Phobias and Disorders Discussion

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Phobias and Disorders Discussion

Post by jdl » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:19 pm

Hey guys.

Within the past couple days I've decided to finally do a little research on a problem I've struggled with ever since I was little. It appears that I have Food Neophobia or Selective Eating Disorder (SED) which is the fear of trying new foods.

There are many different foods that I still have not tried yet, and I do not like to try anything new unless it is very similar to something I'm okay with. If I go to try something that is completely new, I have trouble chewing and swallowing the food because I cannot stand to have something unfamiliar in my mouth. It also depends on the texture of the food as well. When I was younger I would also experience gagging but now that's pretty much gone. This issue has also limited me where I do not like to eat in public or at a friend's house, and it has also brought about numerous awkward situations where I've been asked why I'm not eating with others around who are. I'm also afraid to travel far away because my "diet" might not be available right away at the destination (if that makes sense).

Anyways I thought it would be nice to open a discussion thread for us all to talk about this kind of stuff. :)

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Post by Jutomi » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:36 pm

I think I have polyphobia...

I am not very fond of very large cities. :|

I have a photophelia, though; but that's an other story.

Scritters and my brother sometimes scare me...
and death is not really any thing I'm too fond of, either.
Nor height...
I don't want to go "Splatooshy," so there's my aerophobia.
If I could fly, though, then I'd not mind so much.

Oh, and I'm all so slightly shy. :mrgreen:

Does this count?
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Post by Wonderland King » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:38 pm

Interesting... :) What foods are you nervous to try?

I don't think it has a name yet, but I have a phobia of going too long without playing Wonderland. :lol:
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Post by Jutomi » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:57 pm

That's a fear of Wonderland withdraw, right?

I am guessing a Nowonderphobia.

I did forget to mention a fear of mine, though...
one that is very important to note.

I tend to have a fear of losing myself.

I don't want to ever change for the worse, in any way.
Sometimes I act a bit paranoid about it, though, so...
there's that to learn about me. :|
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
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Post by jdl » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:03 pm

Jutomi wrote:I think I have polyphobia...
I am not very fond of very large cities. :|
I have a photophelia, though; but that's an other story.
Scritters and my brother sometimes scare me...
and death is not really any thing I'm too fond of, either.
Nor height...
I don't want to go "Splatooshy," so there's my aerophobia.
If I could fly, though, then I'd not mind so much.
Oh, and I'm all so slightly shy. :mrgreen:
Does this count?
I would say that it counts. :) I forgot to mention that I have acrophobia (fear of heights) and a strong fear of spiders (arachnophobia). I also do not like to look at blood that is not my own, but I'm not sure what that would be called. Sometimes I also have a small bit of claustrophobia, but it really just depends on the room. Oh, and I have a fear of dying painfully.
Wonderland King wrote:Interesting... :) What foods are you nervous to try?
I don't think it has a name yet, but I have a phobia of going too long without playing Wonderland. :lol:
If it's plain pizza (pepperoni is okay), or chicken, chips, crackers, any kind of cheese or bread, any kind of drink at all, candy, fries or potatos, then it is okay with me. There's some other stuff that I can't think of that I like as well, but it's pretty much just the stuff above that I like. If it's not very similar to any of that, then chances are I probably won't want to try it.
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Post by Wonderland King » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:37 pm

jdl wrote:I forgot to mention that I have acrophobia (fear of heights)
I kind of have this fear too. At the Bonaventure, a hotel in downtown LA, the 34th floor, a restaurant, has really big windows on the edge. Looking out of them scared me to death. But I was unfazed looking down from the Sears Tower in Chicago. (But, too nervous to go in the glass booths where you can look right down and see the open city in front of you. - It's 108 stories high, was once the tallest building in the US!)
jdl wrote: and a strong fear of spiders (arachnophobia).
Before, they didn't worry me (although I don't like killing bugs, so it was a pain to trap them in a glass and get them outside). However, that changed quickly. I woke up with an awful spider bite, went to Urgent Care twice within the next couple days, got some painful shots, and came close to visiting the hospital. I still take spiders outside when I see them, but they make me cringe.
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Post by Jutomi » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:52 pm

I have to say, I have a reflexive fear of bugs; Like, if one just suddenly appears on my arm, I get scared.
Though, usually, two seconds later, if I flung the creature away, I sometimes wonder... "Why did I just do that?" :|
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Post by Muzozavr » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:53 pm

No phobias that I know of. I used to have a fear of domestic ants, now they just disgust me. I was a very small kid when I happened to try to eat a doughnut that turned out to be COVERED with ants and they all started running inside my mouth in all directions. It was super bad. :P :lol:

Due to some stomach disease during my childhood and extremely unlucky timing (I happened to throw up only a few minutes after eating), I now hate yoghurts and experience gagging upon trying them. Shame, since I used to really like them when I was about 5 years old.

Also, I'm very ADHD and prone to forgetting things I have to do and/or stopping creative projects halfway through.
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Post by jdl » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:52 pm

Muzozavr wrote:Also, I'm very ADHD and prone to forgetting things I have to do and/or stopping creative projects halfway through.
I also tend to forget things a lot. There's been times where I watch TV and when a new show comes on, I can't even remember what I just watched and only after thinking really hard can I remember. And lots of times I work on projects and then after a couple days of hard work I stop because of lack of motivation and I move on to something else. And I'm a little OCD about keeping things lined up and in order.
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Post by Qloof234 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:02 am

Muzozavr wrote:[...] prone to forgetting things I have to do and/or stopping creative projects halfway through.
Same here. I think my problem is that my mind never really... shuts down or relaxes, I'm always thinking about something, no matter how small it is. I also just tend to lose interest or motivation in projects (don't worry, I won't let this happen to HR).

I kinda have mysophobia (fear of germs), I don't like touching anything that registers as "dirty" (leftover food, even just a trash can puts me off).

I... Kind of suffer from computer withdrawal? I used to be incapable of being away from it for more than a day, but I'm nowhere near as bad now as I used to be; it's just kinda my "recharging station".

Also, chronic depression and social anxiety.

Last thing... I'm not sure how exactly to describe it, but if school is brought up in the right... context, for me, then I pretty much shut down immediately. Panic attack, trigger, whatever you want to call it - It's not just mild discomfort, I just stop functioning pretty much altogether. It's usually not severe enough that I can't get schoolwork done (I don't go to public school, which is what's responsible for this).

Having said that, in a meeting with my (former) counsellor near the end of December, he (unintentionally, mind) pushed all the wrong buttons despite me telling him to stop (not being listened to is one of those things that really angers me). I've been unable to get any schoolwork done (which I was behind on beforehand, so), and I've found it very hard to work on other projects (which is why HR development has been going so slowly, I was lying through my teeth when I said I was recovering near the end of January).

(I'd like to add that I'm not joking or exaggerating with the school-related stuff above. It's not just "oh i don't like school", it actually has that bad of an effect on me)
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:03 am

jdl wrote: And I'm a little OCD about keeping things lined up and in order.
Well, that's just being a bit perfectionist. I like it when things are in order as well.

Anyway, thanks for telling me all your fears of spiders and things! I'll be sure to use them to coax some information out of you in the future. :twisted:... but not really.

I sorta dislike heights, but that's random. I hate social situations like parties. I don't know if it's just that I'm an introvert, or maybe there's something else there. I've taken an Autism spectrum thingy test online, and it said that I could be autistic. Who knows?

EDIT: Oh yeah, I don't like getting my hands dirty, uh, literally. I don't like having slimy hands, and I don't like cleaning dishes. I dunno why.
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Post by Jutomi » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:19 am

Qloof234 wrote:I think my problem is that my mind never really... shuts down or relaxes, I'm always thinking about something, no matter how small it is. I also just tend to lose interest or motivation in projects (don't worry, I won't let this happen to HR).
I think I have a similar problem; Even though I get really uneasy at non-finished projects, and sometimes get inspired to finish them through and through. Other times, I don't. :|
Qloof234 wrote:I... Kind of suffer from computer withdrawal? I used to be incapable of being away from it for more than a day, but I'm nowhere near as bad now as I used to be; it's just kinda my "recharging station".
Reminds me of MiToJu, honestly...
Qloof234 wrote:Last thing... I'm not sure how exactly to describe it, but if school is brought up in the right... context, for me, then I pretty much shut down immediately. Panic attack, trigger, whatever you want to call it - It's not just mild discomfort, I just stop functioning pretty much altogether. It's usually not severe enough that I can't get schoolwork done (I don't go to public school, which is what's responsible for this).
I don't get it that badly...
However, when I did go to public school, I certainly did feel moderately uncomfortable.(Uneasy of the general every thing there - including the place)
Qloof234 wrote:(which is why HR development has been going so slowly, I was lying through my teeth when I said I was recovering near the end of January).
I'm fine with that; I say take your time. :D
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Well, that's just being a bit perfectionist. I like it when things are in order as well.
I'm not quite perfectionist, but I can only just barely stand it when I organize minecraft chests, and my members only throw things in the absolutely outrageous places.
It's especially bad when they complain about some body doing it to them, right after they've been doing it for about three months. :|

I am pretty sure what happened is that this one guy mixed up "Flood Box", for storing random junk before getting sorted, to "Food Box", which I put in miscellaneous.
Unfortunately, he put those things in the miscellaneous section.
You'd think he'd at least consider putting it in the homeless section; That's the place for things that have an other box, but can't be placed in there because of a lack of room. :P
The only chest that remained safe was the chest of the decapitated, which was because I didn't enjoy having heads hanging above every doorway.

I am guessing that's probably decapiphobia. :|
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Post by jdl » Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:08 am

I don't like getting my hands dirty or be around germy places either. As for computer withdrawls... My desktop wouldn't start up a few days ago and it's still being repaired. I'm on my laptop right now and allllllll my files are on my desktop harddrive. I'm really missing my desktop right now. But when it's no computers at all, I get severely bored (I don't even get motivation to play console games).

School has really changed my life. I used to be a very talkative, socially active person. When middle school kicked in I was bullied to all hell. I received 2 injuries, one which required surgery but I don't think it's appropriate to post about on these forums haha. Anyway, as the bullying went on (unpunished might I add. nobody did a single thing about it) I've turned into the very quiet, shy person I am today. Highschool helped me get out of it a bit though. When it was time for highschool, after the second day I told my mother I've had enough and we got to looking around and I moved to a private school where I've been for the last 4 years. Being in such a better environment has helped me to get my talkative side back out (just a little though). :)
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Post by Wonderland King » Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:17 am

I'm definitely an introvert. There's no bullying or anything at my school, I'm just shy. :cry: :oops:
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:17 am

Currently, I'm in a public school. There's little/no bullying, although a lot of the people are jugheads and act rather... unintelligent. The classes are also really boring, which is why I'm in advanced classes. In 2 years, I'm going to be applying to a private academy, so hopefully I'll leave public school soon. It sounds like I got lucky compared to some of you guys.. :? :shock:
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Post by billy bob » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:22 am

School, learning, teaching, class, anything like that brings me extreme negative association killing any motivation. One can understand after being subjected to this as a child. I never even got bullied, my problem was the teachers absolutely hated me for no reason whatsoever, and I absolutely hated the work. See? I just called it "work". Even that in itself is wrong. Learning about a subject should be something you want to do. If it isn't, get them doing a subject that they do want to do! I mean, don't get me wrong, you do have to put some effort in, unlike in computer games nothing in life comes on a plate. Perhaps it could be made a bit more fun than just sitting in the same place everyday filling in worksheets, afraid if they've got it right or wrong. It's quite remarkable how they crush the passion for gaining knowledge.
And you have to understand that this is the most important stage of our lives, our childhood shapes who we become! Yet most studies are dismissed and we carry on with the traditional way of doing things which is not beneficial to society.
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Post by samuelthx » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:21 pm

jdl wrote:If it's plain pizza (pepperoni is okay), or chicken, chips, crackers, any kind of cheese or bread, any kind of drink at all, candy, fries or potatos, then it is okay with me. There's some other stuff that I can't think of that I like as well, but it's pretty much just the stuff above that I like. If it's not very similar to any of that, then chances are I probably won't want to try it.
No pork or poultry? Or beef? :o :(

I have no issues staring down from a high building. I can stand on the "bottomless glass floor" in a cable car and look down. But if I were on a rooftop with nothing between me and empty space I would most certainly be very scared of tripping and falling. Does that count as acrophobia? :?:
jdl wrote:Oh, and I have a fear of dying painfully.
I think we all do, to a certain extent. I'd rather die peacefully, in my sleep. But does that fear give you immense pressure (like you think of it and you get scared on a frequent basis)? Sorry if I'm coming across as meddling, I'm just curious.
Jutomi wrote:I have to say, I have a reflexive fear of bugs; Like, if one just suddenly appears on my arm, I get scared.
Though, usually, two seconds later, if I flung the creature away, I sometimes wonder... "Why did I just do that?" :neutral:
For me, when a bug lands on me, I swipe it off immediately. Although I'm not bothered by houseflies/fruit flies and mosquitos (I just kill them), if a beetle or a moth or a butterfly comes at me, I freak out. Needless to say I run immediately whenever I see a bee or a wasp. :(
Jutomi wrote:I tend to have a fear of losing myself.

I don't want to ever change for the worse, in any way.
Sometimes I act a bit paranoid about it, though, so...
there's that to learn about me. :neutral:
High-five! :mrgreen: I feel that I should have my own personality, and not be influenced by others. I have never felt the need to be in with the "cool" crowd, so I basically act like myself.
Jutomi wrote:Oh, and I'm all so slightly shy. :mrgreen:
Really? Doesn't seem like it on this forum ;) :lol:
StinkerSquad01 wrote:...I don't like cleaning dishes.
Who does? :P
Muzozavr wrote:I happened to try to eat a doughnut that turned out to be COVERED with ants and they all started running inside my mouth in all directions.
Yucks! That must have been horrible.
StinkerSquad01 wrote:I hate social situations like parties. I don't know if it's just that I'm an introvert, or maybe there's something else there. I've taken an Autism spectrum thingy test online, and it said that I could be autistic. Who knows?
I find social events pointless. I would never want to go to a party, with drunken bodies everywhere, as most of them end up. :? Although I'm not an adult yet, I am under the impression that social events get even worse in the working world--one is forced to put up a facade of "political-correctness" and play a game of concealment and pretence.
So yeah, you can definitely see that I'm an introvert.

As for school...
I guess I have been fortunate enough to have not actually suffered such serious bullying. Sure, there are of course insults, name-callings and the occasional scuffle, but those can be shrugged away and forgotten rather easily. This type of extreme bullying is rather new to me, and you people have my respect for enduring all these. Stay strong, you guys! :)
billy bob wrote:School, learning, teaching, class, anything like that brings me extreme negative association killing any motivation. One can understand after being subjected to this as a child. I never even got bullied, my problem was the teachers absolutely hated me for no reason whatsoever, and I absolutely hated the work. See? I just called it "work". Even that in itself is wrong. Learning about a subject should be something you want to do. If it isn't, get them doing a subject that they do want to do! I mean, don't get me wrong, you do have to put some effort in, unlike in computer games nothing in life comes on a plate. Perhaps it could be made a bit more fun than just sitting in the same place everyday filling in worksheets, afraid if they've got it right or wrong. It's quite remarkable how they crush the passion for gaining knowledge.
And you have to understand that this is the most important stage of our lives, our childhood shapes who we become! Yet most studies are dismissed and we carry on with the traditional way of doing things which is not beneficial to society.
Indeed. Granted, for Math and Sciences there are application questions, but for the rest, to do well, one simply needs to vomit everything he has learnt and memorised onto the exam sheet. Learning becomes a chore instead of an enjoyable thing, since the education system only teaches students what they need to know.
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Post by jdl » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:25 pm

samuelthx wrote:
jdl wrote:If it's plain pizza (pepperoni is okay), or chicken, chips, crackers, any kind of cheese or bread, any kind of drink at all, candy, fries or potatos, then it is okay with me. There's some other stuff that I can't think of that I like as well, but it's pretty much just the stuff above that I like. If it's not very similar to any of that, then chances are I probably won't want to try it.
No pork or poultry? Or beef? :o :(
No pork, and pretty much just chicken and deer meat. Beef is okay too.

I have no issues staring down from a high building. I can stand on the "bottomless glass floor" in a cable car and look down. But if I were on a rooftop with nothing between me and empty space I would most certainly be very scared of tripping and falling. Does that count as acrophobia? :?:
I'm not really sure. Probably to some extent.
jdl wrote:Oh, and I have a fear of dying painfully.
I think we all do, to a certain extent. I'd rather die peacefully, in my sleep. But does that fear give you immense pressure (like you think of it and you get scared on a frequent basis)? Sorry if I'm coming across as meddling, I'm just curious.

You're not meddling at all. And I don't think of it a lot, just every once in awhile. Whenever I do, I don't feel any pressure or anything, it's just the thought of dying that way kind of scares me.
Jutomi wrote:I have to say, I have a reflexive fear of bugs; Like, if one just suddenly appears on my arm, I get scared.
Though, usually, two seconds later, if I flung the creature away, I sometimes wonder... "Why did I just do that?" :neutral:
For me, when a bug lands on me, I swipe it off immediately. Although I'm not bothered by houseflies/fruit flies and mosquitos (I just kill them), if a beetle or a moth or a butterfly comes at me, I freak out. Needless to say I run immediately whenever I see a bee or a wasp. :(
I do this too.
StinkerSquad01 wrote:I hate social situations like parties. I don't know if it's just that I'm an introvert, or maybe there's something else there. I've taken an Autism spectrum thingy test online, and it said that I could be autistic. Who knows?
I find social events pointless. I would never want to go to a party, with drunken bodies everywhere, as most of them end up. :? Although I'm not an adult yet, I am under the impression that social events get even worse in the working world--one is forced to put up a facade of "political-correctness" and play a game of concealment and pretence.
So yeah, you can definitely see that I'm an introvert.
I don't go to any parties unless it's a birthday party for someone in my family lol, and even then I don't feel too comfortable being around a lot of people.
billy bob wrote:School, learning, teaching, class, anything like that brings me extreme negative association killing any motivation. One can understand after being subjected to this as a child. I never even got bullied, my problem was the teachers absolutely hated me for no reason whatsoever, and I absolutely hated the work. See? I just called it "work". Even that in itself is wrong. Learning about a subject should be something you want to do. If it isn't, get them doing a subject that they do want to do! I mean, don't get me wrong, you do have to put some effort in, unlike in computer games nothing in life comes on a plate. Perhaps it could be made a bit more fun than just sitting in the same place everyday filling in worksheets, afraid if they've got it right or wrong. It's quite remarkable how they crush the passion for gaining knowledge.
And you have to understand that this is the most important stage of our lives, our childhood shapes who we become! Yet most studies are dismissed and we carry on with the traditional way of doing things which is not beneficial to society.
Indeed. Granted, for Math and Sciences there are application questions, but for the rest, to do well, one simply needs to vomit everything he has learnt and memorised onto the exam sheet. Learning becomes a chore instead of an enjoyable thing, since the education system only teaches students what they need to know.
When I switched to private schooling, instead of worksheets we got the ACE curriculum. We work in these books everyday and get one-on-one help with the teachers when we need it. It's pretty much reading something, and filling in the answers with almost the same exact wording, but it does it in a way that keeps things interesting. If I could have been in private school from the beginning I would have.
My answers are in bold.
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Post by Jutomi » Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:47 pm

I don't like parties, either. :?
I'm kind of shy around people; particularely people of my own age or younger adulthood, for some reason.

However, when it involves the internet, I have no trouble whatsoever. :D

P.S. A near and dear friend of mine all so has a fear of bugs. :mrgreen:
He likes spiders, though; mostly on account of the fact that they eat bugs. :|
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:29 pm

I don't have a problem with bugs usually. If there's ants or something I'll casually dispose of them, and I don't really care much about spiders, but there's one bug that gets to me:
i swear these things will end me one day i dont know how but they will
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Post by Sammy_P » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:45 pm

StinkerSquad01 wrote:I don't have a problem with bugs usually. If there's ants or something I'll casually dispose of them, and I don't really care much about spiders, but there's one bug that gets to me:
i swear these things will end me one day i dont know how but they will
kill it

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Post by Jutomi » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:56 pm

What are those things..? :lol:

You don't have to tell me, if you don't want this going off-topic.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:33 pm

Silverfish, the bane of humanity.
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Post by Jutomi » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:50 pm


I've seen silverfish that look more silver, all ready. :mrgreen:

Yeap, they're a bit ewwy, in my opinion...
and, a bit scary...

but, not as scary as seeing something that's like an albino earwig with a huge, red maw. :|

Or like finding two large black creatures with angular tails and red diamonds on the end...
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Post by jdl » Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:27 pm

For me it's really any kind of insect that's not an ant or a fly that freaks me out. Bees don't freak me out so much but I'm scared of getting stung by them.
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Post by Muzozavr » Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:32 am

Why is it bugs all of a sudden instead of fears in general.

Also, that picture, I don't even.
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Post by samuelthx » Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:41 am

StinkerSquad01 wrote:Silverfish, the bane of humanity.
What. COCKROACHES are the bane of humanity.


They can live for weeks without a head. And they're so hard to kill! I'm honestly disgusted by them. The moment anyone at home sees one, we rush for the pesticide. :?
Well actually, I'm scared of tarantulas and red-back spiders too. They look so intimidating.
Muzozavr wrote:Why is it bugs all of a sudden instead of fears in general.
Apparently most PCPuzzlers are scared of bugs. :(
Last edited by samuelthx on Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Krishiv738 » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:04 am

Well,I am not afraid of cockroaches and spiders.

List of phobias I have are:

Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Cynophobia (fear of dogs)
Triskadekaphobia (fear of number 13)
Scotophobia (fear of darkness)
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Post by samuelthx » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:31 am

jdl wrote: When I switched to private schooling, instead of worksheets we got the ACE curriculum.
By ACE, do you mean the Accelerated Christian Education?
Krishiv738 wrote:Triskadekaphobia (fear of number 13)
Interesting. How does it work? Do you freak out when you see 13? (that can't be, since you just typed it) :P
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Post by jdl » Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:26 am

samuelthx wrote:
jdl wrote: When I switched to private schooling, instead of worksheets we got the ACE curriculum.
By ACE, do you mean the Accelerated Christian Education?
Yep! :D

I also have a fear of dogs too. I've never liked them as much as I do cats and I'm afraid that they're going to bite me. Just petting them is uncomfortable for me.
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