WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

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WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:49 am

Hello everyone,

As I told in my last post in WA Editor Updates topic, we are currently working on remaking WA Editor in C# or WASharp.
Basically, the whole intention is to port the game to another engine and also make it cross-platform. Now some of you might be wandering what the heck is C# remake, what's the point in porting to C#, till when it will be done, etc. Don't worry, be patient, here I have put forward some of the questions that you all might be having.

Q1. What the heck is C# remake?
Actually you know Blitz3D is quite old and alien technology, it is very very difficult and too old as of 2020.
Therefore, our original idea is to update the codebase to a programming language which is best suited as per modern standards and features.
We also need to update the 3D engine to something modern and cross-platform, like OpenGL.

Q2. Why you selected C# for porting Wonderland
Now there might be another question related to this in minds of C++ programmers: why not C++? Well indeed, C++ is fast and low-level, it will really make the game nice performing. However, the main problem is about time, resources and people helping. Going with C++ will require lots of time, resources, helpers and dealing with lots of trouble including rendering, delta time, memory managment etc
There are currently 1 or 2 people only involved in the remake. For such a tiny team, going with C++ is a "suicidal attempt" (sorry to be blunt)
On the other hand, C# has its own automatic memory management and simple than C++. It can be made cross-platform using Mono. Plus engines like monogame are available. Using C# with BlitzSharp3D as mid-point we can port to other engines easily. C# code can also be converted to c++. For a tiny team of ours going with C# is easy since at first we only have to copy code and refactor and other stuff (and probably more people will join the team gradually). So C# is actually a better option for us.

Q3. What's your roadmap with C# remake?
We're currently porting WA Editor to C#. There's also a project for converting classic trilogy games to C#, named WonderlandPlus.NET although its in halts right now. Here's the roadmap:
- convert all blitz code line by line into c# (blitzsharp3d)
- refactor the code. Use new and human readable file formats like 'master.json' instead of 'master.dat', merge 'global.wdf' and 'display.wdf' into a single file like 'options.json'. Use XML for dialogues, scripting languages for UIs and cutscenes. Use a better and compatible format for levels (need not be human readable imo). We can also make 'playerfile.wpf' which stores save game data as 'playerfile.json' just with stars count and coins count encrypted. I think levels should now have extension 'wlvx', and cutscenes 'cutx'. I'm not sure what to do about packed adventure 'wa3' and hub 'wah' files. Should we leave the file extension same just make new file format along with extension or just allow automatic zipping up of custom adventures and hubs (will require permission from MS). Finally, should we merge editor and player to single exe? What are your opinions here?
- port to Monogame gradually

Q4. What is the current progress in porting WA Editor?
The upcoming 10.3.2 OpenWA is *completely* ported now. Next step is refactoring. Here also menus, mesh control and object logic control is refactored.

Currently, I, HumanGamer and minimus (SS01) are involved in this projects.
Everyone is welcome to help here! :)
Also we would be posting occasional screenshots highlighting developments, so stay tuned!

Any other questions?
Feel free to post here!
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:56 am

Here's what we have got in our screens till now: (if you don't remember, this is my blue flowers adventures where you have to plant the blue flowers :) )

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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:48 pm

Aryan wrote:
Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:49 am
Finally, should we merge editor and player to single exe? What are your opinions here?
I think that's a really good idea - it always felt redundant to have them both be separate applications, and theoretically doing this would allow for implementing a feature where testing things would be as quick and easy as Mario Maker, which I could see being a huge quality of life improvement for those who actually create levels.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Dec 22, 2019 1:59 pm

Magics finally work! :-)

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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:47 pm


Ok, so finally we have a couple of objects and whole mesh creation code ready in C# remake, although we still have to complete menus, cutscenes etc so it will take a while!

BTW, I am actually here to notify you forum members about some more ideas for WA Editor (and probably targeting C# remake):
-auto updater
-redesign the logo and/or menu etc., this is not something really useful, but I think new menu design and graphics it's a good idea, especially for the logo because it doesn't look very good imo and we will have an option for people so they can revert to the original menu design if they don't like the new one.
-full custom hubs with menus etc, this will be useful for large hub projects like paradise quest and hidden realms, which they overwrite some of the basic graphics and need to have their one menus. This can be handled in a similar way like we do with wa episodes (maybe the user can switch them in the loader?). Those hubs will be stored differently than regular custom hubs, and also each hub will have separate save game slots. We can also give some kind of menu customization or play a cutscene (from .cut file) like wa1. Those can be in a new format packed (or even better compressed) and we can the loader maybe be able to unpack them, or maybe we write a separate program.
Most of the such changes have been done in currently in-development 10.3.0
-type custom stinker player name (that is already coded but not displayed, you can type a name while creating a stinker even now and even on vanilla) and also add support to dialogs to display the name (using something like [PLAYER] possibly) - DONE IN 10.3.0
-make wee stinkers use the stinker model instead and be able to be customized like regular stinkers (or we can create a separate wee stinker object that behaves the same but with the stinker model) - DONE IN 10.3.0
-make npc stinkers (and wee stinkers if we do the above) support the different death animation the player has
-make npc stinkers able to shoot magic, currently we can do that with magic shooter but it doesn't do the animation
-custom sounds/music
-add full clipboard support to the editor so the users will be able to copy/paste in dialogs, adventure titles etc. - DONE IN 10.3.0
-add different map item sizes (like 2x2, 3x2, or 8x4 but with smaller pieces etc.) and possibly the ability to have more than one map in the same adventure/hub
- we add test mode for hubs too and enhance it with features such as player not easily killed (this can also be added in vault), turn or move camera anywhere, switch directly to a level without disrupting another, directly switch adventures, see how many coins gems stars are there or left etc.
- adding number of coins, gems, gold star in editor for hubs and adventures both
- make an application that can download wa editor, archive and other stuff from archive site and update it as necessary. This way I won't have to upload archive and wa editor installer with archive separately.
A single application can download wa editor then archive and perform the installation as needed. This can also perform update work, alternatively we can also code the launcher in eg BlitzSharp3D to do that.
- make flash independent of being in memory instead of tile (1,1)
- custom hats and accessories for stinkers
- custom keys, gates colours, key cards, and also custom icons for keys, key cards and other stuff
- (suggested by cloudrac3r) making a central database in a website like my archive site which would store download URL (not the exact file due to licencing issues) and other data regarding user-made custom content like textures, icons, models etc and the game if unable to find the required custom content offline, would read the database and automatically download the content online.

What do you all think about these?
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:29 pm

Here's a crazy thought I just had: What if we had an entirely new function for the map item? What I mean is, in MoFI, it was just some random collectable set that, if I remember correctly, didn't actually serve much of a purpose, as it didn't really help navigate the island at all. But if it's possible to implement, maybe we could get a more in-depth map feature - one that, upon using the item, would show a zoomed out map of the actual hub/adventure, with markings of important locations (like shops), as well as the ability to zoom in and examine specific rooms more closely? If such a feature were to be implemented, it should probably work like in a Metroidvania - you can either fill it out yourself by exploring, or find something to fill in parts of it, while leaving secret areas hidden. I think it'd be a really cool feature!

As for other improvements... It occurred to me while writing this, but it'd be nice if you could press - let's say the 'e' key - to open your inventory, and then use the WASD/arrow keys to move through it and press space/enter to use the highlighted item. Alternatively, adding the ability to make custom hotkeys corresponding to item slots you use often (like the Spy-Eye) would be pretty cool, as it would allow for using items without even opening the inventory.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Tue Dec 24, 2019 4:02 pm

rainbowmon wrote:
Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:29 pm
Here's a crazy thought I just had: What if we had an entirely new function for the map item? What I mean is, in MoFI, it was just some random collectable set that, if I remember correctly, didn't actually serve much of a purpose, as it didn't really help navigate the island at all. But if it's possible to implement, maybe we could get a more in-depth map feature - one that, upon using the item, would show a zoomed out map of the actual hub/adventure, with markings of important locations (like shops), as well as the ability to zoom in and examine specific rooms more closely? If such a feature were to be implemented, it should probably work like in a Metroidvania - you can either fill it out yourself by exploring, or find something to fill in parts of it, while leaving secret areas hidden. I think it'd be a really cool feature!
This really sounds like a cool feature, indeed! :stinkyhappy:
rainbowmon wrote:
Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:29 pm
As for other improvements... It occurred to me while writing this, but it'd be nice if you could press - let's say the 'e' key - to open your inventory, and then use the WASD/arrow keys to move through it and press space/enter to use the highlighted item. Alternatively, adding the ability to make custom hotkeys corresponding to item slots you use often (like the Spy-Eye) would be pretty cool, as it would allow for using items without even opening the inventory.
Opening and navigating inventory through keyboard is a nice idea...
About using hotkeys to access well I think we should also be careful along that, since it might also cause confusions. Or maybe I'm wrong here? :roll:
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:08 pm

My thoughts were, if you use a certain item slot often, you could assign your own hotkey to it somehow, and then use said hotkey whenever you want to use that slot. However, that would in part probably require the same setup as customizable controls (not that that would be a bad thing, as customizable controls are always a good idea; you never know when someone will want to use a completely different control scheme they're already used to). As a means of dispelling any remaining confusion, any assigned hotkey would be shown next to the slot it's assigned to.

Edit: Oh! Also, I just thought of something. Sometime ago, I brought up controller support. You said it wasn't possible because of how old Blitz3D is, but you mentioned this remake was in the works that might allow for it... I think that saving and loading could be mapped to buttons too, but obviously you'd need a way to cycle left and right between slots. Maybe have L/R (bumpers) cycle through and ZL/ZR (triggers) save/load?
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by HumanGamer » Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:36 pm

Blitz3D does support controllers. I used it for Wonderland+.NET.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:45 pm

HumanGamer wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:36 pm
Blitz3D does support controllers. I used it for Wonderland+.NET.
Ok, although I'd consider it to be added when the game is ported to another engine/monogame.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Dec 26, 2019 3:56 am

Ok there one important note for users who use Wine to run Wonderland Games in Linux or MacOS. HumanGamer has confirmed that you cannot run the C# remake in Wine. He said that Wine couldn't load C++ and mono couldn't load C#, technically (if you can't understand what I mean, then don't worry, you are not alone :) )

He said that he has a workaround to deal with it and so we may make a separate version for Linux users. However this will only be used as a last resort as this is also problematic. If anyone has a better way then please suggest.
The remake is currently WIP so I think there's no need to worry about it right now, but this was just FYI.

Windows users need not worry about this. You all just need .NET Framework which I am sure is pre-installed in Windows 10.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:21 am

Triple post!

Just to avoid confusions, and since the project is different from OpenWA, the project has been renamed from OpenWA.NET to WASharp.

You can call it WA# too.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:12 am

nasko222 joins the modding team :stinkyhappy: :stinkyhappy:
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 3:00 pm


heres some mofi in c# remake. as speedrunner, i broke it ALOT
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Good news!

All the base games objects are implemented. Three WA1 prototypes, magic dischargers, and talking objects are still left but they will be done. Hub menu, archive menu and some cutscenes are still left. :D
Although there's still a lot to do, like editor is not started and porting 10.3.0, but this is still a great achievement that we have reached till this point, from nothing! :)
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Kilicool64 » Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:30 am

I didn't know the source code for WA's prototypes had also been released. Or did you reverse-engineer them?

Anyway, congrats.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:26 pm

Kilicool64 wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:30 am
I didn't know the source code for WA's prototypes had also been released. Or did you reverse-engineer them?

Anyway, congrats.
Actually no... The prototype objects are still coded, in WAE, really! There are a total of three WA1 prototype objects there in WAE.

If you want I can tell you about them. :stinkyhappy:
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Kilicool64 » Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:36 pm

Sure, go ahead.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:06 pm

Alright, here are they:

1. Key Block: I think these are the key blocks from the WA1 Prototype which MS uploaded in one of his Midnight Posts. Object Types are 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87. I don't know what are these Types for. You can figure it out using this code:

Code: Select all

Function ControlKeyBlock(i)
	If GameObject(i)\ObjType>=84
		; Currently in Use
		If GameObject(i)\Timer<=0
			; Now activate
			If GameObject(i)\ObjType=85
				; Solid Keyblock destroyed - change floor
			If GameObject(i)\ObjType=85 Or GameObject(i)\ObjType=87
End Function
2. Used Item: Object type is 71. I don't know what really this is. :? Anyways, here's the code:

Code: Select all

Function CreateUsedItem(x,y,tex)
	EntityTexture GameObject(i)\Entity,IconTextureStandard
End Function

Function ControlUsedItem(i)
	GameObject(i)\Yaw=(GameObject(i)\Yaw+10) Mod 360
	If GameObject(i)\Timer=120
		For j=0 To 29
	If GameObject(i)\Timer<=0 DestroyObject(i,0)
End Function
3. PickUp Item: This looks like the WA Beta Custom Item, of which Qloof234 once posted a WOP in Other Custom Content forum of WAE. Object type is 70.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:22 am


10.2.2 player is completely ported to C#! I have also ported a few bug fixes of 10.3.0 into it.

We will again work on WA# once 10.3.0 which is our LAST BlitzBasic release, will be released.

Stay tuned! Beta release of 10.3.0 will be out very soon! :stinkyhappy:
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Wed May 27, 2020 3:23 pm

Alright so 10.3.0 is released now and even 10.3.0 player is completely ported to C#.

Next up, editor, launcher and hub manager...

Along with that, I have decided that we will update the versioning of WA Editor so there is no confusion between OpenWA releases and WA# releases.

Now our next releases will probably be WA# (BlitzSharp3D channel) releases. They will be versioned as 11.X.Y where:
- X will be incremented for each major feature upgrade
- Y will be incremented for each quality update that would include bug fixes

Hope that WA# will be done soon.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka OpenWA.NET) -- Update Thread

Post by jdl » Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:33 pm

Lazy Loof wrote:
Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:47 pm
-redesign the logo and/or menu etc., this is not something really useful, but I think new menu design and graphics it's a good idea, especially for the logo because it doesn't look very good imo and we will have an option for people so they can revert to the original menu design if they don't like the new one.
I have a suggestion for the loading screen, game logo, and menu/dialog font graphics.
Would it be possible to use SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) as an alternative? By using SVGs, the graphics can be infinitely scaled to any resolution without losing any quality. Of course this means that these graphics files will have to be redrawn in a Vector format. I have already taken some time to create two examples that I have made using Inkscape (attached below). I have redrawn both the loading image and the Wonderland Adventures logo from scratch. Everyone can use these for anything they want. It would be pretty amazing to see all of the game's graphics remastered in HD. I may do more in the future.

As for the Main Menu and Dialog font, I have found one closest to the original that the game uses. It's called Courier 10 Pitch.
You can download this font by clicking here. (Please read its license.)
Some of the characters are not from this font though, at least as far as I can tell. These are the characters: !"',/0123456789=
By including this font in the game, or by converting the font's characters into a Vector format, you can have infinitely scalable text as well, again without having to worry about losing quality.

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Last edited by jdl on Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:40 am

Using vector graphics is not bad, although I am not sure how this can really be done in Blitz3D or BlitzSharp3D. Might be a good option for Monogame port though.

About the WA Trilogy font, I thought it was FreeMono? Pawelec discussed about it on The Wonderland Discord server an year ago and it was suggested that it resembled FreeMono font. I'm not really sure what is the exact font used by MS, but FreeMono font has been included with OpenWA since 10.2.0 as replacement for original Blitz "Courier" font. Check "Data\Fonts" folder.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by jdl » Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:57 pm

I took a look at the FreeMono font you mentioned, and in my opinion, it looks a bit too thin. It's still pretty good though.
Here's a comparison image I whipped up (attached below).
The order from top to bottom is:
WA's default font. (Screenshotted from in-game. (gpou.wdf) )
Courier 10 Pitch (Regular)
FreeMono (Regular)
FreeMono (Bold)
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:01 am

Yep, that comparison screenshot shows that WA Trilogy font almost matches Courier 10 Pitch. Nice find! :)
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:04 pm

Ok so editor porting has been started and loading stuff works good.

Here's a screenshot of a "bug" (which has been fixed now and was due to weird type conversion in C#)
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:28 am

Triple Post! Here's what I have got till now, works well except for opening levels/dialogs and adv. options.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:33 am


So after nearly a year or so here's an update on WA#: Basically the editor is now complete and refactoring has been started in player. The menus and modelling system is refactored and object management is also somewhat refactored.

Also OpenWA 10.3.2 coming soon!

Here's an screenshot: (from Jutomi's Velvet Caverns)
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by Wonderman109 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:58 am

Looks like some good progress.
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Re: WA Editor C# Remake (aka WASharp) -- Update Thread

Post by nasko222 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:47 pm

Come on aryan, give it to me i wanna break it :)))))
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