I kept forgetting to make this announcement...
Readability is WonderWiki's main concern. Although it might not be politically correct and strictly logical, the use of he/she on stinkers with unknown gender is still an eye-hurter.
The use of he/she is now disallowed. If a stinker's gender is unknown, please use he. Note that WonderWiki administrators has the final say.
Emerald141 wrote:My point is that if I'm in the staff on one of Tyteen's services, and all the other members on the staff also have authority in another of Tyteen's services, I don't see why I shouldn't be in that group too.
Services administration are service-specific. The other admins are also Network Administrators so they automatically get admin everywhere. As you see, Evan is an admin on 3.studIo forums, but since he is not a Network Administrator, he doesn't get admin on WW.
PS: How 3.studIo was born: WonderServices (run by DYT studio, some random studio we thought of on Skype) and Evina Forums were merged together.
PS2: Network Administrators currently are also directors.
PS3: The network got hacked (if anybody gets this joke, but oh well)
Back to waiting for MediaWiki 1.17.
EDIT: Fixed stupid typo