Computer for WA V.S Laptop for WA

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Computer for WA V.S Laptop for WA

Post by StinkyFTW » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:17 pm

So, I decided that we need a topic about this. Things that I have found harder to do on a laptop than on a computer are;

1. If you don't have a mouse, then in wa2 and wa3 you are going to have an extremely difficult time using magic

2. When a certain something in wa1 is unlocked, you don't have a number pad to do a new certain something. People who have 100% wa1 know what I am talking about.

3. Laptops are sometimes slower than pc {unless you're using alienware} so the games performance is down in general.

4. Unless you knew that you could also walk with WASD, then you are gonna have a hard time navigating around wonderland

Let me know if you guys find anything else on this topic or if you agree with me on the above!
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Post by |Cookie| » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:36 pm

I relate to this... Isn't that a disadvantage in all games? :lol:
"Computers > Laptops" (IMO)
Last summer I had to use a laptop all the time and playing ANYTHING (Not just WA) was a nightmare, I couldn't complete TMD back then because of the lag, but it's mainly because mine is a potato laptop, I don't blame it.
I had a mouse back then, so it wasn't all bad, but missing the numpad was kind of annoying while playing, but I am pretty sure you could connect a keyboard to your laptop. :P
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Post by cloudrac3r » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:46 am

I have a laptop and you 98% need a mouse to play WA1 (the only one I've played) because point-and-click is very annoying to move around with (although arrow keys make it a little better) and it is tricky to use magic quickly when things are chasing/shooting at you. In some adventures very frantic clicking is required to not be hit. *cough* purple shard *cough*
Since Wonderland is a fairly light/old game, you don't need a giga PC to run it without lag (or even a desktop for that matter). Performance is not really an issue.

StinkyFTW: I have not got all the stars in WA1 yet, so I don't know what you're talking about. My laptop doesn't have a number pad, but my friend's one does.
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Post by |Cookie| » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:20 am

cloudrac3r wrote:StinkyFTW: I have not got all the stars in WA1 yet, so I don't know what you're talking about. My laptop doesn't have a number pad, but my friend's one does.
Actually... You can move around with the numpad (7,9,1, and 3 to move diagonally), I use the numpad (with the mouse for magic) rather than the arrow keys on my computer, I find it better this way.
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