The Proud Wonderlander Contest [CONCLUDED!]

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The Proud Wonderlander Contest [CONCLUDED!]

Post by Jutomi » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:53 pm



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Here we go again...

Submission Phase

Hello, everyone! I am kicking off this June and Summer Vacation with a new contest! And what better a way to celebrate the summer than by expressing yourself as a proud Wonderlander? Not just any Wonderlander - no no no, we are dedicated masters of all the rainbow magics.

That's why, for this contest, you must oblige by the following requirements:

1) The submission must be made before the end of June (i.e. July 1st). July 15th*

This is a month-long endeavor; take your time! You are not bound by size or time constraints this time; however, I urge you to make it approximately the length of an adventure you'd find in, say, Planet of the Z-bots or something. I also recommend spending no more than several hours on it, but ultimately you may work at your own pace - as long as you don't overwhelm yourself with scope creep. Remember: size is not what's important here - it's what you do to express your proud devotion to the diverse color spectrum of Wonderland!

2) The adventure must utilize the rainbow in a meaningful way.

This means your adventure must use the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple in a meaningful way. You are free to interpret this in any way you like! Seven different coloured magics/spells are an obvious go-to (and my hoping to see more of them is in fact how I thought of this contest early last year), but any set that expresses or at least resembles the seven colours is acceptable! (Using stuff with "rainbow" colors or otherwise rainbow-based themes is also acceptable and even encouraged ^^) You are strongly encouraged to experiment and even combine multiple sets - just remember to not commit to anything too grand a scale!

And that should be it for the rules! The tl;dr version is "Due before July" and "Rainbows". You may use Vanilla, OpenWA - heck, even a modded launcher if you so wished! (Just know people may be more weary of playing it... and beware of scope creep ;p)

As always, you may submit your entry in any way you like (including posting in this thread). However, I strongly recommend keeping your submissions private, and the preferred method is either DMing me on the forum or through discord. You actually are welcome to submit multiple entries this time, if you have a great many ideas you're just dying to commit to; just remember, quality >>> quantity!

After the deadline, I will post an announcement in this thread. Unlike other contests I've hosted, the voting phase will then continue in this thread, and the adventures will all be available in a .zip attached to the bottom of this post. Then, voting phase will begin - and I'll explain how that will work when we get to it. :) <- Note: This will be invalid if there's a post character limit :lol:

Happy Wonderlanding! And remember - take pride in your Wonderland obsession! We're a diverse group of stinkers with our own little niche; and we are proud masters of it!

Voting Phase

Voting Phase has been closed. Click HERE for Adventures and HERE to learn how the vote was conducted!


This contest is now closed! You may see the results HERE! Thank you all for participating! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Jutomi on Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:53 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by |Cookie| » Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:04 pm

Happy demon month!!! :stinkyhappy:
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Woof Woof
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by StinkerSquad01 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:55 pm

I like Wonderland and men
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by StinkyFTW » Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:24 pm

We stan our LGBTQIA+ Wonderlanders!
OH GOD. :mrgreen:
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:21 pm

*(in)visible confusion*
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:14 pm

StinkyFTW wrote:
Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:24 pm
We stan our LGBTQIA+ Wonderlanders!
That's right! Light (near-white), Green, Blue, Teal, Qlear, Indigo, Amethyst, and so much more are welcome! The seven template colours need not be what defines us.
nasko222 wrote:
Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:21 pm
*(in)visible confusion*
Yes, even invisibility is a color!
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Wonderman109 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:20 pm

I feel like this is a good opportunity to make a (much reduced) version of Com_Rante's Rainbow's End with its own story and setting. I had enjoyed that level when I played it, even if much was lost. Would've liked to make something similar.
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Wonderman109 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:27 am


My levels are done, releasing publicly as usual because I don't like having to check in when contests end. Have fun, don't get stuck.
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:04 pm

Friendly reminder that you all have about ten days to submit! I think I'm going to allow a grace period of 24-48 hours, just in case people can't get to it until the weekend of July 1st. Just note that the voting phase will still be starting then (so folks can play that weekend), so I encourage you all to submit before the deadline. :)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:56 pm

Sent my submission! :D I think it became really good. I originally planned to have a really huge hub-like level with 7 space ships that go to different worlds themed on the color, For example Red - Red Cave, Orange - Barren, Green - Jungle, so on. But Jutomi told me that if the level is that huge people might not have time patience and interest of playing it so I made something smaller but really puzzly and tricky. I hope you all enjoy it when it comes out :stinkyhappy:
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:57 pm

For what it's worth, that hub certainly could still be released as a standalone. If you wanted to, you even could submit that as a second entry! In the end, your call as to what you want to make, what you enjoy, and what you feel comfortable with, as long as it's submitted before the deadline and involves something rainbowy!
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:06 pm

Four more days to submit an entry! I'd go ahead and put them up for voting phase this weekend, but honestly I don't feel like putting them all together and then doing it again, and given I also want everyone to have their entries rated together, I'll officially postpone voting phase until at least July 2nd so half of the weekend can be reserved for finishing entries and the other half for playing (if anyone wished to). I may delay it for a little longer, if anyone has an entry nearly complete but can't for various reasons; just let me know and I'll push the deadline back a small amount. The maximum I'm willing to push back is a week, and even then I'd rather not unless we have to. :P
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:39 pm

Well, that happened rather quickly xD

So, due to complication with the OpenWA update being required for one of the entries, plus further delays on another entry that may-or-may-not-make-it, and due to the Game Jam coming out for which at least half of the contest participants (and likely those who'd actually play the adventures) will probably be making games that weekend and then playing others the week after...

well :lol: this puts me in a little bit of a pickle, but it looks like the submission phase will be extended until July 15th (this year obviously). Sorry if you all wanted to play the entries sooner, but I want this to be fair for what few participants I've got.

If you want others to play your entry sooner, you're more than welcome to release your adventure onto the forum in the meantime! Otherwise, hang tight until the third weekend from today. :)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:21 am

due to complication with the OpenWA update being required for one of the entries
OpenWA (a community mod that hasnt been updated for years) is going to get updated, for a single adventure?? What? Am I missing something?
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:58 pm

No :lol: OpenWA is getting updated anyway, and the adventure happens to utilize a prominent feature of that update.

It hasn't been updated in years partly because the amount of work needed to actually add anything and the actual work of getting users (especially those who already barely touch Wonderland) to download another launcher. The main reason for the update actually is just to patch the file compression bug you found a while back; a bunch of folks simply found now to be the prime opportunity to add some features, namely commands.

It's been mentioned in the Wonderland discord, but I suppose it's not been prominently mentioned anywhere on the forum. :oops: Either way one of the batches of features from one user is taking a little bit more time due to irl constraints. Work's being done to try and get the update out sooner, but either way, since it's being planned for release anyway, and my contest constraints specifically say one may use any form of WA they like (including modded), I am obliged to wait at least a little while. But if there's no end in sight by the end of the two weeks, I'm afraid we'll have to resort to an alternate plan, such as releasing a temporary mod with the feature available, or otherwise withdraw it from the contest.
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:08 pm

a bunch of folks simply found now to be the prime opportunity to add some features, namely commands.

WELL UH. How about the BetterEditor features i requested non-once throughout last year's summer
Or how about BetterOpenWA which re-adds cageblinking as toggle for levels and menu music option

Well the first one is more interesting, and the better editor code is already on my github so its copy and paste if you know what I mean
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:09 pm

One more thing, for a particular adventure its all fine to release modded wg.exe's around the forum (I assume). I wanted to make quite a lot of these but I know that literally no one will download my exe files or even bother checking them so I haven't even tried
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:16 pm

I know we settled this on discord, but I'd like to iterate to others that this is a contest thread, not a modding thread. :P

(But yeah condensing Better Editor features into the official update would be ideal.)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:05 pm

Only two more days left before the extension is finished! After that, voting phase shall commence - even if the editor has not been updated :P

(I mean it's a soft deadline but still by the end of the week whenever I can get to it)
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:58 pm

I'm releasing my adventure, HAVE FUN GUYS! :D (Vote nasko222 FTW!!!!! or banned! (JK no pressure vote whatever you want)

I am also releasing the BETA edition of my level, THIS IS NOT PART OF THE CONTEST!!!! I just wanted to release the beta, play it if you want it has notable differences, but the level im putting in the contest is the non beta aka just the "junecontest" one
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [SUBMISSION PHASE]

Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:44 pm

Jutomi wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:05 pm
Only two more days left before the extension is finished! After that, voting phase shall commence - even if the editor has not been updated :P

(I mean it's a soft deadline but still by the end of the week whenever I can get to it)
It wouldn't be the Wonderland fandom if you didn't have to postpone a contest entry a half month behind schedule. Good luck
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Post by Jutomi » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:42 pm

Alright I'm having second thoughts about holding this in this thread, but I'm sticking to it for the sake of experiment :roll:

After a couple weeks' delay, I am finally proud to announce that Submission Phase has closed, and Voting Phase has commensed!

We have 13 entries this time! That's a new record :shock: (Well, last time had 14 adventures, but 5 were considered part of one entry.) We also had 8 unique participants, which is an extremely good turnout in this day and age of the forum, being a close second to that of the last contest. :D

The entries have been renamed so they are all are together in the level select screen under "ProudWonderlanders#", with the creator (-# if multiple entries are present) being used for the filename, alongside the original creators' usernames still showing up in the level select screen.


The entries are:
Rainbow Treat (Garirry)
3D Rainbow Maze (ILoveWonderland/Joseppy/Joey)
Pocket Magic (Jutomi)
Desert Bifrost (Jutomi)
The ****** Father, Part 2 (MNIK)
-1 (Nasko)
Special Diversity Sequence (Nobody)
(searching) Samuel
Colour Coded for Your Convenience (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09)
Dual Solution (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09)
Dual Solution 2 (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09)
On the Edge of the Rainbow (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09)
The Sunrain Ship (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09)

Yes I made two smh


Custom Content: Custom Music (from Nobody & Ice, Samuel, My Retro Collection, and my Personal Collection), level textures (spectrajade, palace, rainbowfacility), icons ("standard" that comes with OpenWA, lostvoyage), Models (Samuel's RTW Collection, "spirit" [rainbow spirits]), and a hat model (which I believe is provided by OpenWA) are all included in the zip folder. Do let me know if you have any difficulties.

MNIK's entry: Contains strong language (i.e. swearing). I have kept the download separate in case anyone who wishes to play through the contest is sensitive to that sort of thing. However, please remember to download it separately if you wish to play it (as imo it's pretty dang funny). It is provided at the bottom of this post. All custom content is provided in the main download.

Joseppy's entry: Requires the latest version of OpenWA as of July/15/2023 (or any future version) to play it. (Loading it will not crash the game.) You can download this here: ... 42&t=28506

OpenWA: Samuel's, Joseppy's, and Jutomi's first entries each require OpenWA. I am not certain if other entries do, but I highly recommend downloading it just in case. (I mean I'd be surprised if you haven't already.)

The adventures may be downloaded in this post, where any necessary updates I have to make should I have forgotten anything will also be made. This post will be linked to the OP, along with the next post detailing the Voting Phase.

Have fun!
Adventure Download wrote:FULL CONTEST DOWNLOAD LINK HERE: ... pkf06&dl=0
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Last edited by Jutomi on Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:00 am, edited 5 times in total.
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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VOTING PHASE [July 15 - August 31st 2023]

Post by Jutomi » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:12 pm

Voting Phase: How it works

So I felt I needed yet another post to explain this, so here is how everything will work:

Originally, voting would close by the end of the month. However, since we're half a month in already, I will extend voting phase so it will close at the end of August. Anyone may participate in voting until then, although I will probably allow for a couple days' grace period if anyone forgot to post their votes or otherwise couldn't play sooner.

I strongly recommend you base your vote on the following criteria:
1) How much you personally enjoyed the adventure, and
2) Keeping with the theme of the contest.

However, you may ultimately vote however you like.


So, as you might have caught on by now, I like to change things around each time so we can experiment and find something that seems to work best (with certain things working better for different numbers of entries). This time, I am going with Ranked Choice voting :P

How will it work? You post IN THIS THREAD a list of individual adventures you've played. Rank your favorite as 1, second favorite as 2, third as 3, and so on. I highly recommend playing and rating every adventure, but do not feel like you need to; you're welcome to abstain from voting on certain adventures. That's it! I'll provide an example with my vote in a bit... hopefully :P

Here are how calculations will be made. Do not worry about this if you are voting; you may ignore it entirely! But feel free to refer to it:
Technical Stuff You Don't Need to Be Overwhelmed With wrote:1) Adventures will be awarded points in reverse order of your votes, so if you vote for all 13, 1 will get 12 points, 2 will get 11, 13 will get 0, etc.
2) If you have only voted for one entry, then it will get two points and the rest will get 0;
3) If you have voted for 2-5, they will be given 1-2, 1-3, etc. points as any ranking would, with any others receiving only 0.
4) If you have voted for 6 or more entries (which I don't particularly recommend), then I will give all non-voted entries the same number of points as whatever the median is - rounded down for even votes. (I.e. if you chose 6, then your least-favorite entry will only get 0; the 7 you did not vote for will get the vote of your fourth favorite, i.e. 2 points).
5) If you rank two or more with the same number, then I'll give them the same number of points... though I recommend not doing this if you can.
7) If you skip a number (i.e. rate something a 6 and an 8 but nothing a 7), I will ignore the gap.
Again, don't worry too much if that flies above your head; just double check that if you want to know how on earth I came up with my numbers :lol: Genuinely, just vote with your favorite as #1 and your least favorite as the highest number, and leave out whoever you don't like. And with that, I look forward to seeing your votes! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Jutomi on Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

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(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:48 pm

Here are my honest reviews (Might hurt your feelings) FOR NOW, I haven't played all of them because I don't have much time these days, I will be updating this

Rainbow Treat (Garirry) - That one is my current TOP 1, I really liked the simple mechanics and the vibe of it
3D Rainbow Mazy (ILoveWonderland/Joseppy/Joey) - I am not used to this 3D mechanic, It gave me motion sick and I was stuck on it 30 mins, but i did it. The level didn't even have music or gems and the only thing that was rainbow were the walls. Sorry joey
Pocket Magic (Jutomi) - That one will probably be my TOP 2, I love this pocket magic as item, but the star and the stinker exit were really confusing and took me good time to figure it out
Desert Bifrost (Jutomi) - Bro what was that... Cool design, amazing music, zero gameplay :D. Still looking good though
The ****** Father, Part 2 (MNIK) - I didn't really catch the storyline mainly because i havent played part 1 and I didn't understood anything, also no gameplay just dialogue
Special Diversity Sequence (Nobody) - This really reminds me of The Magic Tests combined with GlaDOS, I love the vibe of the level and I found the secret area too, might be my third top favorite
(searching) Samuel - That beginning was too long and I was super confused on whats going on, I havent played after that because I ran out of time
Colour Coded for Your Convenience (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09) - What is going on with this matrix of invisible button tiles?
Dual Solution (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09) - Simple but why not brighter, could had more gameplay parts
Dual Solution 2 (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09) - The first part was better
On the Edge of the Rainbow (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09) - This one is good, it had few annoying parts though such as the chomper ice part, Also that stinker empty dialgue troll ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The Sunrain Ship (Wonderman109/Wondorthofox09) - Where are the rainbows?
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by Nobody » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:06 pm

1. (searching) by Samuel - Ah, the one and only person who actually made a good adventure. :twisted:
2. Pocket Magic by Jutomi - A fun and simple puzzle based around unexplored gameplay territory! I didn't use Floing though.
3. The [...] by MyNameIsKooky - Haha, I enjoyed this. I'd feel weird putting something this notably rushed and unserious in my top two though, even despite the issue with my chosen second place.
4. Rainbow Treat by Garirry - Extremely simple, but not offensively so. I once again didn't use Floing though.
5. Desert Bifrost by Jutomi - Neat visuals, but with no puzzles and minimal dialog, it didn't feel truly worthy of points like the four adventures above.
6. 3D Rainbow Maze by Joseppey - Really cool concept putting new innovations in editor functionality to use!! I enjoyed this more than the two adventures above it. Unfortunately, I "had" to dock points for not actually including the color green, nor making up for it by including any rainbows. Unless I'm colorblind.
7. Special Diversity Sequence by me - I'm putting my entry in the exact middle of my rankings to be unbiased.
8. On the Edge of the Rainbow by Wondorthofox09 - Seemed like it had more effort than your other four entries, but didn't impress me overall. Kinda scared me actually.
9. -1 by Nasko222 - Overwhelming in the utmost
10. Dual Solution 2 by Wondorthofox09 - Overwhelming and not enticing
11. Dual Solution by Wondorthofox09 - Overwhelming and not enticing
12. Colour Coded for Your Convenience by Wondorthofox09 - Overwhelming and confusing
13. The Sunrain Ship by Wondorthofox09 - It's a boat? I don't really know the purpose of submitting an adventure about a boat.
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Post by ab-47 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:19 am

Jutomi wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:42 pm
Link won't work, pls fix. :)

will vote once I get to actually play the rest.
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:29 am


What a stinking dumbell I am :oops:

Gonna quick update the link and also have it include Nobody's texture. Not going to bother fixing the grouping issue which OpenWA can fix; I cannot figure out what's wrong with that :roll:

Edit: Alrighty fixed that :? Incredibly many apologies everyone! Of all the days we just had to go grocery shopping. :oops:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by ab-47 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:27 am

Thanks for fixing up the link!

Here's my votes:

1- Jutomi's Pocket Magic
2- Garriry's Rainbow Treat
3- Sammy_p's (searching)
4- Nobody's Special Diversity Sequence

Thank you for the fun levels, and special thanks to the rest for your submissions as well! :D

EDIT: Oh god forgot about Sammy_p's entry since I did a while back, fixed. :oops:
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:37 am

OK, now that that is fixed... :oops:

That is a perfect example of how to vote, everyone! xD Glad to see it's not as complicated as I was worried it'd come across as being.

Alrighty, time for my rankings :lol:

1: -1 by Nasko. OK I know this might not be the most popular of first place ranks, because Samuel's is such a freaking banger. But honestly Nasko pleasantly surprised me with this one. It's a little overwhelming (ish) at first, but not overly-so - no more than Samuel's honestly. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles, loved the use of every magic in the adventure and how they were used (along with the bonus monsters/elements of more-or-less each colour), got a giggle by the guy at the end, found it to be a remarkable improvement in adventure approachability and overall found it a thoroughly enjoyable adventure! Giving this my first place vote :)

2: (searching) by Samuel. Extremely close vote, and honestly it would get my first vote given the effort, creativity, solid puzzle design, incredible aesthetic, exquisite dialogue, and meeting the criteria several times over. Easily would be first place, but since I personally suspect most folks will put this entry at first place, and since I suspect most individuals will vote Samuel's rather highly, I did personally think Nasko's deserved that little extra oomph :lol:

3: Special Diversity Sequence by Nobody. It was a pretty fun adventure with an amusing storyline and interesting aesthetic! Just a cute and solid adventure. (And that's genuine, not just giving you sympathy points for accidentally forgetting to put your level texture in the folder :oops:)

4: 3D Rainbow Maze by Joseppy. I absolutely love this and think it is brilliant. It's also incredible that you coded this thing into the game :shock: It easily would get spot number 4 for me, although I am personally putting it just a tiny bit lower given a) how short it was, b) it pushed the contest back two weeks (:lol:) and c) it technically uses elements which were not readily available to everyone. That's perfectly allowed as I emphasized, but as an individual voter I am deducting just a couple points for that. Still, it is a really pretty proof of concept, and even though it's got a bit of buginess in it, learning that most of it is the power of illusion through ingame mechanics is honestly pretty impressive. Solid fourth for me.

5: Colour Coded for Your Convenience by Wonderman109. I honestly wasn't going to put this one very high at all, as I agree with Nobody that it was fairly overwhelming, and the solution was not... super satisfying. It's not aesthetically the most elegant either, didn't know what was up with the metal button/bridges, and I'm personally not a huge fan of those less-than-conveniently coloured bridges that appear in the corners connecting to those buttons (which, I actually think might not be necessary with a slightly different solution as I was trying before they sprang out of nowhere). However, as the next few adventures are quite close in enjoyment for me personally, I did end up being surprised by how much I enjoyed this! It mostly sticks to the theme pretty well in a relatively creative way (not perfect, but hard to do when you're not choosing the obvious magic system), was still pretty clever and creative conceptually and in execution, had a nice throwback to WA1, and I ultimately came away... if not mindblown, at least quite satisfied. (And it was honestly a lot more approachable than a good chunk of your adventures imo :lol:)

6: The Sunrain Ship by Wonderman109. Aight, so. This one really stretches the point of the contest, and I know I'm a minority on this. Honestly I was ready to put this at the very bottom like Nobody did. But thinking about it... it's actually pretty creative! (If extremely simple :roll: ) I mean this isn't just an adventure on a rainbow ship; it's an adventure on a mostly proportionally correct rainbow ship. Like. OK Maybe I'm the only one who sees this but it's kind of brilliant imo to use a ship with a rainbow flag as an adventure, and I can't say I've seen anything quite like this before :lol: I also appreciate that it's not just the flag that's rainbow; the keys are red, the ship is orange and yellow, the walls green, the sea blue and indigo, and the magic purple. Really quite clever, if you ask me, and it was hard for me to decide between this one and the two above this one how to rank these.

7: Desert Bifrost by Jutomi. So I was going to put this one pretty low on this list anyway, and honestly I'm torn between this and the two below in terms of preference. Nonetheless, much as I do adore the aesthetic and the cuteness of it all, the gameplay is literally just walking and its use of "rainbow" mechanics is pretty limited. It is more of a small collection of proof-of-concepts (and accidental discovery @bridge changing colours) that I couldn't figure out how to put into any larger context until the opportunity arose with this contest and I recalled each of these separate ideas a few weeks in. So overall I'm quite happy with it. Plus I am quite happy with the little easter egg I threw in that I doubt anyone will find. But I'm still ranking it low out of objectivity.

8: At the End of the Rainbow by Wonderman109. I'm actually not thrilled with this one in terms of gameplay, not huge about that cheeky one transporter stopping by the waterfall, and trying to talk to the baldies make me stuck. Nonetheless, it was an... interesting storyline, with a unique take on the whole rainbow theme. So hardly my least favorite entry. ;)

9: Pocket Magic by Jutomi. UUGH so this was easily going to be my #3 pick (#bias), but the amount of alternate solutions found without ever using Floing by wisely using Grow (due to its not being as necessary for the intended solution as I thought), let alone the cool trick of reviving the crab from the "dead", amount to nothing short of a failure. Not to say the adventure as a whole is, though! It is still compact, requires quite a bit of thinking (possibly the most difficult of the batch? Not sure), and is innovative and experimental. #tootingmyownhorn Nonetheless, ultimately I have to rank this much lower than I otherwise would have. (It's extremely close between this and the above two, ftr). Ngl surprised this one's as liked as it is but maybe I'm self-critical xD P.S. I was gonna make this even without the contest being a thing but coincidences are quite amusing; maybe I'll one day update this outside of the contest, we'll see ;p

10: Rainbow Treat by Garirry. It's not at all a bad level! Not great - but not bad :lol: Especially for one that had to be made in such short time! But I did have to deduct a few points for a) not using the Floing, b) not having Pow (although using a second Flash which is admittedly in a situation of single-use quite simimlar to Pow was pretty smart so the bonus points cancel this point out), and c) Even so it was pretty easy :lol: Still, it was a pleasant little level and I did quite like the unique turtle shenanigans... still quite confused how you did that :P

11: Dual Solution by Wonderman109. Yeah Dual Solution 1/2 were the only two I actually didn't particularly like - although I didn't dislike them. I've played far worse adventures, don't get me wrong; but for me personally it didn't particuarly scream anything special in regards to the contest requirements, and the puzzle was basically a small transporter puzzle based off of the interaction at the beginning, and toggling gates to destroy chompers. 'Fraid this one's at the bottom.

11: Dual Solution 2 by Wonderman109. You basically took the first one and stripped away half of it. (More like Dual Solution 1/2 eh? ;p) It's actually kind of cute as a tutorial-type adventure, having come back to it. Still, it only meets the criteria in that it technically has a gate of each colour. Honestly I cannot decide which one I prefer, so these are tied. >_>

X: MNIK'S ****** FATHER DADDY THING SO BAD OMG THIS WAS AS CENSOREDposty AS THE TITLE IS UNSUBBED I ok I'm not rating it because it's a funny meme level that really stretches / arguably breaks the rules (and not just those of the contest). That technically gives it the same amount of points as Sunrain Ship which yeah that feels fair it was hardly rainbow-based but was a really funny memepost with a solid callback to pride and all that so I accept this fate #totallynotcoppingoutofatiedrankingbypretendingnottorankitatall

Edit: Swapped Joseppy's and Wonderman109's places for 4th and 5th. Honestly was close for me but yeah I'm sold on Joseppy's honestly.
Last edited by Jutomi on Thu Jul 27, 2023 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Re: The Proud Wonderlander Contest [VOTING PHASE]

Post by nasko222 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:02 pm

i guess everyone has different taste :D

uh the 3d thing, its good, really well coded, but few things about it, can we have smooth transitions please because its giving me at least (person with psuedo seizure problems) motion sickness

the 3d maze level itself felt a little bit empty thats why i felt unsatisfied
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