Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Discuss the games (no level solutions or off-topic, please).

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Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Post by Midnight Synergy » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:38 pm

In a previous post (click here to visit it), I wanted to start a discussion on one part of Midnight Synergy's services to its gaming community, namely the Midnight Post newsletter - I thank you all for your feedback (both public and private), and would invite continued feedback (either to the post, or via e-mail).

In this thread, I want to turn my attention to another aspect of the Midnight Synergy community, namely this very discussion board. Again, I would invite you to participate in this discussion publicly, or - if you prefer - send me your comments in private. I will read all comments very carefully, but may not be able to respond individually comments, especially those sent via e-mail.

The forum is soon entering its sixth year. When it was set up, I had two goals in mind. (1) to provide an essential service for owners of Return To Wonderland in the ability to upload/download each other’s level creations and (2) to provide an opportunity for players to socialize and meet other members of the Wonderland community.

Looking back at the past five years, my own personal opinion is that the success of this board has been mixed. The level creation and sharing aspect continues to work very well for the majority of users. I am amazed at the continuous flow of creative levels that are published, years after the original game release. On the other hand, the social interaction aspect of the forum has been, let’s say, erratic. While many players have indeed found good friends on this board from across the world, there have also been several “feuds” on this board which have left people - even now - deciding to abandon the boards, just lurk, or create their own communities.

I am also fully aware of the some of the other issues plaguing the forum, eg the spam issue (both the actual spam bots, but also user generated “spam” (i.e. the amount of off-topic/nonsense posts)).

I’m opening this question now to look ahead at the next five years. You are the people using this community, and I'd like to know where your thoughts are on its current status and on its possible future.

In particular, I am interested in three questions:

(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background).

(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects).

(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then “Why?” and “Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?”

For some possible discussion points, let me list a few things that I am considering for this forum - from minor changes to drastic overhauls.

* A complete re-boot of the forum. Re-installation using the newest forum software (with latest anti-spam features) and starting with zero posts. New registration for everybody. Obviously, porting selected posts (e.g. the level database) is one issue.

* Implementation of other possible ways to organize the level database - e.g. using the forum to post new levels for the first time, but then archiving them regularly (similar to what mette does, but perhaps in an actual database with comments/solutions/ratings/etc). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is, but I’m throwing this idea “out there”.

* Introduction of Moderators. Clear guidelines would need to be established. The idea would be to limit the number of nonsensical or irrelevant posts.

* Re-introduction of the “Silly Zone”, especially for younger posters. A place where anything can be posted, but going hand-in-hand with much stricter standards for the other parts of the forum.

* As a counterpoint to the above, complete removal of the Off-Topic zones. Stricter moderation forcing posts to be only Wonderland/Game specific.

* Making the forum accessible from the main Midnight Synergy page. A potential for lots of new people to join the community, but also many potential pitfalls.

So, let me know what you think or would wish to see on this forum. Again, either via post or e-mail (

Two closing comments:
1) Please keep comments civil and non-accusatory. I know some of you feel very deeply about people that you had “feuds” with, but you will simply have to find another outlet for these issues (as I know some of you already have).
2) This is going to be a long-term process. I’m currently completely swamped, in particular with the never-ending To-Do-List for WA:MOFI, and so changes will likely be coming slowly and gradually. And, in fact, if most people simply don't care, then changes might be minimal or nonexistant. My main goal is still to create and support great games. A reworking of the community requires a large effort, which I would only be interested in undertaking if it has significant impact for a signifcant number of people.
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Post by angi-no e » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:18 pm

I am one of the more quiet ones, so I will gladly adapt to any change.
I visit this site to download levels, read posts (for hints on levels as well as the comic relief) and reply. I've tried my hand at creating levels but haven't grasped it yet. I intend to use the level editor more than I currently do.
What you've created here is absolutely wonderful and amazing. The creative genius that flows through the level exchange is my way of practing "thinking outside the box" and "excercising my brain."

OH- and I read the mignight post from cover to cover and almost always download the recommended games. I've very much enjoyed reading the interviews of those infamous level creators- getting to know them a little.

I hope this is helpful info- I really do love this wonderland community.

I will try to think of a "wish list" for a new site.

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Post by uneekrose » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:58 pm

As for me, I pop in first thing in the morning and am off and on several times during the day. I consider myself an active member.

I check for new levels and help for older levels, I'm talking about levels that were made when the game first came out that I'm still catching up on here and there, so I do hope you plan on keeping those posts. I've made quite a few friends on here and I don't mind helping anyone either with a level or other ways if I can.

The only topics I don't bother with anymore is the 'meet and greet' and the 'off topic' due to the reasons you stated above.

I think a revamping of the forum would be great.
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Post by kiki » Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:42 am

:D :D :D Like Monica I check in most of the time in the morning to see whats going on with the levels, If new levels were posted, someone needs a hint on one of my levels etc...

Obviously I love the editor and posting levels and playing levels and commenting.

I would say I'm an active member and will probably be as long as this forum exist.

I find it very relaxing at the end of the day to sit down and solve some puzzles or make some for others to solve.

I don't visit "Meet and Greet" as much anymore and once and awhile I see whats up in "Off Topics".

I check out "Custom Content' to see what new textures and models are about.

I don't normally go to the kids levels but I know it is very popular and is also a great place to share levels for those who like something a bit less challenging.

I always love to see new level makers and would love to see some of the older level makers to start designing again.
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Post by annedanner » Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:31 am

Hey Patrick,

I, too, consider myself an active member. I go to the custom level forum exclusively now. I enjoy playing the new levels and am playing catchup with the hundreds of old levels.

I use the old comments to help me solve some of the oldies, so please find a way to archive these posts so that they can stay accessible.

Reading about conflicts between two members and having levels posted not following the posting "rules" takes some of the fun out of the forum. A moderator is a good idea.
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Post by Com Rante » Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:36 am

I would consider myself an active lurker. Everyday I check to see what is going on, but I almost never post.

I think that most of the changes you are considering would be good improvements.

Organizing the levels in a different way would be really neat. Being the geek for fancy, user-friendly systems for sharing infomation over the internet I would at first suggest that you make some super awesome Web 2.0 website that allows us to upload files to a database with infomation on the files including things such as ratings and comments, something similar to the many YouTube clones now appearing. But I highly doubt you have the time to make a "WonderTube". :wink:

If you need moderators, get them. Though, this forum is the most mild forum I've ever seen on the internet, so I don't think you'll need too many people to help you out.

Actually, opening the forum to the public might not be such a bad idea. Being able to look at a games community really helps you figure out whether or not you want the game.

When it comes to any forum drama, I'm no expert, since I have a hard time relating to people who are emotionally affected by what happens on the internet. Not to say I'm against people like that, but I just can't relate to them and their problems.

The forum right now is basically a Wonderland series forum. Do you plan to start a new game outside of the Wonderland universe anytime soon? If so, that is when you might want to make new forum, changing it from a Wonderland forum to a Midnight Synergy forum.
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Post by Muzozavr » Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:11 am

My answers:

1) a) I make levels, though recently I almost disappeared cause I had no ideas, but now it's time to start again.
b) I visit General Discussion often and sometimes post something (useful) in there.
c) I actually like Off-Topic, though I'd like it even more with less nonsense.
2) Re-introduction of the "Silly Zone" and somewhat more strict standars for the "Off-Topic"
3) I'm an active member still.

Re-boot of the forum isn't really neccessary -- the spambots are now few and far in between, very rare.

Level database: if that's what I think it is, that's no good! Sure, it would be pretty cool, but if the corresponding forum threads are removed, than the spirit of "DISCUSSION" disappears which would make it much less enjoyable. On the other hand, if the discussions STAY or if we can discuss directly in the level database, then it's a better idea.

Silly Zone -- two words: must have.
Removal of Off-Topic: but why? Fine then, but then you'll have to post things that are actually interesting in the Silly Zone, like different games and stuff like that. I don't know if I like that.

Forum accessible from the MS page? No idea if it's better or worse.
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Re: Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Post by Blast!10 » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:56 am

Midnight Synergy (comments by me) wrote:(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background).
Due to my problems with Wonderland and my crappy Windows XP SP3, I use this board mainly for off-topic discussions and making good internet friends (although I do sometimes suggest new ideas, comment on the Midnight Post, and post Wonderland-related things).

(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects).
I like this board as is.

(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then "Why?" and "Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?"
No comment


* A complete re-boot of the forum. Re-installation using the newest forum software (with latest anti-spam features) and starting with zero posts. New registration for everybody. Obviously, porting selected posts (e.g. the level database) is one issue.
Nah, I think we shouldn't do that until we find a way to move posts from this forum to the new forum.

* Implementation of other possible ways to organize the level database - e.g. using the forum to post new levels for the first time, but then archiving them regularly (similar to what mette does, but perhaps in an actual database with comments/solutions/ratings/etc). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is, but I’m throwing this idea “out there”.
That sounds like a pretty nice idea to me, but there should be a way to disable ratings. I don't like it when people rate things I make. All I need is positive comments and/or constructive criticism.

* Introduction of Moderators. Clear guidelines would need to be established. The idea would be to limit the number of nonsensical or irrelevant posts.
YES. YES. And YES. I would really like to see more people moderating this forum, so that it can be moderated constantly (almost).

* Re-introduction of the "Silly Zone", especially for younger posters. A place where anything can be posted, but going hand-in-hand with much stricter standards for the other parts of the forum.
I vote yess

* As a counterpoint to the above, complete removal of the Off-Topic zones. Stricter moderation forcing posts to be only Wonderland/Game specific.
Nah. I think the old topics should be removed though.

* Making the forum accessible from the main Midnight Synergy page. A potential for lots of new people to join the community, but also many potential pitfalls.
YES. Making access to the forum available only through full versions of games is kinda silly IMO.
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Re: Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Post by tyteen4a03 » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:20 am

I have sent you a PM about that.
I don't want someone to get angry of me and other kids,and whoa,another KVA war.
One more thing:If you want it,simply lit up the fire,and I may join into it.
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Post by Amnon » Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:23 am

(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background).
I use this board to download levels, thank their authors, discuss about the levels (when anything requires discussion), help others who get stuck, and occasionally posting my own levels (although I don't get around to do it as often as I thought I would).
(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects).
Nothing - I think this board is excellent as it is!

I would be really sad if all my posts so far and people's responses to them would no longer be accessible.
(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then “Why?” and “Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?”
I do occasionally go "offline" for a few months, because this game is eating too much of the time that I need for my work and other things, but eventually I cannot resist the temptation and come crawling back in.
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Re: Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Post by Toon Dog » Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:56 pm

Midnight Synergy wrote:(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background).
I download almost all the levels, but I'm kind of a shy poster,but I still post. Just because I almost got banned on a forum because I kindof flooded the forum with my posts :( Every level is good, I sometimes post in some forums, but I'm useually "over here, over there, I'm tired lest's rest... Now let's go here". >_>
Midnight Synergy wrote:(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects).
Nothing. The board is perfect as-is. Though you can never be too perfect :P
Midnight Synergy wrote:(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then “Why?” and “Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?”
Why? Forum's aren't my biggest thing. If forum's were, I would be more active.
Midnight Synergy wrote:* A complete re-boot of the forum. Re-installation using the newest forum software (with latest anti-spam features) and starting with zero posts. New registration for everybody. Obviously, porting selected posts (e.g. the level database) is one issue.
I think this would be a good idea. The forum seems to be getting a bit out-of-hand. i.e. Your computer froze. You reboot. You log in. It's all working again.
Midnight Synergy wrote:* Implementation of other possible ways to organize the level database - e.g. using the forum to post new levels for the first time, but then archiving them regularly (similar to what mette does, but perhaps in an actual database with comments/solutions/ratings/etc). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is, but I’m throwing this idea “out there”.
This might work. There could be "Archived Levels 2007" and "Archived Levels 2008" And so on. That could be a possobility,
Midnight Synergy wrote:* Introduction of Moderators. Clear guidelines would need to be established. The idea would be to limit the number of nonsensical or irrelevant posts.
Great idea. I, myself, already don't like nonsensical posts. They just aren't cool, man.
Midnight Synergy wrote:* Re-introduction of the “Silly Zone”, especially for younger posters. A place where anything can be posted, but going hand-in-hand with much stricter standards for the other parts of the forum.
Great idea. Clear why. :D
Midnight Synergy wrote:* As a counterpoint to the above, complete removal of the Off-Topic zones. Stricter moderation forcing posts to be only Wonderland/Game specific.
Yikezy. It may be good, but you could also make a "Forum games" forum, for stuff like the 1-word game. And maybe a "User news" forum for things like "I'm moving to canada" or "my car blew up" And stuff. If you got the new forum tech, then you could set it so posts in those forums will not be added to their post count.
Midnight Synergy wrote:* Making the forum accessible from the main Midnight Synergy page. A potential for lots of new people to join the community, but also many potential pitfalls.
Lots of people will join, but it's also a great way for human spammers to leech in. :\

That was my opinion. IMO it's not the most detailed, but it's my thought ;)
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Post by tweetyangel » Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:47 pm

I visit to download new levels. When I'm stuck on any level, old or new, it's nice to know I can come here for help. I don't post often, mainly to ask for help, but I do appreciate all the work the level makers put into the levels. I'm always amazed at all the different backgrounds, models, and textures they come up with. I am satisfied with this part of the forum. I would hate to see all the current and older posts disappear. New people would miss out on all the neat levels and others would be stuck on levels they have.
I also read the Midnight Post.
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Post by wondertown » Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:35 pm

(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background).
When I'm a early member, I used to create WA levels and I love it. I created it about 20 of them but it seem that very few people create and play the adventures (just about 10) so I feel quite bored now. Now, I'm still open the board everyday but hidden, just to look around in each section. Maybe when WAMOFI is complete I will start make and play WA adventures again.
(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects).
I think it's already good.
(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then “Why?” and “Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?”
As I say, I open this forum everyday sometimes all of the day (when I have holiday) but hidden the name.
* A complete re-boot of the forum. Re-installation using the newest forum software (with latest anti-spam features) and starting with zero posts. New registration for everybody. Obviously, porting selected posts (e.g. the level database) is one issue.
I don't think we should do that now.
* Implementation of other possible ways to organize the level database - e.g. using the forum to post new levels for the first time, but then archiving them regularly (similar to what mette does, but perhaps in an actual database with comments/solutions/ratings/etc). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is, but I’m throwing this idea “out there”.
I think that is a great idea but rating might not good because it sometimes make people feel bad and quite disappointed for their levels.
* Introduction of Moderators. Clear guidelines would need to be established. The idea would be to limit the number of nonsensical or irrelevant posts.
I agree with this.
* As a counterpoint to the above, complete removal of the Off-Topic zones. Stricter moderation forcing posts to be only Wonderland/Game specific.
I don't think that we should remove the off topic zone maybe just some topics that don't have any reply or some topics that is really old.
* Making the forum accessible from the main Midnight Synergy page. A potential for lots of new people to join the community, but also many potential pitfalls.
I think that this idea is good if there are moderators. Many people will know more about wonderland game and they will have fun but it can also bring the spam bots. So we should have moderators to keep the spam away.
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Post by laura n. » Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:45 pm

Quite frankly, I think you should do away with the "Off Topic" & Meet & Greet sections completely. I've played lots of other games, having to search for hints & tips to complete the games... I've yet to see any other game forum that resembles anything like WF..they all stick stickly to the game PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION ..

As Patrick has already stated, many have gone off and created their own forums for chit chat, why not be content with that & use this forum as intended ... a "Game Forum" period.

The best solution you've come up with is wiping out the "Off Topic", etc. areas & keeping the board strictly on topic... THE GAMES.

This could be easily done if there was a trusted moderator.

WF is not and never again will be the fun board I joined, there's no going back at this point. To much water over the bridge.

I still enjoy coming here to download custom levels, & read the Midnight Post other than that, the rest of the forum has become completely useless for me.
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Post by Qloof234 » Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:56 pm

1) Off-topic discussions, I.E. my own game(s), occasianaly some Custom Adventures - As of such I am not an extremely active poster, but more of a lurker.

2)Hmmmm... Multi-lingual support (Not naming anyone)

3)Why? - Seeing how things are going on the forum and such.
Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again? - Maybe if I posted a bit more, and participating more in Forum Games.

(Opinion time)

* A complete re-boot of the forum. Re-installation using the newest forum software (with latest anti-spam features) and starting with zero posts. New registration for everybody. Obviously, porting selected posts (e.g. the level database) is one issue.

I don't have much to say here at all. I'd prefer not to though...

* Implementation of other possible ways to organize the level database - e.g. using the forum to post new levels for the first time, but then archiving them regularly (similar to what mette does, but perhaps in an actual database with comments/solutions/ratings/etc). I’m not sure how technically feasible this is, but I’m throwing this idea “out there”.

That sounds like a good idea.

* Introduction of Moderators. Clear guidelines would need to be established. The idea would be to limit the number of nonsensical or irrelevant posts.

100% agreed, as long as it doesn't lead to kids who are 13 or under being banned, or anyone else being banned without a reason.

* Re-introduction of the “Silly Zone”, especially for younger posters. A place where anything can be posted, but going hand-in-hand with much stricter standards for the other parts of the forum.

I'd like this...

* As a counterpoint to the above, complete removal of the Off-Topic zones. Stricter moderation forcing posts to be only Wonderland/Game specific.

... but not this.

* Making the forum accessible from the main Midnight Synergy page. A potential for lots of new people to join the community, but also many potential pitfalls.

Honestly, I don't see many pitfalls here... Explain please.
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Forum Review

Post by VirtLands » Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:15 am

Hi there, I think it would be a great idea to re-boot this forum. Image

Okay,... I've had my say...

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

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Post by tyteen4a03 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:24 am

Last edited by tyteen4a03 on Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bround » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:54 am

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Post by Liz Mayhew » Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:12 am

Hi Patrick

I was a very active member for the last few years and use this forum to post my levels and textures and to download other level makers' creations. The Puzzle/Action, Kids Levels and Custom Content parts of the forum are great, but I too would love to see level postings organised differently (as suggested by Virtlands above).

I could well do without the Off Topic section. That is where petty feuds break out and people start getting nasty to each other. I avoid it totally.

Just to let everyone know - I haven't left Wonderland. At present my family is suffering illness and death. Life is extremely difficult and I don't have the time or the heart to be here. When some kind of normality reasserts itself, I'LL BE BACK!

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Post by popo » Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:01 pm

Sorry about your family worries Lizzie. I hope you get back to normality and less stress soon, and find your way back on here. I might become more active again then too, if you need my services.

I don't play Wonderland anymore, except for the levels I've had a hand in via models and textures, so I guess I'm mostly inactive at the moment. I am waiting eagerly for WA:MOFI to come out though. When that happens I may be back doing solutions again.

I think a totally new look for the forum would be a good idea, start from afresh again, get rid of all the crap. As far as I'm concerned you could do away with the off topic altogether, I very rarely take any notice of it. It seems to be just the domain of the younger end now and there's not much that interests me there.

Laura is right about other games forums. I've been on a few and none of them talk about anything but the games. There are so many free forums out there now that if anyone wants to talk about anything else they can do so on one or more of them. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be allowed to talk about anything else at all, but subjects should be loosely Wonderland based

About moderators ... they are a good idea .... if they are impartial. I think it may be difficult to find anyone who is totally impartial to all the stuff that has gone on before. Plus they have to be completely trustworthy, in that they will not divulge personal information they are privvy to, to anyone else.

I like Virtlands idea for a level database which is easily searchable. Just wondering exactly what the solution file download would entail though. Would it mean that every level has to be accompanied by a solution when it's posted? If so, would that stop people actually posting to comment or ask for help, and so stop interaction altogether?
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Post by Liz Mayhew » Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:29 am

I agree with Popo about the solutions bit. Having a solution may well interfere with discussion on the board.

Besides that, as a level maker I know that it often takes longer to write the solution than it does to create the level.

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Post by Midnight Synergy » Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:26 pm

Thank you for comments so far - please keep the discussion going.

A few more thoughts from me in response to some of the things said above:

In general, of course, this is probably the time when the forum is "at its worst". We've been without a new Wonderland game for a year and a half, and the WA Editor didn't really get picked up very much (partly, I'm sure, do to its complexity). With not much new to talk about regarding the games, it leaves a lot of space that tends to get filled with very off-topic things. Things will certainly pick up again with the release of WA:MOFI, but I think it is a good time to decide on some possible ground rules so that the forum can move in a positive direction and leave some of its less satisfying aspects behind.

The point that other forums only have game related discussion is well taken, which is why I've put the possibility of "Off-Topic-Removal" on the list... plus, it tends to be the source of most of the personal issues that develop between people. I'd hate to lose it altogether though. I think that's what made the Wonderland forum different and (when it worked) so nice... many of you did indeed find some good friends on this board, precisely because social interaction was encouraged. There are still new members joining the forum, I wouldn't want to deny them the same opportunities.

But, I definitely think that the amount of Off-Topic posts needs to be adressed, and that posting guidelines in On-Topic areas need to be stricter (and enforced).

Moderators would be a definite way to enforce these rules - perhaps the only way, given that I cannot be (nor want to be :)) on board 24h. In general, this idea seems to be welcomed, if we can find moderators that can be impartial and even-handed, without leaving certain groups or individuals felt "picked on".

I think if the community decided to go this route, we would collectively need to take some time to hammer out clear guidelines for standards and procedures, both so that the moderators would know how to handle posts, and to reduce any probability of favouritism/etc.

(Since somebody brought it up: the only additional information that a moderator would see is the e-mail address used to register the account, and the IP address(es) from which you posted. If someone was posting under multiple usernames, that would show up to a moderator. If someone has a real problem with that, you need to contact me. On the other hand, many of you actually have the same IP adresses, since you use the same ISPs (e.g. a regional AOL account), so having the same IP address does not necessarily imply being the same person.)

Having the forum linked from the main MS page: the main drawback of doing this is that there might be an influx of people that don't really play the games but want to cause trouble (e.g. PMing people asking for pirated copies of the game, etc). Moderation could be the key here as well.

Just some more thoughts for now... keep your replies coming.

(And Liz: very sorry to hear about your family, I hope things improve for you very soon.)
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Post by jdl » Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:20 pm

My comments:
Midnight Synergy wrote:WA Editor didn't really get picked up very much (partly, I'm sure, do to its complexity).
I enjoy using it! :D Its probally not going to get any easier then it is now. I can't wait to take my series to the WA:MOFI editor! :D :D :D
Midnight Synergy wrote:Moderators would be a definite way to enforce these rules - perhaps the only way, given that I cannot be (nor want to be :)) on board 24h. In general, this idea seems to be welcomed, if we can find moderators that can be impartial and even-handed, without leaving certain groups or individuals felt "picked on".
Thats a very good idea! :D
Midnight Synergy wrote:Having the forum linked from the main MS page: the main drawback of doing this is that there might be an influx of people that don't really play the games but want to cause trouble (e.g. PMing people asking for pirated copies of the game, etc). Moderation could be the key here as well.
I wouldn't do it. It could lead to tons of problems.
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Post by kiki » Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:33 am

:D :D :D It seems that finding an impartial Moderator would be the key to keep the forum running smoothly, I'm all for that happening.
Liz wrote: I agree with Popo about the solutions bit. Having a solution may well interfere with discussion on the board.
Besides that, as a level maker I know that it often takes longer to write the solution than it does to create the level.
I agree with Popo and Liz with the solution bit.

Further, I can care less if someone uses multiple user names as long as they play nice.

The forum is having a drought at the moment but I have confidence that it will pickup again, I bet if MS would sponsor another contest again that would help.

Christmas is right around the corner. :D :D :D
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Post by laura n. » Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:09 am

if we can find moderators that can be impartial and even-handed, without leaving certain groups or individuals felt "picked on".

That's a mighty big IF, the only way I can remotely see a Moderator being successful is if the Moderator is a completely unbiased third party (even hired) (edited by MS to remove personal attack)

I have made some lovely friends off this board, you are 100% correct when you say many of us found some "good friends". If it weren't for the "Off Topic" area this would not have been possible.
But on the other hand, how many members have left because of the "Off Topic" area, it doesn't matter if it's because of all the nonsensical posts made by the kids or the continuing feud by the adults, this behaviour isn't acceptable on other game forums & it's time it comes to an end here.

If you want your games to continue to grow ( I assume you enjoy the profits from your games) I think it's time you address the pink elephant in the middle of your living room.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but with all the free chat forums available out there, it only takes a few minutes to set one up & invite your friends to join.

The other issue that still needs to be addressed is the "inactive" members in the background still pulling peoples strings. Let's be brutally honest, if it weren't for these members, this last bout of ugliness wouldn't have happened.

Don't you think there should be some sort of guide lines for how long a person is "inactive" then close their account. I know it doesn't stop them from re-registering, but if the "issues" continue you can block their IP address. And those that have just taken a long hiatus & would like to become active again, how hard would it be to reactivate their account?

Quite honestly I find the state this forum is in sad, I've enjoyed playing and chatting for years, but I won't have any part of the "chatting" any longer & I know I'm not the only one left feeling this way.

I'll still be here to download levels, but even commenting on them is difficult, you never know when your post is going to be "misread" and another war starts all over again.

Thanks for listening, that's all I've got to say
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:56 am

Midnight Synergy wrote: Having the forum linked from the main MS page: the main drawback of doing this is that there might be an influx of people that don't really play the games but want to cause trouble (e.g. PMing people asking for pirated copies of the game, etc). Moderation could be the key here as well.

Just some more thoughts for now... keep your replies coming.

(And Liz: very sorry to hear about your family, I hope things improve for you very soon.)
Yes Liz,hope you get going soon.

And I still disagree that MS should remove the Off-topic area.
laura n. wrote:
if we can find moderators that can be impartial and even-handed, without leaving certain groups or individuals felt "picked on".

That's a mighty big IF, the only way I can remotely see a Moderator being successful is if the Moderator is a completely unbiased third party (even hired) Some of the "personal issues" that continue to rear it's ugly head are fallout from your last Moderator.

If a Mod bring some personal issue,then he can't be a good mod.

I have made some lovely friends off this board, you are 100% correct when you say many of us found some "good friends". If it weren't for the "Off Topic" area this would not have been possible.
But on the other hand, how many members have left because of the "Off Topic" area, it doesn't matter if it's because of all the nonsensical posts made by the kids or the continuing feud by the adults, this behaviour isn't acceptable on other game forums & it's time it comes to an end here.

I understand what you are thinking here.

If you want your games to continue to grow ( I assume you enjoy the profits from your games) I think it's time you address the pink elephant in the middle of your living room.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but with all the free chat forums available out there, it only takes a few minutes to set one up & invite your friends to join.

The other issue that still needs to be addressed is the "inactive" members in the background still pulling peoples strings. Let's be brutally honest, if it weren't for these members, this last bout of ugliness wouldn't have happened.

Don't you think there should be some sort of guide lines for how long a person is "inactive" then close their account. I know it doesn't stop them from re-registering, but if the "issues" continue you can block their IP address. And those that have just taken a long hiatus & would like to become active again, how hard would it be to reactivate their account?

Quite honestly I find the state this forum is in sad, I've enjoyed playing and chatting for years, but I won't have any part of the "chatting" any longer & I know I'm not the only one left feeling this way.

Then you really should join another Wonderland forum which do not allow chatting.

I'll still be here to download levels, but even commenting on them is difficult, you never know when your post is going to be "misread" and another war starts all over again.

Thanks for listening, that's all I've got to say
Last edited by tyteen4a03 on Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pat » Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:38 pm

MS: Post removed for personal attack.
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Post by uneekrose » Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:03 pm

I think it would be hard to find a good moderator and I also think if you choose one he or she should have the option to register under a different name, sort of giving them an anonymity. Using one for the purpose of moderator and one name for interacting with the forum.

I've been on several forums where if a person hasn't visited for a certain number of years then decides to enter that forum again they need to re-register. I think that's a good idea.

I don't think we need a 'silly section'..isn't that what the 'off topic' section is mostly used for.
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:07 pm

uneekrose wrote:I think it would be hard to find a good moderator and I also think if you choose one he or she should have the option to register under a different name, sort of giving them an anonymity. Using one for the purpose of moderator and one name for interacting with the forum.

I've been on several forums where if a person hasn't visited for a certain number of years then decides to enter that forum again they need to re-register. I think that's a good idea.

I don't think we need a 'silly section'..isn't that what the 'off topic' section is mostly used for.
Off-topic will be removed so that silly section will come out....
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Re: Regarding Midnight Synergy - Part 2: The Forum

Post by Small » Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:14 pm

Midnight Synergy (comments by me) wrote:(1) What are you currently using this board for? (And you are using this board, given that you are reading this post, even if you just download levels or lurk in the background). Just to see if there are any new wonderland games. :)

(2) What would you like to see on this board to improve your own usage of it? (vis-a-vis either the level exchange or the social aspects). A complete overhaul. Ditch this forum software and perhaps sign up with a forum producer with greater customization possibilities. Also, more activity.

(3) If you are no longer an active member or have neve been active, but still visit to read, then “Why?” and “Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again?” Why? Just so I can check up on wonderland updates. Under what circumstances would you consider to be active or active again? If the above were implemented.