WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by jdl » Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm

Lazy Loof wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:24 am
Also, I have now updated this WA Editor New Features documentation: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27852
Now it mentions most of the new features and changes made into OpenWA, even those that were not mentioned "officially".
Thank you so much! :D
Lazy Loof wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:24 am
Well yeah there's an feature in GitLab to track issues but nobody has used it till now. Don't worry, there's no issue with the text being here in the forums, and that text is quite useful indeed. Thanks for the work! :D
You're welcome! I'm actually having fun poking around trying to find some issues.
Speaking of which, I managed to find some more.

Bug Roundup #2:

Engine Bugs:
1. When using CustomTex.WOP, if you enter a model path such as "/!Obstacle34" or anything similar, it will make all of the Adjusters on pages 2 and 3 not show their normal names but instead show Data0-Data9.
This will also make you unable to edit the model path again.
All attempts to change it will be applied to the texture path instead for some reason.
It can also make weird things happen, including making the Editor crash.
I discovered this when I tried entering "/!IceBlock". When I set Data3 to 1, it changed the model into a Floing Bubble.
Setting it to -1 or 2 crashed the Editor.

2. Can't delete wlvs/dias with Delete+LMB if that particular wlv/dia has a .bak file already.

3. If the game is running in testing mode and crashes or is closed without using the pause menu options (by using the Windows "X" button for example), then it will not relaunch the Editor.
Also, this will make it so that the last thing you were testing is opened every time you launch wg.exe.
Closing the game through the pause menu or launching the game using Player.exe fixes this second issue though.

4. Command 115 freezes the game, and then MAVs if you run it before completing at least one adventure.

5. You can't remove certain items from the inventory with FNC 5, such as Gloves, Lamps, GlowGems, SpyEyes, Glyphs, Maps, Tokens, Shards, etc. Also, FNC 6 is unable to scan them.

6. Some adventures may be impossible to complete if they rely on the widescreen spellball range and the Player is running in 4:3 resolution.
This is most likely well-known and there probably isn't a way to fix it, but I wanted to include this just in case.

Visual Bugs:
1. WeeStinker bodies and hats do not scale when resizing the WeeStinker.
Accessories do scale, however. I found this when testing the new "Wee Stinker 2" WOP.

2. When holding down the spacebar to make the credits scroll faster in the Player, the credits do not smoothly scroll.
It looks very laggy, like the game is skipping frames, however the in-game FPS display does not reflect this.
The credits scroll fast just fine in MOFI and POTZ when running them with the Game Switcher.
What's strange though, is that when I have FRAPS opened (was testing the FPS Overlay with it) the credits scroll just fine.
The moment I exit FRAPS, the problem comes back.

3. The Sky Machine Map WOP included with OpenWA (Data\Editor\ObjectPresets\Other) does not have the Sky Machine Map texture set by default. (It's set to ?Default instead of !None.)
It also does not have a Texture adjuster.
I know this can be fixed with a WOP editor, but I figured it would be worth reporting anyway.

4. If you place objects that are scaled way too big in the Editor, like scaleadjusting the "LeafTree1 Green" to 15.0 for example, then the model will start showing up in other places in the Editor.

5. When changing levels, restarting an adventure, or winning an adventure, animations seem to reset for some objects.
It's most noticable with Spikeyballs and Teleporters.
Try placing walls around a Spikeyball so it can't move, and then collect a gold star.
You will see it's animation restart, and it will stay sunken into the ground.
These are most, if not all of the things that are affected by this bug:
The Custom Item, WA Beta Custom Item, Cuboids, Gems, Keys, Keycards, Wraiths, Rainbow Bubbles, Ghosts, Wysp, Portal Warp objects, Voids, Ducks, Sun Spheres, Waterfalls, the Crystal object, Glowworms, Zippers, Busterflies, water texture scrolling for tiles, all Sign objects with all move settings except No and Turn, and the Zapbot's voice timer.

6. Thwarts do not have an idle animation when they are set to "Normal". They do not have this problem if they are set to "Hands Up".

7. Every time a level or save file is loaded, all objects present in the level appear somewhere near x0, y0 and are extremely huge for one frame. To easily view this in-game, make sure x0, y0 is visible, and save the game. Now load the save, and hold Esc on the loading screen.
This will pause the game on the first frame. If this can't be fixed, then maybe always having a fade-in when an adventure starts could help hide the issue.

8. Some things still animate whenever the game is paused, like the Player, Fireflowers, Dragonturtles, NPCs, etc.
In some cases this could, for a short amount of time, make animations out of sync with what the object is currently doing.
Fireflowers are a good example of this if you pause the game whenever they're in the middle of shooting.

9. If level 1 does not have the default lighting in its wlv settings, then when it's loaded for the first time, it's not instantly whatever color it's supposed to be. It starts out as if it was set to the default lighting, and then it quickly steps it's way to what the wlv is set to in the Editor.
Very similar to running command 6.

10. The Lamp and Glowgem's lighting acts strange around the left and right level borders when standing in any of the 4 corners of a level.
To test this, make the room dark and use a leveltexture that's not Abstract.

11. When viewing the Map, depending where it is on the screen, there can be some rendering problems that create tiny horizontal and vertical lines between the pieces of the Map.

12. Tiles with Wall, Ice Wall, Water, and Lava logic do not update the Cursor's last position.
If you point at any of these, and then to a tile that's far away from the Cursor's last valid position, this causes the Cursor to appear in it's last valid position before quickly jumping to the current valid position.
Also, the way it moves during this jump is similar to the bug where you can see teleporting objects move, so I guess the teleporting objects bug can affect more than just objects.


1. Maybe add a setting in the Editor to switch between permanently deleting wlvs/dias/cuts or renaming to .bak when doing Delete+LMB.

2. An option to enable/disable the Zbot sound scheme for an adventure. (Placing a Zbot NPC in an adventure changes the starting and losing sounds.)

3. New adjuster for levelexits that could allow you to change the fade color. No idea how it could be used with command 7 though.

4. For Lamps, Fn ID could be used to set the amount of charges the Lamp starts with. 0 could be used to set it to the default 99 for compatibility. Maybe the same principle could also be applied to Data1 of command 111?

5. An "Are you sure?" message for using the Wipe button in the Editor.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:19 am

jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
1. When using CustomTex.WOP, if you enter a model path such as "/!Obstacle34" or anything similar, it will make all of the Adjusters on pages 2 and 3 not show their normal names but instead show Data0-Data9.
This will also make you unable to edit the model path again.
All attempts to change it will be applied to the texture path instead for some reason.
It can also make weird things happen, including making the Editor crash.
I discovered this when I tried entering "/!IceBlock". When I set Data3 to 1, it changed the model into a Floing Bubble.
Setting it to -1 or 2 crashed the Editor.
This bug is because of the way adjusters are coded. In the editor, adjuster names are mostly set according to the ModelName or TextureName of the object. For example, if ModelName of an object is "!Gem", the Data2 adjuster is renamed to "XOffset". Similarly, if ModelName is "!BabyBoomer", Data8 is renamed to "Boom". I'm not sure how to fix this...
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
Can't delete wlvs/dias with Delete+LMB if that particular wlv/dia has a .bak file already.
Sounds like a glitch with Windows, Windows is unable to rename the file as the file already exists, to fix this I can add a check to remove the .bak file if it exists, or maybe rename it to something else, like bak1.
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
3. If the game is running in testing mode and crashes or is closed without using the pause menu options (by using the Windows "X" button for example), then it will not relaunch the Editor.
Also, this will make it so that the last thing you were testing is opened every time you launch wg.exe.
Closing the game through the pause menu or launching the game using Player.exe fixes this second issue though.
I'm aware of this issue, it is because in test mode a temporary file called "test.dat" is created in "UserData\Temp" folder and deleted once the test player ends and the editor starts. This temporary file is the sole reason why player and editor always start in test mode. Just delete the file and it will fix the issue.
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
6. Some adventures may be impossible to complete if they rely on the widescreen spellball range and the Player is running in 4:3 resolution.
This is most likely well-known and there probably isn't a way to fix it, but I wanted to include this just in case.
It is highly recommended NOT to rely on widescreen spellball range. As I discussed this with Alex, that setting was added so that users can test their adventures and make it "widescreen-safe". Though IMO that setting should always be disabled.
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
5. When changing levels, restarting an adventure, or winning an adventure, animations seem to reset for some objects.
It's most noticable with Spikeyballs and Teleporters.
Try placing walls around a Spikeyball so it can't move, and then collect a gold star.
You will see it's animation restart, and it will stay sunken into the ground.
These are most, if not all of the things that are affected by this bug:
The Custom Item, WA Beta Custom Item, Cuboids, Gems, Keys, Keycards, Wraiths, Rainbow Bubbles, Ghosts, Wysp, Portal Warp objects, Voids, Ducks, Sun Spheres, Waterfalls, the Crystal object, Glowworms, Zippers, Busterflies, water texture scrolling for tiles, all Sign objects with all move settings except No and Turn, and the Zapbot's voice timer.
I think this is because object animations rely on a "LevelTimer" variable, and whenever you do any of the specified actions, LevelTimer abruptly changes to a very large value (>1000000000) to play fade out stuff. You know, this is also the cause of many "fade-out" glitches discovered by Billy Bob.
This is the core architecture of the game itself, I hope this could be fixed when the code will be completely refactored in WA#.
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
7. Every time a level or save file is loaded, all objects present in the level appear somewhere near x0, y0 and are extremely huge for one frame. To easily view this in-game, make sure x0, y0 is visible, and save the game. Now load the save, and hold Esc on the loading screen.
This will pause the game on the first frame. If this can't be fixed, then maybe always having a fade-in when an adventure starts could help hide the issue.
This is actually because whenever a level is loaded, the game instantly loads the level and also creates the models but does not position/scale them, this is done in the next frame when they are "updated". Maybe simply call the update code once a level is loaded? Again, this is the core architecture of the game, and I think this can be changed when we will refactor the code in WA#.
Most of the other bugs you reported are also due to the core architecture of the game, though I will see what could be done with these. It is better to leave these for WA# IMO.
jdl wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:54 pm
10. The Lamp and Glowgem's lighting acts strange around the left and right level borders when standing in any of the 4 corners of a level.
To test this, make the room dark and use a leveltexture that's not Abstract.
I guess this is an engine bug. If the background of the level is "Default", the game simply creates a plane mesh around the level which is different from the actual level mesh. Hence it is not lit properly. Can you test if this glitch also occurs with "Border" background? You can set this in the 3D Editor, check the bottom panel for a label "Level Background"

Your suggestions sound good to me, although they won't be added in OpenWA now. :)
Thanks again! :P
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by jdl » Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:49 pm

Lazy Loof wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:19 am
I guess this is an engine bug. If the background of the level is "Default", the game simply creates a plane mesh around the level which is different from the actual level mesh. Hence it is not lit properly. Can you test if this glitch also occurs with "Border" background? You can set this in the 3D Editor, check the bottom panel for a label "Level Background"
The lighting looks perfect when using Border, Border X, and None.
By the way, I'm not really sure what the difference is between Border and Border X.. They seem to be giving the same result for me, unless I'm overlooking something.

Bug Roundup #3:

Engine Bugs:

1. Tile Xtrude, Height, and WHeight adjusters are the only adjusters that still move extremely fast when Shift is held down.
Also, Shift cannot be used on the Random adjuster.

2. After right-clicking a tile that has a changed Random adjuster, if you try to change this copied adjuster, it always resets to 0.
This may be more floating point issues, not sure.

3. You can set a level's Width and Height below 1.
Also, you can set a level's Width to over 100.
After setting it to an extremely large number and saving, it corrupts the level file and does strange things if you try opening it.
As for Height, trying to set it above 100 crashes the Editor with an AIOOB.

Visual Bugs:

1. If you put tiles on the level border that have an Xtrude lower than 0.0, you can see that the sides of the neighboring background tiles do not render correctly below that point (they appear black).
The Editor does correctly show the background tile sides, and they actually are an upsidedown version of the "real" tiles next to them.
This may sound confusing, so here is a picture showing what I mean:

Not much for suggestions this time around, other than maybe changing the undo slot hotkey to Ctrl+Z instead of L+U.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:39 am

Had a thought a little bit ago and figured I'd post it here in case someone hasn't already suggested it:

So you know how screen resolution can break puzzles, right? Well... What if there was a way for level creators to alter the distance magic can be cast (with the typical - what is it, 9 tiles? - being the default)? Could that maybe solve that issue?
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:20 am

rainbowmon wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:39 am
Had a thought a little bit ago and figured I'd post it here in case someone hasn't already suggested it:

So you know how screen resolution can break puzzles, right? Well... What if there was a way for level creators to alter the distance magic can be cast (with the typical - what is it, 9 tiles? - being the default)? Could that maybe solve that issue?
There's already a limit set by default in the editor. So I don't think we would need that.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:27 am

There is? Huh. I suppose I misunderstood something earlier, then... *insert "double facehoof + wings" meme here*
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:33 am

rainbowmon wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:27 am
There is? Huh. I suppose I misunderstood something earlier, then... *insert "double facehoof + wings" meme here*
Yeah in the editor there's a settings called "Widescreen Spell Range" or something.

You can set this either in the master editor or in main editor 3D. In master editor this is NO by default, and in main editor levels this is MASTER by default.

MASTER option in editor level means that level will enable/disable widescreen spell range based on settings in master editor. Or you can create level overrides too e.g YES means that widescreen spell will be allowed in that specific level only.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:49 pm

DP, I actually forgot to reply JDL's post, sorry! :oops: :oops:

I'm currently busy in porting WA Editor to WA# so I won't be able to look at the XTrude, Width, Height, Random etc stuff, right now. Sorry!
jdl wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:49 pm
By the way, I'm not really sure what the difference is between Border and Border X.. They seem to be giving the same result for me, unless I'm overlooking something.
About the "Border X" option, its like "Border" but adds an extra chunk column on the right and left sides of the level. Here is a possible use case:
In widescreen player, border mode is automatically set to "Border X" by default, even for the simple "Border" option (for obvious reasons)
jdl wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:49 pm
1. If you put tiles on the level border that have an Xtrude lower than 0.0, you can see that the sides of the neighboring background tiles do not render correctly below that point (they appear black).
The Editor does correctly show the background tile sides, and they actually are an upsidedown version of the "real" tiles next to them.
I'm aware of this bug, it is also due to the same reason I mentioned earlier: in "Default" border mode, game simply creates a plane background mesh and textures it, instead of creating a complete level mesh for those walls. I don't think it necessary to fix this one, you should just border your levels with a wall of XTrude 1.0, it's a good habit and I do it in my levels.

jdl wrote:
Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:49 pm
Not much for suggestions this time around, other than maybe changing the undo slot hotkey to Ctrl+Z instead of L+U.
This was suggested by someone else, I never knew somebody would have problem with it. IMO, as Ctrl+[NUMBER] keys are used to save the game to slot [NUMBER] and L+[NUMBER] keys are used to load the game from slot [NUMBER] so L+[SOMETHING] should be used for loading the game from undo slot. Plus as Ctrl keys are used for saving a game Ctrl+Z for loading undo slot might lead to confusions.
Still no problems if everyone wants Ctrl+Z for loading undo slot instead of L+U, I'd appreciate that.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by jdl » Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am

Lazy Loof wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:49 pm
DP, I actually forgot to reply JDL's post, sorry! :oops: :oops:
I'm currently busy in porting WA Editor to WA# so I won't be able to look at the XTrude, Width, Height, Random etc stuff, right now. Sorry!
Don't worry, it's perfectly fine! Take your time. I look forward to trying out WA#. :D
Speaking of WA#, it's a direct port, right? As in, most of these bugs that are in the Blitz3D version will still be present in the C# version until the code is corrected after the port? Or do you correct the bugs in the Blitz3D language and then port the fix over to C#? I'm just curious. :)
Lazy Loof wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:49 pm
About the "Border X" option, its like "Border" but adds an extra chunk column on the right and left sides of the level. Here is a possible use case:
In widescreen player, border mode is automatically set to "Border X" by default, even for the simple "Border" option (for obvious reasons)
Ohhh, I see now. I was testing in Widescreen mode.. No wonder I couldn't tell the difference! :lol:
Lazy Loof wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:49 pm
I'm aware of this bug, it is also due to the same reason I mentioned earlier: in "Default" border mode, game simply creates a plane background mesh and textures it, instead of creating a complete level mesh for those walls. I don't think it necessary to fix this one, you should just border your levels with a wall of XTrude 1.0, it's a good habit and I do it in my levels.
Ah, I figured it was something like that. And yes, bordering levels with walls is good practice.
I actually found this bug while playing someone else's adventure.
Lazy Loof wrote:
Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:49 pm
This was suggested by someone else, I never knew somebody would have problem with it. IMO, as Ctrl+[NUMBER] keys are used to save the game to slot [NUMBER] and L+[NUMBER] keys are used to load the game from slot [NUMBER] so L+[SOMETHING] should be used for loading the game from undo slot. Plus as Ctrl keys are used for saving a game Ctrl+Z for loading undo slot might lead to confusions.
Still no problems if everyone wants Ctrl+Z for loading undo slot instead of L+U, I'd appreciate that.
Don't worry, it's perfectly fine if you don't want to change it.
The only reason I mentioned it was because Ctrl+Z is the undo command for most computer programs, and also because L+U is kind of awkward to press (for me anyway).
Not a big deal though.

And now, onto the bugs!

Bug Roundup #4:
If I'm getting too nit-picky with these bug finds please let me know. I don't want to annoy anyone. :lol:

Engine Bugs:

1. Both the NPC Move button and command still make NPCs move even when they are deactivated.
NPCs can also do things such as press buttons when they are deactivated. This may be intentional.

2. You are able to place objects outside of the level boundary in the Editor on the right and bottom sides only.
Resizing the level from the right and bottom sides also keeps objects outside the boundary instead of removing them.
Not sure if either of these are intentional or not.

3. The following objects do not get destroyed when a gate closes on them, even though they probably should: Prisms, Barrels, TNT Barrels, Blink Barrels, Cuboids, the Custom Model object, Keys, Keycards, Coins, Tokens, Gems, Rainbow Coins, Gold Stars, Custom Items, Tentacles, Burstflowers, Fireflowers, Retro Boxes, Scouges, Busterflies, Ghosts, Rainbow Bubbles, Voids, and Wraiths.
There's more than these, but the ones I listed are most likely to be placed on top of a gate for whatever reason.

4. There was some kind of bug that I cannot reproduce that was showing an adventure's completion status as "Yes" even though I've never completed it at all before.
The adventure did not even have a score file in its directory.
And no, this was not from the profile switching bug that I mentioned before because I didn't switch profiles when this happened.
It's possible that it could be related, though. Restarting the Player fixed the issue.
The only thing I can remember is that I noticed it right after I got done "Yes"-completing a different adventure. I was also deleting adventures from the menu as well, but I have no idea if that had anything to do with it.

5. Trying to use Esc on the Hub selection menu or archive adventure menu (Player) does not take you back to the previous menu.
It also doesn't do anything in the "Exit without saving?" menu.

6. Pressing Esc when on the "Are you sure?" adventure deletion menu can either MAV the Player, or take you back to the adventure selection menu with a messed up adventure detail display. (Score, Gems, and Coins will be an extremely large number. Clicking "Play" when this happens also gives a MAV.)

7. Some Editor and Player UI buttons cannot be clicked on with the right mouse button.
Also, some of them in the Editor that can be clicked in this way do not wait for the mouse button to be released before letting the user click it again.
Try holding the right mouse button on dialog #020 to see what I mean. (Or don't, if you don't like looking at fast flashing things.)

8. F12 does not wait for the button to be released before letting the user press it again in the Hub/Adventure selection menu.

9. You are able to use the save and load hotkeys during level transitions and when in dialogs.

10. If you try entering a Suction Tube when there's a wall in front of the entrance, the Player ends up being unable to move and the Suction Tube/Player reaction sounds continuously play.

11. Doing Command 8, Data1: 0 (or doing the same with Data0 for AdventureStart objects) will restart the current adventure.
This can be useful, so it probably shouldn't be changed. However, it has problems.
Doing it inside of an adventure when playing a Hub will change the game from being in "Hub Mode" to "Custom Adventure" mode instead.
What I mean by this is exiting the adventure after using it will kick you out of the Hub and bring you to the Adventure Selection menu.
Also, it crashes the game (MAV) when using it in a Hub wlv.

12. Trying to use negative numbers with Command 8 crashes the Player (MAV).
Not too important. I'm just reporting this one because it's another way to crash the game.
I don't know why anyone would want to use negative adventure numbers though, so maybe you could change it so that the value is always converted to positive.
There's also a crash that happens when trying to load an adventure that doesn't exist, similar to the non-existent .dias and .wlvs crash.

13. Here are some objects of interest that do not add to the Player's Score when they are destroyed:
Barrels, TNT Barrels, Blink Barrels, Cuboids, the Custom Model object, Burstflowers, Red and Green Crabs, Rainbow Bubbles, Scritters, Wraiths, Barrel NPCs, Ice Trolls, Thwarts, Weebots, Wysp, Zbot NPC, Coileys, Prisms, Dragonturtles, UFOs, Retro Boxes, Zbots, and Zapbots.
Obviously not all of these need to give a Score when destroyed, but a lot of these probably should, like the enemies.

14. Deactivated Laser Gates that are placed on water tiles can be walked on as if they were floor tiles.

Visual/Sound Bugs:

1. If the inventory is opened when a dialog is activated, the inventory text disappears.
This might be fixed by closing the inventory when dialogs are activated.

2. Gold Stars do not disappear when you collect them by flying/springing into them unless you hit a wall and land on the tile the Star is on.

3. Data1 for the Portal Warp object does not have a proper name in the Editor.

4. If you run into a wall when using the Vault to fly, the "Oof!" sound continuously plays if you keep holding the flying button down.

5. When a Pushbot is in the middle of moving, if you try using Pop on it or step on a button that has it's color, the Pushbot sound will still play.

6. I don't know what causes this, but sometimes tiles in the Editor have strange lighting on them when you place them.
Closing the level and reopening it fixes the affected tiles. Here's an image:

7. This might be a difficult one to fix, but spellballs do not have the correct Height when fired from ZAdjusted objects, like Fireflowers.

8. I don't think Laser Gates are using the same model as the Classic Trilogy gates.
I noticed this because the bits of metal at the ends of the lasers are missing.


1. Change the Level Height adjuster text in the Editor from << # >> to ^^ # vv so that it's easier to tell how the level size adjusters work.

2. Since Adventures have their own Score that's separate from the inventory's overall combined game Score, maybe a "Score # Points" win condition could be added.
Not sure how the HUD would look with this win condition, but I assume it would probably just be text that says something like "Points Left: #".
I was trying to come up with a way to make Scores useful and this was the only thing that came to mind. Maybe this could be used for Arcade Machine levels.

3. Gem Tollgates that can remove Gems from your inventory like Coin Tollgates do.

4. Option to change Hub/Adventure starting level.

5. Option to Show/Hide Objects in the Editor.

6. This may be too complicated to do, but is it possible to have the Player not have an ID of -1? Maybe the ability to customize the ID?
Doing things such as commands 1/2/3/4/5 can affect the Player if using -1 as the ID. It's most noticeable when you're trying to do something with the Vault.

7. A "Pow-able: Yes/No" option for the Custom Model object.
Maybe there's an object variable in WOPs that can already do this that I don't know about.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:28 am

jdl wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am
4. There was some kind of bug that I cannot reproduce that was showing an adventure's completion status as "Yes" even though I've never completed it at all before.
The adventure did not even have a score file in its directory.
And no, this was not from the profile switching bug that I mentioned before because I didn't switch profiles when this happened.
It's possible that it could be related, though. Restarting the Player fixed the issue.
The only thing I can remember is that I noticed it right after I got done "Yes"-completing a different adventure. I was also deleting adventures from the menu as well, but I have no idea if that had anything to do with it.
This happened to me the other day too - I was deleting some levels I know for a fact I'll never beat (some series called Codeworld or something - I'm not good with puzzles like the ones in it at all). It's like it doesn't update the menu correctly or something. By the time I thought to screenshot it and post here, though, I'd already restarted the editor and it went away...
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:03 am

jdl wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am
Speaking of WA#, it's a direct port, right? As in, most of these bugs that are in the Blitz3D version will still be present in the C# version until the code is corrected after the port? Or do you correct the bugs in the Blitz3D language and then port the fix over to C#? I'm just curious. :)
Weeeell no, I don't consider it as "direct" port. I think "direct port" means directly converting the code into another 3D engine e.g Monogame, which we are not doing.
As I said before, HumanGamer has made an API called BlitzSharp3D which contains all Blitz3D functions which can be called from C#. So what we do is just port the code line by line to C# and once done refactor it and gradually port to another engine.
For e.g take a look at this Blitz3D code: (apologies for spaghetti code :wink: )

Code: Select all

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

camera = CreateCamera()
CameraViewport camera, 0,  0,  800, 600
box = CreateCube()
PositionEntity box, -5,  0, -5

light = CreateLight()
PositionEntity light, 0, 0, -5

While Not KeyDown(1)

In C# it can be:

Code: Select all


Blitz3D.Graphics3D(800, 600, BitDepths.BitDepth32Bit, GfxModes.Windowed);

var camera = Blitz3D.CreateCamera();
Blitz3D.CameraViewport(camera, 0, 0, 800, 600);

var box = Blitz3D.CreateCube();
Blitz3D.PositionEntity(box, -5,  0,  -5);

var light = Blitz3D.CreateLight();
Blitz3D.PositionEntity(light, 0, 0, -5);


Yeah, you can see it's just a sort of directly porting the code to C# though it's not really a direct port if we look from point of porting into another engine.
And yeah all 10.3.0 bugs will be present, until we will refactor the code. :P
rainbowmon wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:28 am
jdl wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am
4. There was some kind of bug that I cannot reproduce that was showing an adventure's completion status as "Yes" even though I've never completed it at all before.
The adventure did not even have a score file in its directory.
And no, this was not from the profile switching bug that I mentioned before because I didn't switch profiles when this happened.
It's possible that it could be related, though. Restarting the Player fixed the issue.
The only thing I can remember is that I noticed it right after I got done "Yes"-completing a different adventure. I was also deleting adventures from the menu as well, but I have no idea if that had anything to do with it.
This happened to me the other day too - I was deleting some levels I know for a fact I'll never beat (some series called Codeworld or something - I'm not good with puzzles like the ones in it at all). It's like it doesn't update the menu correctly or something. By the time I thought to screenshot it and post here, though, I'd already restarted the editor and it went away...
Hmm I guess this bug was also in vanilla editor, I know the cause though. Hope it will be fixed in a maintainance upgrade.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Kilicool64 » Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:22 pm

jdl wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am
13. Here are some objects of interest that do not add to the Player's Score when they are destroyed:
Barrels, TNT Barrels, Blink Barrels, Cuboids, the Custom Model object, Burstflowers, Red and Green Crabs, Rainbow Bubbles, Scritters, Wraiths, Barrel NPCs, Ice Trolls, Thwarts, Weebots, Wysp, Zbot NPC, Coileys, Prisms, Dragonturtles, UFOs, Retro Boxes, Zbots, and Zapbots.
Obviously not all of these need to give a Score when destroyed, but a lot of these probably should, like the enemies.
I'd argue that Scritters and crabs shouldn't give points when killed. They're non-hostile, so you shouldn't be rewarded for killing them. Plus, you already get points for locking them up. (Though perhaps they should be made to only award points once. I believe some levels allow for infinite points otherwise.)

I remember encountering a few bugs related to game logic back when I last played the WA trilogy. I imagine you probably wouldn't want to fix them, though, given that there are probably custom levels that rely on them.

I'm talking about stuff like that you can still make a move after coming to a halt on thin ice. Or that you can kill various enemies by creating growflowers on tiles they just started moving to. Most people here are probably aware of these tricks by now, but they clearly weren't intentional, given how many official levels you can break with them.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:24 pm

I am just here to notify about three bugs that I already know and some of them may be fixed in a quality upgrade.

1. Bridges with Activation type 21 (fade) show their "overlay" entity while fading.
2. Second one is also related to the first one. Fade Gates while fading, show their colour black.
These two bugs are due to gates and bridges now having a new colour entity along with their main entity. The main advantage of new colour entity is that it allows gates and bridges to be textured with any colour. The problem is that while those gates or bridges fade, their colour entity does not fade properly. This is an engine bug and I can't do anything here, sorry.
3. Data4 of command 4 will not work for hubs. There's one workaround to this though, you just have to use negative values in Data4. I'll see if this could be fixed in a quality upgrade.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by jdl » Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am

Lazy Loof wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:03 am
Weeeell no, I don't consider it as "direct" port. I think "direct port" means directly converting the code into another 3D engine e.g Monogame, which we are not doing.
As I said before, HumanGamer has made an API called BlitzSharp3D which contains all Blitz3D functions which can be called from C#. So what we do is just port the code line by line to C# and once done refactor it and gradually port to another engine.
Yeah, you can see it's just a sort of directly porting the code to C# though it's not really a direct port if we look from point of porting into another engine.
And yeah all 10.3.0 bugs will be present, until we will refactor the code. :P
I see, interesting! :) I think I have a better understanding of things now.
Kilicool64 wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:22 pm
I'd argue that Scritters and crabs shouldn't give points when killed. They're non-hostile, so you shouldn't be rewarded for killing them. Plus, you already get points for locking them up. (Though perhaps they should be made to only award points once. I believe some levels allow for infinite points otherwise.)
...I actually completely forgot about getting points from trapping things in cages. :oops:
And yes I agree, the non-hostile creatures should not give points when destroyed, and getting infinite points from the same creature probably shouldn't be a thing.

I ordered the Ultimate Edition Collection DVD the other day. Very excited for it to arrive!
I've also decided to replay through MOFI again (and maybe POTZ afterwards) using OpenWA's Game Switcher functionality.
There are some bugs with the Game Switcher that I have found. More on that below.

Bug Roundup #5

Game Switcher Bugs
1. The mini cutscene that happens when you first arrive at the campsite in MOFI is messed up a little. An Ice Troll gets frozen when it's not supposed to, and Cedric-In-The-Morning is constantly spinning instead of always facing the player when unfrozen. He also is constantly panicking when unfrozen, but that can be ignored since that seems to happen in the original game too. Anyway, I have no idea what's causing this. It hasn't broken anything so far though. If you would like to test for yourself, an easy way to do so is do Command 8, Data1: 13 in the vault and then cheat the adventure. You'll be taken straight to the campsite just before the mini cutscene happens.

2. By using Command 15, if you try to use Barrel Magic or "Turret" magic in WA1, MOFI, or POTZ, it crashes the game. I know these magics are not in the original games, but neither are some of the others (like Flash in WA1) and yet they work fine. Also I have no idea what "Turret" magic is. I'm guessing it's still being coded? The model looks interesting though.

3. You are unable to use Shift+# in WA1 and MOFI to give Player magic.

Engine Bugs:
1. The timer that shows how long it took to complete an adventure starts ticking on the adventure title screen instead of when the adventure actually starts.

2. You are unable to use the numpad to type digits into the Vault.

3. The hitbox for clicking "Show: Official Hubs" in Player.exe only covers about half of the text.

4. This has probably been discussed before, but in Widescreen Mode you are able to move Wee Stinkers/Baby Boomers that are out of the original 4:3 resolution range. This may possibly break some adventures.

5. On the Stinker Creation menu, you can't right-click to go backwards for the Eyes/Shoes, Width, Height, and Voice options.
Hats and Accessories are fine though.

Visual/Sound Bugs:
1. The Vault's background color is inconsistent between computers. I would say most computers render it as a black background, however I've noticed that my laptop and an older Windows XP machine I have render it as transparent. Considering both Blitz3D and Windows XP are very old, it appears that the real Vault background is meant to be transparent, but that can cause visibility issues with leveltextures that have a lot of white in them. If a consistency fix is made, I suggest to keep the black background. A similar issue I've noticed before is the pause menu and dialog background colors being white on certain machines, like an old Windows Vista I used to use. There may be some consistency issues there as well.

2. I've noticed that the Jungle and Kaboom Village music tracks are, at times, clipping (being played too loud). Even at the game's default volume.

3. The White key still has the WA Beta's inventory item frame. (jdpot-tuboebse1/2/3.wdf)

4. Depending on the item, item box text doesn't fit into the box entirely or seems slightly too low. Maybe making the text size a bit smaller or adjusting the text positions would make them look better.

5. When you walk into a Baby Boomer for the first time, it doesn't play the "Kaboom?" voice clip.

6. The directions that Baby Boomers face are not always the normal 45 degree angled directions.
Not really sure how to word that in a way that makes sense... Try moving them one tile at a time in different directions and you'll see what I mean.

1. Pressing Esc to cancel out of the Vault Command Window.

2. An option to use Loopy's randomly generated numbers in dialogs for custom Adventures/Hubs. I have no idea how it's done in MOFI so this may already be possible..?

3. Add dashes around the numbers in the win condition box to match how the magic glove box looks. ( - # - )
Considering the Lamp already has dashes around the number of charges left, I assume Patrick forgot to do this for any of the other boxes that have numbers in them.

4. Change the way commands 116/117 work so that Data1: 0 will go forward a Hat/Accessory and Data1: 1 will go back a Hat/Accessory.
This is the way it works with left and right-clicking options in the Stinker Creation menu (except for vanilla WA1 and MOFI I think), so it would be nice to have in command form as well.

5. Commands to change Stinker's Eyes/Shoes and Width/Height/Voice.

6. Command to directly set the Player's appearance. Could be good for story-driven Hubs where the Hub Author needs the Player to look a certain way.
Data1: What to change. (Hat, Eyes/Shoes, Accessory, Height, Width, Voice)
Data2: Value to set it to.
Hmm... Maybe this could somehow be worked into command 4 instead of being a separate command.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:31 am

jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
2. By using Command 15, if you try to use Barrel Magic or "Turret" magic in WA1, MOFI, or POTZ, it crashes the game. I know these magics are not in the original games, but neither are some of the others (like Flash in WA1) and yet they work fine. Also I have no idea what "Turret" magic is. I'm guessing it's still being coded? The model looks interesting though.
"Turret" magic is a secret thingy which will be disclosed when its complete. Barrel Magic crashes because blink barrel model is only loaded in the editor.
jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
3. You are unable to use Shift+# in WA1 and MOFI to give Player magic.
I'm aware of this bug, and tried to fix that but it didn't worked unfortunately. :(
jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
1. The Vault's background color is inconsistent between computers. I would say most computers render it as a black background, however I've noticed that my laptop and an older Windows XP machine I have render it as transparent. Considering both Blitz3D and Windows XP are very old, it appears that the real Vault background is meant to be transparent, but that can cause visibility issues with leveltextures that have a lot of white in them. If a consistency fix is made, I suggest to keep the black background. A similar issue I've noticed before is the pause menu and dialog background colors being white on certain machines, like an old Windows Vista I used to use. There may be some consistency issues there as well.
Well I am aware of this issue, however this looks the bug in engine itself. Another bug was that WELL DONE and OH NO sprites in MOFI, POTZ and WA Editor faded out along with adventure won/lost fade out on some computers. Although it has been fixed now, but fixing the dialog background glitch could be a nightmare in Blitz3D as it's "1999 mess". :shock:
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:40 am

jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
1. The mini cutscene that happens when you first arrive at the campsite in MOFI is messed up a little. An Ice Troll gets frozen when it's not supposed to, and Cedric-In-The-Morning is constantly spinning instead of always facing the player when unfrozen. He also is constantly panicking when unfrozen, but that can be ignored since that seems to happen in the original game too. Anyway, I have no idea what's causing this. It hasn't broken anything so far though. If you would like to test for yourself, an easy way to do so is do Command 8, Data1: 13 in the vault and then cheat the adventure. You'll be taken straight to the campsite just before the mini cutscene happens.
This bug is quite strange, I modded POTZ to load MOFI adventures and it happens in POTZ too, even if the level was not at all modified. This needs thorough investigation and unfortunately I don't have time for that. :(
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:27 am

Lazy Loof wrote:
Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:40 am
jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
1. The mini cutscene that happens when you first arrive at the campsite in MOFI is messed up a little. An Ice Troll gets frozen when it's not supposed to, and Cedric-In-The-Morning is constantly spinning instead of always facing the player when unfrozen. He also is constantly panicking when unfrozen, but that can be ignored since that seems to happen in the original game too. Anyway, I have no idea what's causing this. It hasn't broken anything so far though. If you would like to test for yourself, an easy way to do so is do Command 8, Data1: 13 in the vault and then cheat the adventure. You'll be taken straight to the campsite just before the mini cutscene happens.
This bug is quite strange, I modded POTZ to load MOFI adventures and it happens in POTZ too, even if the level was not at all modified. This needs thorough investigation and unfortunately I don't have time for that. :(
Quoting myself, finally found the cause of the glitch! Well actually the ice troll is frozen in OpenWA MOFI due to a Brr spell coming from back. In official MOFI, the Brr spell just passes through the ice troll without freezing it. The reason for this glitch is quite interesting: In MOFI, Patrick has not at all programmed any code on "what to do" after the spellballs hit an ice troll. The whole code on "what to do" when any magic was collided with an ice troll was programmed in POTZ. This "what do to" includes destruction code on collision with POW magic, freezing code on collision with BRR and telporting code on collision with FLASH.
Hence due to no such programming in MOFI, any spellball will simply pass through the ice trolls instead of showing effect on them.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:48 am

Lazy Loof wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:27 am
Lazy Loof wrote:
Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:40 am
jdl wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:01 am
1. The mini cutscene that happens when you first arrive at the campsite in MOFI is messed up a little. An Ice Troll gets frozen when it's not supposed to, and Cedric-In-The-Morning is constantly spinning instead of always facing the player when unfrozen. He also is constantly panicking when unfrozen, but that can be ignored since that seems to happen in the original game too. Anyway, I have no idea what's causing this. It hasn't broken anything so far though. If you would like to test for yourself, an easy way to do so is do Command 8, Data1: 13 in the vault and then cheat the adventure. You'll be taken straight to the campsite just before the mini cutscene happens.
This bug is quite strange, I modded POTZ to load MOFI adventures and it happens in POTZ too, even if the level was not at all modified. This needs thorough investigation and unfortunately I don't have time for that. :(
Quoting myself, finally found the cause of the glitch! Well actually the ice troll is frozen in OpenWA MOFI due to a Brr spell coming from back. In official MOFI, the Brr spell just passes through the ice troll without freezing it. The reason for this glitch is quite interesting: In MOFI, Patrick has not at all programmed any code on "what to do" after the spellballs hit an ice troll. The whole code on "what to do" when any magic was collided with an ice troll was programmed in POTZ. This "what do to" includes destruction code on collision with POW magic, freezing code on collision with BRR and telporting code on collision with FLASH.
Hence due to no such programming in MOFI, any spellball will simply pass through the ice trolls instead of showing effect on them.

On a different note, I just had an utterly absurd thought (probably in part due to it being near midnight and me being tired): You know how there's a glitch where you can game over in the hub in the right circumstances? Well... What if that became a sort of feature? You know, like how in some RPGs you're forced into a losing state during certain story moments?
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by LexieTheFox » Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:05 pm

Don't really like bumping this, but I've got to ask...

Will the visual bug with wee stinkers ever be fixed? When I saw the update for it I was ESCTATIC at being able to basically make "psuedo stinker helpers" that can help you as adults, but when I tested the scale values they were still 'wee' in-game and was disappointed.

Is there any plan to find a way around this, or can it not be done? Thanks for any answers!

(I'd also wonder if we couldn't look into getting a custom music option into the editor like custom water and leveltextures?)
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Sammy_P » Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:02 pm

Hey, sorry if this has been mentioned before but someone really should unpatch this: Turtles should be able to survive firetraps like they've been able to before. Currently they just blow up (which wasn't the case in v096). I ran into this playing MyNameIsKooky's "Welcome to Casino Land" where the opening puzzle uses a turtle to cross a firetrap to press a button. Imaginably this concept (turtles crossing firetraps) is present in other level puzzles and mechanisms from years ago, can we fix this?

EDIT: Hmm. Actually this might have been something that's been around since MOFI or POTZ (so, not implemented in the WA1E in the slightest). Maybe it would be worth adding some sort of switch in logic on how turtles should behave on firetraps when importing .wa2 files? Similar to how you don't spawn with gloves/glowgem/spy-eye when you open up a newly-downloaded .wa2 level file. If it's not too much work, anyways.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Kilicool64 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:12 pm

I believe Chompers had firetrap immunity as well in WA. Something should be done about this at some point for the sake of better compatibility with the game.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by rainbowmon » Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:47 pm

rainbowmon wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:22 pm
I think implementing RTW mechanics like pushing boxes and such could be a cool addition to Adventures. It'd allow for even more elaborate puzzles. (Not that we really need RTW mechanics for that, since this is the Wonderland community, but it would add an extra layer that I'm sure could be very useful.)
rainbowmon wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:19 pm
Solution: Have objects that can be pushed cardinally (up, down, left, and right), and objects that can be pushed diagonally, with the visual difference being that diagonal-push objects are rotated °45.

Alternatively, boulders could make sense from any direction because of how round they are, so if they were introduced, they could be pushed anywhere.
I was thinking about this again, and had a thought: If RTW mechanics were implemented into Adventures, what if we could manually change the rotation of a box using magic? And then I realized two things:

1. From a narrative perspective, this could easily be shown as being a "branch" (for lack of a better word) of Pop magic.

2. Rotation Pop could have some interesting effects in puzzles, and not just with hypothetical RTW mechanics, but the Adventures mechanics as well. The most obvious would be that you could use Rotation Pop instead of a rotation button to make a puzzle where you only get a certain number of rotations, but you could also do it on something like an otherwise stationary Fire Flower to get them to fire in a different direction - and there's probably other interactions I'm not considering. The magic symbol would be a yellow rotation arrow, pointing either clockwise or counterclockwise depending on which way it rotated things.

Anyone else think something like this could lead to some interesting levels?
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Lazy Loof » Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:08 pm

Sammy_P wrote:
Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:02 pm
Hey, sorry if this has been mentioned before but someone really should unpatch this: Turtles should be able to survive firetraps like they've been able to before. Currently they just blow up (which wasn't the case in v096). I ran into this playing MyNameIsKooky's "Welcome to Casino Land" where the opening puzzle uses a turtle to cross a firetrap to press a button. Imaginably this concept (turtles crossing firetraps) is present in other level puzzles and mechanisms from years ago, can we fix this?

EDIT: Hmm. Actually this might have been something that's been around since MOFI or POTZ (so, not implemented in the WA1E in the slightest). Maybe it would be worth adding some sort of switch in logic on how turtles should behave on firetraps when importing .wa2 files? Similar to how you don't spawn with gloves/glowgem/spy-eye when you open up a newly-downloaded .wa2 level file. If it's not too much work, anyways.
Kilicool64 wrote:
Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:12 pm
I believe Chompers had firetrap immunity as well in WA. Something should be done about this at some point for the sake of better compatibility with the game.
Fire traps in WA1 and WA1E can only destroy player, wee stinker or a scritter. They were re-coded in MOFI and POTZ to be able to destroy other objects. These include dragon turtles, chompers, NPC stinkers, spikeyballs, thwarts, crabs, ice trolls, baby boomers, coily, UFO, retro Z-Bots, ZipBots, ZapBots, MooBots, and Z-Bot NPCs. OpenWA modded editor also adds Talkable Objects to this list.

Anyways there is one more issue in OpenWA right now: if you swap the logic of any object into a logic of a transporter, stepping stone, teleporter, gate, spring, flipbridge, moobot, or a suction tube and then try to change its colour, or activate/deactivate/toggle it, it will display an error due to missing child entity that is used in the models of all the objects above. So any levels doing the same will fail to run in OpenWA. These mostly include levels made by MNIK.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by ZedBot Masterclass » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:28 am

New commands:
Basically a more powerful version of the change hat/accessory commands. Data1 is just the hat you want to change it to, and Data2 is the color. Same thing with 3 and 4 for accessories. -1 resets the the profile's default. Handy for bits of story, specifically in hubs (sneaking into a z-bot fort using a disguise, or going through some kind of military training with a headset or something like that). Might be a good idea. Might not. It's an idea.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Sammy_P » Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:33 pm

ZedBot Masterclass wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:28 am
New commands:
Basically a more powerful version of the change hat/accessory commands. Data1 is just the hat you want to change it to, and Data2 is the color. Same thing with 3 and 4 for accessories. -1 resets the the profile's default. Handy for bits of story, specifically in hubs (sneaking into a z-bot fort using a disguise, or going through some kind of military training with a headset or something like that). Might be a good idea. Might not. It's an idea.
By all means definitely a good idea, that was something I was thinking about recently too. I think it would also be interesting to have a Data reserved for a specific ID, so like...
Data1: NPC ID (-1 is just the player)
Data2: Hat (Could maybe consolidate hat and hat color into one Data, it just makes the list longer)
Data3: Accessory (Same)
Data4: Expression? There might already be a CMD for changing NPC expression, not sure
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by ZedBot Masterclass » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:20 am

Yeah, Command 62 can change NPC expression, and we have a command to change player expression (65) as well.
I suppose it could also be in the format of
1: ID (-1 for player)
2: 0 to change hat, 1 to change accessory
3: Hat or accessory to change to (-1 to reset to default profile hat, or none if it's an NPC)
4: Color
Obviously, if data3 is -1 it would reset the color as well as the hat.

Also, new suggestion I guess.
A parameter on Wee Stinkers (and, by extension, baby boomers as well) to change how they fall asleep, with 3 options.
1: Fall Asleep - The same as a wee stinker, the NPC is asleep when the level starts, and will fall asleep if it's not interacted with after some time.
2: Start Asleep - The NPC is asleep until interacted with, but when awake will not fall asleep, even if it isn't interacted with. A mix between the wee stinker and baby boomer's behaviors.
3: Never Sleep - Essentially the same as a baby boomer. Starts awake and does not fall asleep.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by sodapop! » Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:56 pm

VERY old bump, but I was wondering if it was possible to mod the editor to allow you to add more than 99 wlvs on the editor screen like dialogues? The editor fully supports 100+ wlvs (by renaming one wlv to 100.wlv and so forth), it's just that they aren't available to access on the editor.

(moved here as to not be such a major bump and to be in a better place)
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:19 am

sodapop! wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:56 pm
VERY old bump, but I was wondering if it was possible to mod the editor to allow you to add more than 99 wlvs on the editor screen like dialogues? The editor fully supports 100+ wlvs (by renaming one wlv to 100.wlv and so forth), it's just that they aren't available to access on the editor.

(moved here as to not be such a major bump and to be in a better place)
At this point I would consider simplifying your puzzle or converting a multi-puzzle level into a hub. 100+ level puzzles are probably unreasonably hard.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by sodapop! » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:21 am

Wonderman109 wrote:
Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:19 am
At this point I would consider simplifying your puzzle or converting a multi-puzzle level into a hub. 100+ level puzzles are probably unreasonably hard.
Oh gosh no, this is for a hub that might turn out to be bigger than I imagined. It'd probably cap out at 110 or so wlvs.
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Re: WA Editor Updates, Ideas & Suggestion Thread

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:05 am

sodapop! wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:56 pm
VERY old bump, but I was wondering if it was possible to mod the editor to allow you to add more than 99 wlvs on the editor screen like dialogues? The editor fully supports 100+ wlvs (by renaming one wlv to 100.wlv and so forth), it's just that they aren't available to access on the editor.

(moved here as to not be such a major bump and to be in a better place)
I do have a custom editor that allows for this, and many other nice things, though it's intended for advanced use:

Last edited by MyNameIsKooky on Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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