WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

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WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by nasko222 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:50 am

Here's the release of my brand new modded WA 0.96 Engine editor. The so called BetterEditor Mod. This mod's idea is to add WA2/WA3/RTW and many custom objects to WA1(0.96) While keeping the compatibility with all old WA 0.96 Vanilla Levels. Now OpenWA has support for .wa2 files, but most of them don't work because there are some unique glitches in WA 0.96 that makes the gameplay more interesting. Examples are Cage Blinking, Star Magic, Negative Colors, Black Magic Glitch, Ghost player entity and A LOT more.

Almost all MOFI/POTZ objects
New magics, Flash bubble magic, barrels magic
Track entities, almost all entities that follow tracks like ZBOTS
Glove dischargers from OpenWA
Enemy Kabooms from RTW
Score TollGates
Killer moobots
And a lot more in the future...

Can I install this over my WA 0.96 Editor?

Yes! You can do this right now, and it wont have any side effects (I really hope, I tried it with few friends and myself, playing for like hours)

What is the level format in WA Better Editor?

The level format in WA Better Editor is .wabe, but Better Editor also supports .wa2 files from WA 0.96, and it will convert them to .wabe on launching the Player

I can't upload .wabe files to the forum

Sadly, I gotta contact MS for this, to allow .wabe extension, but until then, you can ZIP your .wabe adventure and post it as zip file. Sorry for the inconvenience

Why better editor?

Better editor is a new vision to the 0.96 editor, while trying my best to not break any adventures with any Better editor updates. And all old 0.96 adventures from the archive should be compatible with better editor.

There are like 10 modded editors, why this is the important one?

Better Editor is like new vision of the 0.96 editor just like Open WA is new vision of 3.00 editor. You can choose to play vanilla or modded, but having those two editors seems like okay to me. Before the community mods like OpenWA existed, 0.96 levels were never compatible to the 3.00 editor and vice versa

Why not just add your modded objects to openwa?

Short answer, I work for myself.

I could add them but it will take time for them to be added to OpenWA update + I don't like few things in OpenWA/WASharp, one of them being the color palette. If you're here for an editor that adds modded objects then you're in the wrong. Because as i explained above thats not the only reason I made this editor. Heres example: Currently working on CBAU 4 with zbot theme cage blinking level. This will never be possible in openwa because cage blinking is patched, and if they unpatch it then it will break other set of adventures
Also good luck adding stuff used by different ids in openwa (for example the portal magic)

Can i give ideas to the better editor mod?

Of course you can, I will update this editor if it actually gets a good attention in the community. and i hope that this will happen

With that outta the way, Here's the changelog section:

Changelog from 0.96 Vanilla -> BetterEditor v4.00:

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Ported AutoDoors, Crabs, Trolls, Kabooms, BurstFlowers, Tentacles, Grow magic, Retro stuff, ZBots, Lurkers, Ghosts, Wraiths from MOFI and POTZ

Added Track option to few monsters - Turtle/Chomper/Moobot/Weebot(option to disable track)
Added Kabooms from RTW, but they use the normal pathfinding not the wall one.
Added Glove dischargers and Reverse tentacles from OpenWA
Added reverse crabs, crab that do the reverse of their behaviour
Added Flash bubbles, Like floing bubbles but they hold only magic and get destroyed individually
Added Linked barrels, The same color and subcolor barrel gets destroyed simultaneously.
Added Blink/Pop/Flash wraiths, and wraith option for different type of spell casting
Added Baby boomer recharge method with firetraps
Added Kill function to the Moobots
Added Score option to TollGates

If I am forgetting something I will update it.
And the modded objects documentation section

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Better Editor Object Documentation (Only Modded Properties):

Adventure Star - Property ReplayDeactivate defines if the star will appear as used after the adventure was beaten.

Cuboid - Turning makes it spin around, Explo command and CMD data 1,2,3,4 is General command when the cube is destroyed.
Linked Barrel - Barrel REG That destroys all barrels with the same color and subcolor on the loaded level. Colors of 0-8 have textures in game.

Conveyor Lead - Automatic or Step conveyor depending on the Logic, Needs Conveyor Tails of the same color and subcolor to work. Visual type 4 renders them as Stars

Rainbow Gate - Opens when all Rainbow Coins are collected
TollGate - Score gate option, checks if player has enough score, doesn't take the score on opening.

Arcade - Activates X IDs after IDToActivate for a token coin. Different IDs have different amounts of token limit (range of 1 to 3)

Glove Charge - Charge: Always-always works, Once-Charges the gloves with 9 spells once, Disabled-not working
Glove Discharge - It discharges the gloves and it has the same properties
Once Charge - Charges the gloves only with 1 spell
Once DisCharge - DisCharges the gloves only with 1 spell

New magic - Flash bubble magic (id 5) Barrel magics (id 9 and 10)

Bomb - Enemy that walks with the same AI as turtles and explodes NPCs/Wee/BabyBoomers/Player in range of 1 (Without diagonals). It also explodes when it doesn't have where to walk.
Scouge: If type is rotatable, it will rotate on a button that corresponds to the ID of the scouge (You need to set the scouge id)
MoobotDeadly - Kills NPCs and Player
Moobot - direction over 3 will cause the Moobot to be frozen and not react to pop until used BRR on it or a rotator button.
Wraith - Target option, LastPlayerLoc will shoot at the last player location, Indefinite will cast the spell towards the direction of the player, but it won't stop
Crab - Reverse option makes red crabs follow you and green crabs avoid you. Green crabs don't blindly jump into water, but red crabs to, making it a new unique way to handle them around.

Tentacles - Reversed, reverse tentacles from OpenWA, Can be destroyed with ZAP spell and POW
Magic shooter - Shoots magic when used CMD 1 with the proper ID
Baby boomers charge their power if put on lit Firetrap

Track enemies - You need to set the track index from the Tile spritesheet, where 1 is top left first texture, 8 is the last one on the first row, 9 is the first one on the second row and so on.
UFO, Zapbot, Weebots have AutoTrack, they read the track they're placed in on loading the level, everything else is manual track setup.
Turtles change their texture if have track on
On Chompers Track works only if Special is MECHA
And the moment you've all been waiting for: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ljun8zv9 ... 2.rar/file
There are few adventures that I made for testing, and you can tinker with them,
Last edited by nasko222 on Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by nasko222 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:06 am

OH! I forgot to mention that WA 0.96 vanilla saves arent compatible with better editor saves, so finish your adventures on the saves first :stinkyconfused:
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Re: WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by nasko222 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:03 pm

Update 4.01 Hotfix

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Fixed a bug where ZBot NPCs crashes the editor when tinkering with the turning option
Fixed a bug where Killer moobots collide with normal moobots
Added ID Property to the moobots in the editor
The link above has been updated
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Re: WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by nasko222 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:35 pm

Update 4.02

Code: Select all

Fixed a bug where Destroy All ZBots wasn't working
The link above has been updated

Note: If you already have BetterEditor installed, don't bother downloading the whole zip just to update. Instead, download the update.zip (Only wg.exe and Editor.exe) and replace in your existing BetterEditor instance. https://www.mediafire.com/file/y0sqle1r ... 2.zip/file
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Re: WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by Jutomi » Fri May 13, 2022 3:22 pm

Hi Nasko! Sorry to be posting in your topic when you've got an update log going on here, but I wanted to share with ya my video solutions to your adventures. :P

I admit I was a little disheartened to find two of the special feature ones technically weren't winnable. Alas. I did still enjoy them and all of the adventures you included. :)

Video Solutions:
Flash Bubbles
Fill the Vaccuum FAST
Score Gate Test
Scouging Around
Trouble With Kaboom!s

I look forward to (hopefully) future adventures using some of these goodies. :)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Re: WA Better Editor - WA 0.96 Revision (Download here)

Post by nasko222 » Fri May 13, 2022 4:31 pm

Not like they were really hard, Jutomi! :D

I bug you to try The Box Factory 1 and CBAU 4
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