Lots of alternative solutions...

Questions and solutions to Wonderland, Return to Wonderland, and Secret Worlds.
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Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Lots of alternative solutions...

Post by Muzozavr » Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:15 am

I don't know where it fits, but I think i posted it in the right forum.
This is a topic for alternative solutions.
Here are some mine alternates...

DESCRIPTION: No spoilers yet...

Entrance to The Caves
You can totally bypass this hazardous teamwork of getting the prism out and the pink gate open.

The Lost Cave
An easy solution.

The Meadow
A simpler approach to the UFO's problem.

Loof and The Troll
The hidden button can be covered by something else, than the boulder.

Dangerous Encounter
Yes, you CAN bring a steel box to the boulders. When I will remember how to do this, I will post a spoiler for this level too. :lol:

Friend's Help
You can save one box unused and you would be able to use it somewhere, if it had use.

Finding a Way Out and The Way In
I already explained in my hints for Creepy Keep how to get one spare box and one ice cube (which can be moved off the green button) So no spoiler for this too.

Base Camp
When all keys are collected, Peegue is able to do his boulders on his own. It's obvious, no spoilers here.

SPOILER SECTION: Warning Spoilers Warning Spoilers Warning Spoilers!
Entrance to The Caves:
Take out one prism of the Peegue's room.

The Lost Cave:
Bring the two steel boxes in the main room and use them to guide the boulders in the right positions. A couple of times you will need to use TP's, but it's easy. When boulders are positioned properly, use one of steel boxes on the button in the cannon's room (there was a button, right?) and POW -- you did it.

The Meadow:
Don't roll the boulder in the UFO, like the creator suggested. Open the way for the cannon, and it will shoot down the UFO.

Loof and The Troll:
In the second room, move the steel box one square to the left and roll the boulder straight in a keg. Use a prism on a hidden button. (If you are feeling MANIAC, you can further use two steel boxes to cover the collapsible bridge and bring a remaining prism and a reflector in the UFO's room to use the fireball to break the keg, and to distinguish the flames by the Kaboom!, but that's really hard and unnecessary)

Friend's Help:
When you are in the place with three boxes, you can save one by a clever pushing. It can go in the green teleporter so 0 boxes are left. But to have one wooden box left, you should push it in the water through the Z-bot's room and the fake wall.
Rest in peace, Kym. I hardly knew ya.
Rest in peace, Marinus. A bright star, you were ahead of me on my own tracks of thought. I miss you.
Rainbow Spirit Chaser
Posts: 5643
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Post by Muzozavr » Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:16 pm

I think double posts are allowed after such a long time.
RTWP alternate:

World 10 Level 2: Marble Maze
An easy solution for the maze.

After getting the boulder in the entrance and breaking some boxes to get to the bonusese (use steel box as a stopper) move the boulder up, RIGHT, down, right in the red TP. I don't remember if you needed some further maneuvring but you will easily get it to the wooden boxes, and the boulder will fall in the water.
In the bonus room, if you will sort the boxes correctly, you will be able to get one wooden box out, which you can use at the water to exit.
Rest in peace, Kym. I hardly knew ya.
Rest in peace, Marinus. A bright star, you were ahead of me on my own tracks of thought. I miss you.
Rainbow Wonderlander
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Kaboom! Cave

Post by janellesnip » Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:44 am

Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Post by Muzozavr » Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:05 am

Yes, I did discover a similar alternate. In addition, I also discovered how to kill all Kaboom!s in the first part of the level.
Rest in peace, Kym. I hardly knew ya.
Rest in peace, Marinus. A bright star, you were ahead of me on my own tracks of thought. I miss you.
Rainbow Spirit Chaser
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Post by Muzozavr » Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:25 am

WSW Kaboom Cave!
An even simpler solution, but requires some quick fingers.
1. Begin by waiting near the left bonus coin. When a Kaboom! walks close to it, and then away, snatch the bonus coin. Then do not collect the top/bottom bonus coins. If you timed it right, all Kabooms! will now destroy themselves.
2. Collect everything and step through the black teleporter.
3. Wait near the white teleporter and watch the cannon at the right. When the shot passes, step through the white teleporter. Peegue blocks the top, so Qookie exits at the bottom of that teleporter.
4a. Switch to Peegue and step one tile left.
4b. Switch to Qookie, push box up.
4c. Switch to Peegue, push box right.
5. Now you have a bridge that will allow you to go into the exit.
6. With any character, step through the red teleporter and collect the key behind the fake wall.
7. Both Qookie and Peegue can now exit the level.
Rest in peace, Kym. I hardly knew ya.
Rest in peace, Marinus. A bright star, you were ahead of me on my own tracks of thought. I miss you.
Rainbow AllStar
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Post by Marinus » Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:33 pm

I didn't know you made such a list. Then here's the alternative solution I found 2 years ago.

Original Wonderland w 10 l 4 Return Trip
billy bob
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Post by billy bob » Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:51 pm

Has anyone realized the one on The Secret Cave?
You have a spare metal box after doing the part with the Kaboom!s. Go into the lava area and push the metal box above you up. Go back into the first area and move the metal box into the lava area and more upwards into the lava. Simply go across the filled lava and your through.
billy bob
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Post by billy bob » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:35 pm

You have a choice of exits on Peegue vs The UFOs.
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Post by Jutomi » Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:29 pm

I know this is probably very old, and perhaps even forgotten, but...

In Town Square...
Has any body ever actually destroyed a UFO using an other UFO because they did not know how the reflector trick worked..?

Because I did. :oops:

Edit: Forgot to mention which level it was. :|
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
Super Nuclear Power
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Post by Super Nuclear Power » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:53 am

I remember that I completed it without destroying any UFOs at all, but not without a lot of frustration.
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