WA3E Data Topic

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WA3E Data Topic

Post by MyNameIsKooky » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:07 pm

-=- Data Format -=-

Integers and floats are both little-endian.

Floating point attributes use the IEEE-754 single precision floating-point format.

-=- Wop Stuff -=-

Order of parameters in a wop file:

ModelName [string]
TextureName [string]
XScale [float]
YScale [float]
ZScale [float]
XAdjust [float]
YAdjust [float]
ZAdjust [float]
PitchAdjust [float]
YawAdjust [float]
RollAdjust [float]
X (X offset in editor) [float]
Y (Y offset in editor) [float]
Z (Z offset in editor) [float]
OldX [float]
OldY [float]
OldZ [float]
DX [float]
DY [float] (rotation thingy (wait what did I mean by "rotation thingy"))
DZ [float]
Pitch [float]
Yaw [float]
Roll [float]
Pitch2 [float]
Yaw2 [float]
Roll2 [float]
XGoal [float]
YGoal [float]
ZGoal [float]
MovementType [int]
MovementTypeData [int]
Speed (Particles 1?) [float]
Radius (Particles 2?) [float]
RadiusType [int]
Data10 [int]
PushDX [float]
PushDY [float]
AttackPower [int]
DefensePower [int]
DestructionType [int]
ID [int]
Type [int]
SubType [int]
Active [int] [flag (0 (true) vs 1001 (E9 03 00 00) (false)]
LastActive [int] [flag]
ActivationType [int]
ActivationSpeed [int]
Status [int]
Timer [int]
TimerMax1 [int]
TimerMax2 [int]
Teleportable [int]
ButtonPush [int] (ButtonReact) (interact with buttons, bridges, etc (01 00 00 00 = yes, 00 00 00 00 = no))
WaterReact [int] (does nothing)
Telekinesisable [int]
Freezable [int]
Reactive [int] (01?)
Child [int] (4FF1: -1)
Parent [int] (4FF2: -1)
Data0 [int]
Data1 [int]
Data2 [int]
Data3 [int]
Data4 [int]
Data5 [int]
Data6 [int]
Data7 [int]
Data8 [int]
Data9 [int]
ObjectTextData0 [string]
ObjectTextData1 [string]
ObjectTextData2 [string]
ObjectTextData3 [string]
Talkable [int]
CurrentAnim [int]
StandardAnim [int]
TileX [int]
TileY [int]
TileX2 [int]
TileY2 [int]
MovementTimer [int] (FutureInt8)
MovementSpeed [int]
MoveXGoal [int] (FutureInt10)
MoveYGoal [int] (FutureInt11)
TileTypeCollision [int] [bitfield] (TrueMovement) (FutureInt12)
ObjectTypeCollision [int] [bitfield] (PhasePower) (FutureInt13)
Caged [int] (FutureInt14)
Dead [int] (FutureInt15)
DeadTimer [int] (FutureInt16)
Exclamation [int]
Shadow [int]
Linked [int]
LinkBack [int]
Flying [int] (FutureInt21)
Frozen [int]
Indigo [int] (FutureInt23)
FutureInt24 [int]
FutureInt25 [int]
ScaleAdjust [float]
ScaleXAdjust [float] (FutureFloat2)
ScaleYAdjust [float] (FutureFloat3)
ScaleZAdjust [float] (FutureFloat4)
FutureFloat5 [float]
FutureFloat6 [float]
FutureFloat7 [float]
FutureFloat8 [float]
FutureFloat9 [float]
FutureFloat10 [float]
FutureString1 [string]
FutureString2 [string]

Valid adjusters for use in the vanilla editor:

DefensePower (doubles as the "Greeting" adjuster)

-=- TileTypeCollision (TTC) (TrueMovement) -=-

MovementSpeed, MovementType, and PhasePower override logic's "default" movement.

XX XX 00 00

XX XX is a set of flags...

LevelTileLogic (LTL) corresponds to the exponent of each power of 2.

01 00: Move on floors (including flipbridges). 2^0
02 00: Move on walls. 2^1
04 00: Move on water. 2^2
08 00: Move on active teleporters. 2^3
10 00: Move on stepping stones/rainbow floats/conveyors. Also transporters if OTC 2^6 is set. 2^4
20 00: Move on lava. 2^5
40 00: Move on Logic 06. 2^6
80 00: 2^7
00 01: 2^8
00 02: Move on buttons. 2^9
00 04: 2^10
00 08: Move on straight ice. 2^11
00 10: Move on curved ice. 2^12
00 20: Move on ice walls. 2^13
00 40: Move on ice floats. 2^14

-=- ObjectTypeCollision (OTC) (PhasePower) -=-

Like TrueMovement, PhasePower is a flag system.

XX XX 00 00.

ObjectTileLogic (OTL) corresponds directly to these values.

02 00: Phase through player. 2^1
04 00: Phase through NPCs and signs (all of which have dialogue). 2^2
08 00: Phase through wee stinkers and baby boomers. 2^3
10 00: Phase through items. 2^4
20 00: Phase through scritters and tentacles. 2^5
40 00: Phase through sunken turtles. Also transporters if TTC 2^4 is set. 2^6
80 00: Phase through NPCs and signs (none of which have dialogue) as well as unsunken turtles. 2^7
00 01: Phase through dangerous creatures (creatures that kill the player upon contact). 2^8
00 02: Phase through barrels and cuboids. 2^9
00 04: Phase through frozen objects. 2^10

-=- MovementTypes -=-

0: NPCs sometimes.
10: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using high-quality A* search with tolerance 0. Used by Player and NPCs.
11: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using high-quality A* search with tolerance 1.
12: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using high-quality A* search with tolerance 2.
13: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using mid-quality A* search with tolerance 0. Used by Chompers, Ghosts, and Coilies.
14: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using mid-quality A* search with tolerance 1. Used by awakened Wee Stinkers, Baby Boomers, and green crabs.
15: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using mid-quality A* search with tolerance 2.
16: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using low-quality A* search with tolerance 0.
17: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using low-quality A* search with tolerance 1.
18: Move to coordinates (MoveXGoal, MoveYGoal) using low-quality A* search with tolerance 2.
30: Scritter range 0.
31: Scritter range 1.
32: Scritter range 2 (default for scritters).
33: Scritter range 3.
34: Scritter range 4.
41: Start moving north, turn left at walls.
42: Start moving north, turn right at walls.
43: Start moving east, turn left at walls.
44: Start moving east, turn right at walls.
45: Start moving south, turn left at walls.
46: Start moving south, turn right at walls.
47: Start moving west, turn left at walls.
48: Start moving west, turn right at walls.
71: Start moving north, bounce off walls.
72: Start moving northeast, bounce off walls.
73: Start moving east, bounce off walls.
74: Start moving southeast, bounce off walls.
75: Start moving south, bounce off walls.
76: Start moving southwest, bounce off walls.
77: Start moving west, bounce off walls.
78: Start moving northwest, bounce off walls.
81: Start moving north, turn left at walls (Moobot).
82: Start moving north, turn right at walls (Moobot).
83: Start moving east, turn left at walls (Moobot).
84: Start moving east, turn right at walls (Moobot).
85: Start moving south, turn left at walls (Moobot).
86: Start moving south, turn right at walls (Moobot).
87: Start moving west, turn left at walls (Moobot).
88: Start moving west, turn right at walls (Moobot).

-=- ActivationTypes -=-

0: Does nothing.
1: GrowZ.
2: GrowXYZ.
3: GrowXY.
11: Gate (default).
12: Bridge, sinks 1 unit.
13: Bridge, sinks 2 units.
14: Bridge, sinks 3 units.
15: Bridge, sinks 4 units.
16: Bridge, sinks 5 units (default bridge movement).
17: Move north.
18: Move east.
19: Move south.
20: Move west.
21: Fade.
31: Cage.
41: Dungeon Door.

-=- CMD 10 -=-

0: Star collected.
1: TollGate opening (slow "cha-ching").
10: Spring bounce.
11: Gem collected (pitch change included).
12: Coin or token collected (fast "cha-ching").
13: Rainbow Crystal tone.
14: Wakka.
15: Monster killed.
16: Electric zap.
20: Sliding across ice.
21: Normal button pressed.
22: Rotator button pressed.
23: Timer button pressed.
24: Color changer button pressed.
28: Ghost ambience.
29: Wraith becoming visible.
30: Fire trap begin.
31: Fire trap loop.
32: Cage fall.
33: Bridge raising out of water.
34: Bridge sinking back into water.
35: Mecha bridge sinking.
36: Mecha bridge raising.
37: Wooden door open (Dungeon Door).
38: Metal door open (AutoDoor).
39: Metal door close (AutoDoor).
40: Transporter loop.
41: Transporter stop.
42: Teleporter used.
43: Suction tube used 2.
44: Suction tube used 1.
45: Player character hitting obstacle after being airborne: "Oof!"
50: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Hi there!"
51: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Hi!"
52: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Morning!"(?)
53: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Hello!"
54: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Yoo-hoo!"
55: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Yeah?"
56: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Hmm?"
57: Wee Stinker dialogue: "What?"
58: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Uh-huh?"
59: Wee Stinker snoring.
60: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Okay!"
61: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Sounds good!"
62: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Okee-dokee!"
63: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Here I go!"
64: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Yee!"(?)
65: Wee Stinker death.
66: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Oh no!"
67: Stinker drowning.
68: Wee Stinker dialogue: "I'm bored. When are we gonna do something around here?"
69: Wee Stinker dialogue: "I'm tired."
70: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Woo!"
71: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Thank you!"
72: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Bye-bye!"
73: Wee Stinker dialogue: "Yay!"
74: Baby Boomer dialogue: "Kaboom?"
75: Baby Boomer dialogue: "Kaboom."
76: Baby Boomer dialogue: "Kaboom."
77: Baby Boomer explosion preparation: "Ka..."
78: Baby Boomer exploding: "Kaboom!"
79: Baby Boomer dialogue: "Kaboom!" (frightened)
80: Magic collected.
81: Blinked.
82: Spellball created.
83: Brr slab created.
84: Ice cube destroyed.
85: Stinker frozen: "Whoa!"
86: Chomper frozen: "Nyak?"
87: Thwart frozen.
88: Spellball bouncing off ice wall.
90: Teleporter activated.
91: Teleporter deactivated.
92: Growflower created.
93: Floing bubble deployed.
95: Mothership loop.
96: Mothership destroyed.
97: Lurker chomp.
98: Moobot moving/alarm.
99: Moobot hitting obstacle.
100: Scritter moving.
101: Chomper moving: "Nyak."
102: Fireflower activated.
103: Fireflower shooting spellball.
104: Fireflower damaged.
105: Fireflower killed.
106: Thwart footstep.
107: Thwart collecting item.
108: Turtle entering water.
109: Spikeyball loop.
110: Cuboid destroyed.
111: Tentacle raise.
112: Tentacle retract.
113: Ice Troll grunt.
114: Ice Troll frozen.
115: Crab moving.
116: Crab awakening.
117: Crab getting hit by Pow.
118: Coily bounce.
119: Mecha Chomper moving.
120: Waterfall loop 1.
121: Duck quack.
122: Earthquake.
123: Void loop.
124: Water droplet.
125: Waterfall loop 2.
126: Ocean 1.
127: Ocean 2.
128: Seagulls 1.
129: Seagulls 2.
130: Menu item selected.
131: Dialogue box opened.
132: Dialogue box closed.
133: "Load game."
134: "Save game."
135: "Are you sure?"
136: Response selected in dialogue box.
137: "Please wait. We're loading your game."
138: Deep wind? [unused]
139: Harp.
140: Z-Bot dialogue: "Eliminate!"
141: Z-Bot dialogue: "I am a Z-Bot."
142: Z-Bot dialogue: "We are the Z-Bots."
143: Z-Bot dialogue: "Intruder alert."
144: Z-Bot dialogue: "I am error.
145: Z-Bot dialogue: "Does not compute."
146: Z-Bot dialogue: "End of line."
147: Z-Bot dialogue: "Chicken! Fight like a Z-Bot."
148: Z-Bot dialogue: "All your base are belong to us."
149: Z-Bot dialogue: "Resistance is futile."
150: Stinker death: "Aaaah!"
151: Stinker death: "Ow!"
152: Stinker drowning (duplicate of 67).
153: "Uh-oh, it's getting hot."
154: "Ow, hot hot hot hot hot!"
155: Thunder 1.
156: Thunder 2.
157: Thunder 3.
158: Z-Bot dialogue: "Stinker eliminated."
159: Z-Bot dialogue: "Eliminate the Stinkers."
160: Player dead: "Aww!"
161: Player dead: "Hm. I guess that was too hard."
162: Player dead: "Uh-oh! That didn't go so well."
163: Player dead: "Whoopsedee! Gonna have to try that again."
164: Adventure start: "Woohoo! Here we go!"
165: Adventure start: "Geeeeeeet ready!"
166: Adventure start: "Alrighty! Here we go!"
167: Adventure start: "Are you ready?"
168: Adventure start: "3, 2, 1, go!"
169: Stinker dialogue: "Yooloo!"(?)
170: Stinker on ice: "Woohoo!"
171: Stinker on ice: "Woo!"
172: Stinker on ice: "Hehehehe!"
173: CustomItem collected.
174: CustomItem collected (duplicate of 173).
175: Key doesn't fit in gate: "Aww."
176: Use Spy-Eye: "Aha!"
177: Stinker dialogue: "Hello. Nice to see you."
180: Stinker on ice: "Yoof!"
181: Stinker on ice: "Woo!"
182: Stinker on ice: "Woo!"
187: Stinker dialogue: "Hi, whatcha doin' there?"
188: Stinker dialogue: "Hi, it's nice to see you."
189: Stinker dialogue: "Hi, how are thee, are thee good?"
190: Stinker dialogue: "Hello!"
191: Stinker dialogue: "Hi, how are ya?"
192: Stinker dialogue: "Yooloo!"(?) (duplicate of 169)
193: Stinker dialogue: "Hello, nice to see you."
194: Stinker dialogue: "Hello!" (feminine)
195: Stinker dialogue: "What's cooking, good-looking?"
196: Stinker dialogue: "Hello."
197: Stinker dialogue: "Yup."
198: Stinker dialogue: "Whatcha doing?"
199: Stinker dialogue: "Nice to see you!"


!Obstacle01 (Rock1)
!Obstacle02 (Rock2)
!Obstacle03 (Volcano)
!Obstacle04 (Acid Pool)
!Obstacle05 (Flower1)
!Obstacle06 (Flower2)
!Obstacle07 (Water Vine)
!Obstacle08 (Fern 1)
!Obstacle09 (Fern 2)
!Obstacle10 (Mushroom)
!Obstacle11 (Fern 3)
!Obstacle12 (Plant 1)
!Obstacle13 (Plant 2)
!Obstacle15 (Bare Tree)
!Obstacle16 (Evergreen)
!Obstacle17 (EvergreenSnow)
!Obstacle18 (LeafTree1 Fall)
!Obstacle19 (LeafTree1 Green)
!Obstacle20 (LeafTree2 Pink)
!Obstacle21 (LeafTree2 Apple)
!Obstacle22 (Jungle Tree 1)
!Obstacle23 (Jungle Tree 2)
!Obstacle24 (Palm Tree)
!Obstacle25 (BridgeEnd)
!Obstacle26 (Canopy)
!Obstacle27 (Streetlight)
!Obstacle28 (Pillar)
!Obstacle29 (Ladder)
!Obstacle30 (Table)
!Obstacle31 (Chair)
!Obstacle32 (Bed)
!Obstacle33 (Bookshelf)
!Obstacle34 (Arcade Machine)
!Obstacle35 (Pyramid)
!Obstacle36 (Cottage)
!Obstacle37 (Townhouse 1a)
!Obstacle38 (Townhouse 1b)
!Obstacle39 (Townhouse 2a)
!Obstacle40 (Townhouse 2b)
!Obstacle41 (Windmill Main)
!Obstacle42 (Windmill Rotor)
!Obstacle43 (Hut)
!Obstacle44 (Ship)
!Obstacle45 (Waterwheel)
!Obstacle46 (Footbridge)
!Obstacle47 (Computer)
!Obstacle48 (Wysp Ship)
!Obstacle50 (Portal Frame)
!Obstacle51 (Cactus Multi)
!Obstacle55 (Plant Multi)
!Obstacle59 (Rock Multi)
!Portal Warp
!Sun Sphere1
!Sun Sphere2



-=- CMD 4 -=-

1: MovementType
2: MovementTypeData
3: ObjectRadiusType
4: Data10: NPC X destination (can't set Y, always 0)
5: AttackPower
6: DefensePower (actually NPC Greeting)
7: DestructionType
8: ID
9: Type
10: SubType
11: Active
12: ActivationType
13: ActivationSpeed
14: Firetrap status (whether the Firetrap is shooting fire or not)
15: Timer
16: TimerMax1
17: TimerMax2
18: Teleportable
19: ButtonPush: Object can press buttons when 1, otherwise object is unable to press ANY buttons
20: WaterReact
21: Telekinesisable (scrapped prototype feature)
22: Freezable
23: Data0
24: Data1
25: Data2
26: Data3
27: Data4
28: Data5
29: Data6
30: Data7
31: Data8
32: Data9

-=- Object Logics -=-

Type,SubType: Result.

0,0: Static and not solid.
1,0: Player.
10,0: Gate.
10,1: Cottage Door.
10,2: Dungeon Door.
10,9: Auto-Door (POTZ).
11,0: Tollgate.
20,0: Fire.
30,0: Teleporter.
40,0: Stepping stone.
45,0: Conveyor Lead (POTZ).
46,0: Conveyor Tail (POTZ).
50,0: Floing Spellball.
50,1: Pow Spellball.
50,2: Pop Spellball.
50,3: Grow Spellball.
50,4: Brr Spellball.
50,5: Flash Spellball.
50,6: Blink Spellball.
50,7: Null Spellball.
51,0: Magic Shooter (MOFI).
52,0: Meteor (MOFI).
53,0: Meteorite (MOFI).
54,0: Magic Mirror (Blank) (MOFI).
54,1: Magic Mirror (Fire Glyph) (MOFI).
54,2: Magic Mirror (Ice Glyph) (MOFI).
54,3: Magic Mirror (Time Glyph) (MOFI).
54,4: Magic Mirror (Friend Glyph) (MOFI).
54,5: Magic Mirror (Home Glyph) (MOFI).
60,0: Ice Block/Floing Bubble.
70,0: PickUpItem?
71,0: UsedItem?
80,0 to 87,0 inclusive: Keyblock?
90,0: Colour Square.
90,1: Colour Round.
90,2: Colour DiamondOnce.
90,3: Colour Diamond.
90,4: Colour Star.
90,5: ColX2Y Square.
90,6: ColX2Y Round.
90,7: ColX2Y DiamondOnce.
90,8: ColX2Y Diamond.
90,9: ColX2Y Star.
90,10: LevelExit.
90,11: NPC Modifier.
90,12: Fake Stinker Exit.
90,13: Adventure Star.
90,14: Adventure Star (Used).
90,15: General Command.
90,16: Rotator.
90,32: InvColour Square.
90,33: InvColour Round.
90,34: InvColour DiamondOnce.
90,35: InvColour Diamond.
90,36: InvColour Star.
90,37: InvColX2Y Square.
90,38: InvColX2Y Round.
90,39: InvColX2Y DiamondOnce.
90,40: InvColX2Y Diamond.
90,41: InvColX2Y Star.
90,42: Rotator Inv.
100,0: Stinker accessory.
101,0: Shadow.
110,0 (to 119,0 inclusive): Stinker NPC.
120,0: Wee Stinker (Asleep).
120,1: Wee Stinker (Following Player).
120,2: Wee Stinker (Stationary).
120,3: Wee Stinker (Falling Asleep).
130,12: Stinker Exit.
140,0: Cage.
150,0: Scritter.
151,0: Rainbow Bubble (POTZ).
160,0: Wall.
161,0: Waterfall.
162,0: Cottage.
163,0: Windmill Rotor.
164,0: Fountain.
165,0: Arcade.
166,0: Sky Machine Map.
170,0: Gold Star.
171,0: Coin.
172,0: Key/Keycard.
173,0: Gem.
174,0: Token.
179,0: Custom Item.
179,8: Custom Item (redacted by MS)?
179,9: Custom Item (redacted by MS)?
179,18: Custom Item (redacted by MS)?
179,19: Custom Item (redacted by MS)?
180,0: Sign.
190,0: Splish.
190,1: Steam.
190,3: Spray.
190,4: Sparks (POTZ).
190,5: Blink Effect (POTZ).
190,6: CircleBurst (POTZ).
190,7: Spiral (POTZ).
200,0: Normal Magic Charger.
200,1: Faint Magic Charger (POTZ).
210,0: Transporter.
220,0: Dragon Turtle.
230,0: FireFlower/IceFlower (stationary).
230,1: FireFlower/IceFlower (faces player).
230,2: FireFlower/IceFlower (turns clockwise).
230,3: FireFlower/IceFlower (turns counter-clockwise).
240,0: Barrel Reg.
241,0: Barrel TNT.
242,0: Cuboid.
250,0: Chomper.
250,1: Water Chomper (POTZ).
260,0: Spikeyball.
270,0: Busterfly/Glowworm.
271,0: Zipper.
280,0: Spring.
281,0: Suction Tube Straight (POTZ).
282,0: Suction Tube X.
290,0: Thwart.
300,0: Brr Float.
301,0: Rainbow Float (POTZ).
310,0: Rubber Ducky.
320,0: Void.
330,0: Wysp/Wisp.
340,0: Tentacle (MOFI).
350,0: GrowFlower (MOFI).
360,0: Floing Bubble (MOFI).
370,0: Green Crab (MOFI).
370,1: Red Crab (MOFI).
380,0: Ice Troll (MOFI).
390,0: Kaboom! (MOFI).
400,0: Baby Boomer (MOFI).
410,0: Flip Bridge (MOFI).
420,0: Coily (MOFI).
421,0: Scouge (MOFI).
422,0: UFO (MOFI).
423,0: Retro Z-Bot (MOFI).
424,0: Laser Gate (MOFI).
425,0: Rainbow Coin (MOFI).
426,0: Rainbow Coin Gate (MOFI).
430,0: ZipBot (POTZ).
431,0: ZapBot (POTZ).
432,0: MooBot (POTZ).
433,0: ZBot NPC (POTZ).
434,0: Mothership (POTZ).
441,0: Sunsphere (POTZ).
450,0: Lurker (POTZ).
460,0: BurstFlower (POTZ).
470,0: Ghost (POTZ).
471,0: Wraith (POTZ).
805,0: Ice block again?

-=- Types That Use Animations -=-

These types may crash the game with most model swaps.

1,0: Player.
110,0: Stinker NPC.
120,0: Wee Stinker (Asleep).
120,1: Wee Stinker (Following Player).
120,2: Wee Stinker (Stationary).
120,3: Wee Stinker (Falling Asleep).
220,0: Dragon Turtle.
230,0: FireFlower/IceFlower (stationary).
230,1: FireFlower/IceFlower (faces player).
230,2: FireFlower/IceFlower (turns clockwise).
230,3: FireFlower/IceFlower (turns counter-clockwise).
250,0: Chomper.
250,1: Water Chomper (POTZ).
290,0: Thwart.
320,0: Void.
340,0: Tentacle (MOFI).
370,0: Green Crab (MOFI).
370,1: Red Crab (MOFI).
380,0: Ice Troll (MOFI).
390,0: Kaboom! (MOFI).
400,0: Baby Boomer (MOFI).

Maybe Flipbridge as well? Do check.

-=- Commands -=-

1: Activate object.
Data1: Target ID.

2: Deactivate object.
Data1: Target ID.

3: Toggle object.
Data1: Target ID.

4: Modify object.
Data1: Target ID.
Data2: Object modifier to change.
Data3: New value for object modifier Data2.
Data4: wlv number (not implemented in vanilla). Use 0 for current wlv and negative numbers for the hub.

5: Destroy.
Data1: Target ID.

6: Set lighting.
Data1: Red.
Data2: Green.
Data3: Blue.

7: Teleport.
Data1: wlv number.
Data2: x coordinate.
Data3: y coordinate.
Data4: Player's starting direction.

8: Start Adventure. ????

9: Earthquake.
Data1: Number of frames to run quake effect.

10: Play sound.
Data1: Sound ID.

12: Modify current music.
Data1: New percent volume (use 0 for no change).
Data2: Step size (in volume percents) towards target volume (use 0 for instantaneous change).
Data3: New speed (in kilohertz) (use 0 for no change).

21: Open dialogue.
Data1: Dialogue ID.
Data2: Interchange ID (use -1 to open current interchange).

22: Change starting interchange. ????

25: AskAbout Stuff. ????

27: AskAbout Stuff. ????

30: AskAbout Stuff. ????

41: Duplicate object (no Mothership effect).
Data1: Source x coordinate.
Data2: Source y coordinate.
Data3: Destination x coordinate.
Data4: Destination y coordinate.

42: Duplicate object (with Mothership effect).
Data1: Source x coordinate.
Data2: Source y coordinate.
Data3: Destination x coordinate.
Data4: Destination y coordinate.

51: Set object MovementType.
Data1: Target ID.
Data4: New MovementType.

52: Move object?
Data1: Target ID.
Data2: MovementType.
Data3: MovementTypeData.

61: NPC move.
Data1: Target ID.
Data2: Destination x coordinate.
Data3: Destination y coordinate.

62: Change NPC. ????

63: Change NPC. ????

64: NPC Exclamation. ????

102: Run Cutscene 1.

103: Run Cutscene 2.

104: Run Cutscene 3.

111: Refill lamp.

112: Set inventory size to 4x4.

113: Set inventory size to 5x5.

114: Activate shard teleportation.

115: Open adventure replay menu.

116: Alter player appearance. ????

117: Alter player appearance. ????
Last edited by MyNameIsKooky on Wed Dec 11, 2019 7:19 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:15 pm

-=- Data Stuff -=-

Will update this post in a bit.
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Post by Pawelec » Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:08 pm

That's a great idea - useful compendiums are always welcome!
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Post by Qloof234 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:22 pm

What exactly does ObjectTextData0 do in the Editor?
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Post by Wonderman109 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:59 pm

This list much appreciated!
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:15 pm

Qloof234 wrote:What exactly does ObjectTextData0 do in the Editor?
ObjectTextData0 is used for inputting strings. The only "official" use of ObjectTextData0 is in the "CustomModel" wops, where you can input the directory of your desired texture/model/whatever. ObjectTextData0 is also used by CustomItems to define what text will replace the typical "Use" string.
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Post by anklejbiter » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:34 am

189 = Hi, How are thee, are thee good?

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Post by garirry » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:04 pm

I think the harp sound is when you unlock the secret place in MOFI after using the question marks.
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Re: WA3E Data Topic

Post by yot yot5 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:20 pm

I was using the list and noticed this:
MyNameIsKooky wrote:16: Electric zap. [unused]
That's incorrect. The sound is actually used to accompany the "sparks" environment effect. :wink:
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Post by jdl » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:40 pm

I found that changing Data0 for signs changes its model (crooked sign, straight, etc.). The effect only takes place when reloading the room though.
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Post by Caton » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:23 pm

Data0=1 allows thwart to walk on water.
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Post by jdl » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:38 pm

Caton wrote:Data0=1 allows thwart to walk on water.
Just tested this (Qloof did as well) and.. No, it doesn't make thwarts walk on water. Instead, it just changes the thwart's color to red. You probably just have a water tile with floor logic by accident.
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Post by Caton » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:48 pm

it was tested in wa1 thwarts the thwarts.
I try it in old wa editor and new wa editor I think ms removed the function the editor use to crash when I changed it.
mybe it only works in wa1?
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Post by Qloof234 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:22 pm

It doesn't crash the new editor. It appears as Data0, but if you edit the .wop properly, it shows up fine.

EDIT: Also, I tried it in the old editor. It still only changes the Thwart's colour, no water-walking at all. Mind posting the level where you got this to happen?
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Post by Caton » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:35 pm

Oh... I forgot I change a unknown adjustment that made the thwart walk on water. sorry about that.
also I have discover a unknown adjustment it made the thwart frozen at the beginning of the level and made a thwart a ghost.
my goal is to discover all the unknown adjustments. and unknowen wa\wld data.
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Post by Caton » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:18 pm

Okay here are some unknown adjustments I know that will effect a thwart.
55:Start Level with thwart frozen
55 should be called Frozen(flag)
56:Make Thwart Ghost
56 should be called Ghost(flag)
Try it.
It also seems to work on coilys too for some resone they all appear in one spot.
I think these unknown adjustments could work on every object.
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Post by Caton » Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:28 am

unknown adjustment has been discovered if 49?? is set to one thwart can not move on any tiles and can not be destroy by pow and sometimes cannot be frozen by brr.
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Post by Qloof234 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:37 am

55 appears to be a timer, as opposed to a flag. Freezing a Scritter with Brr and then examining the extracted .wop info in PowerWOP gives absurdly high numbers.

Going to test something on this shortly...

EDIT: Yup, it's a timer. Lower values = faster thawing.

EDIT2: How'd you get anything to happen with 56? Setting it doesn't do anything on Scritters, at least.
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Post by Caton » Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:40 pm

i tested it on a thwart mostly
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Post by Caton » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:51 pm

33 and 34 haves something to do with thwart goal x and goal y
33=goal x
34=goal y
31 seems to deactivate all the adjustments on the object but no the object x,y,z
But when I freeze where the object x,y,z was It frozen where the x,y,z the object was at.
it also shows the shadow where it the object x,y,z was.
if you destroy that frozen object it will destroy the ice cube and object by one hit by pow. it even show destroy effects by the object too.
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Post by Pawelec » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:14 am

So I've got an official code snippet from Patrick and can verify what are the data types, default values for Ghost and code names of unknown parameters:
  1. Float, -999; OldX
  2. Float, -999; OldY
  3. Float, -999; OldZ
  4. Float, 0; DX
  5. Float, 0; DY
  6. Float, 0; DZ
  7. Float, 0; Pitch
  8. Float, 0; Yaw
  9. Float, 0; Roll
  10. Float, 0; Pitch2
  11. Float, 0; Yaw2
  12. Float, 0; Roll2
  13. Float, 0; XGoal
  14. Float, 0; YGoal
  15. Float, 0; ZGoal
  16. Int, 0; MovementTypeData
  17. Float, .05; Speed
  18. Float, .48; Radius
  19. Int, 1; RadiusType
  20. Int, 50; CollisionPower
  21. Float, 0; PushDX
  22. Float, 0; PushDY
  23. Int, 0; AttackPower
  24. Int, 0; DefensePower
  25. Int, 1; DestructionType
  26. Int, 0; LastActive
  27. Int, 0; Status
  28. Int, True; Teleportable
  29. Int, True; ButtonPush
  30. Int, False; Telekinesisable
  31. Int, False; Freezable
  32. Int, True; Reactive
  33. Int, -1; Child
  34. Int, -1; Parent
  35. String, ""; TextData3
  36. String, ""; TextData4
  37. Int, 0; CurrentAnim
  38. Int, 0, StandardAnim
The rest has no labels in the code. Unknown parameters from 39 to 58 are Int, from 59 to 67 are Float, 68 and 69 are String. Qloof's list extracted from the Editor seems more complete compared to that:

39. TileX
40. TileY
41. TileX2
42. TileY2
51. Shadow
52. Linked
53. LinkedBack
55. Frozen

As for parameters from 4 to 6: D may stand for Derivative or Delta, so it would be natural for it to control changes in object's placement. After my experiments I can say Linked (52) and LinkedBack (53) are somehow related to Flash and object's destination.

I've also got a snippet of CMD 4 code showing all changeable parameters. Cleaned up:
  1. MovementType
  2. MovementTypeData
  3. RadiusType
  4. Data10
  5. AttackPower
  6. DefensePower
  7. DestructionType
  8. ID
  9. Type
  10. SubType
  11. Active
  12. ActivationType
  13. ActivationSpeed
  14. Status
  15. Timer
  16. TimerMax1
  17. TimerMax2
  18. Teleportable
  19. ButtonPush
  20. WaterReact
  21. Telekinesisable
  22. Freezable
From 23 to 32 are Data(X-23), parameters beyond 32 do nothing.

Patrick also wrote me that unlabelled parameters, although mostly being artifacts from WA1, do code certain things, but during to his limited time while working on PotZ he didn't document them. This means we have to work on our own.
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Post by Wonderman109 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:59 pm

Jutomi wrote:Bumping this because I needed it, and it's kind of important. :P
That one's from the Interesting Hubs topic. Kudos to Jutomi.
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Post by Pawelec » Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:28 pm

I've made a small discovery today: remember the UseNextToSprings WOPs? They have the unknown parameter 43 set to 610 (HEX: 262). While the problem of destroying a monster standing next to spring was removed in PotZ (possibly in MOFI) this parameter may store some important interaction settings. Apparently cbloopy knew something we still haven't figured out.
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