Morklin and the Thieves-A Wonderland fanfiction

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Post by Nobody » Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:54 am

-Chapter 5: Orange Keys-

"Here's an idea," Hop said. "There are several orange keys in the Sewers. Orange keys allow you passage to many places. If you got some of those orange keys, it could open up more places to look."

"How come I have to find them," said Peegue, "when you three work here full time?"

"No idea," said Hop.

So Peegue searched the sewers for orange keys. He walked down a long passage to a pool, which he Blinked across. Spikeyballs patrolled the hall. Peegue ducked between them nervously to get his first key.

The second key was much easier, just across a few 'rivers'. The third was gaurded by Fireflowers, and a fourth was behind a locked door which he had to open. As Peegue went to get his fifth key, he saw something green disappearing into a passageway. Was it... a leg? Peegue left the key sitting there to go through the passage.

The passage started to get darker and Peegue stumbled in the dim light. After lots of walking he found a pool with floating barrels in it. He imagined he would have been able to cross if only the water level wasn't so low. It was low, however, so Peegue turned around and got his fifth key.

A final 6th key was past such dangerous stuff Peegue couldn't reach it. Instead he left and went to the gate to Windy Hills. He only needed three of the five keys he got! Peegue decided to look for locks elsewhere. Stepping up to a house , a Dragonturtle opened the door. Somewhat shocked, Peegue stepped aside, hearing a splash.

"Have you seen my pet Dragonturtle?" asked a Wee Stinker standing by a fountain across from the house.

Figures, thought Peegue, as he went to casually suggest to the Wee Stinker to look in the fountain.

After not finding anything else to unlock, Peegue gathered up the sewer workers and started to look for rocks in Windy Hills.
i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:58 am

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Post by LittleZbot » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:52 am

To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
Discord: LittleZbot#3936