Wonderland adventures the book(s)

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Post by eee226 » Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:42 pm

Okay so the writers for Wonderland Adventures story are:

LexieTheFox and eee226

Emerald's story

Emerald and yot yot
sometimes, kiwis have to die
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Post by LexieTheFox » Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:49 pm

There was a planet called Wonderland. There was also stinker, Stinky, who lived there. One day he decided to take a stroll, for fun. Sometimes he ran and sometimes front flipped. Suddenly, an earthquake! He ran, and met a stinker named Pootsy.
"Hello," said Stinky, "The name is Stinky, yours?"
"Pootsy." she replied.
Stinky said, "Have you felt the strange tremors recently?"
"Yes, these strange tremors also caused some trouble for me."
"Like What?" Stinky asked.
"Well, I was adventuring a cave with some wee stinkers, when these strange tremors happened. It blocked them off from me, and now I can't reach them! Can you help?" Pootsy said with a worried tone.
"Sure, I love adventures!" Stinky said,
"Great! Follow me, Stinky." Pootsy said, leading Stinky to the cave.

CHAPTER 1 - A Detour To Take

"Are we there yet?" Stinky asked in boredom.
"Almost!" Pootsy said, approaching the cave entrance.
"Pootsy, are you sure this is the cave that you talked about?" Stinky asked.
"Sure is! Follow me Stinky, quickly!" Pootsy said leading Stinky into the cave.
"But why would wee stinkers come in here?"
"I dunno, curiosity?"
The two walked into the cave.
"It's very dark in here!" Stinky said, frightened.
"Don't tell me you're scared," Pootsy said in a smart way.
"No, why would I?" Stinky said, trying to be brave.
Pootsy giggled slightly, and they arrived to the destination.
"This is it, this is where I lost them." Pootsy said.
"Leave it to me!" Stinky said.
Later, Stinky came out, with the wee stinkers.
"Well," Stinky said, "It was tough and annoying, but I got 'em."
"Yes! Lets get out of here." Pootsy said.
Then, a tremor occurred, and bridges collapsed along the route they used to travel into the cave.
"Lets get out of here, and fast! This cave is unstable!" Pootsy said.
Suddenly, the Wee Stinkers darted off. "Looks like they found a way out!", exclaimed Pootsy. However, as Pootsy followed the Wee Stinkers across the bridge, it collapsed.
Stinky was still on the other side!
"Oh no! The bridge collasped!" Pootsy said worriedly.
"Come on! Swim across!" said the wee stinkers.
"I would, IF I WAS WATERPROOF! But don't worry, I'll find a way!" Stinky said walking down into a side-cavern.
"Good luck! Be careful!" Pootsy said, following the Wee Stinkers out of the cave.
Stinky was traveling along, when he found a cave filled with gems.
"What luck!" thought Stinky.
After he collected all the gems, he saw blocking his path a passage filled with fire.
Stinky was brave, 'I know I can do it. I can.' he thought. 'Even if I am acrobatic, I can still slip and fall into the chasm below, or be burnt to a crisp." Finally, however, he made it through the passage. Unfortunately, a blue gate was blocking his way.
"I wonder how I can open this," Stinky said. After exploring for a while, he found an icy cave. He traveled through it, risking drowning several times.
After he unlocked the gate, he saw a beautiful orange crystal.
"Wow!" he said, "I wonder what it's doing here and what it is!" Stinky took the crystal and continued to the exit of the cave. Outside, he saw Pootsy with another Stinker in an orange top hat. He walked up to them. Pootsy made eye contact with Stinky. "Yay, you're alive!" Pootsy said, "Here meet my friend Jedlic."
"Hi Jedlic, nice to meet you." Stinky said.
"Nice to meet you too, Stinky." Jedlic said.
"Hey Jedlic, do you know what this crystal is?" Stinky said.
"No, but Morklin probably would," said Jedlic
"Morklin?" Stinky asked.
"Yes. He lives in Wondertown."
"How can I get there?"
"Take the road here to the east for about 3 Stinkometermiles."
"Okay. I'll get going."
"What is it, Jedlic?"
"You'll need a key to get there. It's in my basement."
"Well then, get it!" Stinky says, beginning to get impatient,
"Well, there are scritters in my basement. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm afraid of scritters."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of them," Stinky said confidently.
Stinky walked in.
"Hey wait! You forgot the lantern!"
Stinky was already in the basement.
"It's okay, Stinky, I know its dark and all, but all I gotta get is just a key..." Stinky clapped twice. A light turned on. Stinky was quietly walking around the place, then he saw a little cute scritter. "Hi cute little scritter, you may be cute but you must get out of here."
Stinky kicked it into a nearby cage, which made a 'Nyak!' sound. "Oh boy, chompers."
Stinky's eyes started to adjust. "That's better!" he said. Stinky saw more, and kicked them.
He took it, and went outside. Well, after tripping over 5 barrels.
"Thanks for exterminat-"
"Caging." said Stinky.
"O-oh okay. Caging those scritters." said Jedlic.
"Now, about that key."
"Yes I'll be glad to get it.
Jedlic returned into the windmill, grabbed the key, and exited a few moments later. He gave it to Stinky.
"Thanks. Well, gotta go. See you later, Jedlic and Pootsy."
So Pootsy, the wee stinkers, and Jedlic waved goodbye to him as he started his journey. On his way, he saw a sign:
3 stinkometermiles".
Stinky continued.

Chapter 2 - The Road Of 3 Stinkometermiles

Suddenly, Stinky felt a tremor. Mysterious purple things started poking up out of the ground. He asks the nearby Stinkers if they know what's going on. None of them do.
As he is talking, two more appear as another tremor occurs. Also, a mysterious brown creature runs by.

"What was that?!" Stinky asked the near-by stinkers in shock
"I have NO idea!!" The Other Stinker said.
Stinky decided to contenue on his path on the Road of 3 Stinkometermiles, he came across a Tent near 6 swirling Magic Towers (Not litteral Towers, the teleporters) and a Stinker with a Purple Wizard hat sat under it.
"Hello? Who are you?" Stinky asked Politely
"I'm Cedric-In-The Morning!" The Wizard Said with a Enthusiastic Voice,
"I am a student of RAINBOW Magic!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with Excitment,
"Rainbow Magic?" Stinky asked in confusion
"Yes, RAIIINBOW Magic! I study the PURPLE magic of the Rainbow, Called Blink Power."
"Blink?" Stinky asked.
"Man you have so many questions! Yes, BLINK. It allows you to appear at another spot instantly!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with excitment
"All you need is a pair of Magic Gloves!" Cederic-In-The Morning said.
"GREAT! Where can i find a pair of, Magic Gloves?" Stinky asked, only to be met with another problem.
"Well.. i did have a pair, but i lost them in that cave over there." Cedric said pointing to a cave.
"If you wan't them you gotta go get them!" Cedric Said with a sigh.
"alrighty then, I love adventures!" Stinky said,and he adventured into the cave.
Along with Boolean and Loolean he had some fun in exploring the vast, adventurous cave.
He had to dodge firetraps, use cages to his advantage and supervise his counterparts to help him.
Finally, after tons of hardwork, he got his pair of magic gloves.
Yay!!! said Cedric, so what now? said Stinky. Use the pair of gloves, think about the place here you wanna go. Thanks said Stinky!
Stinky then went over the water and went by a pond, "This place is Quiet..... Too quiet" Said Stinky.
Then a giant fireflower popped out of the pond and threw fiery spit on him, but Stinky dodged it.
Stinky then saw a red gate he then went to look for a key while dodging the fireballs of the fireflower.
He then found a key and said "This might open the red gate", he went to open it and inside this place was a blue button and Stinky pressed it and he heard a opening sound.
He went to where he heard the opening sound and saw a ice block, "Three hits and he is dead" said Stinky, the fireflower shot one and Stinky dodged it, another one and he dodged it, the last one and he is dead!
"YES!!!!!" said Stinky with joy.
The evil Fire-Flower screamed in agony as it was hit by the last fireball it'd ever fire and it exploded. Stinky got up and sighed with relief as he saw a passage to Wondertown.
Stinky finally saw the Wondertown gates! He had made it to Wondertown! Yes!!

Chapter 3 - The Wondertown Sewers
Stinky entered Wondertown only to be greeted by another tremor. He saw another one of those Hairy Creatures!
It ran as soon as it saw him. "Hey! Stop! STOP!" Stinky yelled as he ran after it. But he lost it more quickly then he expected. Stinky sighed, but he noticed there were more of those Swirling Purple Things here! And just like before, the ground beneath them is... Dull... Stinky quickly brushed the thought away as he entered the Wonderland Rainbow Temple.
He examined his surroundings as well as the Beautiful Great Wonderland Gate! He got a closer look. The gate didn't seem right somehow... Hmm.. Strange.
Stinky heard a voice from another room down the hall-way to his right.
Stinky went down the hall-way and entered the room to his left. He saw a Wizard. Stinky was quickly greeted by the wizard.
(Quick Warning.. I can't remember exactly what Morklin said. So I might get some chats wrong. But I can't get back to the Location in-game fast enough anyhow.)
"Hi! I'm Morklin! Welcome to the Rainbow Temple of Woderland!" Morklin said happily. "Hi Morklin, I'm Stinky! Hmm.. Say, have you ever seen anything like.. THIS?" Stinky said, pulling out his Orange Shard Morklin gasped. And immiediently started talking about it. "Can it be..? I recently found the Indigo Shard in one of my old dusty books.. And now here YOU are..With the Orange Shard.. Surely this must be a sign??" Morklin said. "What do you mean by 'sign'?" Stinky asked. "What I mean is why is it that suddenly all of the Shards are appearing again? It can't be just a coincidence that I find the Indigo Shard and you suddenly appear with the Orange Shard." Morklin said. "Speaking of this Indigo Shard... Can I see it?" Stinky asked. "Why Sure! Follow me!" Morklin said. Morklin lead stinky to a chamber. "Umm.. Morklin, wheres the Shard at?" Stinky asked. "Silly, I hid it with a powerful spell. All you gotta do is think of something friendly and the Shard will reveal itself to you. Go on," Morklin said. Stinky thought of his three best friends and all the adventures they've had in the past, and the Shard suddenly appeared! "Good job, now - Wait.. WHATS THAT?!" Morklin said. Suddenly another one of those Hairy Beasts came out of no where and grabbed the shard!!! "Oh no! It has the shard!! QUICK! AFTER IT!!" Morklin shouted, "I'm on it!!" Stinky said. Stinky ran after the thwart. The chase lead him to a passage into the sewer, but before Stinky could follow further, the Thwart sealed the passage to the sewer behind it. Stinky returned to Morklin with a sad face. "What happened? Wheres the shard?" Morklin asked. "It got away.." Stinky said.
"Well, don't lose hope yet. That tunnel leads into the Wonderland Sewers. I have a key to the sewers with me if such a occasion happened that it was needed! Here you go!" Morklin said, handing Stinky a key. "Now go get that shard! Before the Creature gets too far away!" Morklin said. "You can count on me, Morklin!" Stinky said walking outside. Stinky walked over to the sewer entrance and unlocked the gates. He walked in and was greeted with a Dark and foul stenched place. "It's very scary down here..." Stinky said. Stinky walked downwards, across a bridge, but suddenly as he reached the otherside, the bridge fell behind him!!
"Uh Oh....... What do I do now?!" Stinky said. Stinky's only choice was a Pump-House right next to him. He grabbed a few coins he saw on the ground, and charged in. However. On the first try he got hit by a spikey-ball. Ouch!! Let's try that again...
Stinky charged in. He was able to lead the scritters around to make the spikeyballs do his bidding untill another one hit him in the face, Ouch again!!
After many hours of constant failures Stinky finally made it through the Pump-House. Stinky emerged with a bunch of spikey marks on him. "Ow... That hurt... ALOT.." Stinky said, but he was just glad the bridge was up, plus he unlocked the Blink that was in the sewers! Hurray! Stinky charged his gloves with Blink and blinked all around the sewers. Soon enough he came to a gate that lead him down into the sewer more. He ran into a Stinker named Horace. Horace seemed worried. "Hi! I'm stinky. Whats your name?" Stinky asked. "I'm Horace.. and I seem to be in quite a problem!" Horace said. "Whats the problem? I can bet I can help!" Stinky said "Well, I lost some wee stinkers in the sewers near here. They got lost and I can't get to them!" Horace said.
"Don't worry, Stinky is on the case!" Stinky said. Stinky later came back with both groups of Wee stinkers. "Oh thank you so much Stinky!! Thank you!" Horace said. "Happy To Help!" Stinky said, unlocking the Star Gate in front of him. Stinky went down a ladder and landed in Sewage. "Ewww!" Stinky said, he heard footsteps and walked forward. He saw the Thwart dart towards him and to the right. "GET BACK HERE THIEF!!" Stinky said, he followed the thwart into a chase.
Stinky was suprised to notice that those Creatures can shoot FIREBALLS!!! While Stinky was able to dodge them, it was a bit too close to call! Stinky finally had the creature trapped.. But the creature kept locking gates as he went to them. So he had an idea. "Hey, Hairy Guy! LOOK! I'm walking towards the Orange Gaaaattee!" Stinky said, the Creature stepped off the Yellow button holding the Yellow Gate shut, opening it and went to the orange one. Closing it. Stinky blinked to the yellow gate and was able to pass on, trapping the Thwart. While it escaped, it dropped the Indigo Shard! WELL DONE! Stinky quickly grabbed the Shard and his Star as a reward. Stinky quickly tread back up the sewers and returned to Morklin. Showing him the Shard. But Morklin had something else to tell him about. "Have you met my new friend yet? Just step on this Adventure Warp Star here, you'll meet him!" Morklin said. Stinky stepped on the star and was met with the familiar adventure screen. Stinky was happy to be back in the temple, but he was quick to find out who this friend is. Stinky quickly saw this friend. It was a Baby Rainbow Star!! Stinky caught up with the Rainbow Star, and quickly got aquainted with WYSP.
Back at the Temple.
"Stinky, meet WYSP. Hes a Baby Rainbow star sent from Cloud-City to help you!" Morklin said.
"Hi!" Wysp said. "Hi Wysp!!" Stinky said cheerfully.
"I think I can help you with your shard problem. Let me explain" Wysp said.
After Wysp's explanation. All was quiet for a while.
Stinky, with a really worried expression, said "..Soo.. Your saying they want to... drain all the color out of wonderland?!?" Stinky said.
"Yes. Thats exactly what they want to do. You have to stop them with All Seven Rainbow Shards! Or else all is lost!" Wysp Said "Don't worry, I'll find all of the shards, I won't fail! I Will succueed! I Won't let Wonderland be destroyed!!" Stinky pledged with pride. Stinky walked out the temple and set forth across the bridge. His destination: The Mushroom Farm in the Plains.

Chapter 4 - The Red Shard
Stinky had made it to the mushroom farm with little to no effort. It was'nt really that far a walk as he had just crossed the bridge like two minutes ago. He also bought a real fancy Lamp and Spy-Eye! Goodie Goodie!
Stinky met with the stinker running the farm, only to find out the giant mushrooms were the work of the Red Shard! He went inside the cave. And saw a series of Mushroom Gates... Uh oh.. "How am I gonna find all those keys?!" Stinky asked himself. A very good question at that... How was he going to do this? Stinky walked back out, the owner of the Mushroom farm saw his sadness and said: "Hey, you do know there are a bunch of those keys just to the right of here? A whole LOT! I'm sure if you solve some thngs you'll get the needed keys in no time! As a matter afact I happen to have one right here. You take it, I don't need it." The Farmer said. (Can't remember name. @_@) "Wow! Thank You!" Stinky said, and then Stinky dashed to the right. In search of Mushroom Keys.
Stinky, as he got to the area saw a sad Gardener. "What's wrong?" Stinky asked. "Oh, it's those pesky Fire-Flowers! They've taken aroot in my garden and I can't go in to get rid of them...Hey, can you help? IN return I could.. give you this Mushroom Key. I Found it in the dirt just this morning." The Gardener said. "Why sure! Even without the key I would help. It's what I do." Stinky said. Stinky walked into the garden.

Stinky Immiediently saw two fireflowers Grow right in-front of him! But they were staring at him and firing Fire-Balls. Stinky knew just what to do. Stinky walked in between them. When they both fired, Stinky Ducked! The Fire-Balls missed him and they hit each-other. Both imploded.
"Easy enough... Now, for the rest." Stinky said. Looking at the group of Nine Fire-Flowers here. He pushed a red gate open with a Button, a Fire-Flower shot at another. Imploding it. He pushed a green button, clockwise turning fowers team-power killed the middle flower. then they killed eachother. The Remaining two did the same. "That was.. A bit hard." Stinky said. Stinky walked to his right and into the next area and examined the situation. "Hmm.. If I can get in the middle of that area, I can get them all to shoot each-other... But.. I can't do that untill I can open that gate.. Here goes..." Stinky said as he dashed out! He dodged fire-balls he jumped over fire-flowers, he made it to the button and he power-slid (Albeit rocky and painfully) to the middle and he jumped when the fire balls came at him. Stinky had did it! He killed all the fire flowers! A Star appeared. Stinky knowing that Stars are ONE of the best rewards for an adventure. He grabbed it. Thus sealing completion. When he returned the Gardener was gone, and a Key remained. "Thank you!" Stinky said, hoping the Gardener was near to hear. Stinky picked it up. Mushroom Keys - Two
Fear me, I bite! >:3
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yot yot5
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Post by yot yot5 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:25 am

The final bit of the fireflower section was VERY good. It was slightly exiting, and very fun.
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Guppy Star
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Post by Guppy Star » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:51 am

There was a planet called Wonderland. There was also stinker, Stinky, who lived there. One day he decided to take a stroll, for fun. Sometimes he ran and sometimes front flipped. Suddenly, an earthquake! He ran, and met a stinker named Pootsy.
"Hello," said Stinky, "The name is Stinky, yours?"
"Pootsy." she replied.
Stinky said, "Have you felt the strange tremors recently?"
"Yes, these strange tremors also caused some trouble for me."
"Like What?" Stinky asked.
"Well, I was adventuring a cave with some wee stinkers, when these strange tremors happened. It blocked them off from me, and now I can't reach them! Can you help?" Pootsy said with a worried tone.
"Sure, I love adventures!" Stinky said,
"Great! Follow me, Stinky." Pootsy said, leading Stinky to the cave.

CHAPTER 1 - A Detour To Take

"Are we there yet?" Stinky asked in boredom.
"Almost!" Pootsy said, approaching the cave entrance.
"Pootsy, are you sure this is the cave that you talked about?" Stinky asked.
"Sure is! Follow me Stinky, quickly!" Pootsy said leading Stinky into the cave.
"But why would wee stinkers come in here?"
"I dunno, curiosity?"
The two walked into the cave.
"It's very dark in here!" Stinky said, frightened.
"Don't tell me you're scared," Pootsy said in a smart way.
"No, why would I?" Stinky said, trying to be brave.
Pootsy giggled slightly, and they arrived to the destination.
"This is it, this is where I lost them." Pootsy said.
"Leave it to me!" Stinky said.
Later, Stinky came out, with the wee stinkers.
"Well," Stinky said, "It was tough and annoying, but I got 'em."
"Yes! Lets get out of here." Pootsy said.
Then, a tremor occurred, and bridges collapsed along the route they used to travel into the cave.
"Lets get out of here, and fast! This cave is unstable!" Pootsy said.
Suddenly, the Wee Stinkers darted off. "Looks like they found a way out!", exclaimed Pootsy. However, as Pootsy followed the Wee Stinkers across the bridge, it collapsed.
Stinky was still on the other side!
"Oh no! The bridge collasped!" Pootsy said worriedly.
"Come on! Swim across!" said the wee stinkers.
"I would, IF I WAS WATERPROOF! But don't worry, I'll find a way!" Stinky said walking down into a side-cavern.
"Good luck! Be careful!" Pootsy said, following the Wee Stinkers out of the cave.
Stinky was traveling along, when he found a cave filled with gems.
"What luck!" thought Stinky.
After he collected all the gems, he saw blocking his path a passage filled with fire.
Stinky was brave, 'I know I can do it. I can.' he thought. 'Even if I am acrobatic, I can still slip and fall into the chasm below, or be burnt to a crisp." Finally, however, he made it through the passage. Unfortunately, a blue gate was blocking his way.
"I wonder how I can open this," Stinky said. After exploring for a while, he found an icy cave. He traveled through it, risking drowning several times.
After he unlocked the gate, he saw a beautiful orange crystal.
"Wow!" he said, "I wonder what it's doing here and what it is!" Stinky took the crystal and continued to the exit of the cave. Outside, he saw Pootsy with another Stinker in an orange top hat. He walked up to them. Pootsy made eye contact with Stinky. "Yay, you're alive!" Pootsy said, "Here meet my friend Jedlic."
"Hi Jedlic, nice to meet you." Stinky said.
"Nice to meet you too, Stinky." Jedlic said.
"Hey Jedlic, do you know what this crystal is?" Stinky said.
"No, but Morklin probably would," said Jedlic
"Morklin?" Stinky asked.
"Yes. He lives in Wondertown."
"How can I get there?"
"Take the road here to the east for about 3 Stinkometermiles."
"Okay. I'll get going."
"What is it, Jedlic?"
"You'll need a key to get there. It's in my basement."
"Well then, get it!" Stinky says, beginning to get impatient,
"Well, there are scritters in my basement. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm afraid of scritters."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of them," Stinky said confidently.
Stinky walked in.
"Hey wait! You forgot the lantern!"
Stinky was already in the basement.
"It's okay, Stinky, I know its dark and all, but all I gotta get is just a key..." Stinky clapped twice. A light turned on. Stinky was quietly walking around the place, then he saw a little cute scritter. "Hi cute little scritter, you may be cute but you must get out of here."
Stinky kicked it into a nearby cage, which made a 'Nyak!' sound. "Oh boy, chompers."
Stinky's eyes started to adjust. "That's better!" he said. Stinky saw more, and kicked them.
He took it, and went outside. Well, after tripping over 5 barrels.
"Thanks for exterminat-"
"Caging." said Stinky.
"O-oh okay. Caging those scritters." said Jedlic.
"Now, about that key."
"Yes I'll be glad to get it.
Jedlic returned into the windmill, grabbed the key, and exited a few moments later. He gave it to Stinky.
"Thanks. Well, gotta go. See you later, Jedlic and Pootsy."
So Pootsy, the wee stinkers, and Jedlic waved goodbye to him as he started his journey. On his way, he saw a sign:
3 stinkometermiles".
Stinky continued.

Chapter 2 - The Road Of 3 Stinkometermiles

Suddenly, Stinky felt a tremor. Mysterious purple things started poking up out of the ground. He asks the nearby Stinkers if they know what's going on. None of them do.
As he is talking, two more appear as another tremor occurs. Also, a mysterious brown creature runs by.

"What was that?!" Stinky asked the near-by stinkers in shock
"I have NO idea!!" The Other Stinker said.
Stinky decided to contenue on his path on the Road of 3 Stinkometermiles, he came across a Tent near 6 swirling Magic Towers (Not litteral Towers, the teleporters) and a Stinker with a Purple Wizard hat sat under it.
"Hello? Who are you?" Stinky asked Politely
"I'm Cedric-In-The Morning!" The Wizard Said with a Enthusiastic Voice,
"I am a student of RAINBOW Magic!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with Excitment,
"Rainbow Magic?" Stinky asked in confusion
"Yes, RAIIINBOW Magic! I study the PURPLE magic of the Rainbow, Called Blink Power."
"Blink?" Stinky asked.
"Man you have so many questions! Yes, BLINK. It allows you to appear at another spot instantly!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with excitment
"All you need is a pair of Magic Gloves!" Cederic-In-The Morning said.
"GREAT! Where can i find a pair of, Magic Gloves?" Stinky asked, only to be met with another problem.
"Well.. i did have a pair, but i lost them in that cave over there." Cedric said pointing to a cave.
"If you wan't them you gotta go get them!" Cedric Said with a sigh.
"alrighty then, I love adventures!" Stinky said,and he adventured into the cave.
Along with Boolean and Loolean he had some fun in exploring the vast, adventurous cave.
He had to dodge firetraps, use cages to his advantage and supervise his counterparts to help him.
Finally, after tons of hardwork, he got his pair of magic gloves.
Yay!!! said Cedric, so what now? said Stinky. Use the pair of gloves, think about the place here you wanna go. Thanks said Stinky!
Stinky then went over the water and went by a pond, "This place is Quiet..... Too quiet" Said Stinky.
Then a giant fireflower popped out of the pond and threw fiery spit on him, but Stinky dodged it.
Stinky then saw a red gate he then went to look for a key while dodging the fireballs of the fireflower.
He then found a key and said "This might open the red gate", he went to open it and inside this place was a blue button and Stinky pressed it and he heard a opening sound.
He went to where he heard the opening sound and saw a ice block, "Three hits and he is dead" said Stinky, the fireflower shot one and Stinky dodged it, another one and he dodged it, the last one and he is dead!
"YES!!!!!" said Stinky with joy.
The evil Fire-Flower screamed in agony as it was hit by the last fireball it'd ever fire and it exploded. Stinky got up and sighed with relief as he saw a passage to Wondertown.
Stinky finally saw the Wondertown gates! He had made it to Wondertown! Yes!!

Chapter 3 - The Wondertown Sewers
Stinky entered Wondertown only to be greeted by another tremor. He saw another one of those Hairy Creatures!
It ran as soon as it saw him. "Hey! Stop! STOP!" Stinky yelled as he ran after it. But he lost it more quickly then he expected. Stinky sighed, but he noticed there were more of those Swirling Purple Things here! And just like before, the ground beneath them is... Dull... Stinky quickly brushed the thought away as he entered the Wonderland Rainbow Temple.
He examined his surroundings as well as the Beautiful Great Wonderland Gate! He got a closer look. The gate didn't seem right somehow... Hmm.. Strange.
Stinky heard a voice from another room down the hall-way to his right.
Stinky went down the hall-way and entered the room to his left. He saw a Wizard. Stinky was quickly greeted by the wizard.
(Quick Warning.. I can't remember exactly what Morklin said. So I might get some chats wrong. But I can't get back to the Location in-game fast enough anyhow.)
"Hi! I'm Morklin! Welcome to the Rainbow Temple of Woderland!" Morklin said happily. "Hi Morklin, I'm Stinky! Hmm.. Say, have you ever seen anything like.. THIS?" Stinky said, pulling out his Orange Shard Morklin gasped. And immiediently started talking about it. "Can it be..? I recently found the Indigo Shard in one of my old dusty books.. And now here YOU are..With the Orange Shard.. Surely this must be a sign??" Morklin said. "What do you mean by 'sign'?" Stinky asked. "What I mean is why is it that suddenly all of the Shards are appearing again? It can't be just a coincidence that I find the Indigo Shard and you suddenly appear with the Orange Shard." Morklin said. "Speaking of this Indigo Shard... Can I see it?" Stinky asked. "Why Sure! Follow me!" Morklin said. Morklin lead stinky to a chamber. "Umm.. Morklin, wheres the Shard at?" Stinky asked. "Silly, I hid it with a powerful spell. All you gotta do is think of something friendly and the Shard will reveal itself to you. Go on," Morklin said. Stinky thought of his three best friends and all the adventures they've had in the past, and the Shard suddenly appeared! "Good job, now - Wait.. WHATS THAT?!" Morklin said. Suddenly another one of those Hairy Beasts came out of no where and grabbed the shard!!! "Oh no! It has the shard!! QUICK! AFTER IT!!" Morklin shouted, "I'm on it!!" Stinky said. Stinky ran after the thwart. The chase lead him to a passage into the sewer, but before Stinky could follow further, the Thwart sealed the passage to the sewer behind it. Stinky returned to Morklin with a sad face. "What happened? Wheres the shard?" Morklin asked. "It got away.." Stinky said.
"Well, don't lose hope yet. That tunnel leads into the Wonderland Sewers. I have a key to the sewers with me if such a occasion happened that it was needed! Here you go!" Morklin said, handing Stinky a key. "Now go get that shard! Before the Creature gets too far away!" Morklin said. "You can count on me, Morklin!" Stinky said walking outside. Stinky walked over to the sewer entrance and unlocked the gates. He walked in and was greeted with a Dark and foul stenched place. "It's very scary down here..." Stinky said. Stinky walked downwards, across a bridge, but suddenly as he reached the otherside, the bridge fell behind him!!
"Uh Oh....... What do I do now?!" Stinky said. Stinky's only choice was a Pump-House right next to him. He grabbed a few coins he saw on the ground, and charged in. However. On the first try he got hit by a spikey-ball. Ouch!! Let's try that again...
Stinky charged in. He was able to lead the scritters around to make the spikeyballs do his bidding untill another one hit him in the face, Ouch again!!
After many hours of constant failures Stinky finally made it through the Pump-House. Stinky emerged with a bunch of spikey marks on him. "Ow... That hurt... ALOT.." Stinky said, but he was just glad the bridge was up, plus he unlocked the Blink that was in the sewers! Hurray! Stinky charged his gloves with Blink and blinked all around the sewers. Soon enough he came to a gate that lead him down into the sewer more. He ran into a Stinker named Horace. Horace seemed worried. "Hi! I'm stinky. Whats your name?" Stinky asked. "I'm Horace.. and I seem to be in quite a problem!" Horace said. "Whats the problem? I can bet I can help!" Stinky said "Well, I lost some wee stinkers in the sewers near here. They got lost and I can't get to them!" Horace said.
"Don't worry, Stinky is on the case!" Stinky said. Stinky later came back with both groups of Wee stinkers. "Oh thank you so much Stinky!! Thank you!" Horace said. "Happy To Help!" Stinky said, unlocking the Star Gate in front of him. Stinky went down a ladder and landed in Sewage. "Ewww!" Stinky said, he heard footsteps and walked forward. He saw the Thwart dart towards him and to the right. "GET BACK HERE THIEF!!" Stinky said, he followed the thwart into a chase.
Stinky was suprised to notice that those Creatures can shoot FIREBALLS!!! While Stinky was able to dodge them, it was a bit too close to call! Stinky finally had the creature trapped.. But the creature kept locking gates as he went to them. So he had an idea. "Hey, Hairy Guy! LOOK! I'm walking towards the Orange Gaaaattee!" Stinky said, the Creature stepped off the Yellow button holding the Yellow Gate shut, opening it and went to the orange one. Closing it. Stinky blinked to the yellow gate and was able to pass on, trapping the Thwart. While it escaped, it dropped the Indigo Shard! WELL DONE! Stinky quickly grabbed the Shard and his Star as a reward. Stinky quickly tread back up the sewers and returned to Morklin. Showing him the Shard. But Morklin had something else to tell him about. "Have you met my new friend yet? Just step on this Adventure Warp Star here, you'll meet him!" Morklin said. Stinky stepped on the star and was met with the familiar adventure screen. Stinky was happy to be back in the temple, but he was quick to find out who this friend is. Stinky quickly saw this friend. It was a Baby Rainbow Star!! Stinky caught up with the Rainbow Star, and quickly got aquainted with WYSP.
Back at the Temple.
"Stinky, meet WYSP. Hes a Baby Rainbow star sent from Cloud-City to help you!" Morklin said.
"Hi!" Wysp said. "Hi Wysp!!" Stinky said cheerfully.
"I think I can help you with your shard problem. Let me explain" Wysp said.
After Wysp's explanation. All was quiet for a while.
Stinky, with a really worried expression, said "..Soo.. Your saying they want to... drain all the color out of wonderland?!?" Stinky said.
"Yes. Thats exactly what they want to do. You have to stop them with All Seven Rainbow Shards! Or else all is lost!" Wysp Said "Don't worry, I'll find all of the shards, I won't fail! I Will succueed! I Won't let Wonderland be destroyed!!" Stinky pledged with pride. Stinky walked out the temple and set forth across the bridge. His destination: The Mushroom Farm in the Plains.

Chapter 4 - The Red Shard
Stinky had made it to the mushroom farm with little to no effort. It was'nt really that far a walk as he had just crossed the bridge like two minutes ago. He also bought a real fancy Lamp and Spy-Eye! Goodie Goodie!
Stinky met with the stinker running the farm, only to find out the giant mushrooms were the work of the Red Shard! He went inside the cave. And saw a series of Mushroom Gates... Uh oh.. "How am I gonna find all those keys?!" Stinky asked himself. A very good question at that... How was he going to do this? Stinky walked back out, the owner of the Mushroom farm saw his sadness and said: "Hey, you do know there are a bunch of those keys just to the right of here? A whole LOT! I'm sure if you solve some thngs you'll get the needed keys in no time! As a matter afact I happen to have one right here. You take it, I don't need it." The Farmer said. (Can't remember name. @_@) "Wow! Thank You!" Stinky said, and then Stinky dashed to the right. In search of Mushroom Keys.
Stinky, as he got to the area saw a sad Gardener. "What's wrong?" Stinky asked. "Oh, it's those pesky Fire-Flowers! They've taken aroot in my garden and I can't go in to get rid of them...Hey, can you help? IN return I could.. give you this Mushroom Key. I Found it in the dirt just this morning." The Gardener said. "Why sure! Even without the key I would help. It's what I do." Stinky said. Stinky walked into the garden.

Stinky Immiediently saw two fireflowers Grow right in-front of him! But they were staring at him and firing Fire-Balls. Stinky knew just what to do. Stinky walked in between them. When they both fired, Stinky Ducked! The Fire-Balls missed him and they hit each-other. Both imploded.
"Easy enough... Now, for the rest." Stinky said. Looking at the group of Nine Fire-Flowers here. He pushed a red gate open with a Button, a Fire-Flower shot at another. Imploding it. He pushed a green button, clockwise turning fowers team-power killed the middle flower. then they killed eachother. The Remaining two did the same. "That was.. A bit hard." Stinky said. Stinky walked to his right and into the next area and examined the situation. "Hmm.. If I can get in the middle of that area, I can get them all to shoot each-other... But.. I can't do that untill I can open that gate.. Here goes..." Stinky said as he dashed out! He dodged fire-balls he jumped over fire-flowers, he made it to the button and he power-slid (Albeit rocky and painfully) to the middle and he jumped when the fire balls came at him. Stinky had did it! He killed all the fire flowers! A Star appeared. Stinky knowing that Stars are ONE of the best rewards for an adventure. He grabbed it. Thus sealing completion. When he returned the Gardener was gone, and a Key remained. "Thank you!" Stinky said, hoping the Gardener was near to hear. Stinky picked it up. Mushroom Keys - Two
On the way, he found a fancy stinker with a violet heavy clothing around him. He went to talk to him.
"My name is Racerooni. The fastest stinker in all of Wonderland. If you can try beating me in a race, I'll give a nice little gift"
'What gift'
"A mushroom key"
He accepted the challenge and they had the race. First Racerooni started to run in the shortest and quickest root possible. Stinky followed him till the third fence area. Racerooni then, walked along the wall and again to the fourth fence area. This was the time, Stinky took the shortcut and raced him.

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Post by LexieTheFox » Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:38 am

There was a planet called Wonderland. There was also stinker, Stinky, who lived there. One day he decided to take a stroll, for fun. Sometimes he ran and sometimes front flipped. Suddenly, an earthquake! He ran, and met a stinker named Pootsy.
"Hello," said Stinky, "The name is Stinky, yours?"
"Pootsy." she replied.
Stinky said, "Have you felt the strange tremors recently?"
"Yes, these strange tremors also caused some trouble for me."
"Like What?" Stinky asked.
"Well, I was adventuring a cave with some wee stinkers, when these strange tremors happened. It blocked them off from me, and now I can't reach them! Can you help?" Pootsy said with a worried tone.
"Sure, I love adventures!" Stinky said,
"Great! Follow me, Stinky." Pootsy said, leading Stinky to the cave.

CHAPTER 1 - A Detour To Take

"Are we there yet?" Stinky asked in boredom.
"Almost!" Pootsy said, approaching the cave entrance.
"Pootsy, are you sure this is the cave that you talked about?" Stinky asked.
"Sure is! Follow me Stinky, quickly!" Pootsy said leading Stinky into the cave.
"But why would wee stinkers come in here?"
"I dunno, curiosity?"
The two walked into the cave.
"It's very dark in here!" Stinky said, frightened.
"Don't tell me you're scared," Pootsy said in a smart way.
"No, why would I?" Stinky said, trying to be brave.
Pootsy giggled slightly, and they arrived to the destination.
"This is it, this is where I lost them." Pootsy said.
"Leave it to me!" Stinky said.
Later, Stinky came out, with the wee stinkers.
"Well," Stinky said, "It was tough and annoying, but I got 'em."
"Yes! Lets get out of here." Pootsy said.
Then, a tremor occurred, and bridges collapsed along the route they used to travel into the cave.
"Lets get out of here, and fast! This cave is unstable!" Pootsy said.
Suddenly, the Wee Stinkers darted off. "Looks like they found a way out!", exclaimed Pootsy. However, as Pootsy followed the Wee Stinkers across the bridge, it collapsed.
Stinky was still on the other side!
"Oh no! The bridge collasped!" Pootsy said worriedly.
"Come on! Swim across!" said the wee stinkers.
"I would, IF I WAS WATERPROOF! But don't worry, I'll find a way!" Stinky said walking down into a side-cavern.
"Good luck! Be careful!" Pootsy said, following the Wee Stinkers out of the cave.
Stinky was traveling along, when he found a cave filled with gems.
"What luck!" thought Stinky.
After he collected all the gems, he saw blocking his path a passage filled with fire.
Stinky was brave, 'I know I can do it. I can.' he thought. 'Even if I am acrobatic, I can still slip and fall into the chasm below, or be burnt to a crisp." Finally, however, he made it through the passage. Unfortunately, a blue gate was blocking his way.
"I wonder how I can open this," Stinky said. After exploring for a while, he found an icy cave. He traveled through it, risking drowning several times.
After he unlocked the gate, he saw a beautiful orange crystal.
"Wow!" he said, "I wonder what it's doing here and what it is!" Stinky took the crystal and continued to the exit of the cave. Outside, he saw Pootsy with another Stinker in an orange top hat. He walked up to them. Pootsy made eye contact with Stinky. "Yay, you're alive!" Pootsy said, "Here meet my friend Jedlic."
"Hi Jedlic, nice to meet you." Stinky said.
"Nice to meet you too, Stinky." Jedlic said.
"Hey Jedlic, do you know what this crystal is?" Stinky said.
"No, but Morklin probably would," said Jedlic
"Morklin?" Stinky asked.
"Yes. He lives in Wondertown."
"How can I get there?"
"Take the road here to the east for about 3 Stinkometermiles."
"Okay. I'll get going."
"What is it, Jedlic?"
"You'll need a key to get there. It's in my basement."
"Well then, get it!" Stinky says, beginning to get impatient,
"Well, there are scritters in my basement. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm afraid of scritters."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of them," Stinky said confidently.
Stinky walked in.
"Hey wait! You forgot the lantern!"
Stinky was already in the basement.
"It's okay, Stinky, I know its dark and all, but all I gotta get is just a key..." Stinky clapped twice. A light turned on. Stinky was quietly walking around the place, then he saw a little cute scritter. "Hi cute little scritter, you may be cute but you must get out of here."
Stinky kicked it into a nearby cage, which made a 'Nyak!' sound. "Oh boy, chompers."
Stinky's eyes started to adjust. "That's better!" he said. Stinky saw more, and kicked them.
He took it, and went outside. Well, after tripping over 5 barrels.
"Thanks for exterminat-"
"Caging." said Stinky.
"O-oh okay. Caging those scritters." said Jedlic.
"Now, about that key."
"Yes I'll be glad to get it.
Jedlic returned into the windmill, grabbed the key, and exited a few moments later. He gave it to Stinky.
"Thanks. Well, gotta go. See you later, Jedlic and Pootsy."
So Pootsy, the wee stinkers, and Jedlic waved goodbye to him as he started his journey. On his way, he saw a sign:
3 stinkometermiles".
Stinky continued.

Chapter 2 - The Road Of 3 Stinkometermiles

Suddenly, Stinky felt a tremor. Mysterious purple things started poking up out of the ground. He asks the nearby Stinkers if they know what's going on. None of them do.
As he is talking, two more appear as another tremor occurs. Also, a mysterious brown creature runs by.

"What was that?!" Stinky asked the near-by stinkers in shock
"I have NO idea!!" The Other Stinker said.
Stinky decided to contenue on his path on the Road of 3 Stinkometermiles, he came across a Tent near 6 swirling Magic Towers (Not litteral Towers, the teleporters) and a Stinker with a Purple Wizard hat sat under it.
"Hello? Who are you?" Stinky asked Politely
"I'm Cedric-In-The Morning!" The Wizard Said with a Enthusiastic Voice,
"I am a student of RAINBOW Magic!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with Excitment,
"Rainbow Magic?" Stinky asked in confusion
"Yes, RAIIINBOW Magic! I study the PURPLE magic of the Rainbow, Called Blink Power."
"Blink?" Stinky asked.
"Man you have so many questions! Yes, BLINK. It allows you to appear at another spot instantly!" Cedric-In-The Morning said with excitment
"All you need is a pair of Magic Gloves!" Cederic-In-The Morning said.
"GREAT! Where can i find a pair of, Magic Gloves?" Stinky asked, only to be met with another problem.
"Well.. i did have a pair, but i lost them in that cave over there." Cedric said pointing to a cave.
"If you wan't them you gotta go get them!" Cedric Said with a sigh.
"alrighty then, I love adventures!" Stinky said,and he adventured into the cave.
Along with Boolean and Loolean he had some fun in exploring the vast, adventurous cave.
He had to dodge firetraps, use cages to his advantage and supervise his counterparts to help him.
Finally, after tons of hardwork, he got his pair of magic gloves.
Yay!!! said Cedric, so what now? said Stinky. Use the pair of gloves, think about the place here you wanna go. Thanks said Stinky!
Stinky then went over the water and went by a pond, "This place is Quiet..... Too quiet" Said Stinky.
Then a giant fireflower popped out of the pond and threw fiery spit on him, but Stinky dodged it.
Stinky then saw a red gate he then went to look for a key while dodging the fireballs of the fireflower.
He then found a key and said "This might open the red gate", he went to open it and inside this place was a blue button and Stinky pressed it and he heard a opening sound.
He went to where he heard the opening sound and saw a ice block, "Three hits and he is dead" said Stinky, the fireflower shot one and Stinky dodged it, another one and he dodged it, the last one and he is dead!
"YES!!!!!" said Stinky with joy.
The evil Fire-Flower screamed in agony as it was hit by the last fireball it'd ever fire and it exploded. Stinky got up and sighed with relief as he saw a passage to Wondertown.
Stinky finally saw the Wondertown gates! He had made it to Wondertown! Yes!!

Chapter 3 - The Wondertown Sewers

Stinky entered Wondertown only to be greeted by another tremor. He saw another one of those Hairy Creatures!
It ran as soon as it saw him. "Hey! Stop! STOP!" Stinky yelled as he ran after it. But he lost it more quickly then he expected. Stinky sighed, but he noticed there were more of those Swirling Purple Things here! And just like before, the ground beneath them is... Dull... Stinky quickly brushed the thought away as he entered the Wonderland Rainbow Temple.
He examined his surroundings as well as the Beautiful Great Wonderland Gate! He got a closer look. The gate didn't seem right somehow... Hmm.. Strange.
Stinky heard a voice from another room down the hall-way to his right.
Stinky went down the hall-way and entered the room to his left. He saw a Wizard. Stinky was quickly greeted by the wizard.
(Quick Warning.. I can't remember exactly what Morklin said. So I might get some chats wrong. But I can't get back to the Location in-game fast enough anyhow.)
"Hi! I'm Morklin! Welcome to the Rainbow Temple of Woderland!" Morklin said happily. "Hi Morklin, I'm Stinky! Hmm.. Say, have you ever seen anything like.. THIS?" Stinky said, pulling out his Orange Shard Morklin gasped. And immiediently started talking about it. "Can it be..? I recently found the Indigo Shard in one of my old dusty books.. And now here YOU are..With the Orange Shard.. Surely this must be a sign??" Morklin said. "What do you mean by 'sign'?" Stinky asked. "What I mean is why is it that suddenly all of the Shards are appearing again? It can't be just a coincidence that I find the Indigo Shard and you suddenly appear with the Orange Shard." Morklin said. "Speaking of this Indigo Shard... Can I see it?" Stinky asked. "Why Sure! Follow me!" Morklin said. Morklin lead stinky to a chamber. "Umm.. Morklin, wheres the Shard at?" Stinky asked. "Silly, I hid it with a powerful spell. All you gotta do is think of something friendly and the Shard will reveal itself to you. Go on," Morklin said. Stinky thought of his three best friends and all the adventures they've had in the past, and the Shard suddenly appeared! "Good job, now - Wait.. WHATS THAT?!" Morklin said. Suddenly another one of those Hairy Beasts came out of no where and grabbed the shard!!! "Oh no! It has the shard!! QUICK! AFTER IT!!" Morklin shouted, "I'm on it!!" Stinky said. Stinky ran after the thwart. The chase lead him to a passage into the sewer, but before Stinky could follow further, the Thwart sealed the passage to the sewer behind it. Stinky returned to Morklin with a sad face. "What happened? Wheres the shard?" Morklin asked. "It got away.." Stinky said.
"Well, don't lose hope yet. That tunnel leads into the Wonderland Sewers. I have a key to the sewers with me if such a occasion happened that it was needed! Here you go!" Morklin said, handing Stinky a key. "Now go get that shard! Before the Creature gets too far away!" Morklin said. "You can count on me, Morklin!" Stinky said walking outside. Stinky walked over to the sewer entrance and unlocked the gates. He walked in and was greeted with a Dark and foul stenched place. "It's very scary down here..." Stinky said. Stinky walked downwards, across a bridge, but suddenly as he reached the otherside, the bridge fell behind him!!
"Uh Oh....... What do I do now?!" Stinky said. Stinky's only choice was a Pump-House right next to him. He grabbed a few coins he saw on the ground, and charged in. However. On the first try he got hit by a spikey-ball. Ouch!! Let's try that again...
Stinky charged in. He was able to lead the scritters around to make the spikeyballs do his bidding untill another one hit him in the face, Ouch again!!
After many hours of constant failures Stinky finally made it through the Pump-House. Stinky emerged with a bunch of spikey marks on him. "Ow... That hurt... ALOT.." Stinky said, but he was just glad the bridge was up, plus he unlocked the Blink that was in the sewers! Hurray! Stinky charged his gloves with Blink and blinked all around the sewers. Soon enough he came to a gate that lead him down into the sewer more. He ran into a Stinker named Horace. Horace seemed worried. "Hi! I'm stinky. Whats your name?" Stinky asked. "I'm Horace.. and I seem to be in quite a problem!" Horace said. "Whats the problem? I can bet I can help!" Stinky said "Well, I lost some wee stinkers in the sewers near here. They got lost and I can't get to them!" Horace said.
"Don't worry, Stinky is on the case!" Stinky said. Stinky later came back with both groups of Wee stinkers. "Oh thank you so much Stinky!! Thank you!" Horace said. "Happy To Help!" Stinky said, unlocking the Star Gate in front of him. Stinky went down a ladder and landed in Sewage. "Ewww!" Stinky said, he heard footsteps and walked forward. He saw the Thwart dart towards him and to the right. "GET BACK HERE THIEF!!" Stinky said, he followed the thwart into a chase.
Stinky was suprised to notice that those Creatures can shoot FIREBALLS!!! While Stinky was able to dodge them, it was a bit too close to call! Stinky finally had the creature trapped.. But the creature kept locking gates as he went to them. So he had an idea. "Hey, Hairy Guy! LOOK! I'm walking towards the Orange Gaaaattee!" Stinky said, the Creature stepped off the Yellow button holding the Yellow Gate shut, opening it and went to the orange one. Closing it. Stinky blinked to the yellow gate and was able to pass on, trapping the Thwart. While it escaped, it dropped the Indigo Shard! WELL DONE! Stinky quickly grabbed the Shard and his Star as a reward. Stinky quickly tread back up the sewers and returned to Morklin. Showing him the Shard. But Morklin had something else to tell him about. "Have you met my new friend yet? Just step on this Adventure Warp Star here, you'll meet him!" Morklin said. Stinky stepped on the star and was met with the familiar adventure screen. Stinky was happy to be back in the temple, but he was quick to find out who this friend is. Stinky quickly saw this friend. It was a Baby Rainbow Star!! Stinky caught up with the Rainbow Star, and quickly got aquainted with WYSP.
Back at the Temple.
"Stinky, meet WYSP. Hes a Baby Rainbow star sent from Cloud-City to help you!" Morklin said.
"Hi!" Wysp said. "Hi Wysp!!" Stinky said cheerfully.
"I think I can help you with your shard problem. Let me explain" Wysp said.
After Wysp's explanation. All was quiet for a while.
Stinky, with a really worried expression, said "..Soo.. Your saying they want to... drain all the color out of wonderland?!?" Stinky said.
"Yes. Thats exactly what they want to do. You have to stop them with All Seven Rainbow Shards! Or else all is lost!" Wysp Said "Don't worry, I'll find all of the shards, I won't fail! I Will succueed! I Won't let Wonderland be destroyed!!" Stinky pledged with pride. Stinky walked out the temple and set forth across the bridge. His destination: The Mushroom Farm in the Plains.

Chapter 4 - The Red Shard
Stinky had made it to the mushroom farm with little to no effort. It was'nt really that far a walk as he had just crossed the bridge like two minutes ago. He also bought a real fancy Lamp and Spy-Eye! Goodie Goodie!
Stinky met with the stinker running the farm, only to find out the giant mushrooms were the work of the Red Shard! He went inside the cave. And saw a series of Mushroom Gates... Uh oh.. "How am I gonna find all those keys?!" Stinky asked himself. A very good question at that... How was he going to do this? Stinky walked back out, the owner of the Mushroom farm saw his sadness and said: "Hey, you do know there are a bunch of those keys just to the right of here? A whole LOT! I'm sure if you solve some thngs you'll get the needed keys in no time! As a matter afact I happen to have one right here. You take it, I don't need it." The Farmer said. (Can't remember name. @_@) "Wow! Thank You!" Stinky said, and then Stinky dashed to the right. In search of Mushroom Keys.
Stinky, as he got to the area saw a sad Gardener. "What's wrong?" Stinky asked. "Oh, it's those pesky Fire-Flowers! They've taken aroot in my garden and I can't go in to get rid of them...Hey, can you help? IN return I could.. give you this Mushroom Key. I Found it in the dirt just this morning." The Gardener said. "Why sure! Even without the key I would help. It's what I do." Stinky said. Stinky walked into the garden.

Stinky Immiediently saw two fireflowers Grow right in-front of him! But they were staring at him and firing Fire-Balls. Stinky knew just what to do. Stinky walked in between them. When they both fired, Stinky Ducked! The Fire-Balls missed him and they hit each-other. Both imploded.
"Easy enough... Now, for the rest." Stinky said. Looking at the group of Nine Fire-Flowers here. He pushed a red gate open with a Button, a Fire-Flower shot at another. Imploding it. He pushed a green button, clockwise turning fowers team-power killed the middle flower. then they killed eachother. The Remaining two did the same. "That was.. A bit hard." Stinky said. Stinky walked to his right and into the next area and examined the situation. "Hmm.. If I can get in the middle of that area, I can get them all to shoot each-other... But.. I can't do that untill I can open that gate.. Here goes..." Stinky said as he dashed out! He dodged fire-balls he jumped over fire-flowers, he made it to the button and he power-slid (Albeit rocky and painfully) to the middle and he jumped when the fire balls came at him. Stinky had did it! He killed all the fire flowers! A Star appeared. Stinky knowing that Stars are ONE of the best rewards for an adventure. He grabbed it. Thus sealing completion. When he returned the Gardener was gone, and a Key remained. "Thank you!" Stinky said, hoping the Gardener was near to hear. Stinky picked it up. Mushroom Keys - Two
On the way, he found a fancy stinker with a violet heavy clothing around him. He went to talk to him.
"My name is Racerooni. The fastest stinker in all of Wonderland. If you can try beating me in a race, I have a gift for you. " Racerooni said
"What kind of gift??" Stinky asked curiously.
"It's nothing really.. Just a plain ol' mushroom key." Racerooni said.
He accepted the challenge and they had the race. First Racerooni started to run in the shortest and quickest root possible. Stinky followed him till the third fence area. Racerooni then ran along the wall and again to the fourth fence area. Stinky saw the opportunity to take a shortcut and did so, thus by-passing the Fourth Area entirely! Stinky beat Racerooni and made it to the star. The Star, rest-assured, declared Stinky the WINNER!!!!
"Wow, you really are faster then me.. What a huge suprise. Maybe it's just not my day.." Racerooni said.
"Yeah, just a bad day." Stinky said, content with his prize.
Mushroom Keys - Three!
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Post by eee226 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:07 pm

Sorry I haven't posting here lately, it was hard to catch up.
sometimes, kiwis have to die
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Post by yot yot5 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:40 pm

Sorry if this is a bit OT, but I didn't think this merited its own topic. :)

I was tired of trying to write stories myself, so I turned to the internet and found this story plot generator. Here's what happened when I inputted a few Wonderland-ish things:

The Useless Mushroom
A short story by Yot Yot5

Stinky the adventurer was thinking about Zoopi Lala again. Zoopi was an intelligent Barack Obama with squidgy fingers and goofy teeth.

Stinky walked over to the window and reflected on his dull surroundings. He had always hated busy Wondertown with its putrid, petite puzzles. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel desperate.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the an intelligent figure of Zoopi Lala.

Stinky gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was an evil, wealthy, root beer drinker with yellow fingers and fat teeth. His friends saw him as a grim, grubby god. Once, he had even saved a helpless scritter that was stuck in a drain.

But not even an evil person who had once saved a helpless scritter that was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what Zoopi had in store today.

The fog teased like thinking chompers, making Stinky tired. Stinky grabbed an useless mushroom that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Stinky stepped outside and Zoopi came closer, he could see the mouldy smile on his face.

"Look Stinky," growled Zoopi, with an innocent glare that reminded Stinky of intelligent dragonturtles. "I hate you and I want money. You owe me 6863 gold coins."

Stinky looked back, even more tired and still fingering the useless mushroom. "Zoopi, I don't have your money," he replied.

They looked at each other with upset feelings, like two great, graceful ghosts dying at a very violent birthday party, which had heavy metal music playing in the background and two brave uncles avoiding to the beat.

Suddenly, Zoopi lunged forward and tried to punch Stinky in the face. Quickly, Stinky grabbed the useless mushroom and brought it down on Zoopi's skull.

Zoopi's squidgy fingers trembled and his goofy teeth wobbled. He looked proud, his wallet raw like a great, glamorous gold star.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Zoopi Lala was dead.

Stinky the adventurer went back inside and made himself a nice drink of root beer.

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Post by loofisawesome » Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:41 pm

My version.


Three hairy, brown creatures appeared out of thin air near two simple rows of corn. A red gate stood nearby.
The three started digging into the earth between the two rows. After a few hours, they finally unearthed what they were looking for.
A shiny, purple crystal was held in one of the creature's hands. It gave a warm feeling. The thwarts looked at it with disgust.
Another creature uttered a few words, and the three of them disappeared, the crystal in tow.
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Dank Stinker Shipping

Post by Jutomi » Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:03 am

I saw what you did, yotyot, and decided to use that program to ship off some stinkers.

So this is what I came up with.


Dear Peegue,

I cherish my cottage, where we first met. The moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew you were going to be a stinkersome gold star. Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than a stinkersome gold star.

My feelings for you intensified when I saw you adventuring in the moonlight. I was further wowed by your tremendous collecting gold stars skills.

You have gloves like blue scritterballs and the most adventurous hat I've ever seen. When I look at you, I just want to slap those blue scritterball gloves and gave that adventurous hat.

You're so special with your creepy ways. The way you handle your stinkerly third cousin seven times removed shows great mayor and dank.

I know that to you I'm just a happy stinker but I think we could be happy together, saving Wonderland like two red scritters.

Please, say you'll be mine Peegue!

All my love

Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Post by Qloof234 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:46 am

Removed a post that didn't add anything to the topic.
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Post by Wonderland King » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:19 am

I have to say, that's a nice picture. 8)
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Post by garirry » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:20 am

Qloof234 wrote:Removed a post that didn't add anything to the topic.
Huh? I replied to Jutomi jokingly asking why stinker are being shipped. Here, read what he said.
Jutomi wrote:I saw what you did, yotyot, and decided to use that program to ship off some stinkers.
It's kinda natural to jump to something different in a conversation, on the Internet or not, doesn't matter. When did we have no right to make an on-topic joke? :|
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Post by Qloof234 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:11 am

For one, I'm tired. The past few days have been exhausting for various reasons, so I've got a much shorter fuse than I otherwise would at the moment.

Second, and more relevantly, considering the kind of comments I've seen you make elsewhere on the internet, it was hard to tell whether or not that was meant as just a light-hearted joke.
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Post by loofisawesome » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:16 pm

I'm sorry if my chapters aren't really that long, though I doubt anyone's actually reading them.

Chapter One: A Dangerous Detour

Peegue woke up, stretching and yawning. He got out of his comfy mayor bed, and made himself some Fireflower-roast coffee. (No Fireflowers were harmed in the making of this product.) He decided to do his daily routine- eat some breakfast, chug down some water, go outside, and help some Stinkers. He did just that, and started walking down to the Wondertown bridge. When he got there, he was given a surprise.
The bridge was in ruins- pieces of it half-sunken into the earth below the water. Steam curled from the area, and a smell of evil magic hung in the air. He almost fell into the water with shock, but someone pulled him back up.
There was a stinker there, with an orange hat. She (Peegue had to listen to her voice to figure out her gender) told him, "Wow! Looks like you had a nasty shock here. I saw it too, the police didn't even get notified. Some people reckon they saw some sort of hairy, brown creatures passing by."
Peegue was confused. Strange creatures? The police didn't even know about this? The police usually knew about everything in Wondertown. Something was very wrong here. The orange-hatted stinker said, "and that's not even the strangest part. Take a looky over there."
He hopped on a transporter(what are transporters, you ask? They are little things that carry you over water or empty space. Pretty handy, yeah?) and glided over the water. He was even more shocked at what he saw.
Purple crystals were jutting out of the ground, pulsating. The ground around them seemed grey, even though it should've been green. He asked another stinker about it, who was looking at the crystals with interest. "It almost seems like they're sucking the color from the ground, y'know?" he answered. He decided to go back to the other side. The orange-hatted stinker was still there.
"You see? This is very strange. And.. oh, I'm so stupid!" she clapped a hand to her forehead. "I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Pootsy, who are you?" He answered, "I'm Peegue."
Pootsy looked at him. "Peegue, as in Mayor Peegue? Oh, I'm so embarrassed." She blushed. Anyway, can you help me with something?"
"Sure!" She looked excited. "The other day, I was taking care of some Wee Stinkers. We decided to explore a cave, but then, there was this tremor! The Wee Stinkers got trapped behind a blue gate, and I can't find a key anywhere! I feel so bad. Can you help me scout the area for it?"
He nodded. "Yay!" she said. "Let's go!" She dragged him to the cave.


They walked into the cave. The only thing that was giving off light was a pool near the entrance. "How can it do that?" Peegue asked, amazed. "I don't know." she said, shaking her head. They started looking around. Peegue found a room, and rummaged around. He then found something long and hard. "I found it!" he yelled. He started feeling the walls for an exit- there was no helpful water in here. he found a way out and saw Pootsy, twiddling her thumbs. Had she not heard him yell? "Hey Pootsy, I found the key!" Her face lit up. "Yay!" she touched the key to the gate, and it disappeared. At once, the gate started lowering. When it fully lowered, they found the Wee Stinkers cheering. "Yay! Yay! Yay!" they yelled, hugging the two Stinkers. "Let's go!" said Pootsy.
However, the ground shook. Piles of rubble fell onto the way to the entrance to the cave.
"Well, we're not taking that route." said Peegue. All of the Wee Stinkers suddenly ran deeper into the cave, Peegue and Pootsy in tow. "I think they found another way out!" exclaimed Pootsy. They found a bridge to another way out!
But, just as the Wee Stinkers and Pootsy and gone across, the ground shook again. The bridge collapsed. Peegue was still on the other side!
"Don't worry, I'll find another way!" Peegue yelled.
He started walking around. He found a room with a ton of gems first. "I've hit the jackpot!" He yelled, happiness swirling inside him. After that, he found a passageway, he tried to cross, but suddenly, fire rose up in front of him. With carefulness, he crossed, and found an entirely different cave filled with ice. If Peegue went one direction, he couldn't stop until he got off the ice. He found a blue key in this cavern and unlocked a blue gate outside of it.
After the blue gate, he found something very strange. It was a brilliant orange crystal, unlike the gems in the last cave, but it was much larger and sharper. He looked at it for a moment, but then decided to grab it.
At first, he thought it would set off a some traps, but nothing happened, so he found the entrance, and left right before a giant boulder smashed into the place where the crystal had just been.
You posed dramatically.
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Post by yot yot5 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:36 pm

Okay, here are a few more.

Zoopi Lala, the Stinker
A Fantasy Novel by Yot Yot5

In a hobbit hole there lived a stupid, cold stinker named Zoopi Lala. Not a smelly happy, fat hobbit hole, filled with drugs and a furry smell, nor yet a Christian, wiggly, dead hobbit hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a stinker-hobbit hole, and that means comfort.

One day, after a troubling visit from the scritter Peegue the mayor, Zoopi leaves his hobbit hole and sets out in search of three thin bushes. A quest undertaken in the company of dwarves, birds and boring chompers.

In the search for the scritter-guarded bushes, Zoopi Lala surprises even himself with his strength and skill as a soldier.

During his travels, Zoopi rescues a cigerette, an heirloom belonging to Peegue. But when Peegue refuses to try dying, their friendship is over.

However, Peegue is wounded at the Battle of 1066 and the two reconcile just before Zoopi engages in some serious dying.

Zoopi accepts one of the three thin bushes and returns home to his hobbit hole a very wealthy stinker.

The Curse of the Gory Decapitated Head
A Horror Story by Yot Yot5

Whilst investigating the death of a local banker, an insane scientist called Victor Frankenstein uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, gory decapitated head circulating throughout Hell. As soon as anyone uses the decapitated head, he or she has exactly 300 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look pickled. A marked person feels like a hot chomper to touch.

Victor gets hold of the decapitated head, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into his mind: a terrifying penguin balancing on a beautiful banker, an old newspaper headline about an avoidable accident, a hooded peacock ranting about eyeballs and a drinking well located in an empty place.

When Victor notices his toungues have chomper-like properties, he realises that the curse of the gory decapitated head is true and calls in his murder victim, a wizard called Zoopi Lala, to help.

Zoopi examines the decapitated head and willingly submits himself to the curse. He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the terrifying penguin balancing on a beautiful banker particularly chilling. He joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Victor and Zoopi pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded peacock. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?
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Post by loofisawesome » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:57 pm

So, I decided to use Yotyot's random story generator.

NOTE: May cause nausea/elipsy

Pootsy's Revenge
by Bob

Mayor Peegue had always loved weird Wonderland with its strong, stupid scritters. It was a place where he felt happy.

He was a magical, unsettling, chocolate milk drinker with funny arms and quiet feet. His friends saw him as a colorful, clear chomper. Once, he had even helped a hushed scritter recover from a flying accident. That's the sort of man he was.

Mayor walked over to the window and reflected on his golden surroundings. The snow flurried like singing wraiths.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Pootsy stinker. Pootsy was an aLOOF Fireflower with derpy arms and emo feet.

Mayor gulped. He was not prepared for Pootsy.

As Mayor stepped outside and Pootsy came closer, he could see the stingy smile on his face.

Pootsy glared with all the wrath of 5574 bouncing difficult dragonturtles. He said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want revenge."

Mayor looked back, even more stupid and still fingering the starry blink charger. "Pootsy, you're fat," he replied.

They looked at each other with sad feelings, like two gigantic, good ghosts dancing at a very excited party, which had dirge music playing in the background and two strange uncles sitting to the beat.

Mayor regarded Pootsy's derpy arms and emo feet. "I feel the same way!" revealed Mayor with a delighted grin.

Pootsy looked grumpy, his emotions blushing like a curious, cloudy coin.

Then Pootsy came inside for a nice drink of chocolate milk.

You posed dramatically.
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