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Post by Lillian » Tue May 10, 2005 9:33 am

Thought I was going to have a heart attack this morning - got back from the school run and my computer wouldn't turn on!!!!!!! The on button was stuck! Palpatations started......... No Wonderland till Stan gets home this evening ....... unbearable!

So I decided to take action! Got my overalls on and armed with a hammer, screwdriver, saw, pliers, spade, potato masher, drill, poker, axe, garden shears.... anything to get the blasted front off the computer. It wouldn't shift - my heart sunk.

Rang Stan.... "DON'T FORCE IT" he said (knowing that I would :lol: ) Eventually got the front off (might have broken one of the hinges :lol: ). Dabbled with a few wires and...... hey presto - it fired up into action!

I am sitting here now with bits of the front cover all over the floor - Stan will kill me when he gets home :lol: :lol: :lol: But I don't care - IT'S WORKING!!!!!!

I think I need to see a shrink - or book into The Priory for a month - total addiction flushout is needed :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Anyone else feel like this?? I AM SAD!
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Post by kaz67 » Tue May 10, 2005 9:49 am

That is SOOO funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're not alone - the server was down for about 90 minutes a few weeks ago and I am STILL having nightmares about it - and I could still PLAY just not access the forum.

You forgot knife and fork amongst your tools btw

Kazza :lol: :lol:
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Liz Mayhew
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Post by Liz Mayhew » Tue May 10, 2005 12:17 pm

Oh I know that awful sinking feeling. Heart pounding, blackness in front of the eyes. This happened to me recently, when it all suddently cut out and went black :shock: :o :o :o Awful fishy electrical smell in the air. Wouldn't turn on again. :cry: :cry:

Luckily my son was around. The fan on the CPU had failed and it had burnt out. Off to PC World. He had it installed in jiff!

I do have nightmares about what would happen if it packed up for good.
(We are a lot of nutters aren't we).

Liz :D :D
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Post by popo » Tue May 10, 2005 1:03 pm

It's really bad that we get like this over inannimate objects. I'm the same with my mobile phone. Not that many years ago I used to go out for the day, no phone, no way anyone could get in touch with me. Did I care? Of course not. Now if I accidentally forget my phone when I go out, I feel as if I've gone out without my underwear on, and I'm constantly worrying that someone will try to contact me and think I've had an accident.

How did we ever survive before technology? :shock: :lol: :lol:

Hope you manage to get the front back on Lillie. :lol: :lol:
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Post by ann3120 » Tue May 10, 2005 1:43 pm

kaz67 wrote:the server was down for about 90 minutes a few weeks ago and I am STILL having nightmares about it - and I could still PLAY just not access the forum.
At least you could still play. I always delete the levels I've finished (or couldn't), and to get up in the morning and find you're off the internet is just the most gosh-awful, oh no, what am I going to do all day feeling - btw, the dreaded HW-word is definitely not an option ! ! ! ! !

Anyway, I've cured that problem for all time. The very last thing I do before going to bed is to download at least a dozen levels. That way, I get up in the morning with excitement and anticipation in my heart, instead of fear and dread and feelings of possible abandonment - help, where's my security blanky.

The computer being broken - I can't even face the thought of that. Total tragedy, a mad dash to Best Buy, more debt on the good old credit card, wild explanations to husband regarding emergency need for new computer - etc. etc. etc.

Glad you got it fixed, Lillian. You don't need a front cover to play. That's only window dressing so they can charge you more. If it worries you, just don't look at it. Make new levels, keep up with The Kaz, or download a few to play. If you need support, just write and we'll answer - as if you didn't know that. We're all friends here to help you.
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Post by Lillian » Tue May 10, 2005 1:48 pm

You are all SO funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not worried about the front cover - its all the loose wires that are "not" connected to the starty bit that I am worried about :x :x :x Hubby might come home tonight and decide to take it in to work tomorrow to fix - over my dead body :P :P :P
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the cat
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Post by the cat » Thu May 12, 2005 3:33 am

Well what happen?? Lillian what did Stan do? Take it or just put the wires back in and put the front cover on.
You Can't just leave us hanging here. :roll: :wink:
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Post by Lillian » Thu May 12, 2005 8:51 am

Thanks for asking The Cat :lol: My Superman came to the rescue and put the wires back in the right place, glued the broken on button and "Voila" everything is just perfect again! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope it doesn't happen again :shock:
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Post by Summerday » Sat May 14, 2005 2:10 pm

Just had to reply. I chuckled - actually one of those heartfelt belly laughs (Thank You Lillian - laughing is such good exercise for body and spirit). :lol:

I know exactly how you feel when something goes awry with the computer. Since I have no one to help fix it, I use Ann's solution - to Best Buy or Circuit City I go. In my case it is about a four-hour round trip.

Yes, I too am addicted to Wonderland (and Ricochet Lost Worlds).

I really enjoy all the creativity (still have LOTS of levels yet to play).

I do have an idea for a series of levels embracing a story line, but I am not skilled enough to actually make the levels. If anyone is interested, I'd love to chat about the idea.
