OK, now that that is fixed...
That is a perfect example of how to vote, everyone! xD Glad to see it's not as complicated as I was worried it'd come across as being.
Alrighty, time for my rankings
-1 by Nasko. OK I know this might not be the most popular of first place ranks, because Samuel's is such a freaking banger. But honestly Nasko pleasantly surprised me with this one. It's a
little overwhelming (ish) at first, but not overly-so - no more than Samuel's honestly. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles, loved the use of every magic in the adventure and how they were used (along with the bonus monsters/elements of more-or-less each colour), got a giggle by the guy at the end, found it to be a
remarkable improvement in adventure approachability and overall found it a thoroughly enjoyable adventure! Giving this my first place vote
(searching) by Samuel. Extremely close vote, and honestly it
would get my first vote given the effort, creativity, solid puzzle design, incredible aesthetic, exquisite dialogue, and meeting the criteria several times over. Easily would be first place, but since I personally suspect
most folks will put this entry at first place, and since I suspect most individuals will vote Samuel's rather highly, I did personally think Nasko's deserved that little extra oomph
Special Diversity Sequence by Nobody. It was a pretty fun adventure with an amusing storyline and interesting aesthetic! Just a cute and solid adventure. (And that's genuine, not just giving you sympathy points for accidentally forgetting to put your level texture in the folder

3D Rainbow Maze by Joseppy. I absolutely love this and think it is brilliant. It's also incredible that you
coded this thing into the game

It easily would get spot number 4 for me, although I am personally putting it just a tiny bit lower given a) how short it was, b) it pushed the contest back two weeks (:lol:) and c) it technically uses elements which were not readily available to everyone. That's perfectly allowed as I emphasized, but as an individual voter I am deducting just a couple points for that. Still, it is a really pretty proof of concept, and even though it's got a bit of buginess in it, learning that
most of it is the power of illusion through ingame mechanics is honestly pretty impressive. Solid fourth for me.
Colour Coded for Your Convenience by Wonderman109. I honestly wasn't going to put this one very high at all, as I agree with Nobody that it was fairly overwhelming, and the solution was not...
super satisfying. It's not aesthetically the most elegant either, didn't know what was up with the metal button/bridges, and I'm personally not a huge fan of those less-than-conveniently coloured bridges that appear in the corners connecting to those buttons (which, I actually think might not be necessary with a slightly different solution as I was trying before they sprang out of nowhere). However, as the next few adventures are quite close in enjoyment for me personally, I did end up being surprised by how much I enjoyed this! It mostly sticks to the theme pretty well in a relatively creative way (not perfect, but hard to do when you're not choosing the obvious magic system), was still pretty clever and creative conceptually and in execution, had a nice throwback to WA1, and I ultimately came away... if not mindblown, at least
quite satisfied. (And it was honestly a lot more approachable than a good chunk of your adventures imo

The Sunrain Ship by Wonderman109. Aight, so. This one
really stretches the point of the contest, and I know I'm a minority on this. Honestly I was ready to put this at the very bottom like Nobody did. But thinking about it... it's actually pretty creative! (If extremely simple

) I mean this isn't just an adventure on a rainbow ship; it's an adventure on a
mostly proportionally correct rainbow ship. Like. OK Maybe I'm the only one who sees this but it's kind of brilliant imo to use a ship with a rainbow flag as an adventure, and I can't say I've seen anything quite like this before

I also appreciate that it's not
just the flag that's rainbow; the keys are red, the ship is orange and yellow, the walls green, the sea blue and indigo, and the magic purple. Really quite clever, if you ask me, and it was hard for me to decide between this one and the two above this one how to rank these.
Desert Bifrost by Jutomi. So I was going to put this one pretty low on this list anyway, and honestly I'm torn between this and the two below in terms of preference. Nonetheless, much as I do adore the aesthetic and the cuteness of it all, the gameplay is literally just walking and its use of "rainbow" mechanics is pretty limited. It is more of a small collection of proof-of-concepts (and accidental discovery @bridge changing colours) that I couldn't figure out how to put into any larger context until the opportunity arose with this contest and I recalled each of these separate ideas a few weeks in. So overall I'm quite happy with it. Plus I am quite happy with the little easter egg I threw in that I doubt anyone will find. But I'm still ranking it low out of objectivity.
At the End of the Rainbow by Wonderman109. I'm actually not
thrilled with this one in terms of gameplay, not
huge about that cheeky
one transporter stopping by the waterfall, and trying to talk to the baldies make me stuck. Nonetheless, it was an...
interesting storyline, with a unique take on the whole rainbow theme. So hardly my least favorite entry.
Pocket Magic by Jutomi. UUGH so this was
easily going to be my #3 pick (#bias), but the amount of alternate solutions found without ever using
Floing by wisely using
Grow (due to its not being as necessary for the intended solution as I thought), let alone the cool trick of
reviving the crab from the "dead", amount to nothing short of a failure. Not to say the adventure as a whole is, though! It is still compact, requires quite a bit of thinking (possibly the most difficult of the batch? Not sure), and is innovative and experimental. #tootingmyownhorn Nonetheless, ultimately I have to rank this much lower than I otherwise would have. (It's extremely close between this and the above two, ftr). Ngl surprised this one's as liked as it is but maybe I'm self-critical xD P.S. I was gonna make this even without the contest being a thing but coincidences are quite amusing; maybe I'll one day update this outside of the contest, we'll see ;p
Rainbow Treat by Garirry. It's not at all a bad level! Not
great - but not bad

Especially for one that had to be made in such short time! But I did have to deduct a few points for a) not using the
Floing, b) not having
Pow (although using a second
Flash which is admittedly in a situation of single-use quite simimlar to
Pow was pretty smart so the bonus points cancel this point out), and c) Even so it was pretty easy

Still, it was a pleasant little level and I did quite like the unique turtle shenanigans... still quite confused how you did that
Dual Solution by Wonderman109. Yeah Dual Solution 1/2 were the only two I actually didn't particularly like - although I didn't
dislike them. I've played
far worse adventures, don't get me wrong; but for me personally it didn't particuarly scream anything special in regards to the contest requirements, and the puzzle was basically a small transporter puzzle based off of the interaction at the beginning, and toggling gates to destroy chompers. 'Fraid this one's at the bottom.
Dual Solution 2 by Wonderman109. You basically took the first one and stripped away half of it. (More like Dual Solution 1/2 eh? ;p) It's actually kind of cute as a tutorial-type adventure, having come back to it. Still, it only meets the criteria in that it technically has a gate of each colour. Honestly I cannot decide which one I prefer, so these are tied. >_>
X: MNIK'S ****** FATHER DADDY THING SO BAD OMG THIS WAS AS CENSOREDposty AS THE TITLE IS UNSUBBED I ok I'm not rating it because it's a funny meme level that really stretches / arguably breaks the rules (and not just those of the contest). That technically gives it the same amount of points as Sunrain Ship which yeah that feels fair it was hardly rainbow-based but was a really funny memepost with a solid callback to pride and all that so I accept this fate #totallynotcoppingoutofatiedrankingbypretendingnottorankitatall
Edit: Swapped Joseppy's and Wonderman109's places for 4th and 5th. Honestly was close for me but yeah I'm sold on Joseppy's honestly.