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Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Post by Nobody » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:32 pm

I wrote this once (apparently) and found it just now. IT NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE.

The Adventures of Sue the Sister
Episode 1: Where's Jim?

One day, Sue woke up and noticed that there was a new heater: but wasn't there? She looked in the trees and tree trunk for her annoying brother Jim, but could not find him even in the laundry basket!
Then she looked too hard at the cold heater and stepped on it, it opened up and she fell into a garden with someone in a white suit with a blue backpack and black curly hair picking flowers. She picked up a yellow one and sneezed. Achoo!
"Hello? Oh no, you picked a yellow flower and got snot all over my backpack," he said.
"I hope I didn't put my snot-eating baby Tyranasaurus (AH GIVE UP) Rexin it or it might brow to be a non-robot."
A little egg dropped from his backpack and Sue picked it up and read it. It said, "yellow makes you sneeze, green is scentless to humans but smells bad otherwise, red eats fingernails though it accidentally swallowed one of my fingers one time."
Sue said, "You dropped your egg."
The boy said "Oh, thank you for finding my round invention diary. You are in Flower Land. Did you fall through or accidentally swallow one of my impossible to swallow robot monsters?"
She said in sign language to herself, was that heater a cooler?
The boy looked up and said, "I, famous inventor Tuck, have eaten apples for many days."
Sue said, "There is no exit, right?"
Then Tuck said, "Of course there is. My invention diary will change when its current owner gets to the exit. Then Tuck gave the round invention diary to Sue. She went a long way until she saw a hedge. She noticed the egg diary change. Now there was something more written on it. It now said, "after all the flowers, edge hedge, get in it and run."
Sue jumped in it, but didn't have time to run and fell into its mouth. Inside its mouth, she fell onto a surfboard. Surfing, she missed a wave. Without time to sink, there was a doorway. She went onto an island and now she was trapped. The wheels under the sand lifted up, pushing the sand away, then she skateboarded off.

As the topic title says, you have to make this story make sense to get a cookie. EASIER SAID THAN DONE, HA HA HUH!
i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Rainbow Spirit Master
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:36 pm

She found a new heater and she tried to blame Jim for replacing her old heater. She got her head stuck in the heater somehow and she hallucinated all of the events after that.

The end.
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Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Post by Nobody » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:38 pm


i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Rainbow Spirit Master
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:39 pm

What's the prize?
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Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Post by Nobody » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:43 pm

1st place: A green flower.
2nd place: A yellow flower.
3rd place. A red flower.

So I guess I'll wait for three more entries to review your thingy.
i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Rainbow Spirit Master
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:00 pm

Those prizes are unhealthy. :lol: