WAAAH BRACES (Not Forum Game)

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WAAAH BRACES (Not Forum Game)

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:49 pm

I got braces today. They're... weird, to say the least. Hurts my gums. I have to wear it for two years and can't eat hard stuff.
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Post by ~xpr'd~ » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:02 pm

I used to have braces. Had them for a year, my teeth were kinda crooked.

Needless to say, they hurt.
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Post by ben-09 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:31 pm

I go braces a year ago, and I still need them for another year and a half. They were really sore at first, but after a few days they stopped and now I don't mind having braces. :)
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:40 pm

Not like it's my fault ( :twisted: ), but Sorry.
Luckily, i will NEVER need braces.
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Post by Blast!10 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:20 pm

Welcome to the club, I have braces too.

From four months of prior experience I'm giving you some tips that your orthodontist probably didn't tell you:
  • For the first few weeks, DO NOT eat pasta except for really small pieces (i.e. Risoni, Stelline etc. are ok). Your limbic system will respond to the braces bothering you and prevent you from chewing properly, which will cause you to choke on a lot of bites. Any long, thin pasta (Spaghetti, Spaghettoni, Spaghettini, Cappellini, Bavette, Bucatini, etc.) is even worse - believe me, I've had it happen to me several times.
  • At some point you may see a noticeable space form between some teeth. This is normal.
  • Rice, bulgur, toasted pasta, couscous, and other **very** small things are easily swallowed, even when the braces are new.
  • If you have and like Turkish treats, then there's the halva. Don't believe the photos on Google Images - they make it look disgusting. It's a very sweet food that you can either just chew and swallow, or let it melt inside your mouth.
    I like it a lot, but I know many friends who don't. It's the kind of food that if you like it, you absolutely LOVE it, but if you don't like it then you hate it more than I hate my stupid math teacher (which is a lot).
  • After a month, more or less, you can start eating much harder things. Try not to go overboard though - while chocolate chip cookies are okay if you eat them in small pieces, Bissli is not recommended in any form.
  • From your description of the braces, your teeth appear to be quite sensitive to unusual feelings, just like mine. This is why I advise you to use straws when you drink cold water. The braces are made of a metal that conducts electricity, heat and cold. This will cause your teeth to sometimes hurt from the cold after drinking cold water.
  • Sometimes when eating from metal utensils, you'll feel a strange metallic taste in your mouth. This is the taste of electricity - your braces conduct electricity.
That's all I can remember right now. If you have any questions, PM me, maybe I can help. Maybe not. :)
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:52 am

if {$braces} {
echo {'BRACES'};

Meh, they look ugly to me.
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Post by TheoX » Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:24 am

I had them for three years. Used to have an overbite, now my teeth are in awesome shape. I have to wear a retainer now, but only at night (and it's one of those awesome clear ones), so it's no problem!

You'll get used to the braces after a few weeks. Just remember not to eat gum, or bite into apples.
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Post by boywhoflies » Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:40 pm

I don't have braces, but a friend does.He's not alowed to eat popcorn.You might want to stay away from that. :wink:
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Post by gameboy991 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:43 pm


I've had braces for about a year now, and I've gotten used to it.

About not being able to chew gum, that's not entirely true. Sugar-free gum should be okay if you're careful.

Here's some advice - try not to drink too much soda.
Apparently the carbonation dissolves the cement in your braces, so if you do want to drink soda, I reccomend drinking through a straw, just like how Blast!10 suggested it with cold water.

And finally...
