Michael And The Shard of Life - READ NOW!

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Dark Drago
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Michael And The Shard of Life - READ NOW!

Post by Dark Drago » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:06 am

There was a stinker living in WONDERTOWN.
His name was Michael. He was a very comical stinker.
He was simple, serene and confident.
He loved treasure hunting, so he wanted to go for some.
He wanted to keep collecting gems and coins.
Now, his twin brother Mitchell gave him a task.
He had to go the Forever forest to retrieve the SHARD OF LIFE.
He accepted the challenge.
He got Peegue's pass and went into the forever forest.
He ventured in the forever forest.
There were creepy scritters, deadly chompers, friendly turtles and goofy ducks along his way.
The breeze was pleasant and the sky was sea blue, a perfect day for a picnic.
He walked, jogged, ran, hopped, skipped and jumped for sometime.
When it was time for rest, he sat down under a pink leaftree.
Suddenly, he heard a voice.
It was the voice of the forest spirit.
The forest spirit told: "Hey Michael. Thee come to seek shard o life? Et tu Stinkers? I wont allow thy to do so!"
But Michael was playful and locked the spirit inside a white gate.
Now he went into the darker part of the jungle.
There were many spiders, fireflowers, giant scritters and more.
He met a fire flower named FLARE.
He was petrified as this firflower looked very angry.
The fire flower told "hehehee, you are in my trap now".
Michael asked why?.
The fireflower roared.
An instant after that, it shot a fire ball.
The fireball travelled with great velocity. He tried to escape it but he didn't.It hit him.
While he was hit, he went into a parallel dimension where he was lost in a violet void and a huge image of the fireflower appeared before him.
The fireflower said:
"I know you! You are the nasty stinker guy who went into the good flower, bad flower garden in Lazy Leaf Forest. There, you killed my girlfriend with pow magic. I was supposed to marry her next week.But, I couldn't bcos of your evil deeds. I'm taking revenge for it. DIE".
Then the fireball exploded and the stinker was burnt.
There was a lot of smoke around the scene.
The fireflower laughed: "HAHAHAA"
After the smoke was cleared, the stinker was missing.
It didn't know if he was vaporised or he fled bcos there was a lake nearby.
But, luckily, Michael escaped into the lake and healed his wounds a little.
Then, he went to carry on his task.
In the way, he met another stinker called Henry.
Henry was a farmer incharge of Forever Farm.
He asked him about the shard of life.
He told :
"Michael, you have been set one of the most dangerous missions. The mission consists of 4 parts. First, you need to pass the valley of chompers. Then, you must cross the icey caverns of wonderfalls. Next, you must travel beneath the ocean of Wonderfalls and fourthly, you must go inside the CASTLE"!
Michael told: "ooh, so interesting. Where do I start?"
He replied you must go through the cavern of fire to the chomper valley.
He went inside this cavern.
There were so many fire traps in it that he used gymnastics to go through.
Then, he reached the valley.
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Post by Dark Drago » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:07 am

A chomper came near him and told:
"Who dares enter the valley of chompers?"
He told: "Michael, hath come to seek the SHARD"
It told: "Ha ha ha! You must pass through us."
Then it started chasing Michael.
After the chase started, the whole scene changed into a red vortex with a soccer field in between.
The chomper challenged him to a soccer match.
It'd be funny how a chomper can play soccer.
Michael rose up and back kicked the ball right into the chomper's goal. But just an instant before it went to the goal, the chomper expanded and caught the ball in his mouth.
That's what I call a CATCH!
Then the chomper split into 3 baby chompers and they used the same technique as BARCELONA used.
The triangular formation was tough.
Michael tried hard to break through but was defeated 3 times.
After the third goal, Michael was in despair.
"How can I lose to a chomper."
"I will never give up!"
And suddenly an aura of flame was around him.
His speed increased 2 times and power 5 times.
He got the ball, dashed along the way and hit a hard goal such that the chomper's goal post broke literally.
The chomper told: "Looks like I'm gonna enjoy this match. Michael's quite a good opponent."
Suddenly, fellow chompers gathered around the stadium shouting "CHOMPY, CHOMPY, CHOMPY!"
The power that arose suddenly in Michael was the Ultimate Stinker Potential.
Its a power that comes out only when you are in despair.
The 3 babies united into CHOMPY and he started dribbling.
Michael slided and kicked CHOMPY's mouth and the refree THWART THE THWART signalled a yellow card.
CHOMPY received a free kick.
A blue aura came out of him and chompy head smashed the ball very hard such that the there was a imaginary driller on the ball and he shouted "DRILL ARROW".
The driller charged towards Michael.
These graphics come from INAZUMA ELEVEN anime.
Michael suddenly rose his hands up and shouted "POSEIDON'S SHIELD".
An imaginary Poseidon showed up and the shield intercepted the drill.
It was a fierce clash of soul vs soul.
For 5 mins, neither the ball went in nor Poseidon stopped it.
Chompy charged up and smashed it again.
It broke thru Poseidon and it was a goal.
The score is 4-1
And the half time whistle was blown.
Michael relaxed and rested till the start of the second half.
He remembered: "If you play freely, it will help you evolve."
It was a fierce clash in the second half.
Neither team scored a goal.
Poseidon kept blocking Drill Arrows and Flame Ball was blocked by Chompy's CATCH.
Then, Michael's eyes turned red just like the autumn's spirit.
He kicked the ball so hard that it turned into a meteor and charged towards CHOMPY's goal.
Chompy used CATCH but it dropped and went to GOAL!!!
The score was 4-2.
He did it two more times to even the score.
The fourth time, CHOMPY evolved and a dragon came out and caught the meteor with its claw.
Michael said "CHOMPY's not bad... I'm having real fun"
Then Chompy used his mouth in addition to Drill Arrow and it became Death Arrow.
The arrow charged with great velocity.
Michael smiled, closed his eyes and kept his left hand in the air.
The ball hit his hand and whoosh.
It just stopped.
The arrow was broken and all the power had gone.
What a save!
Then Michael kicked simply the ball.
Chompy used his dragon move but a normal shoot from Michael itself broke past the goal.
The score was 5-4.
THWART blew the final whistle.
It was Michael's victory.
After thanking CHOMPY for a wonderful match, he went to the next area to the icey caverns.
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Post by Dark Drago » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:07 am

As he took the northern road to the cave, it started growing colder and longer.
There were a lot of cold lakes and forests.
Many brr puzzles, blue lakes and watery areas were on the way.
It took Micheal a long time to pass through.
Until, he went to the Labyrinth to get a blue key to go further north.
The labyrinth was full of trappy mazes.
Michael gasped thru every moment and escaped out of the maze with a key.
After he went to the foothills...
Michael was tired and exhausted.
He camped near Qookie's cottage.
He rested that night and woke up the next morning.
Michael went to Qookie's cottage.
MICHAEL: My name is Michael
QOOKIE: So, you have come to seek the shard?
QOOKIE: Do you mind if I join you?
MICHAEL: Yay! You can also come with me
QOOKIE: Wonder full
Both the friends set to cross the northern road
When they went to the colder and frostier part of the road, an avalanche stopped them.
The snow from top gushed on them with massive linear momentum.
The two stinkers were terrified.
But we know what Michael is capable of.
He was a gifted athlete.
He squeezed his way through the falling snow.
Qookie followed his way.
Soon, both of them lurked out of Mr.Avalanche's trap.
A heavy fog surrounded them.
It took aabout 5 minutes for the fog to clear.
A shadow of some thing was observed.
Michael shrieked in fear and anxiety.
As the fog cleared, the shadow grew darker.
Both of them were wondering what that shadow was.
Instant by instant, the shadow took a proper metamorphic form.
After the fog cleared, they were shocked.
Who knows what the shadow was?
It was the real Poseidon!
Poseidon told: I'm impressed that you could draw out my power in the soccer match".
But at the same time, I'm angry that you used me to lose a goal.
So, to protect my name, I'll give you this...
The gem of speed.
It will enable you to run faster and see through things at high speed clearly.
But he warned...
If Michael ever lost a soccer match in Poseidon's move...
He'll turn Michael into a great white shark.
After this encounter, the two friends went to the higher mountains.
Many iceflowers blocked their way.
One of the iceflowers, FRISTY grew taller and stronger every time, they tried to run away from her.
As trials occured...
She grew too big to pass through.
They used the gem to dash through.
But once they got through, she was before them again.
It happened a several times until...
Michael asked how she did that?
MICHAEL: Amazing, how can you do that?
FRISTY: You stinkers are bird brains for my powers.
MICHAEL: What powers?
FRISTY: My magic powers
MICHAEL: How did you learn blink magic?
FRISTY: Never judge a book by its cover...
MICHAEL: What do you mean?
FRISTY: I may be an ice flower
QOOKIE: I see...
MICHAEL: So, you can shoot blink balls?
FRISTY: No, you are very wrong!
FRISTY: Don't push your luck kid!
FRISTY: I have a secret, you have...
MICHAEL: What do you mean?
MICHAEL: Don't tell me, you...
FRISTY: Yes, I have it
MICHAEL: Unbelievable!
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Post by Dark Drago » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:07 am

Reserved for chapter 4
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Post by Dark Drago » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:08 am

Reserved for chapter 5
I'll make other reservations later...
Bcos, I've planned to make this an endless story
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Post by Wonderman109 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:15 pm

Dark Drago wrote:Bcos, I've planned to make this an endless story
Sorry to post in this topic, but I can't make your story into levels if you insist on it being endless. :roll: :lol:
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Master Wonder Mage
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Post by Master Wonder Mage » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:40 pm

...well it has to end some time. More of an indefinitely long story.
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:45 am

Master Wonder Mage wrote:...well it has to end some time. More of an indefinitely long story.
I agree with this. Stories and other media get stale if they go on for too long. Some of the best books I've read and television shows I've watched were short ones.
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Post by Wonderman109 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:48 am

MyNameIsKooky wrote: I agree with this. Stories and other media get stale if they go on for too long. Some of the best books I've read and television shows I've watched were short ones.
So right...
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Dark Drago
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Post by Dark Drago » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:49 am

Wonderman109 wrote:
Dark Drago wrote:Bcos, I've planned to make this an endless story
Sorry to post in this topic, but I can't make your story into levels if you insist on it being endless. :roll: :lol:
I know its kinda impossible but I don't know how to end it...
Maybe I can make it 15 chapters?
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Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:58 pm

Bumped this to say that I started making the Chapter 1 and to remind Dark Drago about it.

I'm two wlvs and three small dialogs in so far.
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