "TimeOffset". Wraith and Ghost Data9 now has the label of "Visibility". Wraith and Ghost Status now has the values of "Hidden", "Attacking", and "Watching".
- FireFlower Data2 now has the label of "State" and Data4 now has the label of "PreviousHP".
- Crab's Data1 and SubType adjuster text now appears on any object that uses the !Crab model.
- Attached the SubType adjuster limiters of custom items, Crabs, and FireFlowers to their Types rather than their model names.
- Attached the Data4 adjuster text of Zapbots to their Type rather than their model name.
- Added !Cylinder to the registered models list.
- The camera is now centered better when following LevelExits.
- The current editor version is now displayed in the app title.
- Block mode's block color now matches block mode's brush color.
- Documented the Ctrl+T hotkey for immediately saving and testing from the master.dat editor. This was an OpenWA hotkey I did not know about.

new MNIKEditor build 5/31/22

- Pressing G when hovering the cursor over a LevelExit now follows that LevelExit to its destination. A yellow marker will briefly appear at the destination coordinates when the destination level loads. This also works with general commands and cuboids.
- Added a new brush mode called inline mode. This brush mode places tiles or objects on the inside border of the selected tile region. Pressing Delete will also delete objects in this manner. There are actually two different inline modes: inline soft (doesn't fill outer corners) and inline hard (fills outer corners). Their hotkeys are Ctrl+U and Ctrl+I respectively. Inline soft has an orange cursor and inline hard has a red cursor.
- Added two more new brush modes, outline soft mode and outline hard mode, which have the hotkeys of Ctrl+P and Ctrl+O respectively. Their cursors are each a shade of indigo. Any tile regions clicked inside will become outlined with either new tiles or new objects.
- All different brush modes have been condensed into the same setting which can be clicked or scrolled through. Press Ctrl+N at any time to return to normal brush mode.
- Added dupe modes which essentially duplicate any objects or tiles placed in a mirrored fashion. They can be accessed via a new toolbar setting. This is useful if you want to build levels that have a symmetrical layout.
- Fill density has been replaced by placement density. Placement density is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines how often the placement of a single object or tile is allowed based on random chance. For instance, a placement density of 0.25 means that any tile or object placements will be allowed about 25% of the time. This applies to every mode rather than just fill mode. It is very useful when using block mode, fill mode, inline mode, or large brushes. The placement density can be seen on the toolbar and it can be adjusted in any of the usual manners: clicking, mouse wheel scrolling, or ctrl+clicking to type in an exact value.
- In order to make room for placement density, the functionality of the Xtrude Logics button has been collapsed into the Elevate function, which is what it's meant to be used with anyway.
- Pressing Ctrl+Enter while hovering the mouse over a numeric tile adjuster will set a step size for that adjuster. This will modify the value by that amount every time the left mouse button is pressed to place some tiles. To disable the step size, press Ctrl+Enter while hovering the mouse over that adjuster.
- Added tooltips to the Stinker NPC accessory model and texture adjusters that show their filenames. This makes it easy to find the files for existing accessories as well as determining filenames for new custom accessories.
- Added tooltips for the Water Flow Speed, Water Transparency, Water Glow, and Level Edge Style adjusters in the GLOBALS section of the level editor.
- Added tooltips that provide extra detail when hovering the mouse over the hub CMDs.
- Added two new buttons to the master editor screen. "Set To LostExt" will set the WonExit destination equal to the LostExit destination. "Set To WonExit" will set the LostExt destination equal to the WonExit destination.
- Pressing shift+enter while hovering over an unused tile attribute will now mark all tile attributes as used.
- CMD 11's sound position now has the blue pillar marker and can also have the sound position set by middle-clicking.
- During the prompt that appears when you try to save and exit a level with unpushed changes to an object, typing R will now update the object and save and exit. Typing E will save and exit without updating the object.
- The level editor camera now always starts in the center of the level when opening a level from the master editor screen. No more being stuck out in the middle of nowhere when going to a 10x10 level after editing the bottom-right of a 40x40 level.
- The application now informs you whether it's detecting a shift or ctrl key as still being pressed when the application regains focus.
- Decoupled many object logic-based adjusters from model-based limiters. This makes model swaps even more powerful.
- Holding shift now changes the brush size faster.
- Stinker NPC accessory IDs wrap around to 0 every 1000 accessories. This behavior is now properly displayed in the editor.
- Stinker NPC hat and glasses color adjusters now both display the appropriate color names for accessories outside of their vanilla range. They also clearly indicate when an accessory color is not vanilla. Additionally, the color index is now shown next to the color name.
- The Stinker NPC glasses color adjuster now gets turned back to 1 every time its accessory ID is changed. This already happened with hat colors, but not accessory colors. This issue is why people used to have so many problems with glasses colors not existing. Unfortunately, this bugfix was 15 years too late.
- The alternate Wee Stinker textures are now rendered in the editor.
- The idle animations for Thwarts and Ice Trolls are now rendered in the editor.
- Fixed an issue with fill/placement density in fill mode tile mode, where the placement would occur multiple times in a row while holding down the mouse button.
- Fixed a bug that caused colorful Thwarts to not use their proper texture when loading a level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ActivateID adjuster to not skip over -1 like it should.
- Adventure star Data0 has been renamed to Adventure ID.
- Tooltip text now has some horizontal padding.

new MNIKEditor build 5/29/22

- Holding right click and dragging will now move the grabbed object with the cursor.
- Middle-clicking will immediately generate adjuster settings for a LevelExit leading to the current level at the cursor's current coordinates. It will also automatically attempt to infer the player's facing direction based on whether it finds an existing LevelExit on an adjacent tile. If a LevelExit wop is already in use, only the relevant adjuster settings will be changed. The only times a LevelExit will not be generated is when the current object is a magic shooter, meteor shooter, or an object that performs either CMD 7 or CMD 61 (including the NPC move command). In these cases, middle-clicking will simply set the destination of the current object. This makes it easy to do things like chain together a long series of movement commands.
- Any x/y adjusters on the current object will now show blue pillar markers on each tile they target. This includes motherships, spellball shooters, meteor shooters, certain CMDs, and LevelExits that target the current wlv.
- If a pathfinding MovementType is being used OR MoveXGoal or MoveYGoal are nonzero, a red pillar marker will appear at the coordinates MoveXGoal,MoveYGoal.
- Added tooltips to the dialog editor which give information on the currently-selected FNC as well as the CMD and its Data values when hovered over with the mouse.
- The TTC and OTC adjusters now have tooltips giving information on each bit when hovered over with the mouse.
- The TTC and OTC adjusters can now be modified by clicking the bits directly.
- Pressing T now gives the current object its default in-game TrueMovement values (TTC, OTC, MovementType, and MovementSpeed) based on its Type, SubType, and sometimes some Data values. This makes it very easy to do various small changes that previously required a lot of manual work setting the TTC and OTC. For instance, you can easily define different MovementSpeeds on objects that formerly did not allow that value to be adjusted without making advanced manual adjustments to TrueMovement. Objects like hyperspeed turtles, hyperspeed MooBots, and hyperspeed Wee Stinkers can be constructed with minimal effort. You can also modify the MovementTypes of these objects easily so that you can have stuff like Wee Stinkers that sleepwalk away from you until you wake them up.
- CMD 10 and 11 adjusters now name each sound effect.
- CMD 12 adjusters now display "No Change" for 0 volume and 0 pitch, and "Instant" for 0 volume step and 0 pitch step.
- CMD 13 adjusters now name each weather.
- Added a Show Counts option to the Show Objects tool that displays the number of objects on each tile.
- Simulation level 1 now shows animations for Chompers, crabs, tentacles, and Busterflies. Tentacle animations no longer run on simulation level 0.
- Stinker NPCs and Kaboom NPCs are now simulated including their animations.
- Stinker NPC accessories are now properly attached to the Stinker NPC's body, even at bizarre rotations.
- Kaboom NPCs now show their textures in the editor.
- Cuboid destruction CMD adjusters now show as much information as adjustable CMDs elsewhere.
- The Object selector can now be ctrl-clicked to do a search for an object name in all categories.
- A failed object category search no longer resets the current object adjusters.
- The search feature has been made smarter so that it works with any substring rather than only those at the beginning.
- The MOFI Magic Mirror is now simulated. Magic Mirror modelswaps can be used to put the Magic Mirror's scrolling textures on any model.
- Renamed the Magic Mirror "SubType" adjuster to "Glyph".
- Middle-clicking a wlv or dia number will mark the wlv or dia for swapping. Middle-click the same wlv or dia again to cancel the swap, or left-click a different wlv or dia to swap with that wlv or dia. Swapping with nonexistent wlvs or dias is allowed.
- Object adjusters now have text depending on the object Type rather than just the object model for the following Types: motherships, rubber ducks, buttons, transporters, bridges, Spikeyballs, Chompers, Fireflowers, turtles, zipbots, zapbots, Scouges, UFOs, retro Z-Bots, GrowFlowers, and CustomModels. This makes working with modelswaps quite a bit easier.
- Pressing enter to finish confirmation prompts can no longer trigger custom brush mode.
- Custom brush mode can no longer be activated in object mode while hovering over a region that has no objects.
- The effective IDs of Moobots are now properly calculated.
- Spellballs placed directly in the level are now simulated.
- Spellballs that use the !None model are now colored according to their magic.
- Meteorites placed directly in the level are now simulated.
- The Busterfly mesh is now rendered the way it would be in-game.
- Busterflies, glowworms, and zippers are now simulated.
- Chomper special effects (particularly ghost transparency and glow-in-the-dark) are now simulated.
- The meteor shooter now has proper adjuster names. Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3 have been renamed to StartZ, TargetX, TargetY, and TargetZ respectively.
- Spellball's SubType adjuster is now the Spell adjuster and properly shows what magic it is. Spellball's Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, and Data8 have been renamed to GoalX, GoalY, SourceX, SourceY, and FromZapbot respectively. Spellball's Status has been renamed to FromPlayer.
- !Sign's Data0 adjuster is now named Shape and is now clamped to the 0-5 range.
- Sun Sphere 1's Data0, Data1, Data2, Data7, and Data9 are now named Red, Green, Blue, TimeOffset, and Empty respectively.
- Thwarts, Ice Trolls, and Z-Bot NPCs now have their Data7 renamed from the potentially misleading TimerMax1 to AttackTimer.
- The crab SubType adjuster has been renamed from Type to Color.
- !IceBlock's Data3 is now named "Style".
- Added Turret magic and "no charge" magic to the list of magic names and colors.
- Fixed a bug that caused the object counts on each tile to become incorrect upon resizing the level.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when adjusting a sign's Data0 out of the 0-5 range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when adjusting a sign's Texture out of the 0-5 range. This MAV was only possible with modelswaps.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Turning" and "Yes/No" strings on Wysp's ship adjusters to be in the other string's position.
- Fixed a scaling inaccuracy in the simulation of signs' Bounce animation.
- Fixed an ancient vanilla bug that caused cottage and dungeon doors to be offset incorrectly when copied and pasted.
- It is now less annoying to grab cottage doors and dungeon doors.

new MNIKEditor build 5/19/22

- LevelExit's PlayerStartingYaw adjuster now displays what direction (North/South/East/West/etc) the player will be facing. This is also done for General Commands that use CMD 7.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the MovementType adjuster, including the relevant adjusters on CMD 51/52.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the Type adjuster, including the relevant adjuster on CMD 4.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the Int adjuster of CMD 4.
- Added the names for specific buttons to the SubType adjuster.

new MNIKEditor build 5/18/22

- From now on, MNIKEditor releases will include a that contains a hotkey reference.
- The adjuster limits on Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been removed, meaning arbitrary custom Stinker NPC hats/accessories can now be selected by going outside the vanilla range. Any hats/accessories that do not seem to exist will be rendered as a large (usually purple) sphere in the editor. This makes it possible to easily use custom accessories without any special wop files.
- The adjuster limits on the colors of Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been removed. This means that hats and accessories can use custom-made textures that exist outside of the vanilla range. Nonexistent textures will be rendered as a flat purple color.
- The adjusters for Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been enhanced to show the numerical ID of each hat/accessory. This makes it easier to find the corresponding files for a given hat/accessory for the sake of creating new custom assets.
- The adjusters for Stinker NPC hats and glasses now show the same accessory names. It is now easy to create Stinker NPCs that have either two pairs of glasses or two hats. In terms of Data values, hats start at 1 and glasses start at 101.
- Hovering the mouse over LevelTex or WaterTex will now show the name of the texture being used.
- Pressing F6 in the level editor now toggles orthographic projection mode. In this mode, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom in and out.
- In the ADJUSTMENTS menu, the text of the "More" button has been replaced with the current adjuster page number.
- Adapted much of the code donated by KyuuGryphon that gives helpful adjuster names when working with General Commands. Huge thanks to him for doing this work!
- Moved some object adjusters around so that Data0-Data8 are all on the same page. X/Y/ZAdjust, Yaw/Roll/PitchAdjust, and X/Y/ZScale are all together on their own same page too.
- For the sake of being able to load more adventures that use OpenWA features, this editor no longer MAVs from gems/shards of colors outside the 0-8 range as well as bridges of colors outside the 8-11 range. The limiters on these adjusters have been removed accordingly, but keep in mind that using these objects with such colors is not vanilla-compatible! The objects' models will be rendered with a purple color to show that they are incompatible with vanilla.
- In the master.dat editor, right-clicking a dia number will copy the dia. Right-click the same dia again to cancel the copy, or left-click a nonexistent dia to copy to that dia. The same functionality already existed for wlvs but has been extended to dias.
- The page up and page down keys can now be used to scroll through the adventure select menu, as well as the wlv and dia selection menus.
- Potentially fixed a MAV that occurred when the number of particles hit the particle limit. This fix is done by capping the number of particles that can be created. A warning message will also appear telling you that this wlv is likely to MAV in-game.
- Fixed a bug that caused gems to not be hidden when object simulation is on and object visibility is off.
- In light of a recent discovery, Logic 08 has been renamed to Cage.
- Pressing Ctrl+B now toggles block mode.
- Pressing Ctrl+F now toggles fill mode.

new MNIKEditor build 3/23/22

- You can now press shift+enter to mark all tile attributes as unused except for the one being hovered over.
- Fill delete is now affected by fill density.
- Fixed a bug that caused all fully deactivated objects to disappear at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Fixed a bug that caused fill to not work on single isolated tiles.
- Fixed a bug that caused mouse-based text input to function oddly when using a resized window.
- Home and End now work on the text fields in the master.dat editor and hub editor.
- Home and End no longer cause the editor to briefly sleep.
- The arrow keys can now be properly used to move between text fields in the dialog editor, master.dat editor, and hub editor. The vanilla implementation was previously active but incomplete.
- Laser gate logic's transparency behavior now reflects that of OpenWA.

MNIKEditor build 3/22/22

- The object category name can now be ctrl-clicked, letting you instantly travel to any category you can name. Partial names will also work. For example, entering "Env" will take you to "Environment".
- The editor window can now be resized.
- Float values within the range of (-0.00001, 0.00001) will now be rounded to 0.0. No more having to see 6.98492e-010 on float adjusters. There are still some lesser rounding errors, but this is an improvement.
- Removed the precision limits on Xtrude, Height, Random, WHeight, and WTurb.
- NPC hats and accessories now become hidden for fully deactivated objects in simulation level 2 or higher.
- Cuboids and fountains are now simulated.
- The green column surrounding the currently-selected object is now hidden when in tile mode.
- The adventure's starting coords and starting direction can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- The adventure goal can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- The gate/key texture can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- Hub commands can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- Object position markers now properly update when flipping or resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the effective ID for bridges to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed an occasional crash caused by jagged level tiles on the top level border.
- Fixed a bug that caused fully deactivated objects with ActivationType Fade to not be restored to their proper original transparency when reducing the simulation level to 1.
- Fixed the flip glitch.
- Fixed a bug that caused objects to not update their positions properly when flipping the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the object simulations to not update their positions properly when resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to become offset from their hats and accessories when flipping or resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused some level editor text to turn the wrong color when holding spacebar to pan the camera.
- Potentially fixed the body000A.jpg error.

MNIKEditor build 3/18/22

- Tile jaggedness, round corners, randomness, and Height (not to be confused with Xtrude) are now visualized in the editor.
- Water turbulence, glow, and transparency are now visualized in the editor.
- Added two new options to the show/hide objects tool. The first is show indices, which shows the index of every object in the level. The second is show IDs, which shows the effective ID of every object in the level. These options can also be scrolled through using the mouse wheel.
- For find and replace, alt-click has been replaced with tilde-click in order to do away with the silly "press alt upon refocus" messages.
- The level editor now has wireframe mode which can be toggled by pressing F7.
- Holding shift now adjusts the music ID by 10 when clicking or scrolling.
- Water glow and transparency can now be adjusted by right-clicking.
- On the toolbar, show/hide markers, show/hide logic, show/hide level, and border expand can now be right-clicked and scrolled using the mouse wheel.
- The water has been translated downwards a bit just like in the actual game.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulation level 3's lighting to not update when loading a different wlv.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Round and Jagged adjusters to quickly flip between options when right-clicking.
- Fixed a long-standing vanilla editor bug where water tiles of rotations 5 and 7 are shown facing the wrong direction on the water tile preview.

MNIKEditor build 3/15/22

- Fixed an ancient evil bug that caused previous keyboard inputs to sometimes appear in text prompts.
- Added simulation level 3, which simulates lighting and weather effects.
- Colors are now loaded from colors.cfg every time the editor application regains focus.
- colors.cfg now contains an adjuster for the dim elements of the menus, such as the X's.
- Simulation level 2 now hides invisible buttons (including general commands), !None models, and meta variants of !IceBlock.
- Holding shift now changes lighting values 10 times faster.
- Removed the limiters from the lighting values.
- Confirmation messages like find and replace are now a different color so that they draw more attention. They are also broken into two lines now.
- The application now informs you whether it's detecting an alt key as still being pressed when the application is reopened. This protects you from accidentally doing find and replace if you alt tabbed out.
- Using backspace is no longer awful when entering the name of a new adventure or new profile. This is because, when using those text fields, pressing backspace used to pause the entire application until you released backspace.
- The "texture doesn't exist" error now only appears once per change, which is useful if you mess up a find and replace.
- The find and replace confirmation message has been given more detail.

MNIKEditor build 3/14/22

- The editor's color scheme can now be changed by modifying colors.cfg. If not yet present, this file will be created upon running the editor.
- Added object adjuster highlighting for adjusters that are present in the actual wop. It is enabled by default, but can be toggled by pressing H.
- Switching wops no longer forces you back to the first page of adjusters.
- Mouse wheel scrolling now works on the More button.
- Mouse wheel scrolling can now be used to navigate through wops and wop categories.
- Mouse wheel scrolling can now be used to navigate through tiles and tile categories.
- Coily rotation is now simulated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the simulation to not properly update when using the elevate feature.
- Removed the trailing colon from the ID filter text and centered the text a bit more. It was bugging me.

MNIKEditor build 3/13/22

- Added an option for adjusting the simulation level. Simulation level 0 is the classic editor look, where practically nothing is animated. Simulation level 1 animates entities by showing how they'd be transformed over time in-game, as well as showing any particles that are emitted. Certain textures will also scroll in real time. Simulation level 2 additionally shows the in-game appearances of entities that are fully deactivated (i.e. Active equals 0). The simulation level is set to 1 by default, since usually you'll want deactivated entities to be easily visible in the editor. More simulation levels may be added in the future depending on user feedback.
- Partially Active states are now displayed the way they'd look in-game when simulation is enabled. This makes it possible for objects to appear transparent even in the editor when Fade is being used as the ActivationType.
- The Level Border adjuster has finally been moved to the GLOBALS section. It is the "B" adjuster beneath the WaterTex adjuster. The hyphen (-) means Default, B means Border, X means Border X, and N means None. It can now also be adjusted using mouse wheel scrolling if you wish.
- Added simulation for fire traps and alternating bridges, showing when they'll activate in real time. Alternating bridge movement is only shown at simulation level 2.
- Added simulation for Wee Stinkers and crabs, letting you see how their scales will look in-game.
- Added simulation for Burstflowers, Lurkers, suctubes, and sunspheres. SunSphere1 simulation doesn't track whether it will create a SunSphere2 yet.
- The suctube arrow color now changes based on whether the suctube is active.
- Added simulation for Baby Boomers, letting you see their particles if their fuse is lit.
- Added !FloingBubble to the registered models list. You can probably make some very cool scenery with this.
- Added !GrowFlower to the registered models list. The floor GrowFlower is untextured. Note that the GrowFlower becoming textured is part of the GrowFlower object logic.
- Added !IceBlock to the registered models list.
- Brr floats, rainbow floats, and !Sun Sphere1 now use the same meshes as they do in-game.
- Brr floats and rainbow floats are now simulated, complete with their real-time rotating.
- The model for !SkyMachineMap is now rendered properly and is no longer the default white sphere.
- Motherships now simulate at the proper height.
- Stinker exits now emit particles when simulating.
- Made some simulations (particularly ducks and tentacles) more accurate for very specific edge cases.
- Tile logics that were previously labeled as "Other" are now labeled as their number.
- Changed the text for "texture prefix" to "tex prefix".
- Added rainbow floats to the ID filter since they have special logic for determining their ID (yes, really).
- Added fire traps to the ID filter.
- Scrolling the mouse no longer moves the level camera when the mouse is on the bottom toolbar.
- Added a Silent/Glitched audio setting for bridges. These bridges are labeled as Glitched because they do not change the tile logic when they deactivate.
- Fixed a bug that caused non-diagonal Spikeyballs to be animated facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed a bug that caused the rendered scale of !None and unknown model objects to apparently change when deleting and replacing them. It only took 15 years!
- Potentially fixed the editor running crazy fast on some computers.

MNIKEditor build 3/11/22

- Custom models now simulate using their Yaw/Pitch/Roll/XYZAnim in real time.
- Added the texture prefix option, which automatically appends a user-defined prefix when changing a texture name.
- Particle effects are now simulated for waterfalls, teleporters, volcanoes, acid pools, magic chargers, gold stars, and shards.
- The following textures now scroll in real time: waterfalls, shadow stinkers, teleporters, rainbow bubbles, ghosts, wraiths, portal warps, cuboids, and gems.
- The void texture now scrolls when there is a void object present, just like in the real game.
- Teleporters now spin, rotate, and scale as they do in-game depending on their subcolor (or, more precisely, their ID).
- Items now rotate in real time as they would in-game, including stars, gold coins, rainbow coins, tokens, keys, gems, custom items.
- The following object logics now rotate in real time as they would in-game: Wysps, UFOs, zapbots, motherships, tentacles, ducks, water wheels, and laser gates.
- Windmill rotors are now represented the way they'd look in-game, complete with real-time rotation. No more absurd surprises.
- Rainbow bubble and sign object appearances are now simulated in real time as they would appear in-game.
- Spikeyballs are now animated and roll in the direction they will proceed in-game.
- The tentacle model is now animated when placed in the editor.
- The flip X, flip Y, and flip XY buttons have been condensed into one flip button.
- Rainbow bubbles now use a mesh that's accurate to their in-game appearance.
- Fixed a long-standing MNIKEditor bug that caused ObjectTileX/Y/X2/Y2 to be improperly assigned when hitting Update on a newly-placed object. This was most evident with particle emitters and affected their apparent behavior both in the editor and in the actual game by making their particles incorrectly spawn from 0,0. This may have affected some other object behaviors as well. You can "repair" any objects affected by this bug by simply copying them, deleting them, and replacing them at the same location.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when opening adventures that have no master.dat and hence no title.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when doing a find and replace on a Stinker NPC's texture to replace it with a custom texture. Yes, giving a Stinker NPC a custom texture is useless, but this scenario could still happen by accident due to the nature of find and replace.
- Pressing ESC no longer terminates the entire editor.

MNIKEditor build 3/10/22

- Introducing alt-clicking for adjusters, which finds and replaces a specific value of a specific adjuster for all objects in the level. Right now it only works for text-based adjusters.
- Particle effects from environmental objects are now simulated in real time inside the editor.
- Added the Stinker Whistle to the Custom Item Fn list, along with Empty, Rucksack, RawKey, RawGloves, RawLamp, RawGlowGem, RawSpyEye, RawToken, RawGlyph, RawMapPiece, and RawShard. The Item Fns prefixed with "Raw" behave similar to their non-raw counterparts, but they can be renamed and have different icons.
- The adventure select menu can now be scrolled through with the scroll wheel. Hold shift to scroll faster.
- When selecting an adventure, the adventure title is now shown underneath the adventure filename.
- Long strings of text no longer leave behind garbage in the editor's black margins.
- Void spikes are now visible in the editor with their proper mesh rather than just appearing as white spheres.
- Tile attributes can now be modified with the scroll wheel.
- The tile editor can now be selected by clicking, scrolling, or pressing enter anywhere in that region rather than only by interacting with an adjuster.
- The scroll wheel can now be used to modify the following: weather settings, music ID, water settings, and lighting settings.
- Removed the limiters on the water flow speed.
- Water flow speed can now be adjusted by ctrl-clicking.
- The hitbox for adjusting the water settings has been made a bit bigger so that it doesn't suck.
- The tile preview can now be rotated with I and O while hovering the mouse over the tile preview region.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Border Current option to not work anymore.
- The border options now function properly when expanding by more than one tile at a time.
- Fixed a bug where right-clicking an empty tile caused the Update button to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that caused the currently-selected answer to switch back to 0 every time the Interchange number is moused over.
- Fixed a bug that caused all text effects to become deselected when mousing over various adjusters in the dialog editor.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when switching to the !Door texture while Data5 is greater than 10.
- Fixed the Custom Item Fn adjuster being inconsistent when adjusting in different directions.

new MNIKEditor build 2/21/22 B

- Custom brushes can now persist across wlvs.
- The editor now remembers whether you were in tile mode or object mode once you return to editing wlvs.

MNIKEditor build 2/21/22

- Pressing enter while hovering the brush over an area of the level will create a custom brush to paste that same area of the level anywhere. This works for either tiles or objects, depending on what editor mode you're in. The brush cursor will be purple while a custom brush is active. Press enter again to exit custom brush mode. Try it out with a large brush!
- It is now possible to press enter to cross out (i.e. randomize) the following adjusters: XAdjust, YAdjust, ZAdjust, XScale, YScale, ZScale, ScaleAdjust, Timer, TimerMax1, TimerMax2, ID, MovementSpeed, MovementType, Type, SubType, ActivationType, ActivationSpeed, Active, Greeting, Exclamation, MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal, Dead, Status, Dialog, and all of the Data values. When crossed out, these adjusters have values to the sides that can be adjusted. This determines the range that the random values can take.
- Also added randomizable adjusters for ButtonPush, Teleportable, TTC, and OTC. These ones do not have applicable range adjusters for their randomness.
- The random ranges for randomized YawAdjust, RollAdjust, and PitchAdjust can now be adjusted.
- Added an "Xtrude Logics" button which is a tool meant to augment the use of "Elevate". When used, Xtrude Logics will set the logics of all tiles depending on whether their Xtrudes are positive, zero, or negative. It has useful default options, but is customizable.
- Flip bridges now display using the proper model in the editor. No more ugly white rectangle placeholder.
- The currently-grabbed object can now be deleted by pressing the Delete key when hovering the mouse over any part of the ADJUSTMENTS UI. This also means deleting the currently-grabbed object can now be done even if the Update button is missing.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a large enough brush to place tiles above the level border.
- The object camera can now only be moved when in object mode.
- Added "None" and "Pla" as text for Linked and LinkBack values.
- The effective IDs detected by the ID filter now also take the model into account rather than just the logic. This reflects the behavior of the actual game.
- The effective IDs of bridges are now correctly detected by the ID filter.
- Crossed-out adjusters no longer display their current value. This looks a bit nicer and makes more space for the new adjusters which control the random bounds.
- Fixed the hitbox for object adjusters being a whopping 30 units too short on the right side.
- The app title has been updated to be more accurate.

MNIKEditor build 2/19/22

- Pressing enter while hovering your mouse over YawAdjust, RollAdjust, or PitchAdjust will cross out the adjuster. Any crossed-out adjusters will be assigned a random value when placing an object.
- Ctrl-clicking the fill button now allows you to choose the density of the fill. For example, having a fill density of 0.2 means 20% of tiles will be filled based on random chance.
- In the master.dat editor, right-clicking a wlv number will copy the wlv. Right-click the same wlv again to cancel the copy, or left-click a nonexistent wlv to copy to that wlv.
- R is now a hotkey for the object Update feature.
- The object Update button now only appears if there are adjuster changes which haven't been pushed to the object yet.
- The editor now requests confirmation if you try to save and exit a level while an object's Update button has gone unpressed.
- The scroll wheel can now be used to move through interchanges, answers, and askabouts. Ctrl-clicking also works here.
- The scroll wheel can now be used to adjust all values in the dialog editor.
- The dialog editor now automatically removes duplicate colors and effects if there are multiple of the same one in a row. The exception is rainbow because that has unique behavior when there are multiple of it in a row.
- The currently-selected dialog color or effect no longer becomes deselected when applying it to the dialog.
- In the dialog editor, clicking the currently-selected color again will revert back to not having a color selected. The same applies to effects.
- Right-clicking in the dialog editor now inserts white color.
- Added ctrl-based keybinds for selecting dialog colors and effects. Ctrl+R for red, Ctrl+O for orange, etc.
- Fixed a bug that caused two objects to be placed at once at the cursor when using fill mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused the currently-grabbed-object marker to sometimes move to the wrong place when deleting an object.
- The currently-grabbed-object marker can now be seen from the inside (i.e. its back-face culling has been disabled).
- Fixed a bug that caused the ActivateID adjuster on buttons to get stuck on Pla.

MNIKEditor build 1/27/22

- Added full letter/arrow/numpad camera controls to the object camera. To move the object camera, hover your mouse over the object camera viewport and press the desired movement keys.
- Object markers on tiles that contain multiple objects will now be yellow instead of red.
- The currently-grabbed object is now marked with a very transparent green pillar marker that also follows the object's XAdjust and YAdjust.
- Right-clicking during the block mode drag now cancels the block mode placement.
- Choosing !CustomModel as an object's model now also prompts you for the custom model name. Using !CustomModel works with any object logic in the game (aside from the usual suspects that MAV upon model swap).
- Choosing a ?-prefixed model name now sets it to !CustomModel and chooses the appropriate custom model name. This behavior is necessary for vanilla compatibility.
- Holding shift now enhances the speed of the camera ascend/descend keyboard buttons.
- Texture and Model adjuster values no longer hide leading question marks.
- For the TextData adjusters: replaced the generic "Enter string" prompts with "Enter TextData0" and "Enter TextData1".

MNIKEditor build 1/25/22

- certain spellball Data values now adjust appropriately when resizing the level (yes, this is important for stationary spellballs)

MNIKEditor build 1/24/22

- added some extra support for placing spellballs in the editor; they work mostly correctly when stationary but I don't know if it's possible to get them to move as smoothly as they do when loading a save (although TrueMovement works)
- added more Show Logic colors so that the following tile logics have their own color: teleporter, bridge, lava, button, stinker exit, ice float, Logic 06, Logic 07, Logic 08
- TTC and OTC are now displayed as binary instead of integers
- in the OBJECTS menu, you can now use the mouse wheel to zoom the camera in or out; hold shift to zoom faster; reset the camera in the OBJECTS menu by pressing X or numpad 5
- springs are now detected properly by the ID filter
- object markers near 0,0 can no longer be seen in the tile camera
- added adjusters for DX and DY, which are meant to be used as the velocity of spellballs; they don't seem to completely work on spellballs placed from within the editor for some unknown reason (though using values of at least 0.5 causes bizarre results)
- removed completely useless WaterReact adjuster
- removed mostly useless MovementTimer adjuster

MNIKEditor build 1/19/22

- the editor now refuses to place any more objects once you hit the object limit
- the wlv selection menu can now go up to three digits
- the wlv and dia selection menu can now be scrolled with the scroll wheel; hold shift to scroll faster
- tidied up the display of triple-digit wlv/dia numbers
- ctrl+clicking on the LV and DIA columns now let you type in the wlv/dia number you want to create or edit, including negative numbers
- added home/end support to the dialogue editor
- added block delete: when in block mode, left click to start forming a block, and then once you have the region you want to delete all objects in, press the delete key
- hitting delete now deletes all objects on a tile immediately
- brush size can now be adjusted and works for placing either tiles or objects
- the editor now refuses to place objects outside the bounds of the level
- added a fill mode that can be used to place either tiles or objects; right now it only works on bodies of mostly-identical tiles, but this functionality can be extended further if people want it
- pressing the delete key in fill mode will delete all objects on the target tiles
- for the sake of being able to better recognize what mode you're in, block mode's cursor is now cyan, and fill mode's cursor is yellow
- hitting wipe now asks you to confirm whether you're sure you want to wipe the entire freaking level
- added an "elevate" option to add or subtract from the xtrude and waterheight of the entire wlv, which also modifies the zadjust of all objects
- float adjusters can now properly be given floats from ctrl+clicking
- added the ID filter which, when enabled, hides all objects that don't match a specified ID
- fixed a bug that caused extra copies of accessories to linger when updating Stinker NPCs
- fixed an occasional MAV that occurred due to lackluster cleanup of NPC accessories leading to dangling pointers (this issue seems to be present in the vanilla editor as well)
- replaced the completely useless Freezable adjuster with a new Frozen adjuster
- replaced the mostly useless MovementTypeData adjuster with a slightly less useless (but still possibly mostly useless) MovementTimer adjuster
- added a Status adjuster: determines some properties of the object such as animation state; also used by spellballs to determine whether they were fired from the player (1) or not (0)
- added !SpellBall to the registered models list
- removed the practically pointless modded "widescreen range" wlv adjuster

MNIKEditor build 1/16/22

- added adjusters for MoveXGoal and MoveYGoal, which can be used with the A* MovementTypes (10 to 18)
- added an adjuster for Dead: when nonzero, plays death animations for certain object logics, namely the player, Wee Stinkers, Baby Boomers, and Kaboom!s; 1=spinning upwards, 3=sinking; other objects can be marked as Dead too and hence cannot be destroyed, including barrels, meaning you can (for example) have membranes that Spikeyballs can move through but the player cannot
- added an adjuster for Caged, which does kind of weird (albeit uninteresting) things to living creatures
- added an adjuster for Indigo: when nonzero, Flash starts the wlv in a "you've Flashed something" state; some object logics will be intangible or semi-transparent or (in the case of barrels) immediately move to 1,1
- added an adjuster for DestructionType, which determines whether or not to emit white particles upon object destruction

MNIKEditor build 1/15/22

- added a Linked adjuster for linking objects together based on object index (not ID!); use -2 in the editor to link to the player (if you're using any modded-only objects in your wlv then I can't guarantee this will work correctly)
- added a LinkBack adjuster (though it's unclear how useful it is at the moment)
- the object index of the currently-grabbed object is now displayed to the left of the ADJUSTMENTS header
- pressing X or 5 on the numpad now resets the camera rotation
- holding space and clicking + dragging pans the camera; hold shift to pan faster
- removed the stupid "No Object Here" pause when you right-click a tile without an object
- level width and height are now capped at 100, meaning there's no more risk of MAV when extending height of a wlv past 100
- pressing the Delete key while hovering over the Update button will now delete the currently-grabbed object
- blink barrel and prism models now load from the NewModels folder

MNIKEditor build 1/14/22

- added a Show/Hide Objects button

MNIKEditor build 1/13/22

- level size can now be typed in by ctrl+clicking the arrows next to Width and Height
- ctrl+click now works on the Active adjuster: this means you can have objects be partially (de)activated when the wlv starts; more detail has been added to the Active adjuster to assist with this
- right-clicking on the "More" button takes you to the previous page of object adjusters
- when multiple objects are stacked on the same tile, right-clicking multiple times lets you cycle through them
- ctrl+click now works for the adjusters in the .dia editor
- holding backspace or delete in the .dia editor now deletes content three times faster (to match the other text editors in editor3d.exe)
- the "BLOCK" mode now works for placing objects
- added an update button that updates the most recently placed object or the last right-clicked object with the current adjuster settings
- fixed the MAV that occurs after saving a .dia file too many times
- the scroll wheel now adjusts the y position of the camera; you can also hold Shift to change camera height faster
- the scroll wheel can be used to modify object adjuster values; you can also hold Shift to change values faster

MNIKEditor build 9-15-21 B

- By popular request, entering "/" as the first character in the Texture field will autocomplete to "userdata/custom/models/"
- Fixed a MAV that occurred with markers after deleting an object and toggling the view
- Fixed some freezes and errors that occurred when trying to change an object's texture to certain values
- Added !Sun Sphere2 to the registered models list
- Slightly changed the generally strange behavior of texture modification

MNIKEditor build 9/15/21

- added a toggle option to the editor that shows/hides markers, which show you the location of each object's hotspot (where you have to click to copy/delete the object)

MNIKEditor build 9/13/21

- Can now set tile attributes with Ctrl+click; this works for Logic, Xtrude, Height, Random, WHeight, and WTurb
- Removed limiters on tile attributes (except for Logic because sanity)
- Added names for all known "meta" tile Logics, which you can switch to with Ctrl
- Added the speedy shift+click adjustment to tile Random
- Added Ctrl adjustment to lighting attributes
- ModelName adjuster now present on all wops
- wops with unknown models will now be rendered in the editor as a purple sphere rather than immediately MAVing into oblivion
- TextureName adjuster now has a label
- Valid ActivationTypes are now labeled
Last edited by MyNameIsKooky on Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:20 pm

Also reserved. I am a man of passion.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by |Cookie| » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:21 pm

Once you use this editor you can never go back.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by Sammy_P » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:25 pm

I have fortunately developed a physical dependence to this editor. :)
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:39 am

If I close my eyes, I hear the editor speaking to me.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by sodapop! » Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:40 am

This editor has shown me the face of God. I have seen heaven, and it is draped in black, yellow, and white.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/19/22)

Post by ab-47 » Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:26 pm

Finally read the entire changelog(s) and I can certainly say this editor is the future for me and my children. 8)
All previous projects currently on hiatus
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 2/21/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:24 am

I am loving the enthusiasm! Here, have this as a reward.

New MNIKEditor build 2/21/22

- Pressing enter while hovering the brush over an area of the level will create a custom brush to paste that same area of the level anywhere. This works for either tiles or objects, depending on what editor mode you're in. The brush cursor will be purple while a custom brush is active. Press enter again to exit custom brush mode. Try it out with a large brush!
- It is now possible to press enter to cross out (i.e. randomize) the following adjusters: XAdjust, YAdjust, ZAdjust, XScale, YScale, ZScale, ScaleAdjust, Timer, TimerMax1, TimerMax2, ID, MovementSpeed, MovementType, Type, SubType, ActivationType, ActivationSpeed, Active, Greeting, Exclamation, MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal, Dead, Status, Dialog, and all of the Data values. When crossed out, these adjusters have values to the sides that can be adjusted. This determines the range that the random values can take.
- Also added randomizable adjusters for ButtonPush, Teleportable, TTC, and OTC. These ones do not have applicable range adjusters for their randomness.
- The random ranges for randomized YawAdjust, RollAdjust, and PitchAdjust can now be adjusted.
- Added an "Xtrude Logics" button which is a tool meant to augment the use of "Elevate". When used, Xtrude Logics will set the logics of all tiles depending on whether their Xtrudes are positive, zero, or negative. It has useful default options, but is customizable.
- Flip bridges now display using the proper model in the editor. No more ugly white rectangle placeholder.
- The currently-grabbed object can now be deleted by pressing the Delete key when hovering the mouse over any part of the ADJUSTMENTS UI. This also means deleting the currently-grabbed object can now be done even if the Update button is missing.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when using a large enough brush to place tiles above the level border.
- The object camera can now only be moved when in object mode.
- Added "None" and "Pla" as text for Linked and LinkBack values.
- The effective IDs detected by the ID filter now also take the model into account rather than just the logic. This reflects the behavior of the actual game.
- The effective IDs of bridges are now correctly detected by the ID filter.
- Crossed-out adjusters no longer display their current value. This looks a bit nicer and makes more space for the new adjusters which control the random bounds.
- Fixed the hitbox for object adjusters being a whopping 30 units too short on the right side.
- The app title has been updated to be more accurate.

new MNIKEditor build 2/21/22 B

- Custom brushes can now persist across wlvs.
- The editor now remembers whether you were in tile mode or object mode once you return to editing wlvs.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/10/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:12 am

new MNIKEditor build 3/10/22

- Introducing alt-clicking for adjusters, which finds and replaces a specific value of a specific adjuster for all objects in the level. Right now it only works for text-based adjusters.
- Particle effects from environmental objects are now simulated in real time inside the editor.
- Added the Stinker Whistle to the Custom Item Fn list, along with Empty, Rucksack, RawKey, RawGloves, RawLamp, RawGlowGem, RawSpyEye, RawToken, RawGlyph, RawMapPiece, and RawShard. The Item Fns prefixed with "Raw" behave similar to their non-raw counterparts, but they can be renamed and have different icons.
- The adventure select menu can now be scrolled through with the scroll wheel. Hold shift to scroll faster.
- When selecting an adventure, the adventure title is now shown underneath the adventure filename.
- Long strings of text no longer leave behind garbage in the editor's black margins.
- Void spikes are now visible in the editor with their proper mesh rather than just appearing as white spheres.
- Tile attributes can now be modified with the scroll wheel.
- The tile editor can now be selected by clicking, scrolling, or pressing enter anywhere in that region rather than only by interacting with an adjuster.
- The scroll wheel can now be used to modify the following: weather settings, music ID, water settings, and lighting settings.
- Removed the limiters on the water flow speed.
- Water flow speed can now be adjusted by ctrl-clicking.
- The hitbox for adjusting the water settings has been made a bit bigger so that it doesn't suck.
- The tile preview can now be rotated with I and O while hovering the mouse over the tile preview region.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Border Current option to not work anymore.
- The border options now function properly when expanding by more than one tile at a time.
- Fixed a bug where right-clicking an empty tile caused the Update button to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that caused the currently-selected answer to switch back to 0 every time the Interchange number is moused over.
- Fixed a bug that caused all text effects to become deselected when mousing over various adjusters in the dialog editor.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when switching to the !Door texture while Data5 is greater than 10.
- Fixed the Custom Item Fn adjuster being inconsistent when adjusting in different directions.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/11/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:52 am

new MNIKEditor build 3/11/22

- Custom models now simulate using their Yaw/Pitch/Roll/XYZAnim in real time.
- Added the texture prefix option, which automatically appends a user-defined prefix when changing a texture name.
- Particle effects are now simulated for waterfalls, teleporters, volcanoes, acid pools, magic chargers, gold stars, and shards.
- The following textures now scroll in real time: waterfalls, shadow stinkers, teleporters, rainbow bubbles, ghosts, wraiths, portal warps, cuboids, and gems.
- The void texture now scrolls when there is a void object present, just like in the real game.
- Teleporters now spin, rotate, and scale as they do in-game depending on their subcolor (or, more precisely, their ID).
- Items now rotate in real time as they would in-game, including stars, gold coins, rainbow coins, tokens, keys, gems, custom items.
- The following object logics now rotate in real time as they would in-game: Wysps, UFOs, zapbots, motherships, tentacles, ducks, water wheels, and laser gates.
- Windmill rotors are now represented the way they'd look in-game, complete with real-time rotation. No more absurd surprises.
- Rainbow bubble and sign object appearances are now simulated in real time as they would appear in-game.
- Spikeyballs are now animated and roll in the direction they will proceed in-game.
- The tentacle model is now animated when placed in the editor.
- The flip X, flip Y, and flip XY buttons have been condensed into one flip button.
- Rainbow bubbles now use a mesh that's accurate to their in-game appearance.
- Fixed a long-standing MNIKEditor bug that caused ObjectTileX/Y/X2/Y2 to be improperly assigned when hitting Update on a newly-placed object. This was most evident with particle emitters and affected their apparent behavior both in the editor and in the actual game by making their particles incorrectly spawn from 0,0. This may have affected some other object behaviors as well. You can "repair" any objects affected by this bug by simply copying them, deleting them, and replacing them at the same location.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when opening adventures that have no master.dat and hence no title.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when doing a find and replace on a Stinker NPC's texture to replace it with a custom texture. Yes, giving a Stinker NPC a custom texture is useless, but this scenario could still happen by accident due to the nature of find and replace.
- Pressing ESC no longer terminates the entire editor.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/13/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:52 pm

MNIKEditor build 3/13/22

- Added an option for adjusting the simulation level. Simulation level 0 is the classic editor look, where practically nothing is animated. Simulation level 1 animates entities by showing how they'd be transformed over time in-game, as well as showing any particles that are emitted. Certain textures will also scroll in real time. Simulation level 2 additionally shows the in-game appearances of entities that are fully deactivated (i.e. Active equals 0). The simulation level is set to 1 by default, since usually you'll want deactivated entities to be easily visible in the editor. More simulation levels may be added in the future depending on user feedback.
- Partially Active states are now displayed the way they'd look in-game when simulation is enabled. This makes it possible for objects to appear transparent even in the editor when Fade is being used as the ActivationType.
- The Level Border adjuster has finally been moved to the GLOBALS section. It is the "B" adjuster beneath the WaterTex adjuster. The hyphen (-) means Default, B means Border, X means Border X, and N means None. It can now also be adjusted using mouse wheel scrolling if you wish.
- Added simulation for fire traps and alternating bridges, showing when they'll activate in real time. Alternating bridge movement is only shown at simulation level 2.
- Added simulation for Wee Stinkers and crabs, letting you see how their scales will look in-game.
- Added simulation for Burstflowers, Lurkers, suctubes, and sunspheres. SunSphere1 simulation doesn't track whether it will create a SunSphere2 yet.
- The suctube arrow color now changes based on whether the suctube is active.
- Added simulation for Baby Boomers, letting you see their particles if their fuse is lit.
- Added !FloingBubble to the registered models list. You can probably make some very cool scenery with this.
- Added !GrowFlower to the registered models list. The floor GrowFlower is untextured. Note that the GrowFlower becoming textured is part of the GrowFlower object logic.
- Added !IceBlock to the registered models list.
- Brr floats, rainbow floats, and !Sun Sphere1 now use the same meshes as they do in-game.
- Brr floats and rainbow floats are now simulated, complete with their real-time rotating.
- The model for !SkyMachineMap is now rendered properly and is no longer the default white sphere.
- Motherships now simulate at the proper height.
- Stinker exits now emit particles when simulating.
- Made some simulations (particularly ducks and tentacles) more accurate for very specific edge cases.
- Tile logics that were previously labeled as "Other" are now labeled as their number.
- Changed the text for "texture prefix" to "tex prefix".
- Added rainbow floats to the ID filter since they have special logic for determining their ID (yes, really).
- Added fire traps to the ID filter.
- Scrolling the mouse no longer moves the level camera when the mouse is on the bottom toolbar.
- Added a Silent/Glitched audio setting for bridges. These bridges are labeled as Glitched because they do not change the tile logic when they deactivate.
- Fixed a bug that caused non-diagonal Spikeyballs to be animated facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed a bug that caused the rendered scale of !None and unknown model objects to apparently change when deleting and replacing them. It only took 15 years!
- Potentially fixed the editor running crazy fast on some computers.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/14/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:22 am

MNIKEditor build 3/14/22

- The editor's color scheme can now be changed by modifying colors.cfg. If not yet present, this file will be created upon running the editor.
- Added object adjuster highlighting for adjusters that are present in the actual wop. It is enabled by default, but can be toggled by pressing H.
- Switching wops no longer forces you back to the first page of adjusters.
- Mouse wheel scrolling now works on the More button.
- Mouse wheel scrolling can now be used to navigate through wops and wop categories.
- Mouse wheel scrolling can now be used to navigate through tiles and tile categories.
- Coily rotation is now simulated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the simulation to not properly update when using the elevate feature.
- Removed the trailing colon from the ID filter text and centered the text a bit more. It was bugging me.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/15/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:29 am

MNIKEditor build 3/15/22

- Fixed an ancient evil bug that caused previous keyboard inputs to sometimes appear in text prompts.
- Added simulation level 3, which simulates lighting and weather effects.
- Colors are now loaded from colors.cfg every time the editor application regains focus.
- colors.cfg now contains an adjuster for the dim elements of the menus, such as the X's.
- Simulation level 2 now hides invisible buttons (including general commands), !None models, and meta variants of !IceBlock.
- Holding shift now changes lighting values 10 times faster.
- Removed the limiters from the lighting values.
- Confirmation messages like find and replace are now a different color so that they draw more attention. They are also broken into two lines now.
- The application now informs you whether it's detecting an alt key as still being pressed when the application is reopened. This protects you from accidentally doing find and replace if you alt tabbed out.
- Using backspace is no longer awful when entering the name of a new adventure or new profile. This is because, when using those text fields, pressing backspace used to pause the entire application until you released backspace.
- The "texture doesn't exist" error now only appears once per change, which is useful if you mess up a find and replace.
- The find and replace confirmation message has been given more detail.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/18/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:11 am

MNIKEditor build 3/18/22

- Tile jaggedness, round corners, randomness, and Height (not to be confused with Xtrude) are now visualized in the editor.
- Water turbulence, glow, and transparency are now visualized in the editor.
- Added two new options to the show/hide objects tool. The first is show indices, which shows the index of every object in the level. The second is show IDs, which shows the effective ID of every object in the level. These options can also be scrolled through using the mouse wheel.
- For find and replace, alt-click has been replaced with tilde-click in order to do away with the silly "press alt upon refocus" messages.
- The level editor now has wireframe mode which can be toggled by pressing F7.
- Holding shift now adjusts the music ID by 10 when clicking or scrolling.
- Water glow and transparency can now be adjusted by right-clicking.
- On the toolbar, show/hide markers, show/hide logic, show/hide level, and border expand can now be right-clicked and scrolled using the mouse wheel.
- The water has been translated downwards a bit just like in the actual game.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulation level 3's lighting to not update when loading a different wlv.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Round and Jagged adjusters to quickly flip between options when right-clicking.
- Fixed a long-standing vanilla editor bug where water tiles of rotations 5 and 7 are shown facing the wrong direction on the water tile preview.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/22/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:52 am

MNIKEditor build 3/22/22

- The object category name can now be ctrl-clicked, letting you instantly travel to any category you can name. Partial names will also work. For example, entering "Env" will take you to "Environment".
- The editor window can now be resized.
- Float values within the range of (-0.00001, 0.00001) will now be rounded to 0.0. No more having to see 6.98492e-010 on float adjusters. There are still some lesser rounding errors, but this is an improvement.
- Removed the precision limits on Xtrude, Height, Random, WHeight, and WTurb.
- NPC hats and accessories now become hidden for fully deactivated objects in simulation level 2 or higher.
- Cuboids and fountains are now simulated.
- The green column surrounding the currently-selected object is now hidden when in tile mode.
- The adventure's starting coords and starting direction can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- The adventure goal can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- The gate/key texture can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- Hub commands can now be adjusted with the mouse wheel as well as ctrl-clicked.
- Object position markers now properly update when flipping or resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the effective ID for bridges to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed an occasional crash caused by jagged level tiles on the top level border.
- Fixed a bug that caused fully deactivated objects with ActivationType Fade to not be restored to their proper original transparency when reducing the simulation level to 1.
- Fixed the flip glitch.
- Fixed a bug that caused objects to not update their positions properly when flipping the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the object simulations to not update their positions properly when resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to become offset from their hats and accessories when flipping or resizing the level.
- Fixed a bug that caused some level editor text to turn the wrong color when holding spacebar to pan the camera.
- Potentially fixed the body000A.jpg error.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 3/23/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:34 pm

MNIKEditor build 3/23/22

- You can now press shift+enter to mark all tile attributes as unused except for the one being hovered over.
- Fill delete is now affected by fill density.
- Fixed a bug that caused all fully deactivated objects to disappear at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Fixed a bug that caused fill to not work on single isolated tiles.
- Fixed a bug that caused mouse-based text input to function oddly when using a resized window.
- Home and End now work on the text fields in the master.dat editor and hub editor.
- Home and End no longer cause the editor to briefly sleep.
- The arrow keys can now be properly used to move between text fields in the dialog editor, master.dat editor, and hub editor. The vanilla implementation was previously active but incomplete.
- Laser gate logic's transparency behavior now reflects that of OpenWA.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/18/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Wed May 18, 2022 1:09 pm

new MNIKEditor build 5/18/22

- From now on, MNIKEditor releases will include a that contains a hotkey reference.
- The adjuster limits on Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been removed, meaning arbitrary custom Stinker NPC hats/accessories can now be selected by going outside the vanilla range. Any hats/accessories that do not seem to exist will be rendered as a large (usually purple) sphere in the editor. This makes it possible to easily use custom accessories without any special wop files.
- The adjuster limits on the colors of Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been removed. This means that hats and accessories can use custom-made textures that exist outside of the vanilla range. Nonexistent textures will be rendered as a flat purple color.
- The adjusters for Stinker NPC hats/accessories have been enhanced to show the numerical ID of each hat/accessory. This makes it easier to find the corresponding files for a given hat/accessory for the sake of creating new custom assets.
- The adjusters for Stinker NPC hats and glasses now show the same accessory names. It is now easy to create Stinker NPCs that have either two pairs of glasses or two hats. In terms of Data values, hats start at 1 and glasses start at 101.
- Hovering the mouse over LevelTex or WaterTex will now show the name of the texture being used.
- Pressing F6 in the level editor now toggles orthographic projection mode. In this mode, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom in and out.
- In the ADJUSTMENTS menu, the text of the "More" button has been replaced with the current adjuster page number.
- Adapted much of the code donated by KyuuGryphon that gives helpful adjuster names when working with General Commands. Huge thanks to him for doing this work!
- Moved some object adjusters around so that Data0-Data8 are all on the same page. X/Y/ZAdjust, Yaw/Roll/PitchAdjust, and X/Y/ZScale are all together on their own same page too.
- For the sake of being able to load more adventures that use OpenWA features, this editor no longer MAVs from gems/shards of colors outside the 0-8 range as well as bridges of colors outside the 8-11 range. The limiters on these adjusters have been removed accordingly, but keep in mind that using these objects with such colors is not vanilla-compatible! The objects' models will be rendered with a purple color to show that they are incompatible with vanilla.
- In the master.dat editor, right-clicking a dia number will copy the dia. Right-click the same dia again to cancel the copy, or left-click a nonexistent dia to copy to that dia. The same functionality already existed for wlvs but has been extended to dias.
- The page up and page down keys can now be used to scroll through the adventure select menu, as well as the wlv and dia selection menus.
- Potentially fixed a MAV that occurred when the number of particles hit the particle limit. This fix is done by capping the number of particles that can be created. A warning message will also appear telling you that this wlv is likely to MAV in-game.
- Fixed a bug that caused gems to not be hidden when object simulation is on and object visibility is off.
- In light of a recent discovery, Logic 08 has been renamed to Cage.
- Pressing Ctrl+B now toggles block mode.
- Pressing Ctrl+F now toggles fill mode.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/18/22)

Post by jdl » Wed May 18, 2022 2:57 pm

I absolutely love this Editor! Thank you and everyone else involved for all of your hard work. :mrgreen:

I do have a bug to report - for some reason the Glove Dischargers and Once Dischargers are not rendering correctly. All I see is a white square.
Also, Data4 adjuster names for 2 (maybe more?) general commands are missing. Here are some suggested names:
CMD7 - Yaw

EDIT: Another bug - If you have the WA Beta Custom Item WOP selected and then place your mouse on any part of the Editor's UI, then General Command buttons and Levelexit arrows (and probably more objects) will have a black outline around them for some odd reason.
TheCracksOverhead#9565 | Oops, uh oh.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/18/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Thu May 19, 2022 10:04 am

jdl wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 2:57 pm
I absolutely love this Editor! Thank you and everyone else involved for all of your hard work. :mrgreen:

I do have a bug to report - for some reason the Glove Dischargers and Once Dischargers are not rendering correctly. All I see is a white square.
Also, Data4 adjuster names for 2 (maybe more?) general commands are missing. Here are some suggested names:
CMD7 - Yaw

EDIT: Another bug - If you have the WA Beta Custom Item WOP selected and then place your mouse on any part of the Editor's UI, then General Command buttons and Levelexit arrows (and probably more objects) will have a black outline around them for some odd reason.
Hi jdl! Thank you for the feedback. It's a pleasure to see that you're still active and I hope you're doing well!

For the Glove Dischargers and Once Dischargers, I assume you have the textures installed? I might not have set my editor to read from the right folder for those.

Good point about CMD7 Yaw. That adjuster name has been added in the latest update, which I had coincidentally done just before seeing your reply.

The CMD4 WLV adjuster name is something I had not included since it doesn't work in vanilla.

I noticed the WA Beta Custom Item WOP bug before but I'm not sure what causes it. Might look into it more later.

In any case:

new MNIKEditor build 5/19/22

- LevelExit's PlayerStartingYaw adjuster now displays what direction (North/South/East/West/etc) the player will be facing. This is also done for General Commands that use CMD 7.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the MovementType adjuster, including the relevant adjusters on CMD 51/52.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the Type adjuster, including the relevant adjuster on CMD 4.
- Added more informative adjuster values for the Int adjuster of CMD 4.
- Added the names for specific buttons to the SubType adjuster.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/18/22)

Post by jdl » Thu May 19, 2022 12:41 pm

MyNameIsKooky wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:04 am
For the Glove Dischargers and Once Dischargers, I assume you have the textures installed? I might not have set my editor to read from the right folder for those.
I'm using OpenWA, and the Editor that comes with it is displaying them correctly. As far as I know I haven't manually downloaded and installed anything else.
TheCracksOverhead#9565 | Oops, uh oh.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/29/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun May 29, 2022 6:21 pm

new MNIKEditor build 5/29/22

- Holding right click and dragging will now move the grabbed object with the cursor.
- Middle-clicking will immediately generate adjuster settings for a LevelExit leading to the current level at the cursor's current coordinates. It will also automatically attempt to infer the player's facing direction based on whether it finds an existing LevelExit on an adjacent tile. If a LevelExit wop is already in use, only the relevant adjuster settings will be changed. The only times a LevelExit will not be generated is when the current object is a magic shooter, meteor shooter, or an object that performs either CMD 7 or CMD 61 (including the NPC move command). In these cases, middle-clicking will simply set the destination of the current object. This makes it easy to do things like chain together a long series of movement commands.
- Any x/y adjusters on the current object will now show blue pillar markers on each tile they target. This includes motherships, spellball shooters, meteor shooters, certain CMDs, and LevelExits that target the current wlv.
- If a pathfinding MovementType is being used OR MoveXGoal or MoveYGoal are nonzero, a red pillar marker will appear at the coordinates MoveXGoal,MoveYGoal.
- Added tooltips to the dialog editor which give information on the currently-selected FNC as well as the CMD and its Data values when hovered over with the mouse.
- The TTC and OTC adjusters now have tooltips giving information on each bit when hovered over with the mouse.
- The TTC and OTC adjusters can now be modified by clicking the bits directly.
- Pressing T now gives the current object its default in-game TrueMovement values (TTC, OTC, MovementType, and MovementSpeed) based on its Type, SubType, and sometimes some Data values. This makes it very easy to do various small changes that previously required a lot of manual work setting the TTC and OTC. For instance, you can easily define different MovementSpeeds on objects that formerly did not allow that value to be adjusted without making advanced manual adjustments to TrueMovement. Objects like hyperspeed turtles, hyperspeed MooBots, and hyperspeed Wee Stinkers can be constructed with minimal effort. You can also modify the MovementTypes of these objects easily so that you can have stuff like Wee Stinkers that sleepwalk away from you until you wake them up.
- CMD 10 and 11 adjusters now name each sound effect.
- CMD 12 adjusters now display "No Change" for 0 volume and 0 pitch, and "Instant" for 0 volume step and 0 pitch step.
- CMD 13 adjusters now name each weather.
- Added a Show Counts option to the Show Objects tool that displays the number of objects on each tile.
- Simulation level 1 now shows animations for Chompers, crabs, tentacles, and Busterflies. Tentacle animations no longer run on simulation level 0.
- Stinker NPCs and Kaboom NPCs are now simulated including their animations.
- Stinker NPC accessories are now properly attached to the Stinker NPC's body, even at bizarre rotations.
- Kaboom NPCs now show their textures in the editor.
- Cuboid destruction CMD adjusters now show as much information as adjustable CMDs elsewhere.
- The Object selector can now be ctrl-clicked to do a search for an object name in all categories.
- A failed object category search no longer resets the current object adjusters.
- The search feature has been made smarter so that it works with any substring rather than only those at the beginning.
- The MOFI Magic Mirror is now simulated. Magic Mirror modelswaps can be used to put the Magic Mirror's scrolling textures on any model.
- Renamed the Magic Mirror "SubType" adjuster to "Glyph".
- Middle-clicking a wlv or dia number will mark the wlv or dia for swapping. Middle-click the same wlv or dia again to cancel the swap, or left-click a different wlv or dia to swap with that wlv or dia. Swapping with nonexistent wlvs or dias is allowed.
- Object adjusters now have text depending on the object Type rather than just the object model for the following Types: motherships, rubber ducks, buttons, transporters, bridges, Spikeyballs, Chompers, Fireflowers, turtles, zipbots, zapbots, Scouges, UFOs, retro Z-Bots, GrowFlowers, and CustomModels. This makes working with modelswaps quite a bit easier.
- Pressing enter to finish confirmation prompts can no longer trigger custom brush mode.
- Custom brush mode can no longer be activated in object mode while hovering over a region that has no objects.
- The effective IDs of Moobots are now properly calculated.
- Spellballs placed directly in the level are now simulated.
- Spellballs that use the !None model are now colored according to their magic.
- Meteorites placed directly in the level are now simulated.
- The Busterfly mesh is now rendered the way it would be in-game.
- Busterflies, glowworms, and zippers are now simulated.
- Chomper special effects (particularly ghost transparency and glow-in-the-dark) are now simulated.
- The meteor shooter now has proper adjuster names. Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3 have been renamed to StartZ, TargetX, TargetY, and TargetZ respectively.
- Spellball's SubType adjuster is now the Spell adjuster and properly shows what magic it is. Spellball's Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, and Data8 have been renamed to GoalX, GoalY, SourceX, SourceY, and FromZapbot respectively. Spellball's Status has been renamed to FromPlayer.
- !Sign's Data0 adjuster is now named Shape and is now clamped to the 0-5 range.
- Sun Sphere 1's Data0, Data1, Data2, Data7, and Data9 are now named Red, Green, Blue, TimeOffset, and Empty respectively.
- Thwarts, Ice Trolls, and Z-Bot NPCs now have their Data7 renamed from the potentially misleading TimerMax1 to AttackTimer.
- The crab SubType adjuster has been renamed from Type to Color.
- !IceBlock's Data3 is now named "Style".
- Added Turret magic and "no charge" magic to the list of magic names and colors.
- Fixed a bug that caused the object counts on each tile to become incorrect upon resizing the level.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when adjusting a sign's Data0 out of the 0-5 range.
- Fixed a MAV that occurred when adjusting a sign's Texture out of the 0-5 range. This MAV was only possible with modelswaps.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Turning" and "Yes/No" strings on Wysp's ship adjusters to be in the other string's position.
- Fixed a scaling inaccuracy in the simulation of signs' Bounce animation.
- Fixed an ancient vanilla bug that caused cottage and dungeon doors to be offset incorrectly when copied and pasted.
- It is now less annoying to grab cottage doors and dungeon doors.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 5/31/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Tue May 31, 2022 3:40 pm

new MNIKEditor build 5/31/22

- Pressing G when hovering the cursor over a LevelExit now follows that LevelExit to its destination. A yellow marker will briefly appear at the destination coordinates when the destination level loads. This also works with general commands and cuboids.
- Added a new brush mode called inline mode. This brush mode places tiles or objects on the inside border of the selected tile region. Pressing Delete will also delete objects in this manner. There are actually two different inline modes: inline soft (doesn't fill outer corners) and inline hard (fills outer corners). Their hotkeys are Ctrl+U and Ctrl+I respectively. Inline soft has an orange cursor and inline hard has a red cursor.
- Added two more new brush modes, outline soft mode and outline hard mode, which have the hotkeys of Ctrl+P and Ctrl+O respectively. Their cursors are each a shade of indigo. Any tile regions clicked inside will become outlined with either new tiles or new objects.
- All different brush modes have been condensed into the same setting which can be clicked or scrolled through. Press Ctrl+N at any time to return to normal brush mode.
- Added dupe modes which essentially duplicate any objects or tiles placed in a mirrored fashion. They can be accessed via a new toolbar setting. This is useful if you want to build levels that have a symmetrical layout.
- Fill density has been replaced by placement density. Placement density is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines how often the placement of a single object or tile is allowed based on random chance. For instance, a placement density of 0.25 means that any tile or object placements will be allowed about 25% of the time. This applies to every mode rather than just fill mode. It is very useful when using block mode, fill mode, inline mode, or large brushes. The placement density can be seen on the toolbar and it can be adjusted in any of the usual manners: clicking, mouse wheel scrolling, or ctrl+clicking to type in an exact value.
- In order to make room for placement density, the functionality of the Xtrude Logics button has been collapsed into the Elevate function, which is what it's meant to be used with anyway.
- Pressing Ctrl+Enter while hovering the mouse over a numeric tile adjuster will set a step size for that adjuster. This will modify the value by that amount every time the left mouse button is pressed to place some tiles. To disable the step size, press Ctrl+Enter while hovering the mouse over that adjuster.
- Added tooltips to the Stinker NPC accessory model and texture adjusters that show their filenames. This makes it easy to find the files for existing accessories as well as determining filenames for new custom accessories.
- Added tooltips for the Water Flow Speed, Water Transparency, Water Glow, and Level Edge Style adjusters in the GLOBALS section of the level editor.
- Added tooltips that provide extra detail when hovering the mouse over the hub CMDs.
- Added two new buttons to the master editor screen. "Set To LostExt" will set the WonExit destination equal to the LostExit destination. "Set To WonExit" will set the LostExt destination equal to the WonExit destination.
- Pressing shift+enter while hovering over an unused tile attribute will now mark all tile attributes as used.
- CMD 11's sound position now has the blue pillar marker and can also have the sound position set by middle-clicking.
- During the prompt that appears when you try to save and exit a level with unpushed changes to an object, typing R will now update the object and save and exit. Typing E will save and exit without updating the object.
- The level editor camera now always starts in the center of the level when opening a level from the master editor screen. No more being stuck out in the middle of nowhere when going to a 10x10 level after editing the bottom-right of a 40x40 level.
- The application now informs you whether it's detecting a shift or ctrl key as still being pressed when the application regains focus.
- Decoupled many object logic-based adjusters from model-based limiters. This makes model swaps even more powerful.
- Holding shift now changes the brush size faster.
- Stinker NPC accessory IDs wrap around to 0 every 1000 accessories. This behavior is now properly displayed in the editor.
- Stinker NPC hat and glasses color adjusters now both display the appropriate color names for accessories outside of their vanilla range. They also clearly indicate when an accessory color is not vanilla. Additionally, the color index is now shown next to the color name.
- The Stinker NPC glasses color adjuster now gets turned back to 1 every time its accessory ID is changed. This already happened with hat colors, but not accessory colors. This issue is why people used to have so many problems with glasses colors not existing. Unfortunately, this bugfix was 15 years too late.
- The alternate Wee Stinker textures are now rendered in the editor.
- The idle animations for Thwarts and Ice Trolls are now rendered in the editor.
- Fixed an issue with fill/placement density in fill mode tile mode, where the placement would occur multiple times in a row while holding down the mouse button.
- Fixed a bug that caused colorful Thwarts to not use their proper texture when loading a level.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ActivateID adjuster to not skip over -1 like it should.
- Adventure star Data0 has been renamed to Adventure ID.
- Tooltip text now has some horizontal padding.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/11/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:52 pm

new MNIKEditor build 6/11/22

- "Save and Exit" has been replaced with "Save Level", which simply saves the wlv without exiting. If there are no unsaved changes to the wlv, "Save Level" will be replaced by "Test Level At Brush". Clicking this button will turn your brush rainbow, at which point clicking any level tile will open the playable game and spawn the player there. This should make it much less necessary to have temporary LevelExits for testing.
- Ctrl+S is now a shortcut for saving the current wlv, current dia, or master.dat.
- "Cancel and Exit" has been replaced with "Exit". It asks for confirmation if you try to exit a level with unsaved changes.
- Pressing Ctrl+O in the level editor or master editor will now let you type in a wlv number to open.
- Pressing Ctrl+[ in the level editor will now open the previous wlv that was opened. This can be done numerous times in a row to retrace your steps, perhaps after having followed LevelExits by pressing G. The last 100 opened wlvs are tracked.
- In the level editor, Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown now proceed to the next numbered and previous numbered wlv respectively. This makes it easy to quickly tab through wlvs if you're looking for a specific one.
- For button color adjusters, colors will now all change to match Color1 if it's Color1 that's changed AND all the other color values are already equal to Color1. This means only one adjuster needs to be used to change all four colors on single-color buttons. The same behavior has also been added to work with button subcolors.
- Brush width and height can now be adjusted individually. Both the width and height will be adjusted at the same time unless the mouse is specifically hovering over the width or the height.
- Stinker NPCs, Kaboom NPCs, Z-Bot NPCs, Thwarts, Ice Trolls, Chompers, Scritters, Crabs, Ghosts, Wraiths, Wee Stinkers, and FireFlowers that face the player will now be simulated as facing the brush cursor.
- NPCs that react when the player gets close will now react when the brush cursor gets close, including animation changes and exclamations. This means that NPC exclamations are now simulated.
- FireFlowers now simulate their animations and their attack timing.
- Wraiths are now simulated. They will show off their attack timing if the brush cursor is close enough, and their changing visibility will be simulated at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Thwart and Ice Troll attack animations are now simulated as an indication of their attack timing.
- Hovering the mouse over the current object index (or the ADJUSTMENTS text in general) will now show a tooltip displaying the current total number of objects in the wlv.
- Hovering the mouse over the Type adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that Type. Hovering the mouse over the SubType adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that object logic (i.e. the Type and SubType combination). Hovering the mouse over the Model adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that model name. Hovering the mouse over the Texture adjuster will show how many objects in the current wlv have that texture name.
- The functionality of Resize Current and Resize Duplicate has been collapsed into a tooltip that appears when hovering the mouse above the level size adjustment options. The resize modes can be switched between by rolling the mouse wheel while the tooltip is visible.
- Wipe and Flip have been merged into the Wipe/Flip button.
- Changed the positioning of many items on the toolbar so that it's better organized.
- This editor can now open MOFI wlvs without any hex-editing.
- Traveling through level transitions with the G key now checks if there are any unpushed updates to the currently-grabbed object.
- The different Wee Stinker SubTypes are now simulated including their animations.
- Ghosts are now simulated. Their changing visibility will be simulated at simulation level 2 or higher.
- Crab animations are now properly simulated.
- Z-Bot NPCs are now simulated.
- The 0/1 values for the ButtonPush, Teleportable, and Track adjusters are now displayed as No/Yes.
- Changes in the level editor's GLOBALS section are now properly detected as unsaved changes.
- Fixed an oversight that caused custom brush mode to be activated by rejecting the "Do you want to save?" prompt.
- Fixed an oversight that caused custom brush mode to be activated after the texture prefix prompt.
- Fixed a vanilla bug that caused UFO's Data4 value to not be labeled as Track.
- Fixed an inaccuracy in the simulated rotation of the Crab and Ice Troll models.
- Fixed inaccuracies in the rotation and scale of the Z-Bot NPC model.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ctrl+click functionality for the wlv and dia columns in the master editor to not require clicking the mouse.
- The hotkeys for toggling the outline hard and outline soft brush modes have been set to Ctrl+K and Ctrl+J respectively. This was changed because Ctrl+O has become used in the level editor.
- Removed the annoying "Flipped" text that appears when you flip the level.
- Properly centered the Tex Prefix text on the toolbar, as well as the text for ID filter and placement density.
- Thwarts no longer animate outside their object logic, which reflects their in-game behavior.
- Wee Stinker Data6 now has the label Burning. Burning particles are now simulated for Wee Stinkers.
- Wee Stinker SubType value names are now properly labeled.
- Wraith Data8 now has the label of "TimeOffset". Wraith and Ghost Data9 now has the label of "Visibility". Wraith and Ghost Status now has the values of "Hidden", "Attacking", and "Watching".
- FireFlower Data2 now has the label of "State" and Data4 now has the label of "PreviousHP".
- Crab's Data1 and SubType adjuster text now appears on any object that uses the !Crab model.
- Attached the SubType adjuster limiters of custom items, Crabs, and FireFlowers to their Types rather than their model names.
- Attached the Data4 adjuster text of Zapbots to their Type rather than their model name.
- Added !Cylinder to the registered models list.
- The camera is now centered better when following LevelExits.
- The current editor version is now displayed in the app title.
- Block mode's block color now matches block mode's brush color.
- Documented the Ctrl+T hotkey for immediately saving and testing from the master.dat editor. This was an OpenWA hotkey I did not know about.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/12/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:50 am

new MNIKEditor build 6/12/22

- Added two new brush modes: row and column.
- Even-numbered brush sizes are now allowed.
- Brush size is now adjusted in increments of 1 instead of 2 (or 10 instead of 20 when adjusting quickly).
- Pressing tab now switches between object mode and tile mode.
- Pressing Ctrl+T now saves the level and activates the "Test Level At Cursor" brush mode.
- Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown have been switched to be more consistent with other applications. This means Ctrl+PageDown increases the wlv number and Ctrl+PageUp decreases the wlv number.
- Tile placement with step size now works with holding the left mouse button down.
- The brush modes for fill, outline, and inline now mark the regions they will fill ahead of time before the placement is made.
- Step size now works with fill mode, outline mode, and inline mode.
- Added a Step Per setting to the toolbar, which determines when a tile attribute gets changed by the step size.
- The current tile textures can now be adjusted by scrolling the mouse wheel.
- Ctrl+Click can now be used to type tile texture IDs. If you enter very large numbers, you will get bizarre metatextures.
- Added tooltips that show the IDs of the current tile textures when hovering over them with the mouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused some objects to flicker when an object-related change occurred while the simulation level was nonzero. This issue was especially prominent with busterflies.
- Clicking the word OBJECTS on the objects menu now switches to object mode. Clicking the word TILES on the tiles menu now switches to tile mode.
- CMD 12 now has better adjuster labels: TargetVolume, MaxVolumeStep, TargetPitch, and MaxPitchStep. Additionally, the CMD 12 adjusters now show their units: volume is in percents and pitch is in kHz.
- For CMD 21, an Interchange value of -1 is now displayed as "Current".
- "Test Level At Brush" has been renamed to "Test Level At Cursor".
- Text saying "Click Tile To Test" now appears when "Test Level At Cursor" is clicked.
- Fixed an issue where holding the left mouse button down in tile mode with a low placement density would cause the entire brush region to fill up very quickly. Now the placement only occurs once until either the mouse button is pressed again or the cursor's position changes.
- Holding down the left mouse button now works with fill mode, outline mode, and inline mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused outline brush modes to place multiple copies of objects in some locations.
- The individual tile squares of large brushes now properly land on top of each different tile height.
- The brush now always shows squares at height zero in addition to squares at the tile heights. This makes it easier to see what you're doing when working with extreme Xtrudes or Heights.
- The brush cursor pillar no longer gets ridiculously stretched at different brush sizes.
- If "Test Level At Cursor" is used in a wlv without a corresponding file (usually brand new unedited wlvs), the wlv will be saved before testing. This prevents self-inflicted MAVs for any editor user who's trigger happy with the "Test Level At Cursor" feature.
- Fixed a bug that caused Flip XY to not flip the whole level correctly.
- Fixed the janky wlv number display in the level editor that occurred with negative numbers and numbers larger than 99. Also fixed similar janky dia number display in the dialog editor.
- Fixed some possible edge cases that could occur relating to Test Level At Cursor if someone has multiple editors running at once.
- The editor window now turns black when the editor is closing to enter test mode.
- Removed fullscreen mode due to all the problems it has caused people.
- All non-normal and non-custom brushes are now rendered as 1x1 brushes regardless of the configured brush size.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/12/22)

Post by jdl » Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:32 am

MyNameIsKooky wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:50 am
- Removed fullscreen mode due to all the problems it has caused people.
Would it be possible to add the ability to change the rendering resolution of the Editor?
At the moment you're able to maximize or resize the window, but this doesn't seem to change the resolution that the Editor is running at internally, and this causes everything to get very blurry. Perhaps it could go by the same resolution that's set by Player.exe?
TheCracksOverhead#9565 | Oops, uh oh.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/12/22)

Post by nasko222 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:50 am

ive seen the code its possible
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/12/22)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:35 pm

jdl wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:32 am
MyNameIsKooky wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:50 am
- Removed fullscreen mode due to all the problems it has caused people.
Would it be possible to add the ability to change the rendering resolution of the Editor?
At the moment you're able to maximize or resize the window, but this doesn't seem to change the resolution that the Editor is running at internally, and this causes everything to get very blurry. Perhaps it could go by the same resolution that's set by Player.exe?
Good idea, I'll look into it!

new MNIKEditor build 6/13/22

- When a button, general command, or NPC modifier is selected, all objects that have an effective ID matching the targeted ID(s) will be marked in the level with their effective ID written in yellow text. Additionally, any objects that match the ActivateID(s) will have their effective ID written in blue text (assuming they're not already a targeted ID). This also works for Autodoors, which can have up to three ActivateIDs.
- Hovering the mouse over an ID adjuster now shows the effective ID of the object as well as the number of objects in the level that have this effective ID. Additionally, hovering the mouse over an ActivateID adjuster shows how many objects have that effective ID.
- Color adjusters now have tooltips explaining which effective ID they will target along with how many objects in the level match this effective ID. General commands that target specific IDs will also have these tooltips. Same for NPC modifiers.
- Level width and height can now be adjusted in increments of 10 by shift-clicking.
- In the dialog editor, dialogs can now be navigated sequentially with Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown.
- Dialogs can now be opened directly with Ctrl+O while in the dialog editor or while hovering the mouse over the dialogs column in the master.dat editor.
- The dialog editor now asks for confirmation if the user tries to exit an edited dialog without saving.
- Leaving the wlv number or dia number blank during the "Which file do you want to open?" prompt now cancels the operation.
- The WASD keys used for controlling the camera in the level editor can now be remapped. To configure these controls, click the (Controls) widget in the top-right of the adventure select menu. The key mappings are stored in UserData/editorcontrols.wdf. When opening the editor, the file will be created if it does not exist.
- The Ctrl+T hotkey now automatically updates the selected object before saving.
- CMD 64 has been renamed from NPC Exclamation to Exclamation because it can affect any object. For both CMD 64 and the NPC Exclamation object, Data1 has been renamed to Target ID and Data2 has been renamed to Particle ID and Data3 has been renamed to Count. Additionally, when the Target ID is -1, it is now properly labeled as Pla since that targets the player.
- The adjuster labels and value names on CMD 62 and CMD 63 now match what's on the NPC Modifier objects.
- CMD 4 Data4 has been labeled as "Level?". A value of 0 is labeled as "Current" and any nonzero value is labeled as "MAV?".
- CMD 65 now properly labels the player expressions.
- Autodoor ActivateType adjusters now display the name of the object Type.
- Voids are now simulated.
- Void Data0 has been labeled as TimeOffset and Data2 has been labeled as SizeAdjust.
- The Burstflower attack timer is now simulated.
- Burstflower Data0 has been labeled as TimeOffset and Data1 has been labeled as BurstProgress.
- The editor can now automatically detect and open WA3 Beta1 levels.
- The mouse scroll wheel now works for navigating the hub editor adventure list.
- For Stinker NPCs and NPC Modifiers, the Anim adjuster has been renamed to IdleAnim. Some idle animation labels were shorted by one character (always a space or a slash) to allow for this.
- Thwart and Ice Troll's Anim adjuster has been renamed to WalkAnim.
- For the regular Dialog adjuster on objects, 0 is now displayed as None.
- For the regular Exclamation adjuster on objects, -1 is now displayed as None.
- The color of accessory ID 0 or less is now displayed as None.
- The Step Per setting has been moved downwards to make room for a certain upcoming new feature that will be more important.
- Made the Resize Current/Duplicate tooltip a bit clearer.
- Fixed a bug that caused the adventure starting coordinates to remain at -100,-50 after using Test Level at Cursor.
- Fixed a bug that caused some brush modes to not remove their highlighting properly when switching directly between levels.
- Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to remain hidden when using Ctrl+O to open a level right after typing in the master.dat editor.
- Fixed an oversight that caused the dialog editor cursor to be moved by pressing enter to complete an input prompt.
- Fixed a bug that caused changing the simulation level to count as an unsaved change.
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Re: The MNIKEditor (Latest Version: 6/13/22)

Post by nasko222 » Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:59 pm

Add Data/Adventures mode, like my direct hub editors, it reads the adventures from Data/Adventures directly. :stinkyhappy:
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