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Post by Qloof234 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:29 am

Krishiv738 wrote:Ah,it looks like I had discovered how CMD 4 works
Well, okay, first off, you're definitely not the first person to guess that this is how it works - I did so several years ago, though I didn't get any results out of it, and I'm sure others guessed as much as well (I wouldn't be surprised if cbloopy knew how it worked, for that matter). I'd appreciate it if you didn't effectively claim my research as your own.

Second off, I don't see you doing any research and posting your findings in this topic. The only contribution I see on your end is your hypothesis on how it works (which, again, is something other people have guessed at before, and for that matter is incorrect on your end, because 0 isn't a valid parameter for this).

I've been bottling in my frustration out of a desire to be civil until now, but apparently, in all this time, you still haven't gotten the point. I will get right to it: You need to shape up your behaviour, because you are getting on peoples' nerves. Not just mine.

This isn't the first time you've taken credit for other peoples' discoveries or ideas.
Krishiv738 wrote:
Pawelec wrote:I forgot to post one more discovery: for Scritters, Data0 is their colour. Availble ones are from 0 to 6. Typical, indigo Scritters have Data0 set to 5.
I knew that but I haven't posted it yet,also you saved my post and Wysp too has Data0 for skin
Krishiv738 wrote:
dig 222 wrote:Your average scritter farm.
As you can see, the farmers are gathering wool from the
scritters with shears. :lol:
You stole my post! :evil: :evil:
It's rude, it's arrogant, and it's self-centred. Stop it.

You've also called out other users for not paying close enough attention...
Krishiv738 wrote:
Nobody wrote:The WA3E doesn't have the "plink" noise that star NPCs make.

This makes me unhappy.
There is a parameter,explore the editor first.
... despite barely paying any yourself.
Krishiv738 wrote:Where are our old topics of this board? [on new WA Editor subforum]
Krishiv738 wrote:In models folder,there are many folders whose names don't make sense until you know what language it is,inside all those folders are files with .wdf extension,they are normally jpg files. [in response to question about modifying textures in the classic trilogy]
This is hypocritical, rude, and arrogant. Stop it.

It's also far from the first time that you've added nonconstructive, pointless posts to a topic.
Krishiv738 wrote:It's a custom model
Krishiv738 wrote:Cuppy cuppy cuppy cuuupy(I love those scritters)
This is just spam. Stop it.

Think about the contents of your post before pressing submit. Ask yourself, "Does this really add anything to the conversation?" Don't take credit for the work of other people. Don't post trying to help someone until you've double-checked to make sure you understand what they're asking.

That is all.
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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:35 am


I leave for half of an hour to finnish social studies in the dead of night, and two major rants go on without me?!?

Come on, guys, I want to be a part of this. :(
Qloof234 the magnificent #4 wrote:This is the part where you go show Kooky all your love and adoration for making PowerWop
Oh my goodness, how did I not do that!?? :cry:

Sorry, I'll get to that strait away!
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
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Post by yot yot5 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:29 am

Krishiv wrote:Ah,it looks like I had discovered how CMD 4 works
You really need to...
Qloof234 wrote:(Insert incredible rant here)
... What he said.

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Post by Qloof234 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:35 am

Krishiv, I know you've read that post by now, and I see what you've changed your signature to. I was hoping I could avoid making another post like this, but I guess not.

If you think that kind of conduct is acceptable, then I'll be upfront: You need to either leave, or seriously rethink your behaviour.

The reason people have called you out over your posts is for one reason, and one reason only: Your own behaviour. No-one else is at fault here, whether it's for stealing your ideas or being rude to you or whatever. You and you alone are responsible for the contents of your posts, and by extension, the consequences, whether it's someone calling you out or getting suspended from the forums.

I'm definitely not the only person who's had enough of your behaviour. I'm also not the only one who's called you out over it - and frankly, you've been called out on it enough times that there's no excuse for continuing to act like this. Your signature and your post I replied to earlier are prime examples of your behaviour - They're arrogant, rude, egotistical, self-centred, and insulting.

I was talking with another user (who's remaining anonymous, because I don't know if they want me to bring them up in this context) over Skype earlier, and they pointed out something else to me: You can't accept constructive criticism. I suppose, by extension, this post is a waste of space. Your behaviour so far indicates that no matter how frank I am, no matter how blunt I am, you're going to ignore it, but whatever. It's very apparent, between your incredibly immature reaction to my post above (that is to say, your lack of response and then the signature change), and from just reading the Boxinator topic on Epigam.

Here's a tip, when it comes to game design: You are not the one who determines whether or not your game is good. You are not the one who determines whether or not your levels are fairly designed.

Good level design isn't an innate skill. It's something you have to learn. If you refuse to take constructive criticism, you will not grow, and your level design will stagnate.

You know what? That's a good tip for life, as well - If you refuse to take the hint when people are tired/angry with your conduct, then you won't grow as a person. You're not going to win any points with anybody.

I'll be upfront: You're not the only person who's been problematic in this manner. The other people who have been similarly disruptive have either matured over time, or been suspended from the forum.

Unless you make an effort to shape up yourself, people are going to call you out for improper conduct. Unless you make an effort to shape up yourself, the chances of you getting suspended increase.

Throwing a tantrum won't help your case. Indirect insults (your signature) won't help your case. Taking credit for other peoples' efforts, claiming that someone "stole your idea" because they posted earlier than you, making posts that don't actually add to a conversation, criticizing others for not paying close enough attention (regardless of whether or not you're actually paying attention yourself - though if you're not, that's even worse!) to something...

Will. Not. Help. Your. Case. If you refuse to learn from your mistakes and admit when you've made them, you're not going to have many people on your side.

That is all.

I hope, for your own sake, you read this post and take it seriously, because I know I'm not the only one whose patience has reached its end.
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Post by yot yot5 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:08 am

Qloof234 wrote:You're not the only person who's been problematic in this manner.

Listen, Krishiv: I've probably got in more arguments than anyone else on this forum, and I know how it feels to have pretty much everyone against you. You're probably thinking things like "They just don't understand!" or "But it isn't really my fault! or "How can they tell me I'm being rude even though they're being rude now?"

When I was in some of my arguments, I thought the same things. But trust me: when I look back over some of my older arguments (and some of my newer arguments), I feel really guilty. However, I do have one thing to be proud of: I had the sense to stop arguing, think about what I was saying, apologize to anyone I insulted, and move on.

This is something you really have to understand. The mods have the power to ban you from this forum, and if you don't even attempt to improve your attitude, they will use that power. So please, just change your signature, apologize to anyone you may have insulted, and move on! This forum is full of really nice people, and I'm sure they'll forgive you just as they've forgiven me many times in the past. You just have to give them the chance.

* * *

Wow, that ended up really cheesy. :lol:
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Post by Qloof234 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:31 am

yot yot5 wrote:
Qloof234 wrote:You're not the only person who's been problematic in this manner.
For the record, I wasn't intending for that to be aimed at you. I think it's safe to say a lot of the users hanging around these days have gotten in their fair share of arguments - Everyone loses their temper now and then, and I doubt I'm the only one who bottles in all my anger until I reach my limit. The important thing is learning humility, knowing when to back down, understanding when/if you've caused trouble. You've pretty much hit bullseye with your post, cheesy or not. :P

Hell, during my earliest days on the forum (when I was still on my old account, so we're talking over 6 years ago) I was pretty rude. I never really meant any of it, I just didn't know better. There were, and still are, posts I very much regret making (basically, if you're talking to me, please pretend none of my posts from before 2011 are real, please), whether it's because of an argument, me being insensitive, or just immaturity that I've gotten over.

And, well... I'd like to think I'm doing a much better job now than I used to.

(Just, please, do me a favour by not looking up old posts for comparison? Please...) :lol:
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Post by samuelthx » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:03 pm

Qloof234 wrote:BOOM
Und so tobt der Jäger. :lol:

Ok seriously, Krishiv. I have personally not taken any offence towards any of your posts, so far, but I do understand why some people cannot stand your behaviour.

Whether intentionally or not, you come across as:
1. Pompous and prideful
Krishv738 wrote:This is not only great model but great alternative of suction tube.
2. Credit seeking
Krishiv738 wrote:YOU STOLE MY POST!
3. Just plain harsh or rude.
Krishiv738 wrote:first you were saying key cards then keyboards?Learn to recheck.
Look, I'm not out to flame you. I'm just pointing out that it's really not necessary to claim credit for every single thing. If you really have something awesome or surprising to share, then do it as soon as you discover it! There really is no need to make a big hoo-ha that oh, I found it out first, so all the others STOLE MY POST.

Do you think Wonderland King was really the first person to utilise the Floing on Wraith trick? Nope, I had found that out before he had posted. Still, I didn't say anything, because it was not necessary to say that I discovered it first. The Community would have already obtained knowledge of this trick, and I thus saw no need for me to claim the credit or boast about how smart I am for discovering a trick.
The only reason why I'm posting this "confession" is to hopefully show you that desperate credit seeking isn't necessary. At all.

EDIT: Actually, Qloof, although you are a moderator, IMO you were a bit too harsh. Granted, you're really angry with him, but shouldn't we try to help instead of flaming?
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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:43 pm


I can hardly believe that a topic I created got an argument on it!

I don't know whether to cry from joy or sadness, though... :|
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Post by Koopson44 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:52 pm

Jutomi wrote:Wow!

I can hardly believe that a topic I created got an argument on it!

I don't know whether to cry from joy or sadness, though... :|
So is that what people meant by flame wars? Woah... I hope I dont get into a flame war.
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Post by jdl » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:53 pm

I'm sorry I couldn't resist using this.

But in all seriousness though, I do have to agree with the others. :|
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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:58 pm

Koopson44 wrote:So is that what people meant by flame wars? Woah... I hope I dont get into a flame war.
I think so; I don't want to get sucked into one, either. :lol:
jdl wrote:Image
I'm sorry I couldn't resist using this.

But in all seriousness though, I do have to agree with the others. :|
I admit it, I couldn't resist quoting this, either!

I am sure that I felt like this once I uploaded that picture of Granny showcasing a bass I found off of the interent and made look more cheaply electric. :P


Thinking back, I don't have to get sucked into a flame war; I ramble on about off-topic stuff enough just by seeing a random post. :|

Hopefully my next post on here will be more informative. :roll:
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Post by Koopson44 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:06 pm

jdl wrote:Image
I'm sorry I couldn't resist using this.

But in all seriousness though, I do have to agree with the others. :|
Now im hungry
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Post by Wonderman109 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:30 pm

Qloof234 wrote:
I'll be upfront: You're not the only person who's been problematic in this manner. The other people who have been similarly disruptive have either matured over time, or been suspended from the forum.
*Ah, like me. I recall arguments I've fueled or even started in the past. I'm glad enough that most people here have the courtesy just to ignore me when I make a stupid comment.
samuelthx wrote: Whether intentionally or not, you come across as:
1. Pompous and prideful
Krishv738 wrote:This is not only great model but great alternative of suction tube.
2. Credit seeking
Krishiv738 wrote:YOU STOLE MY POST!
3. Just plain harsh or rude.
Krishiv738 wrote:first you were saying key cards then keyboards?Learn to recheck.
The keywords are indeed whether intentionally or not- I don't appreciate Krishiv's attitude anymore than anyone else does, but getting angry won't do much. (QLoof, please calm down if you haven't yet.) From what I get out of Krishiv's posts, he either is a poor writer or not a native English speaker, so what he says isn't perfect and he may not have always meant to be offenseful.

I personally don't think Krishiv meant to be pompous here:
Krishv738 wrote:This is not only great model but great alternative of suction tube.
He could've meant it would be great for the community. Interpreting unclear English is important on the internet because you can't see people's face body, or voice pitch cues. :!: :idea:

2. Credit seeking
Krishiv738 wrote:YOU STOLE MY POST!
This I did believe was unnecessary at first and I just ignored it and moved on, because I thought it could've been a pretend-rage-joke too. Not likely, though, Krishiv seems angry. Krishiv, you MUST understand that two people can have the same idea at once, and you can't blame someone else, especially not in such an angry way, for getting the idea in first. It happens.

3. Just plain harsh or rude.
Krishiv738 wrote:first you were saying key cards then keyboards?Learn to recheck.
This sounds hostile to me, yes, but it could've been reworded-
Krishiv738 wrote: Just keep in mind, keyboards aren't the same as keycards. :P
Yes, that sounds a little sappy and indirect, but that's how people 'speak' online, as it's based off the polite-and-nice North American culture. Believe me, I live in it, and I don't like it, but otherwise you sound hostile.

All in all, the problem here is that frankly we don't know whether Krishiv just can't word things any better or he has serious anger issues. However, if it seems I support him, I don't. I know how it feels to be upset, and in his position I would feel like responding indirectly with a signature change too, but this still is going a step too far. I want to be supportive, but I don't want anyone else to get angry about this incident.

If this isn't already a famous quote, it should be (no ego meant): Hot words ignored, everyone stays cool. Hot words challenged, cool leaves everyone.
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:37 pm

yot yot5 wrote:
Qloof234 wrote:You're not the only person who's been problematic in this manner.
I've probably got in more arguments than anyone else on this forum
For some reason, that seems kind of unlikely. :P
read: every topic involving me ever
But in all seriousness, I pretty much agree with the points provided by you and Qloof.
I (and the rest of epigam) was/were hesitant to join in on this at first, for various reasons, but it now occurs to me that, all things considered, we (epigam) have done very little in regard to Krishiv's behavior, despite those of us who haven't abandoned pcpuzzle altogether having experienced even more of this behavior than the others.
In fact, the most MNIK (who is the only one with actual power over at epigam) has done is change his username to a petty insult an generally make fun at krishiv (who for the most part is either oblivious or responds with more spam :roll: ). Which isn't helping. At all. In fact, it might actually be making him WORSE. Why hasn't he done anything? I have no idea. But seriously: Krishiv, follow qloof and yot yot's advice and just try to think a little before posting. If you don't, you'll end up exactly like I did: banned several times and generally disliked (That is, of course, if MS does anything and MNIK stops trolling and takes some actual action for once).
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Post by Wonderman109 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:58 pm

MS has no power in Epigam because he didn't make it, unfortunately.

Besides all this, can we get back on topic now? I think I've raged at Krishiv's spam long enough.
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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:05 pm

That was what discussion #2 was made for, I presume; This one was filled with off-topic stuff, so we needed a new refuge. :|
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Post by Nobody » Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:49 pm

Wonderman109 wrote:MS has no power in Epigam because he didn't make it, unfortunately.
MS has power in PcPuzzle though. :wink:
i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Post by MyNameIsKooky » Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:04 pm

topic hasn't been derailed enough
DEEMAN223344 wrote:(That is, of course, if MS does anything and MNIK stops trolling and takes some actual action for once).
I was hesitant to ban him because I'm a very lenient administrator. Personally, I found some of Krish's reactions to my indirect trolling sort of amusing. I thought he'd grow up eventually too. But, well, that hasn't been happening and I've actually taken IP banning into consideration. If Krish doesn't learn from this then I might do just that.
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Post by Qloof234 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:05 pm

Wonderman109 wrote:I don't appreciate Krishiv's attitude anymore than anyone else does, but getting angry won't do much. (QLoof, please calm down if you haven't yet.) From what I get out of Krishiv's posts, he either is a poor writer or not a native English speaker, so what he says isn't perfect and he may not have always meant to be offenseful.
Yeah, I'm aware I got pretty terse/blunt/however you want to put it in that post. I don't mean to be offensive, or sound angry with my posts - These days, generally, I'd rather cut to the chase and say what I think needs to be said.

I'm aware that English isn't Krishiv's native language. Having said that, that's not the point, nor is it if he's trying to be rude or not - The point is, as Kooky's post implies, Krishiv's been behaving this way for quite a while. He's been called out on it multiple times, and been told/asked to be more respectful and more thoughtful of others. In all this time, his behaviour doesn't appear to have changed in any meaningful way.

That's what I take issue with. Yeah, English isn't his first language, I know. The thing is, I don't really think that's a valid excuse - He understands English enough to tell people aren't happy with him. If he can get that, there's no reason for language being a barrier to him improving his behaviour.

The other thing is, there are plenty of other users on here whose first languages aren't English, and they can cope/have learned better conduct where/if necessary.

To clarify, I'm not angry while writing this post here - I'm just explaining why I find Krishiv's behaviour frustrating.

Having said all that, since this topic seems to be so far off the tracks that it's ended up in another country, here's a thread for CMD4 that can hopefully remain drama-free.
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Post by tyteen4a03 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:08 pm

(I would be an example of how bad English and naiveness caused the forum to flip.)
and the duck went moo

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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:49 pm

Updated the name to fit the show. :mrgreen:
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Post by Wonderman109 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:20 pm

Qloof234 wrote: That's what I take issue with. Yeah, English isn't his first language, I know. The thing is, I don't really think that's a valid excuse - He understands English enough to tell people aren't happy with him. If he can get that, there's no reason for language being a barrier to him improving his behaviour.

The other thing is, there are plenty of other users on here whose first languages aren't English, and they can cope/have learned better conduct where/if necessary.

To clarify, I'm not angry while writing this post here - I'm just explaining why I find Krishiv's behaviour frustrating.
remain drama-free.[/url]
Oh, his language is not an excuse, it just means it's WAAAAAAAAAY harder to tell whether he's being stupidly rude or making a stupid joke. And funny enough as you say, none of the other non-Native English speakers have that problem nearly as often as he does. :| :wink:
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Post by Nobody » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:23 pm

Wonderman109 wrote:
Qloof234 wrote: That's what I take issue with. Yeah, English isn't his first language, I know. The thing is, I don't really think that's a valid excuse - He understands English enough to tell people aren't happy with him. If he can get that, there's no reason for language being a barrier to him improving his behaviour.

The other thing is, there are plenty of other users on here whose first languages aren't English, and they can cope/have learned better conduct where/if necessary.

To clarify, I'm not angry while writing this post here - I'm just explaining why I find Krishiv's behaviour frustrating.
remain drama-free.[/url]
Oh, his language is not an excuse, it just means it's WAAAAAAAAAY harder to tell whether he's being stupidly rude or making a stupid joke. And funny enough as you say, none of the other non-Native English speakers have that problem nearly as often as he does. :| :wink:
I'm pretty sure he has good enough English to clarify that he's joking if people get upset, which they have been.
i should change my signature to be rude to people who hate pictures of valves
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Post by Jutomi » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:56 pm

Want more popcorn, jdl?
I used to store a whole bunch of it in my helmet on SK, but I don't seem to have it in such a convenience in this dimension...
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Post by jdl » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:04 pm

No thanks, I went just went to Mcdonalds.
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Post by Koopson44 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:32 pm

Stop! You're making me wanna eat!

Nevermind. I got me some Zaxbys. If you dont live in the southeast end of north america then you wont know what im talking about
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Post by Jutomi » Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:29 am

Sorry. :lol:

This topic went from asking about a command to modify a toy's speed to discussing the practical uses of a command that was not really well known to do fantastic things to feud to food.

This just gets better every day. :lol:

Naup, actually, I found it rather baffling that the "feud" section, let alone the "food" section actually went on for so long.

I wonder why. :|

We should have just made a whole other topic to criticize Krishiv's race to oblivian.
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Post by Koopson44 » Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:40 am

Yeah. I guess things have a strange way of working out. :roll:
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Post by Muzozavr » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:30 am

We should have just made a whole other topic to criticize Krishiv's race to oblivion.
It's spelled "oblivion" and you should be a bit more careful using the word "race", which can mean two things. Be very careful.

Also, this has gone for long enough, any more and you'll be launching into "disproportionate retribution" territory.
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Post by Jutomi » Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:01 pm

Oh, sorry! :oops:

I meant it more like that I was kind of wanting this whole thing to stop, sooner or later.
(I was being sarcastic)

The problem with that is, sarcasm is, as displayed on a TV show, a health problem in the Americas.
I wouldn't agree to that, but I would say that it's not at all too healthy.

So, yeap, my point was that I never would have thought that this topic would have been mostly about off-topic littlesense.
But, again(I'm beginning to get into a circle), I do apologize for any misconceptions. :mrgreen:

P.S. I didn't spell it oblivion..? And... Kooky uses race in the other way as opposed to me? :?
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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