Goodbye. And trust me, I won't be coming back.

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Goodbye. And trust me, I won't be coming back.

Post by Sammy_Bro » Sat May 05, 2012 10:23 pm

Simple as this, I won't be coming back. Here is a reason why I am not coming back.

All active forum members today are mostly on the Off-Topic Discussion part of the forums. Now, 3/4 of those people like Evil Toaster. Which means only 1/4 of the forums is understanding why this forums was made for, the game Wonderland. About WA, only about 7 active people actually make good WA levels (these include MyNameIsKooky, yot yot, Emerald, etc). That is only about 1/2 of active forum members. So that means a full quarter of the active forum members do stuff mostly in Off-Topic Discussions, which the Off-Topic Discussions part is just NOT supposed to be on the forum, because most people post there. Want a place to post about Evil Toaster and other stuff? Go take it to another forums. This forum is about the game Wonderland, not about other stuff not related to wonderland.

Another reason which is making me leave is about the users, mostly MyNameIsKooky. Dude, the PCPuzzle Chat has a no swearing rule. And your posting Spanish F-words right out in public. Also, you swearing on the forums is you breaking this rule Patrick made:
Midnight Synergy wrote:b) Objectionable Content
Remember that this forum is frequented by younger children as well as adult players. Please try to keep your language in check. Swearing, off-colour jokes, links or images with questionable content, and heated political discussions are among the content that might get you banned from these forums.
This quote also says that swearing could get you banned. MyNameIsKooky, you deserve to be banned from this forums with all of the swears you have posted, both forums and PCPuzzle Chat. No one saw the spanish F-words on the PCPuzzle Chat? You were simply not on at that time.

About the PCPuzzle Chat, it is the worst chatroom I have ever been to. There is no actual fun rules, which MyNameIsKooky can freely break. StinkerSquad01, You say that "He is admin, so he doesn't need to be banned". That means he needs to be kicked/banned, because he is breaking rules that you are enforcing on moderators, which means you have no business of being a owner of something.

I will only be on the forums for only 3 days to answer questions. Go ask.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sat May 05, 2012 10:29 pm

Try to keep swearing to a minimum, you can use the word "cyber" instead, as dumb xat censors it. I don't mind swearing, but please try not to use it when younger members are around.
I never said swearing isn't allowed, I said try not to swear.
Also, I don't understand that last paragraph about the chatbox.

The swear MNIK said is not the F-word and is French. Bad facts lead to bad arguments buddy.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sat May 05, 2012 10:30 pm

Also, you are ranting about the off-topic just like Billy Bob did awhile ago. Must we bring that up again?
For discussion of non-Wonderland topics - please read rules!
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Sat May 05, 2012 10:31 pm

All of this topic either contains a stolen rant from BB that's nonsense from both of you AND BB, or stuff that never happened.
Get your brother off those drugs, Sammy_P.
EDIT: You have been pretty mean/annoying to us lately, as well. Thank you for your consideration of our feelings.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sat May 05, 2012 10:32 pm

Rules aren't meant to be fun, either. They are meant to discipline.
You also completely disregard the constant activity in the RTW level section. :?
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat May 05, 2012 10:56 pm

Oh, okay.
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Post by Emerald141 » Sat May 05, 2012 11:41 pm

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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sat May 05, 2012 11:50 pm

P.S. : Your avatar is going to give someone a seizure.
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Post by Sammy_Bro » Sat May 05, 2012 11:55 pm

Just hear me with this: I've already lost my reputation. No one likes me and no one forgives me. >.>
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Post by Sammy_P » Sat May 05, 2012 11:57 pm

Sammy_Bro wrote:Just hear me with this: I've already lost my reputation. No one likes me and no one forgives me. >.>
No, you haven't settled your anger or made a bunch of original stuff or even apologized.
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Post by Emerald141 » Sat May 05, 2012 11:57 pm

Last edited by Emerald141 on Sat May 05, 2012 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sat May 05, 2012 11:57 pm

You can fix this you know, you just refuse to face your problems.
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Sat May 05, 2012 11:58 pm

Last edited by DEEMAN223344 on Sun May 06, 2012 12:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by boywhoflies » Sat May 05, 2012 11:59 pm

Sammy_Bro wrote:no one forgives me. >.>
I'm gonna point out that along with what the others have said, nobody would forgive you for something you're still doing.
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sun May 06, 2012 12:06 am

Sammy_Bro wrote:Just hear me with this: I've already lost my reputation. No one likes me and no one forgives me. >.>
Of course no one's going to like you or forgive you if you keep acting rude. You haven't apologized for your behavior OR reformed. You do have the chance to redeem yourself, but right now that's impossible since you seem to be refusing to face your problems and fix them, as Emerald has said.
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:14 am

I agree. If you don't at least TRY to become better, you might as well leave forever, just as you implied. Thanks for anything good you did, but this isn't quite leaving with any of our "joys".
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Re: Goodbye. And trust me, I won't be coming back.

Post by Qloof234 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:31 am

Sammy_Bro wrote:Simple as this, I won't be coming back. Here is a reason why I am not coming back.

All active forum members today are mostly on the Off-Topic Discussion part of the forums. Now, 3/4 of those people like Evil Toaster. Which means only 1/4 of the forums is understanding why this forums was made for, the game Wonderland. About WA, only about 7 active people actually make good WA levels (these include MyNameIsKooky, yot yot, Emerald, etc). That is only about 1/2 of active forum members. So that means a full quarter of the active forum members do stuff mostly in Off-Topic Discussions, which the Off-Topic Discussions part is just NOT supposed to be on the forum, because most people post there. Want a place to post about Evil Toaster and other stuff? Go take it to another forums. This forum is about the game Wonderland, not about other stuff not related to wonderland.
I went over this with Billy Bob as well. The reason the Wonderland sections are far less active than the Off-Topic section is because there's simply not much going on. WA3 is being worked on, but we know very, very little about it. I can pretty much guarantee you that when WA3 comes out or maybe even when there's a release date, people will go crazy over it.
Sammy_Bro wrote:Another reason which is making me leave is about the users, mostly MyNameIsKooky. Dude, the PCPuzzle Chat has a no swearing rule. And your posting Spanish F-words right out in public. Also, you swearing on the forums is you breaking this rule Patrick made:
Midnight Synergy wrote:b) Objectionable Content
Remember that this forum is frequented by younger children as well as adult players. Please try to keep your language in check. Swearing, off-colour jokes, links or images with questionable content, and heated political discussions are among the content that might get you banned from these forums.
Because of something that happened on the chat - which is unofficial - you're leaving the forum? I don't think I need to point out how illogical that is.
Sammy_Bro wrote:This quote also says that swearing could get you banned. MyNameIsKooky, you deserve to be banned from this forums with all of the swears you have posted, both forums and PCPuzzle Chat. No one saw the spanish F-words on the PCPuzzle Chat? You were simply not on at that time.
People have been swearing on the forums for quite a while. Since before you joined, even. People have only been banned for outrageous use of curse words. It says swearing "might" get you banned.

Also, "deserve to be banned"? Really? Well then, since you seem to pay so much attention to the rules, let me point something out to you:
Midnight Synergy wrote:d) Play Nice!
We hope to create a friendly and respectful environment for you, and we ask you to help us keep it that way. Keep personal attacks and arguments out of the posts - you may use private messages for that purpose, if must be. We'd just prefer that, before sending someone a scathing message, you instead take a nice walk, get some fresh air, and hopefully return to the discussion calmed and refreshed.
I don't see you doing that at all. If anything, I see you doing the opposite. Telling Kooky to "look closer and use common sense" when he didn't even say anything to you in the first place in that conversation is uncalled for.
Sammy_Bro wrote:About the PCPuzzle Chat, it is the worst chatroom I have ever been to. There is no actual fun rules, which MyNameIsKooky can freely break. StinkerSquad01, You say that "He is admin, so he doesn't need to be banned". That means he needs to be kicked/banned, because he is breaking rules that you are enforcing on moderators, which means you have no business of being a owner of something.
Okay. Then don't go there. Simple.
Sammy_Bro wrote:Just hear me with this: I've already lost my reputation. No one likes me and no one forgives me. >.>
You could very well get your reputation back if you made an effort to do so yourself. I don't see you trying to in the slightest. All I see you doing is pointing fingers at other people. For that matter, the only time I've seen people say anything rude to you is when you've given them reason to.

One of the things I've always heard people say me is "treat others as you want to be treated". Frankly, I don't believe it's as useful as they say it is. However, in this case, I think it would help. Try it.
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Post by ILoveWonderland » Sun May 06, 2012 12:40 am

Emerald141 wrote:So, here we are again. A roughly week-long streak of increased immaturity, a good old stereotypical ragequit, a vow never to return, and, inevitably, a tearful apologetic return a few hours/days later.

Slamming most aspects of the community on your departure, too. Ten cents says that he's not going to apologize for that when proven wrong and just continue with his belief. Any takers for the bet? No? Didn't think so.

It may surprise you to know this, but Evil Toaster and Wonderland are not mutually exclusive. I happen to be a member of the Awesome Hexagon and arguably the most skilled player at Evil Toaster, so I should know. Categorizing people is rarely a good idea, but it becomes even worse when people can belong to only one category under the system.

I'd also like to point out that YOU'RE a fan of Evil Toaster, too. You post in the topic semi-regularly. If you're going to slam something, your argument becomes much, much weaker when you regularly engage in the activity you're slamming.

Asking us to take all off-topic discussions to another forum? Already tried that, didn't work. Past experience says a lot, and if something didn't work a year and a half ago and the community hasn't changed much except for increased personal growth with all of its members but one, it can't be expected to work now.

People who design and/or play Wonderland make up about 90% of this community. Your denial of this fact is highly hypocritical, especially when you take into account the fact that almost all your recent posts were in the Off-Topic, only coming out occasionally to make snarky comments.

There's nothing wrong with having an Off-Topic forum. Wonderland is a good game, but until recently, there wasn't any sign of development on it, so decreased interest in it is only to be expected. If anything, it's a good sign that so many people are still designing for it since the last release was several years ago.

Also, I can't help but notice that you're completely ignoring the existence of the Return to Wonderland Custom Levels section, which is posted in more frequently than the WA section. Making generalizations doesn't work very well, but it works even less well when the generalization fails to take into account a significant portion of the thing being generalized.

MyNameIsKooky swearing publicly on the forums? Dude, it's been several months since that happened. And he apologized. Bringing up old, outdated, irrelevant incidents won't strengthen your argument any. It also doesn't help when you demonstrate evident ignorance about the topic, i.e. getting the language and meaning of the swear wrong.

People very rarely swear on the PcPuzzle chat, anyways. You might ask, "Then why am I seeing so much censored out stuff?!" In 99% of the cases, that's the word "cyber". People use it as a substitute swear because xat censors it out for reasons unknown.

The forum swearing thing is a very minor issue. Obscene words are hardly ever seen or heard of, and the "d word" and "h word" are used pretty rarely too. The latter two words were even decided that they weren't real swears - Portal 2 uses them semi-regularly in Chapters 6 and 7, and it's still only rated E10+, so if you're over the age of 9 you should be okay.

Rule B is hardly the most important rule, either. The general consensus is that Rule D, "Play nice!" is the most important one. Your attitude these last few weeks (and even before that) was anything but respectful, culminating when earlier today you told MyNameIsKooky to "look closer and use common sense" when you clearly didn't even read his post, thus certifying your ignorance and your unwillingness to improve.

You've also been very snarky and egotistical, proclaiming all your own projects, ideas, and games as awesome and uber-cool regardless of their concept, ability to be pulled off, or originality (cue Square Tower Defense). I and several other people have been annoyed with this attitude, and when confronted with it, you typically just say "meh, whatever" and shrug it off, going off to puff up your ego on another project.

It may interest you to know that just a few hours ago there was a chat going on in the chatroom that was critiquing you on your arrogance, egomanicalism, hypocrisy, and rudeness. Your brother came on the chat later, and we asked him to relay the message to you to please stop, but according to him, you acted like nothing happened. The first step to rehabilitation is admitting that there is a problem, and that seems to be something you are incapable of doing.

I'd be surprised if anyone was really surprised at your ragequitting in this scenario. In fact, several people on the chat were pleased when you posted this. Not only did you get yourselves out of our hair for a few hours until your return, you made an even bigger hypocrite of yourself with the outlandish statements you made in your post.

I understand that you probably haven't read any of this. I encourage you to take a second look at it. The fact of the matter is, you're a problem, Sammy_Bro, a problem that only you can fix, but you can't do that until you acknowledge it.

So, where are you going to go from here? Are you going to continue on your path of anger and hypocrisy? Or are you going to turn your attitude around and start contributing to the community you've long been leeching off of?

I look forward to hearing the answer to that question. That is all.
I was going to make a long post myself, but you just took the words out of my mouth.

Sammy_Bro, you can be forgiven, but you have to do two things. First, you need to apologize for the various things you have done. Second, stop making rude posts. For example, when in the WA3 update thread you told MNIK to "look more closely and use common sense" just because you thought he made a mistake, only for it to turn out that he made no mistake whatsoever. You didn't apologize either. Overall, if you do those two things, then you will be forgiven. If you don't, then don't expect any sympathy from anyone.
Insert stupid jokes here.
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Re: Goodbye. And trust me, I won't be coming back.

Post by eee226 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:45 am

Sammy_Bro wrote: About the PCPuzzle Chat, it is the worst chatroom I have ever been to.
quote] Agreed the people are always crazy there.
sometimes, kiwis have to die
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Re: Goodbye. And trust me, I won't be coming back.

Post by StinkerSquad01 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:54 am

eee226 wrote:Agreed the people are always crazy there.
Even though with the fact that you rarely come on and say much, I would like to say that we are rarely ever "crazy." Not to mention that very few of your posts you have made there made much sense.
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Post by Emerald141 » Sun May 06, 2012 1:09 am

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Post by yot yot5 » Sun May 06, 2012 10:27 am

There has been an update on POTZ for the first time in over a year. That's called progress. :D
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Post by |Cookie| » Sun May 06, 2012 10:34 am

This is happening again,you say that you won't come back but then after few days you will creat a new topic(I'm BACK).

Seriously,what kind of those people are? :roll:

Let's say that this actived users in that furom are 20:
ab-47,Sammy_P,boywhoflies,Technos72,Dark Drago,Nobody,me and you.
let's use math:
789but587,Amnon,Chip,VirtLands,and me.are care about RTW levels.
5/20 from the user are care about RTW.(1/4)
yot yot5,epicdude,LittleZbot,Emerald141,Dark Drago.are care about WA.
5/20 from the user are care about WA.(1/4)
The other users are care about off topic.(the half)
1/2 are care about wonderland and 1/2 are care about off-topic. :roll:

About delete off-topic,no.the half of this forum will leave.
and you want the best to the forum,right? :wink:

Uh,if you want to be the most of the forum people care abuot wonderland,
why don't you and your brother make more RTW levels and more WA adventures? :?

If you don't like the PCchat that much,don't visit it,as Qloof234 said.

No Evil Toaster?why,you are one of this game players?why do you want to remove it?

And my last words in that post:
Wonderland is the best game i've played ever,it's fun,interesting,cool,hard and challenging.
but in the last weeks,there wasn't any update in WA3,i'm sure when it released a lots of people will become HAPPY and they will care about it,too.

So tell me,why do you want to leave?
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Post by yot yot5 » Sun May 06, 2012 10:39 am

You missed out Mynameiskooky in the WA level makers, and you missed out Muzozavr and Mark in the RTW level makers!
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Post by Qloof234 » Sun May 06, 2012 10:58 am

I think the users there was just as an example.

Having said that, I pretty much agree with what kidkid said. It might not be exactly 50/50, but the point still stands - a lot of people hang around the off-topic sections more than anywhere else (personally, I do as well, but mainly because A. there's not really a whole lot happening besides speculation on WA3 and B. my inspiration well for WA/RTW levels has been dry for months).

I feel that I should also point out that SammyBro's argument is indeed, as Emerald pointed out, quite hypocritical. Here's another bit to back that up:

As SammyBro says, one of the reasons he's leaving is because most people hang around the off-topic section:
Sammy_Bro wrote:Simple as this, I won't be coming back. Here is a reason why I am not coming back.

All active forum members today are mostly on the Off-Topic Discussion part of the forums. Now, 3/4 of those people like Evil Toaster. Which means only 1/4 of the forums is understanding why this forums was made for, the game Wonderland. About WA, only about 7 active people actually make good WA levels (these include MyNameIsKooky, yot yot, Emerald, etc). That is only about 1/2 of active forum members. So that means a full quarter of the active forum members do stuff mostly in Off-Topic Discussions, which the Off-Topic Discussions part is just NOT supposed to be on the forum, because most people post there. Want a place to post about Evil Toaster and other stuff? Go take it to another forums. This forum is about the game Wonderland, not about other stuff not related to wonderland.
Well, okay, I've already pointed out why the Off-Topic section exists in the past, but fair enough.

However. It might help your case if most of your posts weren't in the Off-Topic section.

I'm not just pulling that claim out of thin air, by the way. I went through a hundred and fifty of your posts to see which were in the Off-Topic section.

Only 18 of them weren't. I don't think I need to point out the problem here.
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:00 am

kidkidaaa1 wrote:Let's say that this actived users in that furom are 20:
ab-47,Sammy_P,boywhoflies,Technos72,Dark Drago,Nobody,me and you.
aw nobody cares about me

This sentence is reserved for a week later: Welcome back!
and the duck went moo

Beep bloop
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Post by yot yot5 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:09 am

tyteen4a03 wrote:
kidkidaaa1 wrote:Let's say that this actived users in that furom are 20:
ab-47,Sammy_P,boywhoflies,Technos72,Dark Drago,Nobody,me and you.
aw nobody cares about me

This sentence is reserved for a week later: Welcome back!

If you think the forum is dying, then maybe you could stay and help it survive? Leaving the forum won't make anyone join the WA or RTW team because you won't be there telling them to do so.
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Post by ab-47 » Sun May 06, 2012 11:37 am

Sammy_Bro wrote:Just hear me with this: I've already lost my reputation. No one likes me and no one forgives me. >.>
I used to believe that, but now I think everyone here are very kind, also, people forgive if you apologized and vowed not to repeat what you've done or said and had offended others, I remember offending Ice in one of my "meet and greet", and he forgave me, or When I insulted TAP team in the MS thread, and I apologized not to repeat it, also a little fight with emerald in MNIK's music pack topic, And I vowed not to fight or offend him nor anyone (well, I shouldn't have done that for Ice) but he forgave me too, so do you think if you apologized a person he won't accept you're apology?

also, the "no one likes me" was a common word to me that I kept on repeating it over and over, but I'm sure that everyone doesn't hate you nor ignore you, believe it or not, that happened to me.

Stay with us at the index, do you're best to stay in this forum so that people will like you. :)
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Post by ab-47 » Sun May 06, 2012 12:33 pm

Emerald141 wrote:I happen to be a member of the Awesome Hexagon.
I thought TAP were five only, who's the new guy? yotyot? Qloof? who?
Whoever he is, congratulations! :D
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Post by |Cookie| » Sun May 06, 2012 12:45 pm

yot yot5 wrote:You missed out Mynameiskooky in the WA level makers, and you missed out Muzozavr and Mark in the RTW level makers!
Uh,how did i forget them! :oops:
ok,that make different.
Wonderland player more than off-topic users! :D
tyteen4a03 wrote:
kidkidaaa1 wrote:Let's say that this actived users in that furom are 20:
ab-47,Sammy_P,boywhoflies,Technos72,Dark Drago,Nobody,me and you.
aw nobody cares about me

This sentence is reserved for a week later: Welcome back!
i care about you but...I FORGET! :oops: :cry:
anyway,sorry. :(
is there any actived user i forget him,too? :oops:
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